(2012/08) Aug 2012

Gd Luck JC!

Loves, i have a bit of both from the list.

Jriste, yst i had a terrible headache n woke up at 5am to pop 1 panadol cos the headache refuse to go away. i'm in my 13wks n dr say ok for panadol jus don overdose.

kitty, when ur contraction pains kicks in u prob will not think how pain ur epidural jab is gonna b.. ok, at least for me.

kitty. not to worry about the epidural. u won't be able to see it cos it will be injected at your lower back. but once administered, u will know what is "happy-dural"!
ayukie: i gg by 'ship' nt air =) ill b doin a bp for the stroller too =) hehaho. update u all on cost 2nite. added u as fren, accept than i add u=)

gd deal, stroller, bassinet, infant car seat + rocker.

han: congrats! =)

jriste: ur fb nick is?

i tink im paranoid, nw fussing over with buying the stroller ant. cos buy online super cheap compared to sg i get stroller bassinet infantcarseat n rocker all add up 1K. 2nite i get the confirmed price than i either CHOPCHOP place orders for mine, or i ki siao start looking for others again. hving #1 wasnt such a hassle. i din hv problem finding stroller, bed, blahblah.. nw im so fussy. =((
happy-dural ah.. wah i sobsob leh. i often get backaches. nw i sit on floor or lie down in some position there will b a tight strain in my lower back bone =( #2 i HOPE i can tahan..else by 30. ill be hunched.
Thanks mummies. Apparently even on time for appt I got to wait 30 to 45 mins. And the recept is lousy. Can't take it almost want to scold ppl. Brought water bottle along so will drink somemore water before going in. Can't drink now will want to pee. Haha!
kitty> hahaha..but i think that one second of pain is so much bearable than your few hours of labor pain hahaha.. anyway, the anesthetist wont allow u to peep when he/she administer the jab..anyway, i din not feel the pain at all...either i super thick skin or the anesthetist is good hahaha

Jriste> Normal panadol is fine.. i got severe migraine at times.. But i only take when i really cant stand the pain
after 4 week of long wait, i finally get to see my precious lil one this morning. surprise to get to know the gender at 14 weeks. My 1st one can't even see during detail scan, we waited for >20+ over weeks before we know it is a boy. anyway, keeping my fingers crossed for the triple test result.
kitty - dont see the needle lor haha .. i saw before when i had epidural for my #1 .. its damn longggggg whahhaaa ..

no lah buy the pump if gt gd deal lor .. my ameda is too overworked for my #1 so im gg use as spare nia .. still tinking to get new spare parts for it though anot because only using as spare ...
Rykiel > really? take care and don't lift too many heavy things... I had epi too and still OK thank goodness.

Sigh. any mummies here going to register #1 for nursery soon? headache...
btw my tummy keeps hurting .. i soooooo sian ..

oh yeah i puke all the way from early preg to give birth to #1 .. and im puking for #2 nw .. im dying sooon
<font color="aa00aa">re: panadol</font>
<font color="aa00aa">safe to take panadol. i took it when i had fever few weeks back.</font>
JC: ya, the counter staff (nearer to the consultation room) not very friendly hor. i merely wanna ask if they receive my form but she just ask me to sit and wait.. I was asked to join the queue without prior appt by Dr phua, so i just wanna ensure i am indeed in the queue.. but thankfully, many of the mummies were late so i manage to do my test after a 15 mins wait..
Rykiel- my fb nick is Janice. The one wearing red in the picture haha...

JC - during my scan my baby was very active n refused to lie in the right position. Had to try 3 scans before nt measurement can be taken haha
han: backache ar.. i tink my body weak bah =(

wed 2nd visit to gynae at kkh clinic A. wonder will there b any scans done.

loves: hw u do ur font gt color, teach mies! =P
Rykiel > but actually i notice that i'm physically weaker... like recently i pulled my back muscle when carrying my #1. and took super long to heal
Sherry> I have waited 35 mins.. Not my turn yet do maybe no appt is better? The receptionist looks like ppl owe them money! Sighs lucky I m opting for mount A. I have a few frens who complained Abt tmc's services. But anyway I prefer mt A in terms of locations n nurse
thanks for the consolations mummies.. i hope its like what u say... feeelll haaaaaaaaaaappyy.. lol... (btw, i think the needle is the size of a straw...,both length n thickness, not exeggerating k)
JC, you at TMC? when i was there, all the nurses (reception or serving counter or scanner) i find them all very friendly. wierd that you encountered the angry ones..
Rykiel, i notice that you have accept my friend request some time ago. but how do i know if i am added into this group that you have mentioned earlier? cos i nvr see any groups. btw, I'm Alicia Lim, the mad woman with the windmill. hahaah
Ya kitty. 1 senior staff is scolding the junior staff while serving me. Zzz did u waited very long to get to scan? I am still waiting. Seriously dunno what's the point of appt time. Sighs. Still ask me to hold bladder. I went pee Liao. Dun wanna have UTI. Gonna drink lotsa water when they call my name.

Sorry but can't help to complain.
no medal for being brave lo..
just take it..mine was bad experience...but i still going for it for my no #2.
the midwife try to inject the needle on my hand for the drip near the finger area..she could get through cos she poke halfway kena the bone..still insist on poking it in...then she say aiyah cannot la..let the doc do..when she pull out the needle..it went croaked..if i wasnt in so much pain i already scold the midwife XYZ lo...
anesthestic came n do a quick n painless one for me..then he tried to locate the pt for my epidural..i was so scare that i shiver..when needle poke in..was so painful that i move..the whole world scream at me..asking me not to move..i stayed still then..n waited for epidural to run through my body..after 20 min..midwife ask me if i am still in pain..i say yes..so she on the valve to give me a bigger dosage....10 mins later still in pain..she gave me exxcuses say i am tall (1.7M) so need a longer time for epidural to reach my full body..wat crap is that man..i was in so much pain that i couldnt scold..if not everyone there sure die...
<font color="aa00aa">Rykiel</font>
<font color="aa00aa">wow, haven't reply you but saw that you know how to do it already!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">JC</font>
<font color="aa00aa">i did my Oscar at TMC last Fri. was quite fast and i thought becos i had appt. it was very crowded last Fri morning.</font>
Jc, i waited less than 30mins. When i first reach the 4th floor reception, which is 15mins prior to my appt, i ask if got time go to down to sign up for FBI, the reception ask me to ask the counter staff outside the ultrasound room if the appt is behind time. so i go ask them they say no prob. i came back 5mins later my appt time so i ask the counter staff again if i have miss my slot, they say "oh, next one is you" n smile. ask me to drink some water n take weight. still ask me if this is my first or 2nd bb..
<font color="ff0000">loves</font>
<font color="ff0000">thanks! received. i seem to be back to b at my blogging days messing ard with codes!</font>
hi JC
i did my oscar test this morning at tmc, was quite fast, like 10mins and was my turn already. But today indeed alot ppl, wonder is it cos of monday. my baby quite cooperative during the scan, sonographer shaked my stomach abit and baby was lying flat for the sonographer to take measurement edi.:p Hope the result turns out fine...
Hi girls, just to share,

Was shopping around the other day and came across the chicco stroller.

They are offering a complete system, stroller with baby carrier which doubles up as a car seat (up to 10kg - 1 yr old?) 700 plus I think, together with the base of the car seat.

The baby carrier can be placed in the stroller such that it is facing the parents.

Anyone used Chicco prams or strollers before?


Offically lost my poor baby on sunday..grieving time now..Anyways all the best to you august MTBs! Im leaving this thread
oh no poor dear ..

im still deciding to see my gynae before fri or wait for fri .. my tummy hurts like mad and i puke like mad haiz ..
Hi mummies.. I waited 1.5 hours to be my turn. I was there 15 mins earlier n the recept took 15 mins to register me. Baby was cooperative. Sonographer is nice cos she explained to us in details after the measurement was taken. Baby was in the right position when she scan. She told us baby is normal basing on the scan. Can see nasal bone n the thickness is less than 3mm or something. Then the rest of the time is looking at the baby turning legs n hands. Admin is bad. The rest is ok. I still went toilet but drank quite a bit of water when they call me cos I dun wan to result UTI. She told us for the next scan need not hold bladder anymore. That's a good news. Terrible feeling to hold the bladder n just recover from infection so dun wanna have another infection.

Hubby n I dun like tmc so we will choose mount A and mount A is also slightly cheaper. All my frens who went mount A has no complaints at all n all like the nurses there.
JC, same here. bad experience for Oscar Test in TMC. We'll choose Mt. A too. Will do detailed scan at there as well. Think so.

Chrisl, take care.
High chance im having 2 boys too...gynea saw something between the legs but v small so she don't want confirm

Re: pulse
I ask hb try without the reason..he says left stronger so it's a boy

Re: symptoms
I had no MS for #1..but this time round v bad m it's still quite likely a boy
Looking at my old records for #1...I gained 5kg from
4th to 5th mth of my pregnancy!!
Gynea wants to control my diet this time round
Dear Mummies,

Is it possible that we develop stretch marks at this early stage?
I've got very dry skin at both sides of the stomach. Then this noon it got itchy and I scratch it. Reach home and saw the skin peeled!... Quickly apply moisturizer... And now it is red in colour with stretch marks design!...

Mummies with experience can advise? Thank you.
jia you. Stay strong. Take some day off to give it a good grief. This is not your fault. You may investigate the cause with ur gynae on this and will help to prevent in the future.
Remember, this is not ur fault. It is just fate.
Take good care n must take care ur self as u r doing confinement to make yourself physically strong. I will keep u in my daily prayer.
Hey Bright, m from jul 2012 thread...I hv exactly the same symptoms as u but at about my 16th wk...sides of tummy so so itchy, can't help scratch it and so applying more stretch mark cream then before. Developed some red rashes too..after 3 days, skin got drier and started peeling...nw due to the rashes, even it got better I see skin darkening at the 2 patches
HELP mammies!!! I jus got brown discharge. I'm now week 14 day 3. Today help my close friend take care of her baby. Today one day nanny. At night gt brown discharge. Is my first time gt brown discharge. During trimester 1 don't have any discharge.
HELP mammies!!! I jus got brown discharge. I'm now week 14 day 3. Today help my close friend take care of her baby. Today one day nanny. At night gt brown discharge. Is my first time gt brown discharge. During trimester 1 don't have any discharge.
thanks ladies for your comforting words..i'll try to do mini confinement b4 trying again
See you gals around somewhere in other thread! take care!

Bright>> it's time for stretch mark cream.. It helps to reduce the itch.

Samantha>> if u r worried u can always go kkh 24 hours o&amp;g clinic to check if not wait for ur Gynae n check it out soon. Thats the place I always go when my Gynae is not around or clinic closed. But charges are not cheap but at least will give some assurance.
