(2012/08) Aug 2012

hi all mummies :)

may i share with you where to get a prenantal protection plan (cover pregnancy complication & hospital care) for ownself during pregnancy and also cover your new born (congenital illness protection) rigth on the 1st day of birth ?

the earlist for a new born to take up any hospital or protection plan is one month old. our intresting prenantal plan cover right on the 1st day of birth. hope to share with most of you.

i am Allen chok from AxA Life. PM me if any one keen to know more. :) my mobile : 96216138

ag - last time i gt my amelda spare parts from tll lor dunno she still got do anot if not see spree gt anyone doing lor else i will need go infant tree get ..

kjchua - nopex tll new price abit steep i getting from another 460 ..

nahnah - the famous baby care and bfeeding expert from tmc lor .. the one always features in cna and those tv programs when it comes to baby ..
nahanah - can but think price gt diff but anyway u can enquire at tmc the class .. think her class in thomson oppo tmc ..
Nah nah> can, just call TMC parentcraft to book.. Think it's $20-$40 more for those who deliver at TMC.. I attended the class but deliver at Mt A
The thread moves so fast!

My nausea n vommiting started again when I take the supplements vitamins gosh I hate nausea. My friends recommend me to go swimming or do some minor exercise. They say I never exercise that is why I'm suffering so much.
Ladies Im spotting since last night + some menstrual like cramps! Im in my 12th week now..anyone had experienced that before in week 12?? Im a tad worried..
Hi chrisl, I spotted around my 10th week and had brown discharge. After examination it was due to a polyp which the gynae recommended I removed. Spotting could be due to several reasons but if I have read online if it is not fresh bleeding, it is ok. Nevertheless you may want to check in with your gynae to get some assurance
Chrisl, I also been having cramps and sharp pain at my bikini line since Monday. I am 14 weeks now. I stayed at home for the since Thu hoping to get more rest. U can call ur Gynae for advice.
Chris if brown spotting should b okie. cramps could be due to the uterus stretching. if unsure do call up your gynae to see if there is a need to bring forward your next gynae appt.

jriste, was your polyp removed? my gynae advised me to leave it till 6th mth into my pregnancy.

I too have been having stabbing/pulling kind of pain in my groin area n at the side of the groin. not trying to scare myself since my bleeding from polyp seems to have stopped already. but will monitor for any serious cramping.
seems like getting lesser now..yes light pink to brown spottings..You take care too! Just take things easy..im trying my best to lay down and rest for now...
I noticed that I do have cramps at the bikini line and uterus area. My appetite also reduced by half aftere pregnancy. Used to able to finished one whole bowl or plate of food. Now can only finish half of it. Hates meat, fish now. At first two months was ok with fish, but now can't take it anymore.
Anyone has the same experience as mine?
i do not have cramps but my appetite has reduced too. If i eat like I do last time, I will vomit most of the stuff out which is very disgusting, can't eat chicken or meat too.

Have problems with my gastric, acid keeps coming up throat, bitter taste in mouth & making me nausea.
My mother in law keep commenting next time my kid will be super food picking as I don't take meat now. I argued that my hormones hates meat. So no choice. She. O minted my kid will be food picker. I will make sure she take back her word next time!
those older generation are more ignorant just pretend you didn't hear them.

For me, I have super bad temper wan leh & it just got worse with my difficult pregnancy. I'm like a walking mine everywhere & I think they are quite scared of me.
I removed it as my gynae wanted to make sure the bleeding was due to the polyp and not other problems. Since the removal, my brown discharge and spotting stopped. The gynae also did biospy in the polyp just to ensure that it's not cancerous. Luckily everything went well. I just collected my Oscar results last thurs. can't wait for my next scan

I also lost my appetite. And it seems I'm only interested in Western food like pizza, pasta and macdonalds. Chinese food is totally unappetizing to me and I can't even eat home cook food now, which I used to like =(

Anyone same here?
The only appetite I have is during breakfast. Although its my 13th week, I'm still feeling some MS esp after lunch... Also getting headaches. Anyone getting them too?
I also don't like home cooked food now, I can only for myself to eat half even when I am hungry. But outside food I am ok like macdonalds, KFC, laksa, or nice restaurant food. Haha now I only want good food, home cooked food, totally Sian. Now I am hungry again but sick of eating
Yanlin, if I were u, I will tell my mil, good to be picky cos I don't want him to eat all food
u know my boy doesn't eat everything now, like things that he don't know, he won't eat. E.g He don't like ice cream and family members commented he is fussy, I just tell them I am happy and liked it cos I dont need him to eat icecream. They can't stand me.
Same here, suddenly after all the after dinner puking I get a bit scared of home cooked food. I reckon it's because I puke out most of it hence feeling aversion when I think of it.

I think most of us here suffer from evening sickness, which prob means we can only stomache breakfast and lunch, dinner if we are lucky.

My gynae gave me this medicine called Gaviscon, which is a peppermint syrup taken after meals. It helps with the stomache acid and gastric juices, and it helps me alot with the puking. She gave me nausea medicine too but so far I have not been taking it as the Gaviscon is effective.
I also get headaches sometimes as well. It was so bad last Tues i vomitted. I don't think it's MS but more likely due to the migraine. The whole head was throbbing so badly. There's hardly any medication you can take except for normal Panadol. Try to have plenty of rest too.
I also dun like home cooked food now.. but I am ok with fast food, restaurant food, laksa, mee siam, fried carrot cake, roti prata.. basically those not v healthy food..

Gaviscon is for heartburn rt?
AG, Good one! LOL
re: food
I don't like outside food, ESP those salty food. Seems like home cooked meal, but without meats n fish.
Crave for laksa, penang laksa, prawn noodle, etc for hawker food. But basically can't finish all portion. Can finish half portion can consider good.
When smell of pork dish, McDonald's, I feel like puking already.

re: cramps
I read that cramps in bikini line after activities or walking or sudden action could be due to expanding uterus or round ligament pain. I supposed that it is ok as if there are no spotting or bleeding. Hope this clarifies.
The swaddle cloth Wong boi boi sell..it's really good and it's what they use to swaddle babies at TMC
The shop at TMC sells..I can get for u and pass to u...our office nearby too ;)

Yup..swaddling is to wrap baby like dumpling and it's impt for a newborn..u can go read up the 5S which includes swaddling

Mrs wong boi boi conducts prenatal classes for TMc parent craft
Her classes super popular one..must book early n specify u want her class...the last I heard that classes are conducted at AMK hub, little school house ;)
great MummyR, thanks so much. I will let u know how many I need later...I guess now hurry then. Is it still $10 each? My gynae is at Gleneagles so I dont go TMC. I never buy the swaddle cloth that time so I dont remember leh..how much is it? last time in yr2009, I attended her class at AMK hub.
Can I get gavison without a prescription or get from normal gp because my next appt is 3 march n I don't want to go see her n pay $85 just to get this.
Oh ya regarding stroller, which brand has a pram cum stroller type or those that can put a baby carrier basket inside?

What is the best value for money brand? Suitable for newborn yet able to last till they are toddler age?
My appetite is quite gd after 1st tri. I can eat two big of rice for dinner. I used to eat alot of fish, after preg i can't the smell and taste.

I been eating home cooked food since i moved over to usa not sure if it i cook too heathly i loss 5kg since i preg. My mum is quite worried and asking me to eat more.

I also experience cramps due to uterus stretching.
LouiseLS> u can look at quinny, stokke and combi.. But if I m not wrong, these are only suitable till they are abt one.. But some babies just dun like prams/ strollers.. I think mine only uses it for less than 5x hsha..
Morning ladies, had a terrible headache last night and refused to take panadol. Tried to sleep it off but still having a slight headache this morning. Hopefully it goes away soon.

Btw, can anyone add me to the Facebook group? My email is [email protected]
Dear mummies ,
I went to the website , there is so many courses , Is it the childbirth education Course or home services ? They also nv write if mrs Wong is conducting class ... Then they wrote that we should confirm after 20week but tot her class popular so hold book early ?

Thomson ParentCraft services are designed as part of our ongoing efforts to help expectant and new mothers enjoy their experience during pregnancy and after delivery.

• Childbirth Education Course    For on-line CBE registration, click here
• HypnoBirthing Classes
• Homecare Service
• Confinement Nanny Service
• Breastfeeding Counseling
• Baby Massage
• Weaning to Solids at 6 months old
• Parent and Baby Fitness
• Infant Care Training Programme
• First Aid Training Programme
• 24-Hour Postnatal Hotline
• Thomson Postnatal Support Group
• Outpatient Consultation
Nahnah: u can call in to enquiry which day/time is mrs Wong conducting the classes.. There is another lady who conduct the class as well
hi sherry, thanks. I'm looking at combi since some many people had good comments about it.

What particular model is best for combi??
What classes are you all attending now for Mrs Wong? I didn't know so early can attend class now. My gynae says no need so early in case I forgot later.
hi All,
I saw this interesting article when searching info on Tom for pregnancy. mine is a girl according to this!

She said if your pulse is stronger on your left wrist it indicates boy and if they are the same or stronger on the right side it indicates girl.
Sherry , so it's the childbirth education course ?

Yanlin: my hubby try ur method n mine is boy if your method accurate ! Haha he is calling me a quack again ..
LouiseLS> not sure abt the model but saw it at the baby kingdom.. Hubby felt it look bulky and the fact that u can only use it for abt a year.. Not very value for money

Seriously, the lessons are interesting but nothing of a loss if u dont attend it cause it's just info and some hands on using a dummy.. Pretty different when coming to handling a real bb

Yanlin> hmm tot they should feel the same haha
Tried both wrist n both appear to be strong
Yanlin, just asked mu hubby tried, he said right side.. Haha..

Gloomybear, tks so much for the info. Discussed with hub n v decided not to take that .

Louise, I bought Combi, 360 degree wheel, forgot the model buti think they have new models come out every year. I bought that becox of it's light weight, as sometimes I may bring my boy go out alone , so weight is a big concern to me. Well, my boy didn't like to sit in the stroller so I hardly use it, but then he is ok with it when he grow older, I m using the stroller again now, can't carry him more than 10 mins, heavy boy!
