(2012/08) Aug 2012

Urchin, like to check is the size L that on the top u buy from Shen kwong is long sleeve or short? Cos my hb ask me maybe the S and L indication on the packing mean long sleeve and short sleeve. So maybe their bb clothes really free size. Ha ha.... And they only have different design only.

BTW, ayukie and anyone else kw where can I get medela breast pump spare part? As my friend is giving me a medela double pump but I not sure where to get the spare part.

Ayukie: Your bp seems fine? Maybe cos you might be resting too much? I did expereince giddy and headache if I sleep too much. On taobao, actually if you are okie in reading chinese, you can buy yourself since taobao now accepts international credit cards. If your agent charges service fee then i't would be cheaper to buy yourself. Also agent exchange rate is not that great. =)
Ayukie, so u manage to get hl from ur gynae? Do u need to be on observation for 8 hrs before they give u HL or just request can already? Cos one of my colleague said need to go under observation for 8 hrs before they can give u HL
The tops i bought seems to b free size. The girl told me suitable for 0-4 mths. But compare with other clothes i got it is larger then nb, then ard the same to those 0-3, 3-6. They have S & L on the plastic bag. But i think is sleeve length. But the shorts i have has those 'L' round stickers on each n every one of them. N they look much bigger than those sold lor. If baby wear i think can go beyond kneecap. So not really shorts, might as well go w/o bottoms. Haha.
Hazel. - yeah gt the Hl was observed for awhile lor .. Also fix date for my c-sect 13 aug .. My head still feels faint but need to register at the hosp before can get the Hl ..
Star - I feel better after I eat buy after awhile the head gone case again dunno why .. Usu my bpi is 110 ard and around 80 this time 60 odd .. But I gt low bpi b4 Preg also ..
Dunno cause last time they didn't accept intl card and no vpost china but then hor I don't really like vpost too ..
morning mummies & babies, seem to have been missing in posting these few days. hehehe. silently reading thru emails on all ur posts. ahahaha..

the bugis shop jin popular eh? tink ill drop by in july to grab those i need. till now i still haven bought anything sia. powerful. hahaha. still too relax now. sharks man.

im only eager to wait for the maid to come in, dk when she coming in, nw alr 21/05 liaos... i need more hands to help me. now do simple little things im panting!!!

ayukie: u do tkkare ok, rest more.

now that they accept the intl cc, find sellers that ship to sg direct, but find those shops that u can buy alot. else get an agent. else u ship in 1 by 1 it'll cost just like sg =)

i just swallowed a nutella spread bread n the one inside kungfu-ing. sometimes i drink hot soup, he sicks, cold milk also kicks, so is shocked n awaken or he likes it? =x
Ayukie: now china still don't have vpost la, u need to find a shipper to ship stuff for u. It might seem a bit hassle at first but then after u get the hang of it and if u do spend quite a bit on online shopping, the long term savings are there
morning all.... wow i havent had time to post on here for quite sometime...hope you are all doing good...im in my 29th week!!

Im feeling soooo hot and im glad im not the only one...these hormones are driving me nuts...and the weather is generally so hot....def gona suffer when deliver in August its gona be so warm!!

Im also feeling tight feeling more near my belly button...gynae said its cos im so slim and i can actually feel the stretching of the uterus... started to feel braxton hicks contrations...but she said as long as they go away when we rest its ok.

during my first confinement i bathed everyday with warm water...just wasnt allowed any aircon!!
Rykiel: humm, i think bb can feel the temp change so he move a bit to get use to it? Unless everytime u do that bb kicks else harf to determine if bb likes it or not. For me, bb sure got movement everytime i let bb listen to music and sometimes if i miss the time, bb will kick to remind me.. Hehe
hi mummies,
its a lonely wk ahead again. hb is away again this wk

can't believe i am like going into tri 3 n i am still not prepared for bb's arrival.
hse still messy, clothes still in boxes stacked inside storage.

need to get organise, get down to do the test for maid then select maid first.
jen when is ur due date...

i finally got my daughters old clothes out and washed them and put them one side...thought better do it while i still have a bit of energy.
H: wah. u bathe everyday. *envy* .. i din get to bathe everyday ok. i get to b in the toilet to wipe only. WIPE! wtf-.-" but considering my body i din do anything alr so weak n jialat i tink must lun abit. hais.

star: miss timing also bb will kick!!! so nice!!! i only notice if someone wans to touch my belly even thou he's moving he will stop. thn must hold v long than he will start moving again. my guess is either hand temp diff, he knw is diff person n not mummy. hehehe.

jen: same here i din prepare anything. whole house like siao. n i din mop like for 1wk liao. SHARks. =( u getting a maid? when u need her? transfer or? transfer de will be faster.. if new filipino will take about 6-8weeks excluding choosing all. =)
H, my EDD 18Aug
i don think will wash now still too early, still got 3mths, wash liao also still dusty by then.

i thinking of getting maid in ard mid july. dunno transfer or new. need to go do the test first then select. i prefer indo maids but now seems they got alot of problems so gonna check with agent, i will not get pinoy maids so if indo maids really cannot hang clothes out of window then i will opt for myammar maid.

i am fine with transfer or new.
Rykiel... What's the reason for not being allowed to bathe? In UK its not an issue but here in Singapore ive heard that shouldnt bathe.
Rykiel: mine also.. Naughty! Bb can be moving and kicking but stop immed when someone hand rest on the belly. Ytd went to hubby colleague newborn first month party. Before go will tell bb not to be jealous, mummy only go there see see only. So i go and touch the newborn, bb still okie but i never carry cos with belly hard to carry. Then saw another hubby colleague 10 mth daughter and he offer to let me carry her. So he put the girl on my lap and bb started kicking. So bb jealous.. Hahaha
jen: hmm u go sign up for the singaporepoly thingy first the course one, than go find agency, than slowly source, dun pay any thing first. transfer shud be 1-2wks? new 6-8wks excluding ur choosing time n application time. ill advise u take the sp course for $30 first. cos without that u cant employ. aft that than u source ard for maids =) i opted for filipino. indo i cant communicate.

H: wind will go in. cos all the 毛孔 open up. i only wipe up with warm water. bathe with herbs fortnightly. hair wise nth was done until i bth i went to wash my hair one fine day n it got worst for my migraine.

star: wah!! i was forbidden to touch ppl's bb leh. i can touch my brother in laws kids, above 2YO.. newborn bb i cant touch. SIL small son b4 preggy all can, preggy liao cant touch. idk y. n i was told don touch ppl bb. =\ i also dk y la. my MIL v superstitious one.

i tink bb pressing on bladder too much, b4 gg out for lunch i emptied bladder. liner clean n fresh still, back from lunch, liner was wet. wtf. but i din feel leaks.
For those mummies who are breastfeeding, how are you mummies storing the breastmilk? Cups or bags? Which ones are more economical and where to get them?
Beetlebug, I thinking of storing in cups...

IMO, cups will be more eonomical coz u can reuse after sterilising.

Then again, u might need to get quite a number of them. also, they take up space in ur fridge.

For bags, it saves space but its quite costly depends on the brand (not reuseable). I saw the TS blue eggs at Kiddy Palace selling at 12.50 for 20 bags.
i went agency to find out cost of getting a maid. now jus lazy to go take the sp course n becos the cert is only valid 3 mths so i drag until now. i nv pay anything lah. i am very open for my selection, new or transfer no prob. myammer or indo also ok (if rules abt the clothes hanging don apply) cos only thing is i will not get pinoy maid.
I used Nanny milkbags to store breastmilk for #1. $8.50 for 25 bags, free delivery. Google for their name and look at the promotion page.

Do not store too much in each bag. To defrost, need to put whole bag into warm water and give to baby in one sitting. I used to store 200ml in each bag, but learnt my lesson now. Probably 100ml or 150ml max is more realistic.
You might not hv enough time to get a new maid in if you want July. I found n booked my new pinoy in late march n she just arrived, picking her on Wednesday. Indons for sure cannot hang clothes out. Myanmar very poor standard of English. You'd get a better feel if you go and source n ask questions, interview etc
indo maid cannot hang clothes out - confirm cannot ah? by law?
pinoy is straight out (for personal reasons)
Myanmar - if tat is my only choice left i will jus have to learn to deal with it.
hopefully my colleague can help me with language.

i have yet to do the test so nv go interview, source or ask yet.
if not enuff time for maid to come also no choice.
oredi resign to fate, get early come late, get early nv come, get liao not happy or not suited.
maid problem is like my biggest problem now *haix*
got heart no energy.
really cannot get in time then get part time helper come in n help till i can get a suitable one lor.
these days so tired n hb is not ard still have to work n settle all these problems alone. n #1 sch next yr changing to PCF at my place n was told K1 class need to ballot.

i hear liao also sianz.
so many things yet nothing can be settled.
Hey Jen,
I called my agent to ask. Indonesia maid by law cannot hang clothes out nor wash exterior of windows. This is confirmed. Pinoy n Myanmar no such laws yet but probably will, eventually. Also, actually cars for all nationalities can't wash too, maid can complain.

Transfer maid can take as short as 1 week to get, so if you want transfer, there's a lot of time to source and interview

I think transfer or new, Indon or pinoy or Myanmar, married or single etc etc doesn't for sure determine the maid will or will not give problems. For me cos I hv dog, so Indons are out.

The Singapore poly online course one night can settle. Just look thru the slides (the system allocates a period of time per slide, cannot forward). Then a 10-question mcq test that can confirm get full marks one. Whole process will just take 1 hour

Don't stress ya? Jiayou! I understand without hubby around must feel helpless! Yesterday I had to go ikea alone to buy some stuff n cos hubby had to work, I had to go alone n felt overwhelmed n cried. Luckily my younger bro n wife went there to find me. Cos I had to buy cupboard, table, linen, etc and hv been dizzy lately. You must be strong n take care ya?
thanks for the info. sucks! y i want maid cannot hang clothes out to sun then HDB don allow us to have those structures along corridor to dry clothes also.
i can speak some bahasa n have exp with indo maids last time so prefer indon. but the new rulings r jus plain DUMB! MIL told me if not we hang clothes out ourself lor.
i was like then get maid for wat, u help me jaga the kids n clothes also must hang myself then might as well don get maid. jus part time cleaner come alt days to clean hse can liao.

cars i don expect maids to wash, think its kinda ridiculous.

the sp online course -- i simply lazy *oops*
being ages since i last on my com at hm oredi dusty liao :p

suddenly my morale is in a all time low again.
think is those sickening ppl n comments again.
Hi, for mummies who have used baby slings before, can you recommend which types are easy to use and good? I did not use any for my boy, but thinking it will be good to get one for #2. Also, is it better to buy after the baby is out, so I can see her preferences?
Jen, same here, the bb stuff all still lying on the floor, in their plastic bag/boxes. i ordered a cupbard to be delivered in early July, then clean everything n pack together. otherwise nearer the EDD got to wash again..
hello mummies, i have been down...haiz repost from my FB.
now my turn to look for a new maid. damn angry, just renew my maid in Feb now wants to change employer.she has been showing her temper recently giving me black face. just now confronted her that she has been so unhappy and impatient recently, she said yes. then i told her if you want to change employer u can, and without thinking she said yes. so ok lor, change. then hb spoke to her earlier and told her will help her look for employer and meanwhile we look for a new maid. she said she will look for employer herself, must be got lobang that's why showing all these crap. i am so angry cos just renewed her 3 mths back, what a waste of $$. feel like slapping her and send her back home directly but means I gotta spend another $500 for her air ticket.me heartpain my $$. at the same time, i dont want her to do funny things meanwhile. haiz headache, i treat mine so good give in to each of her request, and this is what I get. I am on 2 days MC cos coughing for 2 weeks and slight bronchitics. then this happen and my boy also diarrhea so with me at home and cant rest much. now looking at maid bio, see liao also sianz, all that face.
Hazel, BB Clothes-Ya at first I thought getting S, M, L size tops & bottoms 3 sets each but it seems like Urchin said that they are free size?

Breast Pumps-The one my gf gave was an Avent single electric with some parts and instructions box missing. I have also not used Avent before.
Thinking of saving the hassle might as well get a new set of Medela Freestyle cos when I used Medela Swing(single electric)last time, one side pumping and 1 side leaking.. very messy..
Beauty loft replied they have new stocks coming in weekly so I am thinking to get the set from her in July since planning my C-sect early August.

AG, maids are sometimes really headaches.. at times just have to close one eye.
Mine is no. 3 maid before we learn to accept their flaws and now we just install CCTVs at least more at ease.
As long as we see our gal well and happy when we get home, can't expect a lot from them.
nikki, I already close both my eyes cos I knows she goes downstairs to talk to other ppl after sending my boy to fullday CC, she can use her hp anytime and gets her offday. I think she mix too much with others liao and she dont want to look after bb cos she ever mentioned to my auntie's maid before.
btw, anyone got contact for prenatal massage...i need it badly now cos I sprained my left shoulder now so painful..
beetlebug: my friend lent me those glass type so not sure how much are those.

seems like some mummies got quite a good deal for the milkbags.
Rykiel: My mum also told me not to touch bb but I not pantang kind so cannot resist see bb so cute. I got ask my mum reason why cannot see or even touch, she say cos children are very senstive, be it they are born or not. So if the newborn and your unborn "don't like each other", then the newborn will be very difficult to handle (like throw temper) for the next few days or for a while; as for the unborn, if light would be just diffcult to handle as well (as in will keep trashing in the tummy) or worst will leave (aka miscarriage) esp in early trimester. For urine leak, pelvic floor exercise very good to reduce or prevent that. And that exercise can be done discretly and don't waste any time (eg while sitting or standing in the public transport or waiting for something or someone or even working)

beetlebug: Glass bottles is the best for storing breast milk but it would not be that practical. I think plastic cups are the next best thing as bags hard to reuse and hard to handle also. Unless you really have a lot of extra breast milk such that bb cannot finish within the next few days, it is not advisable to freeze the the breast milk as it will alter the taste. If bb is the fussy kind, won't take already then wasted (happen to one of my colleage).

Jen: that law that indo maid cannot hang clothes or wash windows is just plain stupid, actually I feel that as long as safety precautions (such as getting a leash around the waist those stuff to prove) are taken then it should be fine. My indo maid still does the 2 chores but we would always remind her to be careful and make sure more than half of her body is in the house so that she doesn't fall. And of course we don't make her clean the exterior facing window.
AG, till now I only give my maid her hp when we are at home and not anytime.
Only thing that we gave in is off day now which was initially not given.
Thought we wanted to have some personal time without her at times.
But once they challenge that they have thoughts of going back to agency or changing employer, then it's best to let them go.
The clothes from bugis has no markings on them. N the salesgirl got them from the shelf for me so i also dunno if there's any sizing. N i doubt u'll know wat size they r if they dun help u. So mayb u can ask the ppl there.
Anyone knows when the kiddy palace sales end?? I m thinking of buying some things but need to get member card from my sis n want to see if the fair has better offers.
Hi hazel
Can I check with you something ?
I saw you posted philips has warehouse sales this weekend, is it open to public?
From when to when ? What time to what time? Any idea?

On kiddypalace sale: discount also applies for johnson & johnson items despite nett price tag. Which means those want to buy desitin nappy rash cream can grab the twin pack for more discount!
