(2012/08) Aug 2012

when i see Dr Eunice for my no2 i feel her charges already increase. Dnt tell me now she increase even more? She's not v cheap already leh keke

For me, I had no choice but to say i was preggy to some cos some of them started noticing my 'strange behaviour'. Drink plain water, avoid alcohol etc.

Anyone is with Dr KC Yeo from TMC?

same here. Cos my boi & ger was 1 yr diff. Even hospital charges was increasing too. Tat y i dont c her so early. I went to c her wen i was abt 3 mths preg. Is to save some cost. I nt goin to take calcium pills frm her. As been drinking chocolate milk everyday.
Hello MTBs, what's the link to update the spreadsheet?

didn't log in for a while cos busy with work while my boss out. =(

by the way, anyone of you get diarrhea? i had it over the weekend starting on friday. about twice a day and didn't have much appetite to eat. feel so sick in the stomach... don't know if it's normal.

i'm seeing John Tee in KKH, anyone seeing him as well? My first appt with him is 9 Jan (such a long wait), would be probably 8 weeks by then. I wonder where else i could just go for a ultrasound scan to make sure baby is ok.
Sherry, my side effect also shiver, but my shiver damn jialat, I took epi from 11am, start shivering from like 6pm till I give birth at 8pm then shiver all the way till morning 5am.. The nurse have to give me 2 blankets and I can't even talk.. But that time when I deliver, epi useless cos my notti boy's head pressed on to my shit and urine nerves, damn Damn painful which even though I got take epi also useless..

Vinwee, I not so steady, I got take epi la.. But this time I wanna try natural la, but but if too painful then I surrender.. Hahaha..

But i damn like the doctor who administer the epi for me, he is fast and quick..
My booy also super sticky now!!!!! Is okie to carry, how heavy is your boy now?

2nd one will be faster (accordingly to a lot of mommies), so maybe can try natural w/o epi?

I am those scared pain like nut, but i can tahan ler.. and w/o epi the process faster (i heard).
ET> oh ok.. then i am lucky to suffer the shiver effects after birth.. how to push and concentrate when u shiver.. recently, a friend popped within 3 hours and epi din work on her too cause BB was pressing on her nerve.. she say it was terribly painful that she literally teared throughout the whole process..
Hi vinwee

Is true.. My 2nd preg took mi less than 4hrs to deliver my boi out. Labour pain I still can than de pain. Both preg I neber took edipural at all.
Hi vinwee! Yes i'm ok had to have plenty of bed rest so i slept alot. Hopefully when im sleeping baby grows.

The thread is moving exceptionally fast today had to read all slowly. hahaha.
Vinwee, my boy's weight is abt 9.5kg. How many mths is yr boy nw?

Epidural, my side effect is "both legs itch like hell the very next day" It's like bitten by 1000 of mozzie!! lol
I'm like trying to opt out epidural

My cousin took epi and pushed out my nephew in 8mins! I hope my baby can come out as fast so not so painful hahaha.
Hi, how long it take for #1?

Hi, great!! Just rest well!! Did you go and see doctor?

Mine is 12.5kg. Going to be 2 years old next mth.

I delivered mine within 20 mins upon i arrive in hospital this including walk from the entrace to the labour room. :p
Vinwee: Yes saw doc and baby's 6wks odd but very small also saw the heartbeat next appointment 2wks later. Cause of spotting had to rest.
Yar I heard induce more pain Santorini. Why were you ask to induce huh?

Vinwee, I test many times for my 1st preg. Cos I got 2 previous MC, so I want to make sure everything alrite. This time round I only test I think around 5 times, 2-3 cheapo want, 2-3 mid range one and 1 v ex one. Hahhaha. :p

Rainbow, My GAL going 16mths still dunno or dun really want to walk. Cruise and crawl very fast....sigh.

Cheri, I am seeing him as well on the 7Jan. I think you can see Dr Adrain at CCK and Sengkang if you just want a scan. I will be 9 weeks plus when I see Dr Tee.

ET I similar like you, but I dunno I want Epi or not leh...Half hearted. Wanted to try natural w/o Epi but scare really cmi and pain.

Anyone going to sign up for the thomson medical centre FBI or sbi card?can Pm me cos can share the referral discount
I was induced at 37weeks cos there was protein in my urine. Dr was worried that my kidneys were working too hard to process my own and baby's waste.
Vinwee, I use to hv very bad backache before preg but after preg not so le. Btw, I consume my own processed placenta! I dunno if this does help in building up my health.

Satorini, protein was found in my urine during my 5th mth detailed scan and I was on double dose of calcium.. I still hv 2 boxes in my cabinet nw.. Just taste yucky,

Mj, my boy still doesn't wanna say mum mum(eat) etc... A lot of my dec 10 thread friends, their tod alrdy walking and mumbling le.. Sigh
Hi Cheri, I'm seeing dr wee at kkh on 9 jan, so will be seeing u ard kkh. I had tummy pain last Sat nite n hb ks bring me to kkh emergency clinic n I had the ultrasound n hear the bb heartbeat
Hi vinwee
My #1 took mi almost 8 hrs to push my ger out w/o epidural. The pain is unbearable than my #2. my 2nd preg I still can endure the pain as nt much pain than my 1st preg. I did went swimming almost 2wks & walk to mrt (15mins) everyday. Easier to gif birth.
I wonder when can we start pre-natal massage? I heard can lessen water retention n pregrancy weight gain.. My fren did hers in KL n the lady also help her clear her block ducts. Any one got contacts of pre natal massage lady to share?
I think I gain too much weight le.. Cos when I took the train ppl look at me with those "is this girl pregrant n should I let her my sit look" OMG I look so fat!!! But I always hungry
Dawn: Dont worry i think you're not the only one here!! I'm eating and sleeping only. And i'm soon gonna be the same weight as my husband! hahah
=(. This two days I can't sleep well. Flip here flip there. My body will feel energetic. Is normal.? Today only my right Hand and leg keep wanna shake. Like blood flowing very fast keep on wanna move. Making me so impatient.
Don't think is good to go fr pre-natal massage now. Better in 2nd tri onwards.

As for water retention, you will not have it now. Must drink lot of water, the lesser you drink, the higher chances you get water retention.

How many weeks are you now? Don't worry about the weight gain, most important now is enjoy the pregnancy ma..
I lost all my weight and slimmer than b4. I can wear back all my jeans 2 weeks after giving birth and I ate a lot during pregnancy and after. 5 meals pre day till my #1 turn 15 mths, and supper every night.

Hi, yeap. I heard a lot that #2 one easier to push and come out. Faster as well.

Hi, sorry, didn't sign up for the TMC FBI or SCI card, perhaps any other can help you.

How you consume your own placenta??? I mean how you cook it???

How old is your boy now??? Mine is going to 2 yrs old end of next mth.

Aiyoh, just enjoy eating and sleeping now ya... I gain 17kgs b4 ler... :p

Thanks for your info. My friend trying to test hers as well. She misses her menses and anxiently waiting to re-test.

Yeap, I am very fast. I think one or two push gao dim. :p

Btw, your nick is Mahjong, you like to play MJ?

Keep wanna to shake your leg and hand??
hi mummies,
i'm new here. i've missed my menses for almost 2mths as my menses has been very regular every month.
i've done the pregnancy test and was tested as positive. however, i have yet to consult any gynae.
as i do not know which gynae should i go for, whether a male or a female?
any recommendations to share?

i like to know if i am really pregnant, can i still travel?
planning to go Tokyo next april. is it advisable?

thanks, mummies.
Vinwee, my boy is 13 mths today! As for e placenta, i get someone else to do it and paid for her service. She'll processed it and grind till powder form than put it in e capsule. E size of placenta will determine e number of capsules. My mum and sis say i very er xin!
Vinwee, i have a blog post which is for consuming placenta


I ever tot of it too, but then, my hubby cant bring himself to handle the placenta.. hahahaa.. But I heard many mixed reviews on this topic..

Welcome JK, male or female gynae is up to your comfort level.. This first time i look for gynae is based on location first, after first visit, find that he is very nice and gentle, i continued there.. Only just recently i found out my gynae is rather expensive, hahaha, but never mind la, for the convienence and comfort level, i will continue with my gynae.. hehe..

BBL, hope you are fine already..
vinwee, first time noob... forgot which day i ovaluation.. tried after 7 days... tried daily.. dunno disappointed how many times le.. whahaha...

havent started buying.. was just looking around.. so excited lo...
jk, i heard 2nd trimester can travel.. 3rd trimester cannot le i think... i also not very sure... :p but hor, japan ar?? i remember reading the news that the radiation is going to affect the foetus and small baby. Meaning for 5 years, cannot go japan.. hmmm where did i read that?? anyone read similar stuff??
Hi, welcome.

You are not sure, you can go any GP for BT to confirm. But since you testes positive and misses your menses two month.

As for gynae, it really based on which gender you are comfortable with. And at your convenient.

Travel, I have been travel a lot during my pregnancy. from 3rd mths onwards till up to the airlines restriction. BUT all this is still depends on your condition, better seek for gynae advise and your gynae need to prepare a letter for you to travel in case custom check.

LOL.. is not er xin at all. A lot of people do so. I will not surprise those hospital staff sell away our placenta if we want to discard it in the hospital.

Hi, you recover already? Feeling much better now?

thanks for your info. YU YAN SENG actually helping ppl to make it into capsule? Can consider wor, i dare not take and cook it as well. But i know a lot of people consume it.

Hi, nevermind how many times disappointed but it comes now! Enjoy your pregnancy.

I wish my friend will be like you, can get preggie soon.
vinwee, good luck to ur friend.. i strongly encourage the digital clearblue pregnancy kit.. coz initially the line really faint till u doubt that it exists... hehe..
Thanks ET, Cathy & Vinwee for sharing with me.

Do you mummies have any idea, the airlines restriction is capped at which months onwards?
woot.. was telling my hubby abt the placenta thingy.. how they make into capsules.. he said he will do it for me.. hehee ... i realised pregnant liao really can become queen.. want wind got wind.. want rain got rain.. whahahha
looks like alot of you are 2nd time mummy. me too.. i think my boy is probably among the oldest one. he's 44 months now. tried 2 years for my #2 without success and was actually supposed to start my IVF this month but my last cycle which we didn't really care about, we actually striked. =)

mahjonglove, thanks for your advise! guess now only left 1+ weeks, maybe just wait to see john tee. where did you get your scan at 6w+?

dawn, i hope all was well for you. still having tummyache? i also had diarrhea over the weekend but not really bad tummyache just kept feeling sick in the tummy and don't feel like eating.

re: placenta
this looks pretty interesting and i might considering doing it. anyone knows what's the benefits of consuming?

I asked my friend go and buy clearblue or go GP for blood test, she misses her period for a week. Used those cheap test, neg result.

You thinking to make your placenta into capsule?
Different airlines has different restriction. But in April, if your gynae allow, still okie to travel. my last travel is 6 or 7 weeks before my due date.

Your #1 can help you with #2 when u give birth.
would be glad if any mummies can advise the place and cost for placenta encapsulation. =)if eat already still need to 做月?
vinwee, for me, i was having very serious MS that time.. and i also tested negative.. but i suspected its pregnancy, so i didnt dare take any medication for gastric.. i went to Mt A 24hr clinic to do blood test. result out in 1-2 hrs. Go GP will take a few days.. suggest she can go Mt A.go before 6pm if not will have $20 surcharge.

Yes.. seems like eating placenta is good for the mother body to recover faster so can have 2nd baby faster. after hearing it, my hubby said "GOOD!! MUST EAT!!"
rykiel, i think confirm need to 做月. the placenta capsule is just like additional supplements. u dun like 做月 ar? for me, i cannot stand vinegar and ginger.. i dunno how i can survive that 1 mth too...
Rainbow, never mind, just take things easy. Diff baby develop at diff speed.

How much does it cost to process the placenta? Is it yucky to taste huh? Really help in health and complexion?

Vinwee, yar hahah like to play MJ. :p

BBL, hope you feel better.
cathy, hannor. =P. i 偷洗头 no.1 often haven rain ah. my head predicted liao. panadol no cure one lor! TMD. hehehe.. i now emailing quite a few people on the placenta encapsulation. hope to get a price n more facts soon.

still unsure of my EDD. hvn seen gynae since +. so im like lounging from july to aug thread. hehe
