(2012/08) Aug 2012

Happy : i tink a motherhood fair coming up in june ..

rykiel : its pricey .. but hubby just love it too much .. bo pian .. he wan he buy
jljz: my SIL is using one, the bottom one always her big one sit.. her bb under 1YO sit on top. hmm. the bb always on fan, the bottom seat no on fan. =x idk y. but he no complain hot. u can put them to face one another. u go to -> http://www.babyjogger.com/joggers_strollers.aspx than click on city select. u go n see the various positions. my #1 alr 6YO liaos.. actually i wanted to buy. but tink tink ill be spending 1K+ on a stoller. my #1 time i only bought the mamalove stroller for dk like hw much nia. nw spend so much abit wasteful. than heng i din make any plans to buy any. cos i got one foc one from hub uncle.
=) will go take a look thanks! but thinking if i shuold be getting any... current car boot space may not have enuff to put a double or tandem stroller! hahaha...
jljz: oh ya!!! must warn u the cityselect go in car v mafan. hahah cos big n bulky. although the wheels can remove la. but imagine load stroller into boot and still have to remove wheels, reach liao still hv to attach back.

i now think until soon ill be pushing a pram, gathering milk powder, hotflask, pack diapers, pack clothings, wet tissues all.. *phew* sounds kinda tiring. esp whn my #1 & #2 gap is 6Yrs. nw old liao than tape rewinded.
Happy: there a motherhood fair in expo from 31 may till 3 jun.

On strollers, imo would not get those jogger strollers, those with big big wheels cos besides being bulky, it's harder to move around small spaces like in the urban shopping malls. But those are good if u intend to bring bb for ur jogging, bigger wheels make it more stable under faster speed.
JA, Urchin, Loves and the NE mummies:
sweet~ we shall have bb gathering during ML *hahaha*

handy when ur bb needs to nap n to places not bb/ kids friendly.
i love my inglesina which is still holding up well for my #1 at 17kgs. no problem for my #2, jus some washing i guess.

Star, having a stroller tat last is gd for travelling and long day outing.
my #1 is 4 this yr but i still bring stroller out if i need to b out more from noon till nite so she can sleep in n our schedule is not disturb jus becos she needs to go hm for naps.
tired kids r no fun outside.
but i am against pri sch age going kids in strollers.

i tot of this problem.
so i guess if both tired then #1 goes in stroller cos too heavy to carry and #2 in carrier or sarong

My gynae nv tells me bb weight also unless i ask.
usually he jus tells me bb growth based on the date meaning bb size now is abt 26wk+/-3days
Hi mummies,
It a tired and long day for me. Having been having stomach upset. Just got the 1 month extension letter from my boss till end of July. It stated all T & C remain unchanged as previous contract. When I check with him on what if I go for early delivery then do I have to compensate the company, he just tell me it all depend on him and tell me after deduct my leave he c if he can take it as HL. Then I mention the most I only stay in hospital for 3 days then if can't claim under HL then how. Then he said the most only compensate a few days so I got nothing to loss. But it dosen't make sense to me.

The reason for me to extend is to save more money due I will stop work for a while and I dun have maternity benefit since I am a contract staff. Then if I dun get a whole month pay and still need to compensate after I zhou niu Zhou ma for them and still have to worry abt compensate things. Think I will go crazy.
Dear starfantasy,
How to post the chart here huh? I try finding online. 

Dear gloomybear & hazel_nutty
Gynae gave me to rest lo. Probably cos of my adenomyosis. uterus swollen n baby squeezy. These 2 days I felt more breathless than normal n had dizzy spells. Quite scary. 

Dear hazel nutty,
For baby's weight, it's estimated based on baby's tummy circumference n appears with EDD on the scanned photo n gynae's scanner's monitor for my case. The gynae can do the setting to show I think. Maybe ur next visit u ask ur gynae?

Re: stroller
I also bought peg perego cos sturdy. Heavy but hubby carries. Lol. We both think stability during the hours of usage is more impt than the weight. When I'm out alone I guess I'd use carrier. And I hope to hv number 2 or even number 3 so need a better quality one to last longer. 

Re: Philips fair
Anyone intending to go n buy stuff? I thinking their airfryer. Anyone used before?

Re: maid
Mine reached Singapore! Picking her up next wed. Planning her timetable n my regulations these two days. Hope she'd help me more than harm me!!!

Re: WBB lesson on baby hazards
1. Shaken baby syndrome - when shaken too hard especially when care giver is frustrated or wants to make baby dizzy to sleep faster, baby will bleed through eyes, ears etc within minutes. 
2. Sarong - when shaken hard, bad for spine n skull n may cause shaken baby syndrome
3. Cleaning ears - just cotton bud on exterior will do. The wax is to protect the ears. If clean too deep, will affect hearing. 
4. Cleaning tongue - unnecessary but if die die want, wrap a gauze around finger n swipe once will do. Never use cotton pad, baby might choke. 
5. Pillows - Babies don't need pillows till 1-year old. Many suffocation incidents caused by pillows.
6. Bibs & Hoods/Capes - Never let baby sleep in those, they may suffocate. 
7. Shoes - don't wear shoes for them when they can't even walk. Though cute, they restrict growth n feet may be deformed. 
8. Mucus - don't stuff cotton buds in too deep to clear mucus, it may get stuck inside. 
9. Breast feeding n falling asleep - mummies need to lie sideways with one hand under head's pillow, one pillow at the back, one pillow in between the legs n baby lying beside on the bed. If mum falls asleep in this position, she won't roll onto baby. Ensure no pillows are near baby n may suffocate baby. 
10. Choking - if baby chokes, turn baby face down n use ball of palm to hit baby's back 5 times firmly but not with sheer force. Don't try medicated oil, pressing chin, etc. if nothing is done, baby is brain dead in 5 minutes. 

WBB also taught us how to bathe, wrap, massage baby. And on CPR, etc. I think I still missed out on what she taught. Need to revise her textbooks. You gals can try signing up for her classes last minute or buy her books lo. Very informative
Jen: mothers' gathering sounds good

MummyR: where to get the shampoo?

Hazel: take care ya...

Sashamama: thanks for the bb hazard lesson. Take care too.
Mummyr, where do I buy the non-rinse shampoo? Is it water based then just clean off? I am interested to get too. Last time I use powder shampoo n didn't like it.
Sashamama: can post the link here? Stroller if bb go infant care nxt time at my workplace i'll be the one to carry, so light but sturdy is impt for me.

Jen: i will avoid taking kid with us or me if have to go out for long hours. Also don intend to take kid out for holiday until she older can can remember the things around here. XD if taking kid out, the main focus is the kids.. Heehee or else would get mother or mil to look after in the house.
@nahnah & starfantasy - Thanks for the motherhood info! Hopefully i can get a good deal for the stroller.

@Sashamama - The airfryer churned food more like baked stuff rather than fried. I think fried food is still fried food.. need hot oil! hahaha! I will go for deep fryer actually. LOL! Air Fryer review is difficult to clean. You should find out more. Because of that i didn't buy when i heard the cleaning is not easy.

@vivaval - My place is Coralinus - the one that got the sheng xiong

Anyone buying like warmer equipment to warm BM? Or just the traditional like put BM into a cup with hot water to warm the milk will do?

I am quite freaked out on the confinement lady shaking the baby hard. Goodness.. Ok! I think i better be a hardworking mom and learn as much as i can from the CL and do more hands on. If not she gone i also lost.

Can't wait to start my lesson with WBB in June
Happy: i got the air fryer but i don't think it's hard to clean? Basically only 2 parts to clean after fry every time.

Sashamama: i got the air fryer and imo it's a healthier choice to fried food. Have to agree with happy that not all food can use the airfryer, some still have to use the hot oil. But it's great for food like fries, nuggets and chicken wings. Using the airfryer would give u the crisp but not greasy at all. On fact, it will "squeeze" any additional oil out. Overall, it's not must have (since having fries, nuggets etc be it oil fried or air fried still not part of healthy diet) but good to have if u have the extra cash.
@starfantasy - i see! ya i see pple doing fries, nuggets and wings like u mentioned. I think another plus point is not greasy! Even the deep fryer also will be greasy :p

Any HappyCallPan fanatics here?
mummyr: thanks for the shampoo link! =) where u bought it btw?

sashamama: shareshare with me ur timetable if u dun mind =)! mine i tink still in her country doin paperwrk. mine shud b est ard june end?

LSK: [email protected] i added u under this email on fb but cant find u. u add me bah. =)

Wang huiqi grace : added u =) accept thn i add

healthychild: ur first post here?
vivaval: I should be shifting there next yr. Collected keys since last yr and have not done anything lol.
which blk are u at?
re: happycall
i have 2 and love it
there is a happycall receipe sharing group on facebook...PM me if u r keen to join
from someone who cant cook at all...i am now cooking ocasionally! :p
i have air fryer too but prefer to use the oven or happycall rather than wash the air fryer...hehee

bought the shampoo at a warehouse sale previously...cant rem where...hehe
dont need wash off...it is liquid and you just pour and rub and dry your hair

most prob ordering thru amazon if cant find in shops this time

i didnt get a warmer cos my friend says it takes longer than using warm water...so i use the warm water method to warm ebm, water cant be too hot else nutrients in ebm will be lost
i will bu se de keep bb at hm while i go out so usually tug big bag small bag out for exp CNY visiting.

i got mine n loving it.
so far i other then the usually nuggets/ fries/ pre fried stuff, i also did breaded fish/ chicken, meat balls, gd to fried tau kua too, double up as my toaster cos i toast my ham n cheese inside for 2-3mins. washing wise is simple leh, jus the drawer unit.
no need oil, no need clean my whole kitchen, no need to stand n c n scare oil splatter on me.
i not so into it cos i am lazy to clean hse n unlike airfryer, i still need to use oil so no diff from me cooking using normal wares.
but i know alot of ppl who love it
Jen: Haha, understand, maybe next time I might be like that too. But I always try to keep in mind that even with bb, must still work on the relationship with hubby such as going out alone on dates with him. =P
i am lucky to b wkend mummy.
so sometimes me n hb skip visitng my girl at MIl place n go dating. thus on wkends if we do need to go out, she definately comes along.
i think its super ex to bring in 1 bottle lo..
someone must organise Spree liao..we order together.

i dont mind to start one as i have Vpost account..
who is interested but i am staying in Jurong west, thats an issue if u all wanna collect.
BBL: hanor. i also have, cwg, vpost all have! maybe go racky ltr or tmr. than decide? er.. but 1 bottle can use how long? =x
