(2012/08) Aug 2012

Dear Rykiel,
Pls add me in the FB group pls! My picture is my sasha (shetland sheepdog)

Dear all,
Havent been able to read archives since 1st Feb, still hoping to dig out some time for that. Some sisters are into 2nd trimester now, Congrats!!! I'm in my 14th week but still nauseous and exhausted! Next appt is tmr. *excited*

i am soooo tired ...

rykiel - u sure u wanna ship in because shipping fees may kills ..

anyway my stroller is the combi miracle turn the one that can turns 360 deg .. the first one that can do that anyway whahhaa .. still supporting my boy whoose 2 yrs +
morning mummies
just thought i would share that i had my scan on sat, and i am having a second boy!
thought i would be disappointed but strangely... i'm just super happy. happy monday to everyone
BBL > i'm 15+ weeks. can see quite clearly from below - baby opened legs bigbig.

Sherry > you already have a boy right? what's the Yanlin method?
good morning everyone! Today's train ride is horrible for me. feeling giddy for half the trip. (i was standing) my tummy not showing yet, so no one will give me seat one.

i bought a palmer coca body lotion yesterday.. this morning apply liao, Gosh, i smell like a chocolate the whole day. think the smell is making me nauseas... shucks... Previous discussion, someone mention clarins stretch marks cream. I saw at Ocean, chinatown selling at $53.50 ie if anyone wants to buy.
nah nah, when I not preg, I can only shop from Orchard to at most Orchard. Now Preg, I just shop at 1 shop I am dead tired already.......
morning mummies,
had my NT scan last fri, very low risk according to gynae.
next wk due for blood test.

cot/ playpen:
i had a cot convertable to toddler bed + a hand me down playpen.
i find cot gives a better support n cos got a dropside so i don bend too low to pick up bb during confinement.
playpen for me is more to keep my bb in during afternoons when i am alone with no help, so i bring my bb close to me in playpen so i can watch her like during shower time.
now the cot is a tod bed for my #1 nap but #1 sleeps with me on mattress at nite in my room.
luckily we factor in babies in our design so we have a high rise platform in master bed rm n space sufficent for 2 tod size mattress on both sides.

stroller/ prams:
i only got 1 inglesina stroller from bb hypermart, similar to maclaren but half the price.
some things i look out for in stroller:

one hand fold (if we go out alone can handle with 1 hand)
multiple adjustable position
big wheels (so its less bumpy going over drains etc)
suitable weight (regular is abt 8kgs n pls buy one u can lift into boot urself in case of not very helpful taxi drivers)
size (can fit into car boot)

i have a bjorn n a hand me down sarong cos bjorn take up to abt 10kgs only but hb prefers to use this then sarong.

car seats:
i have a hand me down maxi cosi infant carrier which last me #1 only 6mths cos she seems too big for it so we change to the next stage nania adjustable car seat suitable from 9mths up n now my girl is in a booster.
if car seats r accident free think can use up to 10yrs if involve in accident then have to change.
to save $ can invest in 1 tat can b rear n front facing suitable from infant up, at least can save on 1 stage of car seat.
han> Number one is girl.. so if can.. will like to have a boy hahaha..
Yanlin say to test the pulse on both your right and left wrist.. if its stronger on left, then its a boy.. if its stronger on right, then its a boy
Ladies, I went to robinson sales yesterday and saw Graco stroller with baby car sits selling at $350+. Ive also saw Ameda Pump and parts there. Also Medela Pump free style selling at $599. If you have robinson card, there will be a discount of 20%.

I feel the same! So tired and unwell yet no one will give up seats cos tummy not showing ;(

I just had my Oscar scan n baby was so active!
Doing somersaults and headstand!
Hope results will be good

$599 with 20% is a good deal for freestyle with local warranry
sherry > mine feels the same on both sides leh. i think at the end of the day, your gut feeling is probably right! i had a dream that i had a boy... and somehow, we could only think of boy names :p even though we were hoping for a girl
Han> hahaha ya.. gotta ask someone to test for you cause they will feel it differently.. but end of the day.. healthy being the main priority yeah! I got no dreams and both pregnancy appear to be pretty much the same, except that for this, i got slight morning sickness
460 is cheap, can share where you get?

you mean additional 20% more on top of $599?
wats for grab during bb fair because I am gg.

thanks for sharing
<font color="aa00aa">hi mummies! hope you all had a good weekend. i've done my oscar last Friday, waiting for results now.

i have this vibrating feeling on the area below my belly button (uterus?). do your have the same experience? wonder is that baby movement?</font>
talking abt pram...i hv a peg perego...it's very sturdy &amp; can manuever easily but its quite bulky..

i need to get one more this time round.
kola - u mean at the expo babyfair 599 with 20% off ?

because i just called robinsons they told me 20% off yesterday ended

kjchua - 460 is us set wor
Snowy- agreed! peg peregro very good! Got it for #1. excellent engineering and very well made. Only thing is heavy lah... Only my hubby can carry it which makes it a problem with stairs.
kjchua - i dig put the contact then let u know but honestly if 599 - 20% local set i rather get local lor no much diff ..
hmz robinson called back and says the pump got promo just the freestyle pump + a tube of the nipple cream 699 and not entitled to further discount as the pumps are controlled price items .. the expo gt gd deals ? else i think i will skip altho i yearn to go and get a few maternity clothes
but i v tired since i preg ;(
<font color="aa00aa">re: boy or gal</font>
<font color="aa00aa">my friend shared this with me, not sure how true:

It's a boy if:

You didn't experience morning sickness in early pregnancy
Your baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute
You are carrying the extra weight out front
Your belly looks like a basketball
Your areolas have darkened considerably
You are carrying low
You are craving salty or sour foods
You are craving protein -- meats and cheese
Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy
The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy
Your hands are very dry
Your pillow faces north when you sleep
Dad-to-be is gaining weight, right along with you
Pregnancy has you looking better than ever
Your urine is bright yellow in color
Your nose is spreading
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it swings left to right
You are having headaches
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an even number

It's a girl if:

You had morning sickness early in pregnancy
Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute
You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear
Your left breast is larger than your right breast
Your hair develops red highlights
You are carrying high
Your belly looks like a watermelon
You are craving sweets
You are craving fruit
You crave orange juice
You don't look quite as good as normal during pregnancy
You are moodier than usual during pregnancy
Your face breaks out more than usual
You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread
Your breasts have really blossomed!
Your pillow faces south when you sleep
Your urine is a dull yellow color
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves in a circle
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an odd number</font>
LouiseLS > i know what you mean, somemore it's a dragon year... but don't worry, just wait till your scan to find out
where is your hubby's school?
Just puked out my morning fish oil pills.. Super disgusting.. Bleh!!! Almost triggered non-stop gaggin and mega vomit session.. How come the ms seems to be worsening and not improving...
LouiseLS> Hey, dun be sad.. its just a myth test for fun..Guess still gotta wait for detailed scan.. Mum was sharing, Mark Lee number one suppose to be Boy (thru detailed scan) but ended up delivered a BB girl.. so no 100% de.. healthy most important though we will all have a preference.. comparing to many who cant conceived, we are considered very lucky

Love> i have a mix of everything from the boy and girl list hahaha
Hi ladies. Just seen the gynae cause of terrible headache. Refused to take panadol but the gynae keep saying its safe. This is my 13th week going to reach 14th week. Can't wait to find out gender of my baby.

Have u all decided which hospital u all will be delivering?
Rykiel, I've sent you a friends request on fb. See if u add me to the group.

I felt some quickening in my lower stomach earlier but I think it's just gas haha. Gynae say can only feel around 20th week leh
louise > are there any gd schools for girls near your house?

true - i'm expecting a boy (this is my #2 and my first is a boy too) and both times i had no morning sickness.

don't think so much, you have time to think about schools and what to do
Ayukie, Robinson seems to be having its 'Sale Worth Waiting for!' every few months.. can wait for the next one! Otherwise, OG, Metro also have their 20% off storewide every few months.

You all buying so early? i wait n see first.. but if bb fair is cheap, prob buy from there cos should be cheaper than the dept store i guess..

loves, i had those mixtures off signs before i was preggy! hahaha... in fact i have poor memory, lack of sleep, migraine, bulging tummy n hair drop b4 preggy. so prob i was preggy for 10years already! lol

Jriste, i am choosing TMC. when i was there last week for my oscar scan, happen to pass by a big group of pple gathering for the hospital tour. TMC is soooooo popular!

Dr Wong's class: i think i am not signing up since a few of my frens who went also say its not very helpful. But i would like to sign up for those lessons that help preggers to exerise n do breathing technique later in the stage. What do you call those classes? Any recommendation?
LouiseLS: every pregnancy is different.. i dun have morning sickness at all for number one (a girl).. but for this one, slight morning sickness.. so maybe your number might not be that bad..
My bestie MS from she conceived till she popped and its a boy lor
kitty: with Epidural,, no need to exercise breathing technique la hahahaha
For exercise, you can go online.. i saw one using the gym ball.. u can sit on it and rotate your pelvic.. suppose to aid in delivery or something..
Some gynae dun encourage yoga though.. so i guess walking and swimming is the best.. still trying to see if i can find kaki to swim.. ( i really dislike swimming wahahaha)
<font color="aa00aa">haha! my mum did say when she had me, she has no MS at all whereas my MIL puke all the way till she pop when she had my SIL! just read for fun.
loves> haha agree!! Guess it depends very much on the blend of yours and BB hormones.. like some experience radiant pregnancy glow while some looked really haggard and tired.. Lets all have a good and fun pregnancy!

JC, have fun looking at bb!!

sherry, aiyoh.. epidural scares the daylight out of me.. i saw the thickness of the needle in the "Ba ba Mi Ji" show in channel U.. my jaw dropped! normal injection already freaks me out.. i dowan to think abt this!!!
