(2012/08) Aug 2012

haiz.. how come u all can feel the fluttering ah ... i abit worried le .. now already into week 16 .. but nv feel anything wor ...

typically dont feel it so early one....prob ard 18-19weeks to start feeling for first time mummies

heheee...one regular one, one umbrella stroller, one for my mum's place, one for my place...actually got 4
some can feel some cant.. it's your first or subsequent bb? hmm... for #2 or more mommies cos they do know how's the feeling is like maybe that's why they can detect earlier? no worries lah!
the fluttering very fast so you must really sit down and relax then u can feel it. Dont worry so much some ppl must wait until 20 week then can feel.

Any cheap and light weight pram to recommend ?
ya .. is my first ... but feel very uneasy like no sound so picture ,..then next scan so many weeks later ... i tink i getting paranoid ..

MummyR : wow u got 4!! i tinking of buying 2 already very kwa zhang ....
its over 2.5yrs...hehe

light weight pram gotta comprise with stability...cannot hang things on stroller
combi for light weight?
Kj : thanks for the assurance

can check wif mummies here .. what is nipple cream for ? cos i saw the list for delivery got nipple cream wor.. whats that
Thanks all mummies!

I don't have the bill with me right now but I vaguely remember the cost is as such:
I spent $2000 which includes the following:
- one day hospitalization (day time)
- hospital surgical charges
- test fees (for both quick and full tests)
- doctor's fees (this alone is already $1000)
- misc. (there could be other hospitalization/surgical related items which I may missed out)
I did it at Parkway East Hospital (Eastshore).
The nurse at my gynae's clinic told me that Amnio test is cheaper though... but I wouldn't want to wait that long hence chose to go ahead with CVS.

I know the gender through my CVS test result.
nah nah> BB will suckle on ya nipple for milk and there might be a possibility that you might feel sore/ crack on your nipple.. nipple cream will soothe the area
i got a playpen cause i didnt have my place when i t #1 so no space for a cot and not gg get a cot this time cause i need to recycle the play pen haha .. anyway i will let my kiddo sleep in play pen till he abit older (ard 1) then i will transfer him to a mattress or the lower bed of my #1 bed .. but my #1 will sleep there first bah haha .. or get another trundle bed for my #2 ..
Last time I bought combi not light and big. I saw some other parent using one can fold until like umbrella but dont know what brand. Dont want to spend so much cos #2 liao.

Nipple cream for just in case u got crack there if your skin too dry and especially during breastfeeding.
pram is usually heavier and suitable for newborn ..
stroller is lighter and usually suitable for bigger babies eg. 6 mths onwards ..
and of course there are the umbrella strollers that are more suitable for even bigger babies around a yr old when they got sufficient neck support ..
mummyR, is umbrella stroller useful? I wanted to buy that time but I dont find it that light and cant hang things and cant find anything that cheap like $50 haha, so end up not buying it.
my combi can fold to a square .. its a pram but suitable for a mth onwards babies but lighter weight and thus smaller size .. its from my #1 so gg to re-use although i can hear unhappiness from my #1 soon .. but it costs me quite a big for that pram ..
ag - i have the bumpermat too but kept away as my #1 dont really requires it already .. also kept the playyard as well but will reuse for #2 haha tats why not gg get a cot ..
erm.. ok .. a bimbo question .. the nipple cream i buy safe for bb ah ? i mean if you breast feed then u also apply nipple cream .. wun it be harming bb ?
those who can fold into umbrella more suitable for 6mths onwards and cannot recline one
i havent used combi but alot of my frends using and says its light

i had one from the first years and one from cosco (3.5kg)both served us well and its much lighter compared to a regular stroller but setback is cant nap properly
check out http://www.kidzloft.com/index.php?cPath=1
its good for travelling or when u need bring 2 strollers out in the car boot
nipple cream no need to wash off... actually the best nipple cream is your breastmilk! hahaa.. but for first time mommies, they may find their nipples quite sore after latching on.. (like me! so hubby quickly went to the pharmacy downstairs @ tmc to get a tube for me!) so better to have tube to standby!
nahnah - most nipple cream should be and they will state wheather you should clean it off before feeding baby and so far medela and avent that i used before states no need ..
i got a cosco one but the support leaves alot to be desired (and yes the napping support is not good) so its good for short distance and when travel you dont wish to lug your regular stroller around lor ..

think mine around 50 on offer at the baby hypermart or something along tagore there ..
great mummyR so cheap. oh btw, for kidzloft, if you have friends who kids turning 1yo, they can purchase 50% or 40% off during their 1st bday month. humm must see who I can reach out to. mine is capella and not heavy too. so far my boy can sleep pretty well in it and till now still fits.
ok ! thanks..
Another question ... is receiving blanket and swaddle the same thing ? cos i see receiving blanket in list but i go webbie always cannt find ... then i google receiving blanket , i got swaddle result ...
jljz - i find bm not tick enough to coat it haha .. so i still will get nipple cream this time ..

avent for more usual occurance use and medela for when its extremely bad ..
swaddle is use to wrap the baby together to form a bundle .. receiving bankie is to wrap the baby and the head together ... actually same purpose you can use the receiving bankie to swaddle the bb also ..
haha .. i buying le ! cos friends advise is to start shopping while i still can shop from city hall to orchard .. she say when i am bigger only can orchard to orchard ..

Ayukie : so i just buy swaddle cloth can le ?
actually i got a few receiving blankie for going out and at home i use cloth nappy to swaddle the baby and of course at times i wished i had bought the swaddle cloth that have the velco to tape my baby together (thats for #1 because he knows how to unswaddle himself too much)
i thot u all soo fast .. im not buying untill my oscar out then im gg get the spare parts for my old amelda pump and a new freestyle pump thats all wont get any other items until i know the gender ..
i havent even told my bossessss im preg .. whahaaa
nah nah
i haven started shopping yet cos i am thinking whether i can inherit from anyone...hee..

If i remembered correctly someone commented the swaddle cloth recommended by Mrs Wong was good.
May I know what is the brand?
Ayukie: where u get receiving blanket ? cos i went mother works, mums and babes , only sell swaddle blanket or else is towel.. i never see anything that says receiving blanket ..
kjchua - yeah i went to wbb class when i had my #1 and she recommended a swaddle cloth brand .. but i also dont rem the brand haha
yup i got it at 50% at kidzloft when my boy turned 1...hehee
now on sale at $30+ so think no more discount

there is no brand...plain white one...can get at the shop in TMC
i swear by it!
mummyR, u swear by what hah? haha the thread runs so fast that I forgot what was mentioned earlier. I dont use much swaddle cloth last time leh, its so exp and cannot afford to buy so many but we need to change so often. at home I use a lot of white nappy cloth. I think I need to get more receiving blanket and towels with hoodies...where to get cheap ones?

btw, who is attending Mrs Wong class hah? I'd like to buy the towel leh...anyone can buy for me?
Ayukie, u know where to buy Ameda parts? I lend my friend my Ameda pump few months ago and within a week it spoiled. so she went to get a new one and so I will end up using hers by time I delivered. so mummies who buying 2nd hand pump, there may be a risk it will spoil very fast cos no warranty.
