(2012/08) Aug 2012


Yes my gynea. I am abit paraniod cos previously i was given Rocotane a form of Vit A too but this one he warn cannot get pregnant else BB will be mal-deform. If plan for BB must stop for awhile.

So early u are schedule for detailed scan ? When is your EDD ?

Rocotane is given for acne or something right? cos i remembered having it years back to treat my acne problem... yes this can't be taken! but since your he has given you vit A pills, it should be in safe dosage to be taken for pregnancy. but did he tell you why you are taking the vit A pills?
It is a multi-vitamin tablets but the Vit A has the highest dosage.Maybe u are right, Vit A comes in many form this one shld be safe. Yes Rocotane for acne problem, my skin when out of control after giving birth to #1. Spent money on facial also no use so go see dematlogist to get it clear and also nagging from friends and family. LOL
anyone taking this fish oil?
so dun worry to much okie? =) #2 liao! steady pom bi bi! hahaa.. u know i used to be very scared for my #1 cos of my first pregnancy... so this i dun dare to take... that i dun dare to take... then ended up my boy came out.. keep falling sick.. my mom blames it on me.. say i never take tonics back then!

with #2.. i left it to God! i prayed to Him and said if it is His will, let it be done!

And I pray that everyone of us here will have a smooth n happy pregnancy!

yday just went to dentist to get my chipped tooth fixed! sighhhh... long story abt the chipped tooth... hahaa... first thing i stepped into his office, he was like, oh oh.. pregnant ah!? so funny lah!

can't see the image leh...
i also want go dentist but i need remove my wisdom tooth
dunno can be done during pregnancy? cos need anaesthesia

I have been having frequent headaches too...not sure if it's the hormones at work or what...but can be very bad...pop 2 panadols also no use.

I spoke with a friend who also had very bad headaches in her last pregnancy and she told me that in the end the drs discovered that it was related to pre-eclampsia.

I had pre-eclampsia in my last pregnancy, not sure if this is indicative that likely to get it again this time round...hope not!!!
hahaa! for once i tot ur EDD maybe pushed forward a lot much earlier n that's why u're having your detail scan done so early! hehee..

is the wisdom tooth causing you any pain? maybe you can go to the dentist n seek some advice and see what he/she say.. just let them know that you are pregnant... my dentist said i can do it now or after birth... but everything that he's doing is as natural as possible n no drugs nothing is being administered to me.. and he kept assuring me that nothing done will affect the baby in any ways... he's such an assuring dentist lah...

could be the hormones... dun worry too much!
Thank You Sherry for the link.

I am like a first time mum to be this time cos after 6 yr then got #2 Lol so everything I also scare will affect BB plus I give up jumping ship to a better prospect so cannot afford to have anything wrong. Haiz.

I never do Oscar scan so only wait for blood test and detailed scan.
extraction including a minor op is required cos its partially hidden...guess i gotta bear for it for another 6-7mths

i had high blood for my #1...hope its not pre-eclampsia

how much are u paying for it?
mine is $60
wondering if i can get it cheaper elsewhere?
MummyR> yeah, i also wanna extract mine.. think its growing sideway and hard to brush...

I also have high blood towards the end of my pregnancy..gynae din say its pre-eclampsia..
jljz, lol lol.. brain and finger cannot coordinate today.

Sandy, oscar is to take e watever measurement of the bb right irrc. My gynae says do it so I just follow suit. I had my blood test and urine test 2wks ago.
Pre-eclampsia is high blood pressure plus protein in urine.

I had protein in urine in week 37, week 38 blood pressure went up...so had to induce baby.....

i intend to monitor closely my blood pressure this time round...just to be safe...my dr told me once had it in prior pregnancy, likely to reoccur....
loves> oh ok.. cause i read another site and it says the opp.. mine moves from side to side, pulse method also left stronger.. so hope its really what i hope for hahaha
if your wisdom tooth is not causing you pain then try to delay after you give birth cos although its a minor op, you will still need to eat painkiller and other medication
think when #1 was younger i could still find excuse tat short trips 2d1n to batam was acceptable cos water quality is a prob if i bring bb. as she grows up, i really wanna bring her everywhere i go cos she will ask, mummy where r u? u go where.. sometimes she ask me can don go work? *sobx*
but seriously i am not SAHM quality also lah.
*guilt guilt guilt*

i jus went to fixed my chip tooth too n dentist say better to not do any extraction/op/ surgery n if can bear with the pain unless unbearable then consult gynae. else normal cleaning n scaling is ok.
i'm taking the same fish oil as you! =)

hahaa.. hugs! totally understand.. like forget liao hor? hahaa...
Yah totally forget. I think i forget how to bath BB too so use to just tell my son to do things and he just do. Now everything start from ZERO.

Taking fish oil, do u feel like vomiting after taking it ?
sandy> so far so good for me..
i got a kuku question.. if i had fish that day, should i skip taking the fish oil
hahaha... but i think after practising a few times we will get the hang of it.. just like cycling.. if we never cycle for a long long time.. but after trying it out for a while it can be done liao.. my mom also 20 over years nv take care of bb.. then suddenly ask her to take care of #1 first few times a bit rusty.. but after that she was so much more confident! hahaa..
yoz, hows lunch? i feel like ZZzzz.............

My gynae clinic just called me on my OSCAR result, the nurse say result is ok n hang up. call lasted 11sec. fast, short n sweet. lol.. prob Dr Adrian will explain more when i see him next week? not pending high hopes though. Sherry, your result so long? call clinic to check?
soyabean milk can drink.. but in moderation lah.. =P those with bb boys dun drink too much yah..
ehhhh.. it depends on individual.. for myself i abstain from bubble tea cos tea itself is too liang for me.. but i've got another friend who drink a big cup of koi herself together with the pearls.. so i guess everything in moderation should be fine!

soyabean milk i heard cos of the female hormones? can't really remember.. hahaa..
<font color="aa00aa">i got my oscar results yesterday too. collected from the clinic but haven't seen doctor. nurse said low risk.</font>
Thks jijz
Lol... I didnt drink bubble tea.. Just icecream with water n bubble inside..;) i oso very timid one ..thks for ur advise..

Btw, if headache, can we apply Axe brand medicated oil??
I think once a while drink bubble tea will be fine rite..i still drink coffee everyday. not u all talking about bubble tea, i got craving for it :p
btw, I think star cruise got promotion now if anyone interested to go for a short getaway before you pop.
Kitty> hahaha ya loh.. think result shld be ok.. maybe later i call and ask..

Re: Bubble tea pearl
Can but super high in calories.. read a blogspot and was mentioned one pearl = 14 cal hahahahah

Re: Soya bean
Can drink but they say for those expecting for BB boy dun drink too much cause it produce more female hormones.. not sure how true is it la
how much u paying for urs?

re: bubble tea
its just super high in calories...very fattening
my gynea ban me from bubble tea

re: soy bean
yes i also heard shldnt drink too much so i wont drink until confirm gender

i keep burping until i feel like vomitting! just started fish oil today

re: dentist
thanks all...think i will bear with it till i deliver
cos my wisdom tooth quite tricky
Hi mummies! Safely landed in KL!

@Sherry, I was just thinking about my OSCAR scan too, its been nearly a week and dr didn't call, so I really hope it no news = good news. Nurse say if no news next appt dr will show result, that's 8th march! Let's stay positive and be glad no bad news so far.

I have been taking fish oil for a week now, so far ok just don't take with milk.

Lastly, I heard H&amp;M SG now sells maternity clothes so mummies who are interested don't have to go to HK..
I was doing some research of feeling cold during pregnancy.. here are some useful info since quite a number of us feel like its winter in singapore :

•Pregnant women may feel cold due to an unhealthy diet. Morning sickness may affect the appetite of the patient, eventually affecting her nutritional intake. A weight gain of 11.2 to 15.9 kg or 25 to 35 lb is recommended during pregnancy.
•During the first trimester, morning sickness may be experienced by the pregnant woman. Weight loss may also be possible. Since fats provide the body’s natural insulation, weight loss with an associated decrease in fat intake will result to a decreased tolerance for cold temperature.
•Poor intake of iron supplements may also potentiate a pregnant woman to always feel cold. It is because iron takes part in the regulation of temperature in the body.
•Hypothyroidism, or hypoactive thyroid gland, may also cause the mother to feel cold almost all the time. The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland that secretes hormones (T3 and T4) that help regulate the blood pressure, heart rate, and the body temperature.
jiltz: think its just part of preggy symptoms.. i never exp it in my first pregnancy.. imagine, i only have salad earlier for lunch and is feeling bloated now hahaha
Sandy, ur nurse trying to help u save $$$$$.

AG, We also been taking cab. I want to faint and no strength to push the 15mins stroller to mrt to send my girl to infant care, so my hubby bo pian, have to send my girl and take cab from Jurong to Paya Lebar everyday cos he start work early. and go home that time he will from there come redhill pick me up then go back Jurong. Everytime back alone cab fare is $40.

I dun mind bird bird too because my #1 girl but I got no preference for gender, as long as healthy and happy okie already. Most impt is healthy.
usually after lunch is fine but after dinner, the bloatedness is horrible.

I also tend to get frequent headaches, popping panadol also no use. Sometimes i also wonder whether it is because the whole day stare at the glaring computer screen so it's very straining for the eyes resulting in the headache as well.

Mummyr im taking the same pills.. Cost $60..

Ling, if i take the pills with plain water i'll throw up.. Happened that day, was so disgusted with the smell.. I've been taking with cold choc milk, helps with downing the pills.. Why cannot take with milk?
