(2012/08) Aug 2012

Yes I know that we can only eat pasteurized cheeses. Usually my choice of cheese when pregnant is mozzarella. I don't drink milk co's I am lactose intolerant so I eat cheeses for calcium.
Anyone here with super sense of smell? I cannot even open my fridge cos it stinks to me!!! My husband cleaned it just the other day and says it smells fine. I can't take the smell of ham and many other things.
Suzanne, usually urine test is enough to confirm preg. Blood test is done around 12-14weeks for oscar and other test.

Kelly, for 1st time mummies, I think tummy start to show only abt 4th mth like that for some pple.

Hello Alyssa.

BBL, I delegate most of the take care stuff to Hb. I really feel so terrible and lousy, I dun even have the strength to carry my gal much.

Hello Rangerlove, congrats. I think you can buy folic acid from Unity, is way cheaper. You can search a gynae fr this forum and then call to make an appt.
Yar Folic acid is not Vit A, is B12. Vit A can be found in pork liver, so try not to over eat pork liver, no good for baby, can lead to blindness I think?

BBL, I also want to puke but nothing come out. My gal still not so glue. Hope she will be guai guai. Hope ur boy will give you some holiday. BBL I feel like puking almost now and then.
I got occasionaly stomachach.

Unity Folic Acid is cheaper than Watson. Cheapest is from Unity.

ET, hope you boy also guai guai, give you some breather.

Hello Cathy, Welcome.
U mean u cannot take cooked meat smell ? When I was preg with my daughter last time, my MS was v bad, i became vegetarian first 20 weeks of pregnancy. When I order something I also ask them not to put garlic cos garlic was a big no no for me too.
If ur MS is v bad, do consider to get anti-MS meds from gynae.
They say MS peak week 9-10. I am week 8 tmrw. Can't wait to get over and done with.....
Santorini, I am aso lactose intolerance. I scare to eat cheese cos some cheese cannot eat. I scare I eat the wrong type of cheese.
Santorini, I was Week 8 yesterday and over the weekend n ph felt so lousy...really going to the peak liao....
Haiz.. I think I'm the worst here. I'm feeling very bad. Emo shit. I can't stop smoking till now. From the day I know is about a week. Managed to reduce to 2 sticks per day for the past few days, but today back to work is already 3 down.
I know how bad I am. Sigh..
As long as u stay away from those too exotic cheeses will be ok. Cheeses like cheddar, mozzarella, parmesan are ok. U can also check the labels of the cheeses to see if they are pasteurized or not. Like what Kitty say, stay away from blue cheeses, gorgonzola, Brie... Those cheeses cost a bomb in sg anyway. U can also drink soy milk for calcium. Not those buy from market one. Get those in the supermarket.

Aiyoh, I can't imagine if my MS gets worse....yeah just our luck we are in our first trimester this 2 weeks when there's so much good food.... Hang on in there... Important thing is CNY, we should be finishing our first trimester and at least start to enjoy food Liao. Fingers crossed
Santorini, I wanted to buy Mr Bean, but I think sometimes I drink I will go toliet too...Think later buy and share with my Hb, or else really no calcium.

I will miss the Yu Sheng, Sian...Never mind, after Confinement I will whack Sashimi, Yu Sheng and everything hahah. :p
Thanks mahjong, think, its hard for my boy not to be sticky sia, every morning will climb up my bed..

Santorini, ya, cannot take cooked meat smell, i walk past the roast pork stall can die man, for my boy last time, MS not that bad, i love salad and take all the time, this time round, i reject nearly all food..

rangerlove, better stop smoking, u wouldnt want a small, thin and sickly baby right.. Just go cold turkey, its all just pyschological.
MJ, we can eat yu sheng?? ;(

mummies, I'm still wearing 2.5" heels everyday and my job requires me to travel outdoor most of the time. Unless I tell my boss abt my preg, than i'll be allow to wear flats.. I'm still hesitating if i shld sound her out. ;(
Yes ET.. Definitely not.. I'm just gonna do it.. It just all lies within us. I'm thinking of taking a week leave to completely stop. I think I can do better at home
feeling sleepy..

Rainbow, am wearing heels too.. but i usually sit in the office.. if u walk around very often then probably its better to walk with a more comfortable pair of flats.. safer as well as its rainy weather most of the time.. U will still have to tell her sooner or later, right? so even if she is unhappy, there is also nothing she can do.

Rangerlove: hope you can overcome it.. u can do it de...
Sherry, I'm also very sleepy... *yawn* Yeah, I was thinking of changing to flats too.. Back aching with heels whole day.. Maybe i'll find a good time to talk to her this Thurs as I'm on leave on Fri!
hahaha. ya, cause u already worked in the firm for more than 3 months so you will be entitled to maternity leave even she is not happy..
i think 2 inch with good arch is actually good according to babycenter hehe
Last Sunday I ate cheese. Two slice of cheese. And u vommited. Vommit till my body feels weak. Milk also. I will vomit. I drink HL. Is it ok?
i cant stand the smell of meat too! wanted to take some hot dog n ham but the smell of it puts me away. my morning sickness gets worse as the day goes. it should be called afternn/evening sickness for me. lol... i am munching away nuts, sweets as i am typing. hehe.. i find it soothes a bit.
hi samantha,
If you ate cheese coz of calcium, you can try almond or spinach or kai lan.. I got lactose intolerant too. eat more of these for the calcium..
I cant stand eating chicken haha like very oliy to me makes me want to puke.

on Xmas, i had spotting so i went to see my doc today and saw baby's heartbeat!
But doc says baby is very small. I'm 6weeks odd but baby looks like 5weeks odd only 0.34cm is it normal?
How do i make sure baby is well and grow bigger?
Kelly, when I had my no.1, I was soo happy to see his heartbeat!!! Don't worry, they'll grow as days go by.

Aiyo, I love chic!! Think i gonna hv another boy.. lol
Hi Ladies,

How's everyone doing?

i missed my period, hopefully got good news. I have a boy in Jan 2010.

Kelly, if you have spotting, can try to cook glutinous rice with lotus (like porridge), boil with big fire, then turn to small fire and boild for another 1 hour then eat it. It might help.
BBL, how many times already? If more than 5-6 times better see in case of dehydration or u wanna try 100plus?

Wah seh, i'm so cold and hungryyyy...
maybe like what rainbow suggest, try 100plus lor.

In europe, doctor says diarrhea just drink coke w/o ice.

doc got say anything serious? drink more porridge water... suppose to be able to stop diarrhea and restore body water content.....

take care.
Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350
- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65
- 3 tins of Similac Mum (exp Oct'13), $12 each (*$30 if taking all 3 tins)
- Lamaze Spin & Explore Garden Gym @ $15
- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder & Wrist Rattle Set @ $10

Kindly PM me if keen/ for pics, thanks!
hi, I am new here, haven see gynae yet as appointment is at 9 Jan, edd calculate shld be 11 Aug 12. This is going to be the first child n I kindda worry how to get the child into a neighbourhood school..(a little too early to worry I guess
Hi everyone!

I'm new here too! EDD is end August. My #1 and I'm enjoying my changing body despite feeling nauseous almost whole day. I get waken up in the night by my nauseating state. Despite all, it's surreal.. Haven't seen gynae yet too.
I still sleepless now. Having heartburn now. Had hot plain water, bit still no help. Sprain the nerve on my butt. Ouch! Doc said me not to go tuina. But now pain like hell, no pain killer too.
Hi. Think its kinda early now but I could not sleep since half an hour ago, so decided to do my test. I thought it looks like a very faint positive. But its so faint that I think I am just imagining it. I woke my DH and he told me to test again tomorrow since its so faint. My LMP was 19 Nov so by right, it shouldn't be so faint right? Anybody else experience seeing a very faint line after so long? No other symptoms so far.
Elisa wang, Faint positive test indicates low hcg level. You should consult ur doctor soonest possible. Blood test can also be done to detect hcg level.try to use reliable test kit too. Good luck!

try the digital ones.. clearblue got digital ones that states "pregnant" or "not pregnant"
and if pregnant, tells u how many week pregnant.
Elisa, when I first tested, I experienced faint line too.. I retest again after 2 days at gynae's clinic, the result still the same. My Gynae said no worries and prescribe folic acid and progesterone to me. I took progesterone for about 3 weeks. Now only taking folic acid. I'm 8 weeks 6 days now.
Oops, to clarify, I mean now taking folic acid only, no more progesterone. Gynae told me, start taking multi vit after the first trimester.
Cathy, when i was preg with my no1, i tested with so many kits and last i rmb was clear blue! Lol lol. This preg abit bo chap, only went gp to do urine test and bought folic from unity.

Bbl, u better alrdy?
rainbow, yes.. this is my first pregnancy.. that morning.. tested with 2 kits(cheapskate strip and clearblue non digital/super senstiive). both shows faint line... had a small bicker with my hubby coz he keeps asking why i dun use the digital ones... end up i fedup.. go drink a lot of water.. then go pee on the digital one... when we both saw "pregnant"... really very happy wor.... at least $150 spent of pregnancy kits.. coz we kan cheong and everyday keep testing.. hehe.. but this is really a brand new experience and we both enjoyed it.
Rainbow, cannot eat Yusheng, so I feel so sian, but never mind. After Confinement and Next yr I will whack on YuSheng and alot of sashimi. I so craving for sashimi now but better be safe than sorry

Yar agree you should tell your boss.

Hello Vinwee.

Hello Dawn.

Elisawang, try testing again, sometimes the positive sign will show after a few days when hormones get stronger.

TBU, I felt that sometimes too.

Hello Junnie.
BBL, have you seen ur gynae? Hope u better already.

Today I woke up with no MS. Now I am worried. Sian. Yesterday at first no MS, then terrible MS. I keep thinking abt the statistic for the heartbeat argh, and my next appt is another 1 weeks plus away.

Cathy, Hahah I spend alot on the test stripes with my #1 too.

The Clear Blue got a short fall. Although show how many weeks preg, it only stay for 2 days. Last time when the clear blue only say preg or not preg, I think it stay forever....:p
