(2012/08) Aug 2012

Any good method to cure giddiness?
Am feeling v giddy every now and then. Think morning sickness has came to attack.

Cathy, guess u must have drank too much water thats y faint reading.. Morning urine is most accurate, else u must wait for 4 hours for your urine to be concentrated with HCG then can get good and accurate testing..

mahjong, dun worry okie.. No MS is sooo good..

My ms is driving me nuts and leaving me no strength too, yest my boy fell cos i no strength to catch him to prevent his fall.. This naughty boy loves to climb here climb there..

Elisa, ya, test again using morning urine, cos most concentrated..
hehe.. so excited.. there is so many things i wanna do and buy.. arghh... how to contain all this excitement.. n the worst thing is.. i am told cannot tell ppl i am pregnant.. how did u all handle this??!!!
ej: if you feel giidy, please drink some ribena or glucose water... make sure you are hydrated.. also remember to take some food..

Giddiness could be due to our blood pressure and also low blood sugar..

also, keep lying down if you have to.

If it's very very bad.. see a doc asap.
ET, Yar, I understand the meaning of naughty. Hope your boy is ok.

Cathy, yar I patang so endure and endure, still got abt 4 weeks than can tell. Very hard to master the art of deception and disguise. Yesterday I wore a blouse to work my tum tum so obvious, I think can pi char lobang.... Just try to not say until 3rd mth if u are patang.

Kew, better not eat rojak, rojak contain some prawn paste or wat not that we cannot eat I think.
kew, fruits can but not with rojak paste! Try not to la, it need to just abit.

MJ, no ms u panick ah.. i so far no ms yet *touch wood* Should be ok right. Last night my mum was asking me "eh, how many mths preg r u huh? y yr tum so big???" I was like @_@ and told her it's fats la. haha
aiyoh, cannot eat yu sheng, CNY sure "chuang bang" pple sure suspect one... what lies can we tell huh???

Hi Kew, Rojak got raw veg n pineapple.. better dun take? unless u eat only the you tiao.. lol..
kitty, just say "stomach not feeling good... better dun eat raw"..

if they ask pregnant ar... u just say "dunno leh.. i will be happy if it is so".. no need lie.. haha
Good morning everyone.. I wonder if I've been sleeping too long in the daytime, I can't sleep last night! Keep turning and tossing, think I only fell asleep aft 5am...
It's my first pregnancy and I m also bursting to tell others... but try to keep it to myself lor, thou my family already knew.. I am thinking if can tell others during cny... based on the iphone app, I am 7 week today.. 3 more days to my first gynae visit.. hehe..

TBU: I think I experience that too sometimes.. my tummy area sometimes right side, sometimes left side.. I also dunno what is in pain but it's just everywhere... when I saw GP to confirm pregnancy I told her I got discomfort around tummy, she just look at where I am rubbing then say not lower area pain rt? so I guess if it's pain in lower part of the abdomen then mayb not so good? my pain usually around belly button and above area..
Cathy: natural
Urchin, during my 1st preg, throughout my whole preg, i had insomia and I only need abt 3hrs of slp daily, very energetic still!! Ended up high blood and risk of pre-clampsia BUT this is my case la.. Smooth pregnancy thou ;) I know how it's like being an owl at night cos I will walk to the market at 6am to buy breakkie...

I hope this preg I'll always feel very tired.. kekeke
urchin, i scare of natural sia.. Got a friend who went natural.. 12 hrs in the room end up doc said need to go caesarian.. suffer 12 hrs of pain.. scary sia..
Cathy, natural for me.

Rainbow I say too early, now feel got something stuck in my throat but still not so bad. Hahah, Yar I am going to use the same excuses if pple ask me. But 1 CC teacher ask me last Thursday, I say cannot tell...Before that a few mths ago she ask me already and I was fat so told her fat, din expect her to ask me again.

Kitty Lim, I most likely will tell or shld I say show on CNY when I 12weeks cos by then dun think my tum tum can hide. I also dunno wat to say when cannot eat Yu Sheng....maybe say you got some allergic just develop, cannot eat fish or seafood? I dunno.
Cat, think i need c sec this time cos i had emergency c sec in 2010. I kay kiang choose date when gynae wanted to induce me than that evening ard 7pm, not much of dilation and die die must give birth on tat day so went into E Csect. I opt for elective and scare the hell out of me as my hub was not allowed to go in with me. My friends were telling me tat if wanna try natural must at least wait for 3 years otherwise very dangerous. I've yet to discuss this with my gynae.
Cathy> Natural for me too since number one is natural. I think gynae also encourage natural unless u dun have a choice.. I still eat rojak but dun eat too often cause got prawn paste.. mum say later BB skin not nice wahahaha..
MJ, haha.. i was thinking to get a pkt of sour plum later. now eating sour candy..

Sad lei, cannot eat yusheng. than i just eat the "huang jin"!
mahjong, i only in my 9-10 week in CNY. still in 1st Tri only. haha.. ya, unless the tummy cannot hide then bo bian..

cathay, my mum say duno eat too much prawn cos prawn is quite posionous. think better skip rojak.

i also wana try natural but super scared of the whole process.. whenever i think of how big the epidural needle is, it freaks me out. i think i haven go in delivery room, i faint first.. wahahhahaa....
Morning mummies. Still having diarrhea. My gp refuse to give me mc n ask me go see my gynae instead. So bad of that GP.
Going down to see my gynae in an hr time.
rainbow, I m not energetic.. I m always lying down.. till my hubby say I pretend.. cos he always see me on bed.. I just can't sleep last night, previous days I have been sleeping day n night.. I am either eating or sleeping or rather lying on bed.. mayb last night went out for dinner with my friends so a bit over stimulated till cannot sleep? haha.. and mayb a bit uncomfortable last night too..
anyway, it's easy for me to tell them I dun eat raw food cos I dun eat last time too, so they din suspect anything when I gave up the sashimi in my set..
my friends and sisters all natural but with epidural, most are quite easy not much pain so I hope mine also smooth...
BBL, take care... change another GP next time... see gynae also good lah.. more peace of mind..
I do have diarrhea sometimes, but not so many times a day.. just a little more watery once every few days so I think it's normal, but urs so many times a day mayb really tummy upset..
Kitty, When I was preg with #1, I read quite a bit abt the epidural and process and was quite against it....BUT, during delivery, around 5-6cm dilated, contractions and pain unbearable and nurse psycho, so I give in, and realise is god sent Hapidural, I din even know they cut me up lor until the effect wear off...Or else I think I sure v jia lat how to endure the cut pain?

BBL, which GP is that? At JP? or Boon Lay MRT? I will avoid. So bad. You got tell the doc u preg or not?
I felt abit scared when I woke up today not feeling nauseous as usual. I'm about 4 weeks as per baby centre estimation and will only see gynae mid next mth. Not sure for u mummies to be, but my tummy is feeling and looking rounder... Anyone experiencing that too?
wah... mostly natural.. very brave hor... hehe.. i timid mouse.. dun dare...

rainbow, i also caesarian i think.. am thinking of engaging my previous fengshui master to give me a caesarian date... but he is expensive.. $888.. (-.-)"
Mahjong, haha.. Ya.. Naughty..

This round still natural for me, first one I got induce at 36 weeks, 19 hours labour for me.. Hopefully 2nd one can natural pain n give birth, will try not to take epi, see can tahan anot, cos the epi side effect is super bad for me..
i made my own fruit rojak without the rojak paste.. No choice.. dunno wat else to eat..

Emm.. will try for natural with epidural if possible. Heard that post C-Sec experience is not good, it takes longer time to heal. Guess need more energy after delivery to take care of BB..
It's a pioneer mrt. A female doc. She knows I am preg. So she ask me see gynae. N gynae ask me c GP cos he has no diarrhea med. hai like a ball kena push ard.
BBL> hope you get well soon.

ET> oh, din know u got bad side effect? I think i only shiver after delivery.. was still able to drink and eat after that so hopefully another smooth one for me this time round

June> think its ok not to have MS.. I dun have it for both pregnancy..
hmm... i am week 4 now, when i was week 3, i had such a serious MS that made me cannot eat anything.. then i started drinking yakult every morning.. now i am like a pig.. eating a lot.. still got MS.. but it was like once in a while.. that will be gone after i drink some water...

I not sure can drink yakult a not though... I just needed something cold...
Yeah I saw my bb heartbeat. But gynae say only 5 wk++ but how could it be. Heart only form after 6 wk ma. Think my gynae need to calibrate his machine le. Anyway I am happy n all the Lau sai also ok as long as bb is healthy.
^5, I was like u during first delivery, very garang, wanted to try without epi, I was induced at 37weeks, but after 6hrs, I dilated so slowly, and the pain was so unbearable. I practically begged for epidural!!

But I had v bad side effects of epidural. Vomitting and shivering. Until I had to ask for meds to stop the vomitting then I could relax abit.

This time round I will not play heroine liao. Preorder epidural And anti-vomitting meds so I can enjoy process better
Urchin, stay positive and cool. It's normal for our hub to react that way cos they are not the ones going through this! And I wish they are!! ;)

Cathy, $888 is ex!! heng mine nvr charge me.. but once have the date, die die also must deliver on that day. haha. I've also been drinking yakult for the past few days. Just have e crave for that.

BBL, congrats! so has yr LS stopped?
Thanks for your encouragement rainbow... guess my hubby still need some time to get used to it.. my nausea has been subtle so far.. so I look ok from outside.. thou it seems to be getting worst these 2 days.. the feeling of nausea is stronger and now I m a little dizzy... food intake getting lesser cos I get the nausea feeling after eating a few mouthful...
me me hving no 3 in the year of dragon. I posted earlier that my gynae same as u. Dr Eunice Chua and i stay at SK also. Hv u gone to see Dr Chua already? She just back from vacation yesterday rite so i can only see her tomorrow.
Hi Mezzo ohh i din take notice tat. So sorry abt it. I once every 2 - 3 days den log in & read forum.
wow so coincidence
Nt yet but i book my appt nxt mth le.. i booked after CNY. So ur 1st 2 kids is a boy or a ger??
Mezzo i've juz read the forum. I same as u had a ger & boi too
i tink Dr Eunice Chua her consultation charges increased le. U asked her any discount for our 3rd peg.. & let mi noe hw her charges like. Thanks!!
Hi, how's everyone doing?

Cathy and Mahjong,

Both you very cute, test and test and test. everyday or alternate? Both you first tested after how pass LMP with the pregnancy kits?

You started to buy stuff for bb and yourself already???

LOL, how not to tell other about the excited news? I never tell anyone untill people notice. Those I didn't meet, I don't even tell at all.

some ppl said eat biscuit before you eat anything in the morning will cure MS, but it doesn't work on me during my last pregnancy.

You may want to drink ribena, 100 plus or even coke if you feel like?

Since you tried natural w/o epi, just go ahead with this one as well lor. They said it will be faster as well. So at least will not have side effect.

I took rojak as well last time. I just avoid cooling stuff like pineapple, watermelon during 1st three mths, the rest, i took but one piece only and not so often.

Did you carry your #1 after you cfm you are preggie?

Don't have to worry about natural birth! I am one that worry too much and think too much. I am scared of pain as well, i even avoid to see those video in pre-natal class etc. Just try not to think.

Vinewee, yes still carrying him and he is all over me every night!! Pressing my ss when i'm lying down on the bed (soooo painful) or he'll press my tummy of which I'll try to stop him. He started being very sticky to me of which it never happens before cos he prefers my hub as he always give him wat he wants.. BTW, my boy is coming 14mths nia and he still doesn't know how to walk, only cuise around.. ;(
