(2012/08) Aug 2012

Jen : i always wash hair at night .. before preg and after preg .. but i always dry leh ... haiz .. i seriously think its the weather ..

I thought if we carrying boys, we wont look good. When I had my #1 boy, I look horrible...big nose, pimples breakout on face and back, swollen legs etc. now I think its too early for me to determine. usually with gals, we look radiant.
me...been having headaches on off
today is the worst...yday night till now...even sleeping it away is not helping
Haha .. i guess here and there ... go internet search .. every method u all post i try .. till hubby say i am quack doc cos i announce to him everytime with diff result after i try something : dear mr hubby , congratualtion , you are having a boy/gal ..
MummyR : sleep usually works for me .. but i dun dare to cos if sleep in evening then night cannt sleep .. insomia till 7am kind ...
I wondr if preg have anything to do with the headache cos i used to seldom have headache one .. nt like now .. sob sob ..
nahnah, I think washing hair at night does makes headache worse. I used to wash hair at night and always get headache. now I changed to wash only in the morning and it got better.
try the pulse method...i think yanlin posted one?

i dont usually have headaches too...i guess its part of MS?

so irritating right...the headache makes me angry
She said if your pulse is stronger on your left wrist it indicates boy and if they are the same or stronger on the right side it indicates girl.
<font color="aa00aa">i get headache at night these days too. dunno isit becos i sleep too late? bb asking me to sleep earlier?</font>
I trimmed my hair on Sunday cos I felt that my hair is getting too heavy n causing me a headache.. so after the trim, my head is so much lighter, n not so painful already... haha.. I've got thick hair, so whenever I get a headache, I'll think that it's time for a haircut.. lighten the load on my head n dun let the hair use away too much nutrients..

I saw gynae yesterday.. my hubby go n ask her for the gender.. so she tried to scan for us n say mayb its a gal cos she can't see anything.. but I am hoping that it's too early to see n that the ultrasound machine is not clear.. cos it looks so blur.. yesterday was week 14... if based on pulse, my right side seems stronger.. another indication of girl.. but I still dun want to believe it yet.. haha.. actually girl also good hor.. but mayb we'll b a little disappointed at the news cos thou I felt it was a gal at the start of the pregnancy, I somehow changed to believe that it will b a boy later on.. previously the calendar n ring thing all indicate boy now the signs are pointing to a girl.. I also dunno what to believe liao.. just hope for healthy baby ba.. n wait for detailed scan in march to confirm better..
wow so back acne is common? mine is so bad i look like i got some sort of illness man! i use tea tree oil.. but still bad. the thing is i used to have them even before getting preg, now its worse.

for those who wash their hair at night, always make sure you dry your scalp thoroughly, that really affects headache and entire well-being in the long run.
Re: cold/flu
i had those very very bad cold/flu when having #1... so bad that i had to return to GP twice! ladies, just make sure you have plenty of rest when you are feeling sick or unwell.. don't overwork yourself... and don't scare yourself too much lah... POSITIVE! =)

tweet tweet birdiessss go to the mommies who want little boys... hahaaa... i'm praying that God will answer my prayers n give me a belated birthday present! pink colour theme please!?
i ask hubby tried yan lin's method and then went scan yday and gynea saw something between legs
what's loves method?
ya, pain till cannot sleep when we r oredi so sleep deprived.

recently realise there is 1 food that i don make me sick. home cooked pork congee with olive veg (bottled)
hb says tat is like baby food but to me its so yummy i could finish a pot myself for lunch n dinner. even resorted to bringing my whole thermal pot to ofc one day cos i really wanna eat the congee *wahahah*
Posted by Loves
re: boy or gal
my friend shared this with me, not sure how true:

It's a boy if:

You didn't experience morning sickness in early pregnancy
Your baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute
You are carrying the extra weight out front
Your belly looks like a basketball
Your areolas have darkened considerably
You are carrying low
You are craving salty or sour foods
You are craving protein -- meats and cheese
Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy
The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy
Your hands are very dry
Your pillow faces north when you sleep
Dad-to-be is gaining weight, right along with you
Pregnancy has you looking better than ever
Your urine is bright yellow in color
Your nose is spreading
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it swings left to right
You are having headaches
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an even number

It's a girl if:

You had morning sickness early in pregnancy
Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute
You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear
Your left breast is larger than your right breast
Your hair develops red highlights
You are carrying high
Your belly looks like a watermelon
You are craving sweets
You are craving fruit
You crave orange juice
You don't look quite as good as normal during pregnancy
You are moodier than usual during pregnancy
Your face breaks out more than usual
You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread
Your breasts have really blossomed!
Your pillow faces south when you sleep
Your urine is a dull yellow color
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves in a circle
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an odd number
<font color="aa00aa">btw, i saw the vertical belly line (known as linea negra?) today at 12+ weeks. was kinda surprised as i thought it will show from 4-5th months. any mummy has the line showing aleady?</font>

It's a boy if:

You didn't experience morning sickness in early pregnancy (i have MS)
Your baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute (more than 140)
You are carrying the extra weight out front (no belly yet)
Your belly looks like a basketball (not yet but yes for #1)
Your areolas have darkened considerably (already dark since #1)
You are carrying low (not yet)
You are craving salty or sour foods (sweet and spicy food)
You are craving protein -- meats and cheese (not really)
Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy (yes)
The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy (nope)
Your hands are very dry (yes)
Your pillow faces north when you sleep (i dunno where is north! hee)
Dad-to-be is gaining weight, right along with you (nope)
Pregnancy has you looking better than ever (yes for #1 not for this one)
Your urine is bright yellow in color (never really observe)
Your nose is spreading (big nose)
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it swings left to right (yet to try)
You are having headaches (yes)
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an even number (odd number, not using lunar age and mth)
Thank Nah Nah for the re-post.
I think I am having gal. YEAH !!

Is your tummy big. I also have the line but only at about 20 week for my #1.
Haha .. ya .. can only wait for detail scan .. but the wait is so unbearable .. haha ... now only 16 weeks ... still got 2 more weeks then next appt .. so duno will be doing the detail scan at week 18 ... if no then still no news till month ... the curiousity is killing me .. ahahahaa
I have 2 Yes for Boy and 7 Yes for girl.. wahaha.. Lets see..
It's a girl (Based on #1):

You had morning sickness early in pregnancy (Yes)
Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute (dunno)
You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear (nope)
Your left breast is larger than your right breast (dunno)
Your hair develops red highlights (nope)
You are carrying high (yes)
Your belly looks like a watermelon (dunno)
You are craving sweets (nope)
You are craving fruit (nope)
You crave orange juice (nope)
You don't look quite as good as normal during pregnancy (nope)
You are moodier than usual during pregnancy (yes)
Your face breaks out more than usual (nope)
You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread (nope)
Your breasts have really blossomed! (yes)
Your pillow faces south when you sleep (dunno)
Your urine is a dull yellow color (not sure)
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves in a circle (nv try)
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an odd number (even no, not lunar calendar)
Cause festive hotel gt a water play area where gt water gun my son loves it and yeah gt a pool Tats nt v deep but also nt v shallow but still ok with float ..or maybe cause my son still v small then .. Anyway your hotel pass should be able to go at least 3 hotels pools excluding capella and the new hotels not sure tho ..
<font color="aa00aa">sandy</font>
<font color="aa00aa">big tummy? i think not. just started to show a little bump this week. unless its my fat causing the line to show earlier? ;p</font>

<font color="aa00aa">re: gal/boy</font>
<font color="aa00aa">i've a mixed of both too.</font>
thanks Ayukie. I will go book festive hotel now

loves, u not showing yet...I am showing so well now haha. everyone shock when I said 3months+.
I try not to guess what's the gender cos I dont want to affect my baby...its all fated.
Hmz the view from hard rock should be better though .. You can go online and see the pictures from the web ..
Ayukie, I booked festive hotel liao
wanted to go somewhere before I deliver but I dont want to take flights so will make do with rws.
Went to Thai restaurant, but now got diarrhea. Sigh... So keep eating fruits now.. I also taking cab to and from work, thinking of the stairs from jurong east mrt to venture ave just to catch the shuttle bus already made me so ill.
My hubby keep complaining that I m spending too much! But for bb sake, no choice lo.
Ask my hubby to check the pulse for me but he refused Le. So I have to check on my own.
Realised I have been dropping Lotsa hair! Thot it only happens postpartum!! Sigh... Anyone with same experience?

Yanlin- I used to drive to work but stopped driving cause sometimes I do get nausea and dizzy. Now taking premium bus to work. U also live in the west?
joanne, I paid for $788 for 3D2N and come with 2 tickets each (USS,Voyage show and Maritime Experiential Museum). so the 2 days there will be packed with activities. you can check our rws website for the promotion.
good morn ladies!

ME ME ME! sighhhhh... sad lor! i also tot it's after birth then drop hair leh! this time i drop hair too!!! ai yoooo.. the balding spot already getting bigger liao lor...

yday got my hubby to feel the pulse! he said right side is harder! heeee... waiting for answer next week!
AG, when u going?
i also thinking if i shd go for a staycation or a short trip n next is shd go before i pop or after i pop?

choice 1: June -wedding anniversary
Choice 2: national day for firework provided haven pop
choice 3: new yrs eve cum bday but #2 prob only 4mths
short trip and staycation, do it before bb pops! hahaa... cos after bb pops your mind will be filled only with him/her that is if you are not bringing the bb along... n even if you do bring, you worry this and that... got to bring this and that.. very ma fan! but still doable lah! =P
Jen: Go before u popped.. at least u get to enjoyed it more.. bringing a baby very mah fan hahaha

I am gg BBK next week.. but hearing the bomb attack last night.. a little worried.. hahaha..
i am going on March 17th. If you planning to travel(take plane or cruise), you cant travel in June already. I think when u reach 3rd trim, cant take all these mode of transport liao. national day a bit risky leh as you may pop early. 2 weeks earlier is very common. for me i have a 3yo boy so afer delivering #2, I think I will not travel for at least the first 6 months.
Jen> yes, i only left her once when she was abt 10 mths old to NZ...and she became super attached when i am back.. felt very guilty and sad..
Actually, not just for travel.. even if i go out with friends, i also feel guilty if i am out for too long ahhaha
Good morning mummies. Hope everyone is well ;)

MIA for quite awhile ;) Can someone pls add me to the FB secret grp? My email is [email protected]

Will be doing my detail scan tomorrow and hopefully bb coorperates.

As for the boy/gal thingy, i tried the ring method for my 1st child and true enough, it's a boy. Tried again this time, it turned round and round but i hv a feeling it's still a boy... haha
Good Morning Mummies,

My Dr gave me multi-vit to eat but hor on the lable it wrote Vit A - 3000IU. Is it safe to eat that now ? I read article that Vit A will cause mal-deform BB.
how many weeks are you in now? that's quite early to have a detail scan being scheduled!

Sandy, your Dr referring to your gynae?
