(2012/06) Jun 2012

Lili gal - ya 5 epi!! When I was admitted, still no dilation n cervix still not soften, head haven't descend low enough n yet I had contraction pains already. Bcos of his op position, dilation was v v slow for me. End up even by the time fully dilated, push also no use, can't get him out so end up emergency csec! Wasted a lot of money n time n effort but at least I tried going thru natural. Bill 5 figures!

Emergency c sec vs elective c sec

Actually what's the difference? When do they charge as emergency c sec? Cos I went into labour naturally for 8 hours then ended with c sec as advised by doc. Is that considered e c sec?


Ah ok. 38 weeks is ok. Not to worry. Yes, u can request for the dr doing the epi. Normally your gyn would write that as well as the PD details in your hosp admission info. For my case, I asked my gyn who she typically works with. Yvonne Lim was the one doing the Epi. I requested to use my own PD cos he was recommended by our family.
Hi ladies.. thanks for all the well wishes for my c-sec tmr!
Yes, I'm very excited.. less than 24hrs to go!!!

Tirabon, hopefully you'll get a better LC this time round.. if you not, you can always ask for a different one?

Re chicken, I think most people advised avoiding chicken as it may cause the wound to itch. I don't know how true is that, but no harm to try it to avoid complications with an itching wound :p

Ssmilezz, emergency is when normal natural delivery doesn't work, while elective is scheduled beforehand. Emergency will incur higher charges since besides the labour room, you need to pay for the operating theatre (and all the accompanying equipment for both venues) as well. In my case, as it's elective, I can skip the labour ward and got straight to OT. Yes, yours is considered e c-sec.
Hopecg - 5 epi is not the jab tube, it's the storage tube (containing epi) that is inserted into the machine that releases the epi medi. The storage epi medi is not in a form of packet but in tube container type. So once the epi medi finish, they replace with another one. I stay in the labour ward for more than 24hrs waiting for dilation to happen despite all the all the contractions pain n induction n drip, (I think got injection also but can't remember for what purpose), still my dilation took v long to happen so the epi medi kept running n running until b4 I go for emergency csec.

Ssmilezz - yes like what nattan said, urs is considered emergency csec, jus like mine but ur labour only 8hrs in the labour ward. The longer u stay at the labour ward also will cost more then booking the ot last min due to emergency csec n getting the nurses n doctors ready for the csec at such short notice will all cost more than a elective one since they already book everything b4hand. Then bvos I had 2 wound for my 1st labour (tummy n below), I was asked to stay in hosp for another extra night, so all in all my bill was really exp!
Congrats Anna

Yo, Nattan, jia you

Hi Smilez,

Your baby similar to mine leh in terms of their birthdate. Hehehe mi oso using medela freestyle leh.
sometimes wish the suction power is better n great so that pumping milk takes lesser time. Mi oso c-sec leh, yo, we kannot do Jamu massage yet right huh? Looking forward to it actually hahsha

So many of us have popped. Think a lot of us are in moo moo mode now. yo, any good PD near Marineparade area huh? Any recommendation huh? Can share your views on vaccination in polyclinic v GP huh?
Thanks Cyn and Sunbelle
My first major surgery.. so a bit apprehensive. But I trust God that everything will turn out well.

Sunbelle, I also got a Medela Freestyle
Have you used yours before? How long does it take for you to pump? For c-sec, it's advisable to wait till after the doctor's review of the wound before you start the massage. I plan to start mine only 2 weeks after delivery, firstly for the doctor's review and also to settle into the baby routine first.

I'm planning to bring my boy for vaccination at the polyclinic as it's cheaper. However, I also read that KKH has comparable vaccine package, so you might want to check it out if it's not too inconvenient for you. I stay in the east so it's a little far for me. I'm not sure if the first shots will be done in the hospital at birth? Any mums care to share?
Breast pump - I personally prefer avent. I ve medala swing but find the suction v weak then later I switch to avent duo, it was so much better.

Vaccine at hosp - I think ve Le. If I'm not wrong, it's bcg n hep

Pd at marine parade area - i'm also living v close to marine parade area!
my #2 pd is at PEH kinder clinic dr Cheng. V nice doc although not as ks as my #1 pd (dr Wong may ling) at paragon but I switch both my kids to kinderclinic bcos they open certain days at night n also (touchwood) if child need to hospitalized, they can go PEH (nearest hosp fr my house) n the pd can attend to my child there n monitor him. Dr wong at paragon is my backup pd in case dr Cheng go on leave, but If need admit (touchwood!) will b at mt e which is far n expensive. As for gp, I go to siglap c&k family clinic, he is also a v nice n caring doc, my #1 will go to him nowadays for normal flu n cold. He open at nite also n is 7days a wk including ph but wkend/ph open in morning only.
Cyn, what are Dr Cheng's fees like? I think I should look for a PD for specialist care, just in case. PEH is also my preferred hospital and I'm delivering there too.
Nattan - consultation fees $60-80 lor. For vaccine they ve package price. Can't remember how much but of course Polyclinic will b cheaper la. Btw, for ur delivery, ve u chosen ur pd? Since u delivering at PEH, I think u can choose him. I'm delivering at mt e so I can't choose him since he only attend to PEH. But I chose dr Siva (also kinder clinic but he is usually at paragon kinder clinic but also go to PEH on fri nites), but after discharge fr hosp, I will switch to dr Cheng again for my #3 n since the records will b at kinder clinic paragon, it will b easy to trsf to kinder clinic PEH.
Cyn, is $60-80 standard for most PD? I haven't had kids before so not sure what's the usual fees. BTW, I just saw on my hospital admission letter that my gynae happened to assign Dr Cheng to me
Nattan - gd choice. He is quite a popular doc at PEH. I chose him also base on many recommendations in this singaporemotherhood forum. I think $60-80 is the mkt rate for private pd if I'm not wrong. But I'm not sure of those outside of hosp. I think those with clinic in or near hosp r abit more exp bvos they do hosp rounds everyday to check on their inpatients, I don't think those outside of hosp like those at neighborhood pd clinics do such thing. But for paragon ones, they charge even higher, dr Wong usually consultation is abt $90 but she specialises not only on pd but also is a pd cardiologist. But generally, I prefer pd who attend to hosp inpatients in case of the need to admit child, I don't want to send to KKH, I ve heard of many bad feedback on KKh n it's too far also anyway.
N also if I'm not wrong, dr Cheng ever wrote articles on Pre-mature bb care, so I'm not sure is that his forte. If so, he shld b v experienced n careful with newborn.
Hi nattan,

I think DS 's pd was dr Cheng... Not sure about the charges..
Mine was a lady pd, dr loke. She is quite old..her clinic is at
Tam pines..
Their charges quite reasonable. She had quite A lot of patients..
Hey Cyn,

Happy that you also live near marine parade area. Maybe we k have a gathering at parkway parade since Nattan also living nearby too wow how long is the waiting time for Dr Cheng huh?

Yeah is good to always plan for a backup PD in case Dr Cheng not around. jus that I oso thinking what is the avg waiting time for PD? Does PD also have a line for parents to ask questions huh?
Morning ladies - early morning pump time. Wanted to sleep thru like last night till six and drag 6 hours but boobs woke me up. Talk about having a natural alarm clock.


What power level do u use for freestyle? I didn't use very high level leh. Always around level 4-5 only. Slow and steady for 20-30 mins depending how long it takes to drain my breasts. If I eat and drink more, it takes more time. Always worried about sore nipples so tend to pump Slower How's your supply so far? Taking any supplements?

I didnt schedule any massage in the first place erm so go with the flow maybe later on I may consider. How long did it take for the bloated tummy to go down for u? Tomo is exactly one week after my birth. Though the tummy has soften and seem to have less air, think still have a long way to go. I'm still at least a good 10kg above my usual weight. Hoping that all the BF will help bring down my weight soon.


So how many nights did u stay in the end? My bill was a good 5 digit and we had to pay quite a lot even after the medisave. think it was quite a shocker for my hub when he was doing th discharge.


I had a tough time with the epi jab. Was very painful for me cos I was very tense. I was already at 5cm then also feeling kan Cheong. Dr Yvonne was really nice and she was as gentle and reassuring. When they called her back after midnight for the e c sec, she arrived within 15 mins. Was very assuring during the op cos she was just right behind my shoulders. Overall, the whole birth experience has been positive for me.


Don't worry too much abt the op process and focus on the fact that you'll be holding your boy in your arms by this time
Tomo morning.
it was also the first time I stay in hosp. The nurses are all very warm and helpful and i found the whole experience more pleasant than expected despite missing home la.

PD Charges

We paid $64 bucks for the first checkup. PD at Glen. Went on sat morning - very packed but they usually let newborns jump q first.

Milk supply

For mummies who EBM, what is your one day output so far? I realized I expressed slightly more than one litre yesterday! And it is day 6 for me.
Liligal, Chris Came to c me at maternity Ward at 7am, told me to csec. Then he say 12noon schedule csec. So it's not emergency. It's considered elective.
Unlike this time labor room, fail, immediately go OT. It's emergency.. within 30mins go ot.
My #1 induced in maternity Ward. Nvr go labor room.
Gd morning ladies, I m now at the delivery suite at Mt A. (Edd was supposed to be 30 jun). I had bloody show at 6pm yesterday and contraction started at 2am. Nurse checked I m aldy 2cm dilated and contraction 5mins apart. She said I will give birth today. Wish me a smooth delivery

I read that many of u find that VE is painful but I don't find VE painful at all. Now I m wondering if I want to take epidural though taking epidural is my initial plan. Nurse said need to give 45min lead time if I want epidural. Any advice? Thanks
Good morning mummies, woke up to eat my breakfast as I need to fast after 7.30... Gosh just another few more hrs before I need to check in to hospital and get ready for the c-sec! :p

Thanks Priscilla for the well wishes

Ssmilezz, you managed to express more than 1L yesterday!? Wow.. good job! Yes, I'm focusing on the fact that I'll be holding my baby a few hrs from now. As I've not really had a good hospital stay experience before (the last time I stayed was in NUH many yrs ago for high fever), I can't say for sure that I'll enjoy myself in PEH. Hopefully the experience would be as nice as yours.

Cassandra, if you're only 2cm dilated I think you can afford to wait a while, see if you can stand the contractions around 4 or 5cm. That seems like the threshold for most mummies. Maybe you can ask the nurse to check on you a while later to see if you've reached that stage of dilation before deciding. All the best for your delivery!
Nattan, all the best and may you have a smooth delivery later. Btw, I'm staying in ward 3161. May be able to see you this afternn then.

Cassandra, all the best to you too.

I have been latching my dear princess for 2 1/2 hrs earlier. Dunno if I hv done a proper latching. My nipples super sore now....hope the nipple cream helps to sooth them.
haha! it's your turn today!! yah.. i actually advise epi!.. like STRONGLY advise! i was garang for #1 and wanted to taste wad the contraction was like for myself, and when i finally had a taste of it, i SCREAMED for epi!! and that 1hr wait time was so difficult to bear! that said, if you want to "feel like a real woman" (quote my gynae), try without epi and see if u can tahan.. i told him i don't mind being a fake!

nattan, jiayou! by the time your next log on, you should b having ur darling in your hands alr!

takes a long time to master latching!.. or at least for me!.. soreness is one, soemtimes mine bleeds too! jeez.. nipple cream helps to sooth it =)
Hi Anne,
If you super sore, better rest for one/two feed first.. If not later u will be like me.. Bleed.. So u better stop and apply a lot of cream.. Cos our nipples are those very sensitive type.

I had experienced that already.. So don't take my footstep.. If not later u go home. Your nipple worse..

Maybe u can try hand express first... Call the lc for help
Thanks Anna, are you discharging today? Hope you had lots of rest these couple of days. Did the LC come and see you to show you the proper technique? If not, better ask for one to see you before you go home.

hopecg, thanks
Yes.. few hrs more!
Hi ladies, how was the stay in Mt A for those who had delivered? Is the noise of the construction unbearable?

Hope, will email you my mailing address = )
Nattan, I'm discharging tomoro if nothing goes wrong. See you soon!!

Breast feeding: The LC did help me to do proper latching but my dear girl suck really very hard, causing my sore nipples. She told me to apply some of my colostrum arnd my nipple after each feed. It will help to sooth them.
Pls include me for the gathering! I also staying in the east near PP. Hehhehe. It will be nice to meet up at times. Maybe for a meal when everyone finishes their confinement?

1L WoW! I also want, each time I pump only about 140ml only. Keep up the good job. I regret not maintaining my supply when it kicked in. I just latch and gave her what she wanted. Did not pump out the excess in the end had engorement. I only pump before I go and sleep. I want to empy my breast as much as I can so that I can sleep longer. Hehehe

Maybe you can feel the initial contraction pain first? I did that for my no.1 and I could not tahan for the entire labour. The final stages of the contraction will be a lot worst than the initial stages. So if you feel that you cannot tolerate the initial pain, then I will suggest that you take epi. I took epi for both my labour cos really cannot tahan! But different people have varying stages of tolerance. My colleague gave birth without epi 3 times!

The noise was still bearable for me as they did the drilling in the morning and there was no more noise in the afternoon. So at least I was able to sleep in the afternoon, unless you have vistors. I told my friends not to come to hospital and only come when I go home cos the parking there is horrible.

Yes, ask the LC to help you when you are there. If not if you were to go back you have to pay for their help. They will teach you on how to make your girl learn to latch on properly.
hopecg: well, i have decided to go ahead with the ligation - am going to write email to gyne to get instruments and clips prepared. just can't see me going through the panics of the tests etc again!

ktmum: for sure i will complain this time. my hb had to yell and her and tell her to get out the last time. what a horrid woman! i hear it is so much more convenient to latch + you get more sleep, hence i am willing to try again this time. if really cannot then no choice. it is back to expressing!

ssmilezz: lol, you know, i have forgotten everything already. on friday i was trying to work the sterilizer. could not remember how much water to use for sterilising. hopeless man! :p
joeey: cas i am having a c-sect tomorrow. so since i am going to be opened up, it take an extra 10 mins to go the ligation. otherwise i will have to go through the whole process of being cut up again. :S Good luck with looking after baby by yourself!!!

Cyn-here: i totally understand. you are still so young!! so you may want to have another child. my gyne was also telling me it is a personal choice because while i do not want to have another kid, the thought of having my fertility taken away is rather daunting, and so final. but i really don't wanna have a child when i am 40 either. and both my kids were accidents!!! so you can imagine my hb and i are rather accident-prone. better to be safe than sorry i guess. i was told if baby is not crying to not feed? or should i just feed anyway? my hb kept our #1 in our room all day long and only brought him back to the nursery when he was told to. so i am wondering if i should start feeding. 5 epis?????? YIKES!

lili gal: yeah man. she really should not have been a LC. and she told us off for not attending the lessons on how to bathe the baby. WL, i was in pain and wanted to rest and kenna scolded instead.
Understand how you feel. it is a permanent procedure so that is why i have been thinking and thinking and thinking. hai.

Nattan: all the best for your c-sect tomorrow!! don't worry too much. it is just a matter of going to sleep, wake up, and have baby!!

Cassandra: All the best to you too! You sound pretty relaxed so I think you will have a relatively easy birth!

Sunbelle: so many in the East! I am at Tanah Merah so if anything is organised do let me know! :p
I decided to go for epidural. Contraction at 3cm dilation was painful but bearable. But when the epidural kicked in, I could actually relaxed, so I m glad that I decided to take it early. Now only 4cm dilated bcos nurse said I have a lot of urine... Still long way to go I think....

Labour time - when shld I start counting? Is it from the time I check in at 4am plus?
cassandra, i would be at glen e. congrats! you would see your baby soon, we have the same edd & im still waiting..

nattan, all the best! when we next hear from you, you should have given birth

ssmilezz, yvonne's injection is still painful? so we have to choose before we admit to the hospital or upon admission?

denise, have u decided on dicky or yvonne?
Kandice -- I wld also need to see my gynae works with which grp of anaesethist also.. If thr is dicky in thr wld prolly get him. Intend to have epi the moment I'm induce. Safe the trouble of the waiting time n feeling pain etc. Hahaha! I jus wan it to be a smooth not scary experience for me.. Hahahà
Today seems like a day of many birth to come! Am looking forward to hear good news later today.


Good luck for your c sec tomo too. If you have already got your mind set on the ligation, then it would be best to get it over and done with else got to go thru another pain and recovery process lor.

Imagine for us first time moms, everything also blur. Really can sit down and hug hub and cry..everything also brand new. Thank god for CL and MIL helping and giving encouragement and support.


I get around 160-200ML in total each time I pump. I usually pump around 4 hourly. Try la, sometimes over shot the timing. The tofu soft breasts feeling only last a short while. Dunno issit cos I really drink alot. I take in at least 2 litres or more of fluid daily now!
Hi ladies,

I'm from the Nov forum. Would like to ask if you have any good confinement lady to recommend?
Due to some issue, my mom is not able to help me. Need to look for one CL asap.
Please PM me.
( Expected EDD 28th Nov 2012)


yeah, my gyn said she thinks i can do without epi cos I was already at 4-5cm when she did my checkup at her clinic before I admitted in. But i thought about it once the dilation hit 7cm and there's no point of return liao cos too late and i didn't want to end up not "enjoying" the process. So i asked for it when I got to the hosp.

I kept sipping water even though I was on epi cos very parched and thirsty. So my urine bag was FULL! But luckily, never vomit anything. Just kept shivering like a druggie.


Think u need to confirm which anaesthist u wish to use before admission cos it's written on the admission form - states the gyn, PD and anaesthist.

I found the injection painful but I think it's my back/nerves - don't think it's her skills leh. Maybe my bones are very hard. Have no idea why - but the nurse who helped in my labour ward was really nice and encouraging!

Don't be too afriad - even if the administration of the epi is uncomfy, it's worth it when u think about the hours of labour ahead. YOu need to conserve your energy to push. The last 9cm-10cm was really intense for me. I still can't shake of the feeling. LOL!


Yes - I really express a litre of BM yesterday. My breasts look so massive now. :*(
Hi ladies,

I'm from the Nov forum. Would like to ask if you have any good confinement lady to recommend?
Due to some issue, my mom is not able to help me. Need to look for one CL asap.
Please PM me.
( Expected EDD 28th Nov 2012)


u super leh, i really envy u...me only manage to pump abt 50ml each time at 3-4hrs interval, i've tried to shorten the interval to abt 2hrs and the output is only miserable like 10ml...sighzz...wat's ur secret huh???? r u taking supplement??? pls advise...tks! :p
ooppp...juz abit of intro, i'm a silent reader in this thread (paisay coz nothing much to contribute though this is my #2...and u ladies hv been great to share so much experience) my bb girl was born on 16 jun @38wks via c-sect cos she was in breech position :p
Sunbelle - sure can do meetup. I go to parkway almost everyday bvos my #1 presch is near there. But during confinement, my hubby will take over fetching him. So after confinement shld b ok. Btw I'm a Sahm so I'm usually avail.

Dr Cheng waiting time in clinic? Depend on the number of patients on that day, sometimes many sometimes nobody. I think when u see him, u can ask him any qns u ve n if need emergency attention, u can always call his emergency line for after clinic hrs. If during clinic hrs, u can call his clinic direct n ask to speak to him or convey via his nurses.

Ssmilezz - cant remember how many nites. I think at least 5nites. My bill came up to abt $15-17k. We were shocked too but luckily it's was #1 child so that time got more reserve.
1litre of bm is ALOT!! Better store some in freezer if ur bb isn't drinking so fast, if not wasted. Don't over pump also Le, I had one friend pump v aggressively every 3hrs n she had so much milk then her production came in too fast too much till she couldn't clear them fast enough n end up keep getting infection with fever. Ur breasts must b v full man!! Bcareful of stretch marks on the breasts!

I think postnatal massage need at least 2-3 wks after csec only can do n avoid or b gentle on the tummy area. Need to let the massage lady know.

Using epi or not - sometimes its not abt how much u dilated but it's abt how fast is ur dilation happening. If v fast, may not need epi if can tahan bcos everything happen so fast. But if long dilation, even if 4-5cm dilated, u may still need epi if v painful

Sore nipples due to bf - if v painful n bleeding, u may want to pump instead of latch. It shows bb not latching properly. Need to give ur breasts some break to recover but pump to relief ur engorgement. Apply lots of cream. My Sil was bleeding last time n she didn't know n when her bb vomited abit of milk, it came out with blood! She freak out! She tot her bb vomit blood but turn out its her nipple bleeding so milk also got blood.

Nattan - u shld b seeing ur bb now!
Hi all, I'm out..bb is 3.6kg, 53cm...loud crier...he pooed a bit inside, so gynae said good thing he was out quickly. I'm so tired and thirsty now....
congrats nattan!

ssmilezz, agree..that moment of pain for epi is better than be in pain for hours later.

denise, same here. i would ask for epi asap since i have decided on it. when is ur due date?
Hi all mommies, I hv been a silent reader of this thread. Just delivered my #2 gal via c-sec on 19 June. Coming to a week.

Like to check : does your newborn sleep all the time? My gal will wake up for feed abt 3 hourly. Then can sleep thru out till next feed. Wonder if this is normal? Hv already forgotten as my #1 is now 6 years old.
Congrats Nattan, hope you feeling better now. Have a good rest and enjoy bonding with your little one. Your bb is lighter than mine. Which ward are you in now? Convenient for me to go over later?
Anna, not really...v tired still...and in a bit of pain w the wound...tried to latch and feed bb but nothing yet... :p bb crying on and off but I think he's more sleepy than hungry...not really wanting to suckle.

Nattan, you deserve a good rest now. No worries about the latching. My princess dun wanna much latching the first day either. The 2nd day onwards which is today, she been drinking non-stop. Get the painkiller if you r still in pain. I have been taking it since yesterday too. Happy bonding ya!
