(2012/06) Jun 2012

haha your birth story very fun to read!! sounds relaxing although i know it's surely not.. at least wont scare first time mummy away.. not like mine when my unmarried friend read, really got freaked out and dun want baby liao, LOL...

i also have sensitive skin and got an ugly scar from BCG lor.. so i agree with you about the c-sect scar.. just pray i will never need a c-sect cuz yes, i have low placenta.. for #1 that time also have it, now still have it for #2, and most of the cases it will move up around 6-7months i believe.. so we just keep our fingers crossed ba..

maternity pads
i bought a lot from kiddy palace last time cuz i thought it's really for maternity mah, thick and long and wide.. but the absorption is so bad that i end up throwing away all lor.. instead my friend recommended me this maternity loop from kotex.. i used it just as pad lor and it works great!!

<font size="+2">Hi Jul</font>
Hope you still remember me. I bought 3 original fish oil from you. tried to email you many times but still no reply from you. had transferred postage and bal. Have you posted to me. I transferred on think a week or two before CNY
c-sec bfing
i slept on my side on hospital bed n baby slept on his side. so we face each other n bf. then fall aslp together. it was very natural for me.

initially i ask for additional blanket. folded it like pillow then rest baby on it. just hold the head and bf.

maternity pads
gleneagles use maternity loop, got leaks though i use 2 at a go.
so i bought 42cm kotex with wings. thinner so i can walk w/o restrain.. the maternity pads too thick, can't walk well.. haha

Ok, hopefully our placentas will be good &amp; start moving up soon. Nvr had it for #1 so dunno what to expect also.

Haha it was excruciating at that time lor. But thinking back, it really was quite funny. Esp when my whole thoughts was on food, food, food.

Did you buy the Pureen brand from Kiddy Palace?
if u eat snakehead fish, u will get bumps on ur scar. cause wound heal too fast. so new skin will form on top of wound.

I posted yest but the msg must have gotten lost.

I saw your many emails in my SPAM folder lor! paiseh paiseh. Dunno why my gmail filtered you out as SPAM!
<font size="+2">Or any mummies want to take over the 3 bottles of fish oil cos my hubby went to pharmacy to buy for me instead. haha</font>
aiyo but troblesome for you Jul. think its better for you to post to me right. I will give you my add again. thanks a lot for organising spree

No need to enny me. The first 4cm is ok, the following dilation really super painful cos too fast after the induction!!! it was really super super painful. I hope this round I do not need to induce again. Doc said induced delivery is the most painful method in all three, natural, c-sec and induced natural.

He went to the new school today and god im glad to change it. He is a totally changed person when he got there, said goodbye and hug me, never cried when i leave cause he is too excited with the indoor playground and ride-on toys. Even when i fetched him just now, he was having so much fun paying that he didnt notice me and looked so surprised seeing me. I never thought that a different environment will make such a difference.

I heard from my friends that if one used epi, you wont be able to eat right after delivery as it will cause vomitting. Some people will even vomit/shiver during and after the delivery so you need a few hours to wait for the epi to wear off.

I have low lying placenta for this pregnancy too but gynae said still normal at this stage so hopefully it move up soon.

Maternity pad

Other than first delivery i bought them, i used my normal wing sticked pads during my other confinement. Maybe i am just too lousy, i always had it leaked, dont know how to tie it, need to put 2 pads and walked in weird way due to thick padding so in the end i used my own.

I have following items for sale:

1. BRAND NEW Pigeon wipes with casing (multiple): $4.90
Usual: $7.90

2. BRAND NEW Pigeon Milk Bottles (x1): $13
Wide Neck, Peristaltic Nipple, BPA Free, 240ml

3. BRAND NEW TollyJoy Wipes (Refill + Container): $7

Collection at Sengkang MRT.
Pls email me at [email protected] for photos.
audrey: yeah.. i had bad itching n shivering after epidural

tats also y i didn't take confinement food cause they say allergy towards sesame oil n ginger.
but i think it's epidural effect.

loshita: i also hope i can dilate b4 i reach hospital.. abit weird but i hope to experience real labor.. haha
save $$ + i will have experience to tell my kids n grandkids in future.

jul: haha u so cute.. hungry woman is angry woman!
i also can't starve.. i will be momzilla too...
i was already scolding nurses post birth cause they too slow to remove my urethea thingy. i wanted to go shower. lol
after take out awhile, i wanted to go pee. stand up liao saw that i was bleeding down to the legs.. then i stand there n press the bell, nobody came. i fed up i walk to toilet myself to clean up then blood drip all over.
very shitty lor...
hi adeline,

can share with me your cousin's contact for the tcm massage?thanks so much!

hi everyone,

my edd is 29th of june,will be delivering in tmc under dr joycelyn wong :>

Thanks! I got your address. Will post it out 2moro. Nvm u keep the fish oil lah. Coz u will need to eat it when u r BF-ing also.


Yeah my friend's son also like that. kept saying he didn't want to go to sch, sch is very boring, only do worksheets etc etc. Then aftre she changed sch, really different. So sometimes we cannot dismiss our kids &amp; just think that it's fear of school. maybe it's the sch, not the kid!


My schivering n itching stopped the moment I came out of the delivery ward. Think it was a temporary effect. Once the epi goes off, no more prob liao.


Hello &amp; welcome
Jul, you very drama mama la.. haha.. I'm also a mumzilla if I don't get to eat on time. So now when I feel the hunger pang coming, I'll quickly go and buy some snacks to quell it. That's why my boss said must eat a full meal before delivery else may not have time to eat later or not enough energy to push the baby out!

Re scar after c-section, I think it's not so bad now la as they cut at the bikini line. During my mum's time, they cut a vertical line from her belly button to the bikini line and then they used a special stapler to staple the wound shut!!
After my mum told me this, I was so traumatised, I decided not to have kids liao. So that's why took me so long to decide to have a baby. As for scarring, don't think too much about it la.. anyway, it's not a publicly seen, so not so bad unlike the BCG scar. Besides you may not have a c-section after all. If you want to prevent scars, remember to apply vitamin E oil everyday. Of course avoid seafood in case of allergy. It really helps cos I applied that for my hubby when he had chicken pox last time and he had less obvious scars.

Petrina, why did you remove the catheter if you were going to pee anyway? Should just pee then tell nurses to remove it.

Haha got more drama lor. I was standing at the delivery ward entrance, &amp; the nurse refused to allow me in without the stupid admission letter from my gynae. I kept telling her I don't have the letter bcoz I was 3 weeks early.

So after a lot of explaining, she finally said, "Oh! So it's not that there's no admission letter, but your gynae hasn't given it to you" Er.. means NO letter right? Wanted to faint! haha

But I agree leh. No food, no energy to push. That's why I was eating supper before I went to the delivery ward.

Aiyah main thing for me is not the scar, it's the suffering. I cannot take pain one. To have a cut in my belly is asking for my life

Then I can't recall exactly what happened. Think another nurse just told me to go in first, while Hubs e
Jul, one of my colleagues had an emergency c-section and she said there's no pain at all. The scar is v small and it may itch while it heals but the discomfort is not that bad. Maybe depends on the doctor's skill at stitching also..
Dear mummies or mum to be I selling preloved boy and gal clothing from 0-2 years old. Condition ok with little stain. Some not even wear before. Include brand like Carter, fox, disney. Self collect at braddell mrt. Take all around 60pcs for $25. SMS me at 97878819 if keen. For pic please refer to this:http://m.facebook.com/?_rdr#!/editphoto.php?id=265803153480683&amp;__user=524158484
nattan: i didn't have sensation when they have the thing on me. haha
it's after awhile tat i had the peeing sensation after removal.

i can't stand dirty. then with all the bandage thing and the bloody feeling i had to go toilet to wash.
they changed my pad once as i knocked out after surgery. epidural was overdosed based on my admission weight. tats y the effect lasted so long on me. so weird right? totally knocked out after baby is out. abt 5hrs ltr then i woke up lor..
very sickening as i wanted to carry baby immediately upon birth. so my #1 experience was very bad in my opinion.
so i visualized #2 to be a perfect birthing experience..

jul: wahh.. i tot the gynae shld already complete admission details 1mth b4 edd.. lol
the nurse very cartoon also lah.. already wanna give birth liao still so niao!

Maybe. But I think a lot is on the individual's body &amp; threshold level. I am hopeless with pain lah. I even had to eat painkillers for the stitches for the tear :p


Yeah lor! I almost wanted to bash her liao. Come to think of it, I wannted to bash a lot of people.. the admission nurse, the edema nurse, the laughing gas nurse... My delivery is 1 big bash fest lol

Oh u OD-ed onn epi. No wonder you were knocked out &amp; got longer-lasting side effects. For me, I wanted to jump out of bed to wash myself, eat, walk ard etc, but they kept me in bed for 6 hours. Grumbles.. I also had no peeing sensation at all with the catheter
Did you all read the chinese paper today.
A mum (ang mo) just gave birth to a 6.23kg baby long 60cm without any pain killer in 6 hours labor. really salute her.
want to know any of you buy swim suit for preggy.
I saw one very beautiful at egg maternity but very expensive, i dun think worth the price lo, any places that i can get a nice and reasonable price swim suit?

Haha is it true? Sometimes, I don't dare to believe the Chinese papers haha

I bought mine from motherhood.com. Think it was ard 32USD before the shipping? But can't go swimming coz my son keeps getting sick!
Wow, the mom must really have a v v high threshold of pain. But what did she eat??? Baby double the size of normal babies. Faint.
Jul, ya everyone's pain threshold is different. Actually I think I have pretty high threshold. I could withstand wisdom tooth extraction and root canal without taking painkillers. Anyway I'm allergic to Panadol so that's one less painkiller option for me.

Sorry, no Kiddy Palace card.

loshita, was the mum who delivered the 6+kg baby big size herself? Wonder what she ate! Maybe it's a hormone problem. My colleagues also asked me to go swimming but I can't get up early enough to swim in the morning. Anyway I prefer to go to the gym :p
Jul.. haha.. no painkillers for post-surgery doesn't mean I don't need painkillers during the surgery! I had about 4 shots anaesthetics for my root canal. OK.. even the injections were painful... :p Anyway, I will pray for a smooth delivery without use of epidural. But of course, if it's really beyond what I can take, I may have to ask for it. I'm not trying to be a heroine lor.. haha..
Nattan: I also tot you meant you didn't need any painkillers/injection during the surgery. Cos that will be very impressive too!! keke
Oic! I thought you didn't need injections for root canal surgery itself! Mine, I kept complaning Pain pain Pain.

First got numbing cream to numb the gum before the injections. But the shots were also very painful. After a few shots, I still felt pain. So had to increase. Hiaz!

I also thought I'd try without epi. But who knows I couldn't even take the so-called MILD contractions. Think the 2nd time ard also no hope liao. really hopeless case!
Jul, Asrias, hahaha.. you all really thing I'm that tough huh.. Ok for one of the dental procedures, wisdom tooth extraction, I didn't have much painkiller. Only 1 jab I think and I asked the dentist to pull it out, cos it just grew sideways and irritated the inside of my mouth. The next day I could still go to work without taking any medication.
Jul > i got the card. Bt I think i sty vry far away fr u leh. Or I m going to the bb fair in expo on the 24th aftern. I cn hlp u to buy the stuff n pass it to u on tat day if u r going?
No card.. Expired already.

Root canal n wisdom tooth extraction i needed more than usual.. Based on what the dentist said. Haha. Until my jaw totally numb i still tear n say pain! Post extraction i was sluring due to LA still effective. Haha

A fellow fren also delivered 4.5kg boy w/o epi.. Natural. Tat time i already salute her... Eurasian.

Jul: ya lor.. I was complaining to my gynae say i OD on epi. Made me miss the chance of cuddling baby immediately upon birth. Didn't even take family photo post birth.. Only consolation, my hb took video of baby during apagar testing. Very cute
hey! anyone going to Raffles Hospital for delivery??

went to KKH for my first appt today and Dr Tee got me to do a last min FA scan.. anyway i realised KKH no more packages!! when i went to the maternity tour last month they were still selling the delivery packages to me. today i went to ask again no more! and it costs about $5000 for A1 package!

can share the prices of various hospitals you ladies are going to?? don't feel like paying so much for a public hospital....
Hi mummies (sorry to disturb),

Have a Local Medela freestyle set selling at $400, with warranty till June 2012. Bought from paragon's my first years at $699.

It's a lightly used set only for a month, rest of the items (Ie. cooler bag, ice pack,hands free kit,pump bag) all brand new.

PM me if interested, thanks!

Anyone with Dr Joycelyn Wong? I heard that she no longer has any package fees? Is it true? I never check this out until my next scan (Detailed scan) in later feb....
My pain threshold level is very low hence I don't even have to opt for natural...just go straight to C-sect will do.

Jul, I have got no kiddy palace card. The only card I have is from Toys "R" Us. Heehee....

Applepie, I can take over 2 bottles of the Nordic Naturals fish oil from you if you want.
<font color="0077aa">chris, gd luck!

re: epi
epi doesn't work for everyone. recently i come to a conclusion that if u can hold ur liquor well, chances are it will not work (or not that well) on u. this is not with scientific evidence though and personally i did not take epi for my first birth.</font>
Chris, gd luck. Even not to what you want this time round, you can always try again. ;)

Sapphire, what makes you say so? I can hold liquor very well when I'm not tired...so does it means that epi will not work on me then??

Dun think i'm gog to the fair on 24th. That's fri right? I actually wanted to buy a babysafe mattress protector to try. It's ok. Think i'll just buy it first. If i need more, i'll ask u abt the card again k?

Btw have u decided on mt a or tmc?


Haha i dinno can take video of agpar test. My blur hubs din take for me to see.


I'm with dr khi her partner. Package starts from 20 weeks.


I can't recall exactly but think tmc 3d2n natural with epi for 1-bedder is $2k+

How come kkh is so ex? Does it incl gynae's delivery fes or baby's nursery fees?

This morning i had this really bad pain on the right of my tummy. I was woken up coz the pain was so bad. I felt that spot n realised it was my baby's hand or foot. I think more prob his foot. It was pushing out of my tummy coz i coukd feel the sharp wedge sticking out! Dinno how to make him stop so i sort of tickled him till the foot receded! Scary!
