(2012/08) Aug 2012

i feel bloated from a very early stage of the pregnancy, maybe cos i used to eat quite a bit. i had to regulate my intake a lot, but now i am in week 12, my appetite seems better and i can take more each meal, but still feel bloated. it is cos our digestion slows down tremendously.

but the impt question is, do you get hungry very fast? On average, i can start eating again every 2 hours! do you girls experience the same?

Kitty Lim
currently I don't feel as cold as compared to trim 1. Not sure is it due to weather or due to the iron supplement. But i really cannot stand the super strong aircorn in the newer version of MRT.

Not too sure whether can use but in moderation? Because i also use axe oil and Vicks VapoRub too.

the bloatedness is worst when i drink alot of water or soup
I also been having freq headache...hopefully no more.

Jen, I use to like congee, but this preg, I dun even wan to touch it. Beg of preg keep eating zu du tang )pork stomach, but now also dun wan to touch it.

my Linear Nigea line sort of start to show already.

Yanlin, where is Venture ave?

Jen, june is also my wed anniversary.
I will chose option 1, to go in June, if I were u.

I never really left my girl for long only when I at work put her in infant care.

jljt, I want to hear ur story abt the chip tooth. Can share?
yahhh nv happen for my #1!

Ling, hahaa... i used to get hungry easily but not today.. extremely bloated!

hahaaa... i jsut down a bottle of orange juice! those small bottle kind!
i feel bloatness mostly for dinner. can eat only half the portion. Lunch n breakast eat more normal but slightly lesser portion compare to before preggy.

KJ, ya same here! NE line all along blows strong aircon but i cannot stand it nowadays. i wear an extra thin long sleeve top to cover but still can feel the strong wind poking into my bones. but I dowan to take thicker ones cos it will add weight to my bag. i feel slightly better compare to few weeks back but still cold.
hahaaa.. well i got this chipped tooth back in primary school.. i went to school for a skipping competition without my skipping rope and so called my mom to bring it down for me.. was waiting anxiously for her n when i finally saw her i ran n then fell flat on the ground!!! my tooth got chipped!!! but at the same time also help me level down the bunny front teeth lah.. hahaa.. anyway... got it fixed then..

then one fine day.. while par toh-ing with my bf (now hubby) it broke off in the cinema when i was eating pop corn lor!!!

and now it had to break off again when i was having my birthday dinner can!!!?? n also with my hubby... hahaa...

not very exciting! hahaa.. sorry to have made u curious abt it! haha..
my doc nvr give me iron supplement but pre natal multivits... i think multivit already contain iron? i must rem to ask the dr on my visit next week.
can I ask are u all continueing with folic acid after week 12? I happily stopped taking the folic acid when I reach 12 week.. but gynae asked me if I still have folic acid at home to last me a mth... so that means she expects me to continue eating it? but I dun really want to eat leh.. even the multi vit n fish oil I ask her can dun take or not, she said can as long as eat balanced meal n take fish.. so I happily tell her I dun want the pills.. I'm drinking milk everyday so she din give me calcium also..
remember to take more fibre stuff too! too much iron may cause constipation! hehee.. drink enuff water too! hehee..
MummyR, jljt and snowy, where to get the DHA u all eating huh?

Joanne, I been eating the bubble in the bubble tea leh.

Ling, I just went SG H&M I think last week, or 2 weeks ago, did not see any maternity wear leh.

Sandy I mean save $$$ that time when u giving birth, tell u laughing gas and jab is free, instead of using epidural.

jljt, wat an adventure for your tooth!
my doc nvr give me iron supplement but pre natal multivits... i think multivit already contain iron? i must rem to ask the dr on my visit next week.
hmmm..feel like drinking orange juice too..
hee..so funnie the way u describe the tooth...the chronicle of the tooth..hahaha

Kitty Lim
I think the NE line still can tahan with my miserable thin cardigan, the newer MRT is even worse off..maybe u can try using shawl and wear long pants or dress?
its from gynea...but so ex...almost $2 a pill but it works well for my #1...now just thinking if i can get it cheaper?

yup...multivits include iron and folic acid

my gynea also ask me to cont with my folic...plus my fish oil and multivits
hi Jojo, i took my pills one day after my cereal and milk breaky, puked at work. first time i puked in my life ( other than drinking too much lol). then someone in this forum mentioned reading somewhere not to take fish oil with milk .. i now take it with water and i am good. well i guess if it works for you shld be ok, but i did read that taking pills with milk coats your pills and reduces it efficacy.

i am currently taking fish oil, calcium and pre-natal vits. i was told no need to continue with folic acid, i hit week 12 tomorrow. i dont take homecook food, so if i dont mind taking vit pills as long as its not duphaston!

so on the whole, do you ladies feel better now we are moving to tri 2? or for some, already in tri 2!
I think she see me very young (24 yr back then), HB not with me yet so first impression must be "Single parent". No money.
That time i really can feel the different the nurse treat my neighbour whose HB always with her from labour to discharge. My HB only come for a few min and go. Come in the evening with his bunch of friends and go. I really felt like single parent. HAIZ.
Ling, I am feeling better. now in week 13. more engergy and less nauseas then before. but i will feel horrible on the train if i cant get a seat. so now i seat back a station even though i am late for work. otherwise i think i will faint. cant wait to be even better!

i felt that these 13 weeks feel like 13 years!
KJ, the shawl i have at home also thin thin kind. dont think will have much diff. i wonder if pple will thik we r crazy if we wear thick jackets in mrt? LOL..

my colleagues are already passing sacarstic remarks when i wear the jackets ( those that we go countries with abt 20 degrees) lol...
thanks for your replies... I guess it's ok to continue taking but I feel bad when I need to take pills, so now not taking any pills seem to feel better.. at least I won't feel like vomitting.. I m drinking the maternity milk which also contains folic acid.. think shd be able to cover some of the required amt.. I am eating more in the day time only.. night time still can't eat a lot.. yesterday ate more n felt so bloated at night that I can't sleep well.. so I guess better dun eat too much at night.. my tummy grows bigger as the day pass, but when wake up in the morning will be smaller again...
i also take the same fish oil during no 2 time. No 3 my gynae hvnt prescribe. Prob she will prescribe at my next visit which is end Feb.
Am gng for holiday in April before i pop cos i reckon after no3 chances of going holiday is even lesser moreover no 1 going to be pri 1 nx year. Even harder can only choose school holidays.
shall check out H&M then..thanks!
im coming 12 weeks...still feel like shit

can check out how much ur gynea charge too? hehee
where are u going for hol?
im also thinking going taipei in june sch hols but dunno i can take it anot
Same her. Tummy small then at night bloated.

Dont get mymmar maid. I had one before, first day come very hardworking. Scrub here, clean there then few mth later pattern comes. Say want to go back then after scolded from agent, hardworking again then pattern come back ( eat alot work lesser). Worst is close to her contract ends she request "LEAVES" from my father in law to go Malaysia. My father in law agree and apply visa to let her go.Lucky got come back. Very hard to communicate with her too.
Sandy, my mum doesn't want indon cos she says is not so nice for them to touch pork. So my only choice is philippino then. ;(
Some indo maid can touch pork just that they dont eat can already and they not so particular about Halah or not. Must tell your agent you need them to touch pork.
Philippino maid "High Class" they are smarter so will give even more pattern. Especially u need to give them Off day then more problem will come when they meet their fellow country mate.
Must consider properly.
hi mummies ...
just read thru all the previous reply .. haiz .. been lousy the whole day ... eye swollen cos gt infection ... like those got 1 pimple inside.. everyone just laugh say i peep at hubby ... haiz

Anyway kitty : The nurse call u nt bad liao ..
the one that call me said : hi , i have your oscar result . U are low in down syndrome ... then i went : huh ?
then she said : ur down syndrome low ...
then i know what she mean .. haha ... for the minute i panick .. haha

Sandy : lucky got other ppl same say tummy bigger in the night .. i keep telling hubby .. he say i tink too much ...

Jljz: positive positive .. i also paranoid till tink too much ... last night even dream 2 woman come tell me they miscarry at 19 weeks .. so scary .. whole day keep anyhow tink .. haiz ...
after much consideration...we might get a filipino in the end
cos mynamar, less network in sg so less friends n less trouble but communication problems
indon, pork issues and also maybe communications problems
fili, pattern alot(big minus) but easier to communicate and learn things faster and can speak proper english to my #1
MummyR , i had all 3 nation before ..
My indonesian maid was the best , with us for 10 years .. she dun take pork but can prepare pork .. english ok , cooking fantastic ..

Philipino : very "geng" one even become loan shark in the neighbourhood , also mostly very lazy ..then when they go out see many pino as sales staff they get abit upset why they maid ..

Myanmar :very slow in language unless u very lucky , honest , mostly hardworking but patience is needed cos communication is a problem ..

So i feel unless u can be home watching them the whole day , myanmar would be more honest ..
Hi Sandy n rainbow
My friend mynamar maid can speak mandrain n english so i dun think all will hv communication problem. Also be says his friend recommend mynamar maid as his friend oso using and both say mynamar maid is good.. Maybe wht sandy say happens to some who r really no gd but not all..
Btw, may i know why u choose tt agency at roxy square? Always give Very gd maid?
My gynae told me before my tummy is not baby bump just bloating. N cos our digestion not gd usually nite time more bloated n less appetite so guess its normal for most of us.
My colleague has a myanmar maid n she's gd. Hardworking n can speak english. But mayb not all know how to speak.
Morning ladies. Took the train last night and surprised someone gave up her seat for me. My colleague said its because I'm starting to show a little. I'm 14 weeks now... Can feel a bump but maybe it's my fats haha...
morning all! my auntie said baby expo will be having Avent electric steriliser for bottles going for $95 usual price $149.

however, she cautioned that buying an Avent bottle steriliser might mean you can only use Avent milk bottles.

Any mummy can shed light to confirm if this is true? i have absolutely no idea!

yes its true...not really fit avent only but cant fit all bottles...thats y i bought a pigeon one cos it can fit all bottles
my #1 had lotsa problems with bottles so i had to trial and error....he hates avent bottles n teats and luckily i got pigeon steriliser based on friend's advice and its much cheaper
mummies, flip papers yst n today.
baby fair offers coming out.

playpens going @ $99, avent sterilizer @$95, cot @ $259 etc.
mummies who wants to get aprica n graco can go chk out the aprisin booth.
i have been hearing negative sharing a lot lately too! sighhhhhhh... can't help but to wonder if the little one in there is doing fine!
morning mummies!!

The baby fair prices are so tempting ya.. zzzz but i dunno where to put the playpen if buy so early.. will they have another one soon?
positive thinking!!

playpen is quite compact actually
the one i had is rolled up so can fit into the corner of the room
MummyR> I think i got to convince mr Hubby... he not ready to buy anything yet. wahahaha.. dunno why. he keeps saying like too much things at home.. even stroller at my mum's house (pass down from my sis) he also dun wan to go and take! Keep saying still early. zzz
MummyR, I'll go to my sis recommended agent to engage one as she says tat her sil and her maids are all from them. So far has been good even though 1-2 are transferred maids.

I've discussed with my mum last night and we decide to opt out pinoy. Will got for Myanmar or Indo but requires knowledge of english if possible
Rainbow & Mummy R,

I think hiring maid whether good or not depend on pure luck. That Myanmar maid had ever told my MIL that she comes to SG just to see see look look not really to work to bring money back cos she is quite "rich" there. Therefore, dont know how to cook, eat alot. Her main task at home is take care of my grand father in law so comes with a bit of nursing cert but come here also everything dont know.
This time I am going to employ one to look after BB but from a different agent ( HB's customer), the agent say they hand pick the indo maid from the village and train them so keep finger cross that this one dont give me trouble.

Your Hubby dont like to see too much things lying around unless got ppl go keep them in the appropriate place (meaning he like neat). Unlike my HB he can close one eye for thing lying around then only once a year before eve of CNY, he will start to clear. Haiz
Sandy, yes I agree tat luck plays a big role in egnaging a maid. I'm getting mainly for housework and assist my mum with my #1 when she cooks.

Any mummies experience lower backache? My lower back has been aching so badly...

Ling> ya, Avent streriliser only for Avent bottles so best to get pigeon or Lindam.. I bought Lindam and basically, I sterilize my medela parts, bottles and pacificer..
