(2012/06) Jun 2012

I didn't go for post natal massage. cause i can't do binding. I find it too icky. plus i shower everyday so i will not fully utilise the jamu wrap thing. i also do confinement myself other than MIL cook. so no time n luxury to lie there..

Looks like most of you managed to get back into pre-pregnancy shape, so I shouldn't worry too much la. I just have to work harder and don't be too greedy. Right now I don't really control what I eat. I eat a lot of rice, noodles and meat cos I feel tired if I don't. Maybe I should just eat salads and steamed vege after confinement.. haha..
I think if dun eat supper should be ok. Just take the normal meals. Now I just take my normal portions. If i'm really hungry at night then I drink a glass of milk b4 I sleep. Now total weight gain about 4kg at 18wks+. Just cross my fingers that won't boom in the last trimester. Haha. I think bb absorbing well, coz when I did the scan, based on bb's length and weight, its 1 week ahead of the calculation based on period date.
Groovy: Just check out the vpost or comgateway website, they will tell you how to order, how they calculate the base charge and shipping charge from eg. USA to singapore. Usually their location is tax-free. So you just need to check on US shipping cost which varies from retailers.

How is the school? The principal told us the reading materials are taken from sg so they are following sg, even the teachers are sent over from sg.

What are you using to surf the net? I used tablet and managed to find the smh june group.


I didnt manage to get back to pre-pregnancy weight but hopefully this time i can since many of my relatives commented that i didnt put on weight other than my tummy.


I dont eat supper but i ate many meals during the day, i think thats why i couldnt lose all my weight. Haha..

So far i find it ok, nothing -ve that she learnt from school. But I also heard depend on the branch too, cos there are quite a number of cherie heart in Malaysia too.

I use Iphone to search.
Audrey: Hee its ok la. Hungry must eat. If not hungry then try to control and dun snack so much or snack on healthy stuff like strawberry, blueberries, fruit stuff
Asrias, I also don't eat supper. Never have that habit...in fact I normally don't eat after 8pm, only drink water or fresh squeezed juice.

Audrey, it's actually better to split your meals up into many portions a day, but that means something like 300cal per meal x 6 meals...not 6 full meals...haha..

Actually tummy fats is the hardest to lose. Even last time when I was much fitter and trimmer, my tummy still had a small layer of flab... the only way to lose it is to have a "clean" diet, meaning no sugar, low fat, no processed foods and overall body conditioning. Of course very difficult to do given most of us tend to eat out due to busy worklife. The next best thing is just to eat moderately and regular exercise...
Red packet
Any of you received red packet for the little one in tummy during CNY. I received quite a number. A bit paisei also. My mum was the first one to give. I met my fren's mum at a coffee shop, she also gave me.

My BIL siao siao, he smsed my hb said he worried he will 'pian xin' to my boy than my gal. He even said he will keep his rolex for my boy. really bei tahan him to give such comment before the bb is delivered.
Loshita, no leh... I didn't get any angbao... not even from FIL, although I gave him and my SIL's girl. Maybe cos this yr we didn't visit relatives.
i was quite surprise when i got angpow for the little one. I asked my mum why she said to ensure bb is 'ping an' then one of my auntie found out i pregnant, she was busy cooking also went in to get a red packet for the little one, I really paisei. But mum said cannot reject red packet. So i took lor
I only received 1 angpao from his relative.

Tomorrow going for my checkup! So excited Everytime.
hi all... into week 21 now.. bb weights close to 400g during her week 20 detailed scan..

hows your bb's weight? anyone did prenatal stuff ? hahaaaa
Chin, my FA scan is on 22 Feb.. also cannot wait

Amy, I dunno what's the baby's weight.. usually we look at the length and not the weight.. What kind of prenatal stuff are you referring to?? If shopping, then yes.. haha..
Baby fair

I will be going on the 24th. There will be babysafe mattress so hope to get my mattress from there.


Tomorrow only 18 weeks. Can't wait for my detail scan! Cross finger that I can know my baby gender tomorrow.


My cough still not gone. Feeling damn weak coughing the whole day. Saw my Chinese doc n feel abit better Liao but still coughing.
The doc try to see boy or gal but cannot determine that day.


I still can't feel any mOvement. Except some "pain". My gf old me is because my baby moving. Since is my first baby I won't feel much till later month. But every time when I play some music for bb to listen I can feel that he/she feel very uncomfortable. Lol
mine was 350g+ at 20 weeks scan 2 weeks ago..

hope you will know the gender tomorrow!! it's normal not to feel baby movement cuz it's your first baby, mine last time 7 months plus then i can feel.. do take care and drink lots of water!!
Chin, you should know the gender soon...hopefully the baby will be cooperative. If it's a boy, will be easier to detect ;)

I'm also coughing but not as bad as yesterday... coughed till I was tearing and gagging at the same time! I stopped taking the cough medicine after 2 days (took 3x only).

I'm starting to feel more movement at night. Last night, dunno issit because I didn't cover my tummy when I slept, I woke up cos I felt some slight pain in my tummy. Maybe baby was trying to tell me it's cold! Haha... BTW, I read it's not advisable to put headphones on the tummy for baby to listen to music. He/she may become tone deaf! But it's ok if you sing to baby or play some music on the stereo.
Nattan: I'm same as u =( coughed really bad the whole night. In the end I had to sleep in a sitting position coz when i lie down I start coughing... I hope the bb is not hurt, coz I cough until my tummyache.
Chin + Nattan,

when I coughed last month, i tried honey, pipagao, also cannot. But i try steamed orange, seem work for me, may be you wanna try.
buy the big big orange, then cut a little of the skin on top (make sure can put back as cover later) then dig a hole in the middle and add in salt more than 1 teaspoon. Cover back the skin and steam for 20 min, when the orange is back to room temperature, eat the whole orange. quite difficult to eat cos of the salt. But it worked for my cough.
Asrias, ya I also slept leaning against the headboard on my bed cos of my blocked nose. Don't worry about the baby... he/she is floating inside the womb so won't be hurt by the cough, maybe just feel a lot of vibration!

Loshita, hmm... I never heard of steamed orange before. I'm not sure I want to eat such a salty orange... but thanks for sharing. I read that chinese pear is good for cough, esp the dry itchy kind of cough. Too bad I didn't buy any. In fact, I hardly ate fruits these few days except 1 slice of papaya and honey dew during lunch today :p Must go and buy some later...
natten: ic.. i didnt notice on bb's length..

for 2nd time mums.. your first bb slept on what kind of mattress? cause my fren pass me a cot but the size of the cot is slightly smaller than norm.. kinda hard to find the right mattresss..

my fren ask me to buy foam mattress and cut... wondering if foam is hot? or good enough to last for 1 year? cos heard bb wont slp in cot for long?
I'm coughing le... so sad.. a colly was sick yesterday. today already lost her voice. i think i kenna infected by her

I m sucking on manuka+propolis sweet now. cough abit lesser..

hope all ladies who r seeing gynae this week will get to see their baby's gender

Amy: i co-sleep with my #1. but i bought baby safe mattress/pillow/bolster from Robinsons. nvr use mattress but pillow n bolster is ok. use till now 3yrs very sturdy n not smelly.
Petrina, what size is the baby safe mattress and is it able to fit most standard cots? Take care of your cough and drink more water.. everybody is avoiding me in office cos I cough so much.. haha..

Is there a obvious size diff? Bcos I see my Fren cot like too small for 11mths. I Thot want to get a cot that can at least sleep till 2. Mattress is more expensive than cot. N my hb friend going to hand him down if the size of the cot is too small then might as well I get a new cot. Any advise what size n where to buy?
Ang Bao

I also received 3 ang bao from relatives and friends for my bb. Hahaha....

FA Scan

I'm at my 18+ weeks now. FA scan scheduled on 16th Feb...can't wait to see my bb. Like to find out my bb's weight too. Hope my weight goes more to her, not me. Heehee....

Dental visit

My last dental visit was more than 1-1/2 yrs ago. Previous dental apptmt cancelled cos I found out I'm preggie. However can no longer drag any further due to gum pain caused by tooth decay. Very worried as I know it's not advisable to do any major tooth work during pregnancy. I was told to do root canal to one of my decayed tooth. Dentist assured that it's safe to do the 1st stage and to go back resume for 2nd stage after birth. However I was extremely worried hence ask for an alternative. Hence he injected my gum area with local anesthetic and proceeded with drilling/removal of decay tooth, and a filing thereafter. Feeling better now with no gum pain....hope my bb will be alrite and won't be affected. Really regret for not having proper dental care all this while.

The branch i m sending him is a new branch, just opened for about 6months. Look spacious and clean but have not met the teachers yet as last week is still holiday in jb.

I didnt receive any hongbao for the unborn yet, i think partly is because i didnt go much house visiting also. I keep falling asleep there, i think i lie on the bed more than sitting in the living room during my 1 week stay.


This baby is very fussy, i can only snack the same thing for a few days and after that it will be in my 'hate' list. Lucky i can cook abit so most of the days i cook for myself as i dont like the outside food around my area, usually can only eat 1/3 portion and i will push it to my hubby. Haha


This time round i am eating lots of small meals but my last pregnancy i been eating lots of full meal as i cant feel the fullness at all. An hr or less after 1 full meal, my stomach already screaming for food. Sigh.. The way i eat sure put on weight, haha.


My youngest is still sleeping in the cot, been telling him that he will need to give up the bed to baby soon. He agreed but i am not sure if he understand or not cause sometimes he will tell me that baby sleep in the cot while he will be sleeping beside baby. Mine is those that can sleep until 4 year old cot.

Detailed scanning

Another 2 weeks to go before i can see my beanie, it has been almost a month since i last seen him/her. I will be seeing gynae on the same day too, not sure how much weight i have put on now. *Finger crossing*
Hi to all mummies,

Havent been commenting much recently but realized the thread really moves quickly!!

I was thinking for those who gave birth before, any1 of you had natural birth w/o epi? Cos I am sensitive to all painkillers. Cannot imagine if I'm being injected epi. My SIL who has no drug allergy apparently is allergic to epi & had swollen eyes & cannot take medicine at all. I watched this program on SCV cable named "One born every min" & was so scared that I bursted crying. As those ladies seem so stressed & in pain during labour!
& I also cannot imagine myself putting on tonnes of weight cos of pregnancy as MS had subsided, just feeling nausea & migraines lately with occassional pain on legs. I think I had put on quite some weight. Also, would like to find out if any1 had some hair growth on belly after pregnancy? It seems that I have more hair growing on my belly as stomach gets bigger each day. I also finds it hard to yawn, the belly will stretch as if it's going to explode. :/

Amy: How do you know your baby's weight? Did the gynae advise as my gynae only tell me the length from head to bottom.

I never receive a single ang pow too for my baby. :/ Everyone was telling next year you can collect on behalf of baby! :/ But my BIL & Bro gave me ang bao as they said 1st year of marriage still entitle to ang bao.
Chin, I'm going for both expo fairs..hope to find some good buys!

Anna, yes dental care is very important, even now. I'm usually too lazy to gurgle my mouth with mouthwash, but after going to the Cordlife pregnancy seminar, I've started to do it cos the dental specialist there (from TMC) said we must look after our dental hygiene even more during pregnancy as infections can be troublesome.

Audrey, I was also eating a lot more than usual during the 1st trimester. Thank God now back to my normal appetite. Maybe can try to eat more high-fiber foods to stay full longer, eg wholemeal bread, oats, vege, etc. Fortunately my baby is not fussy with food..

Zo, I also watch "One Born Every Minute" but I'm not scared la.. just remember everybody's experience is different. Furthermore, most of the American mummies on that show are really fat (obese even). They probably have more difficult during labour. Anyway, I'm opting for natural delivery w/o epi...
My friend just gave birth last week before CNY. She had natural birth but with epi. She did not experience any pain during the labour. Only after she gave birth, the wound starts to pain and she got to eat painkiller. So I think everyone's experiences are different. But of course if you can go without epi, by all means. Frankly, I doubt I can because I am very scare of pain. I also do not dare to imagine the labour pain. I also watched the SCV channel and got abit frightened. But all were crying for joy when they see their babies

We can do it!

I also considering going to both fair cos I stay in tampines so pretty near n no harm going. But hv to see how is my cough then
but I have no idea what to buy. Thinking of getting playmat. But like too early to buy

I had natural birth w/o epi for all deliveries. First 2 deliveries in kkh, they used drip to speed up the cerix opening the moment i get into delivery suite so it took me about 3hrs plus to give birth.

My 3rd delivery i didnt use it also partly is because baby is pressing on my nerves during contraction and epi cant ease that pain so no point spending on epi for nothing. But i had contraction for almost 15hrs as the first 12hrs on natural, no drip/pill and ceix only opened until 2cm so gynae put me on drip as he is worried prolong contraction will stress my baby.

Anyway there is a time limit where u can opt to use epi. By the time your cerix is opened to 7cm, you wont need epi already as there isnt enough time for anaesthetist to come.

Baby not interested in oats and those normal loaf of bread. There are alot of food just cant interest me, i wish i have a less fussy with food baby. Sigh

Not going for any fairs as my body cant take it whether pre-preggy or now, i have to avoid crowd.

Anyway that day i just took out infant clothings and realise i got too many of them so this time round i wont need to get anything, can save money this time. Haha

Alamak! Your emails all ended up in my spam! No wonder i didn't get anything. I'll post your fish oil 2moro. I've been keeping it in my office for the longest time leh.
yah the sonographer and gynea told me the weight..
previous 16mth was only abt 100g++

bb gain almost 300g in a mth and i gained 3KG within a month.

Sad! haha

Hmm wonder if there's pureen maternity pads on sale. I used 5 pks the last time. Still not enough.

Think i'll get my diapers from that kim sang shop when i order my boy's FM again. Just ordered 3 tins n my own soap. Hee save me the hassle of lugging back from ntuc


Bought the std cot size mattress. Really quite gd. Cool, soft, not stinky, got holes for circulation etc. Bought from kiddy palace
Can't rem matress size. But baby safe is standard size. So best to measure ur preferred cot b4 buying both mattress or cot.

I m also opting nat w/o epi. #1 i went through induction w/o epi then can't dilate so epi c-sec. So this time i want nat birth. Cause close shop le.. Iwanna try at least once natural otherwise regret not having such an experience.

Audrey, food now, i'm eating whatever tat pops into my mind. No craving. If suitable ok, if not baby will just reject. I'm used to it already.
Last 2wks baby desperately wanted veg. So i went on salad diet for 2wks. Now no more craving. In fact i can't eat alot veg now.. Haha. Cravings r mostly derived from what ur body need n is deprived of. Nothing much to do with baby actually..
Chin, I ordered a baby gym online and just received the package! Hehe... on sale so just buy first. It comes with play mat, rattles, soft plushies and hanging mobils.

Audrey, your pain threshold is at master level! I hope I can tahan when the time comes...
For #1 i had natural without epi, but with vacuum cup.. it was a very very tough experience and i dunno if i could make it for #2 this time.. but since usually 2nd baby will be faster, i will still opt for natural without epi cuz i know that's good for both mummy and baby.. if you feel that you can't take the pain when 4-5cm dilated, then just ask for epi, cuz you wont be able to take the pain afterwards if threshold is at 4-5cm.. at least that's how i feel after going through a 17 hours labour..

blogged about it with all the details here in case you want to know what to expect during labour, haha:
Hey...Babysafe will be at the BabyCare Festival on 24-26 Feb
Hope they have good deals...I'm interested in their pregnancy pillow...
dilation pill didn't work for me at all leh... but i was induced so the drip is powerful, they turned it off for a while when i seriously couldn't take the pain and immediately the contraction is so much more manageable.. but when they increase the dosage to speed up my dilation at the last hour, i really want to just go and die sia..

so i am confused as in why your gynae never use the drip since that's for stronger contraction and faster dilation.. when i had 1 dilation pill inserted, i only dilated from 1cm to 1.5cm after 5 hours, and during that time the contraction is just like menses pain so i thought it really didnt do much besides softening the cervix muscles.. but once i get the drip and gynae break my water bag, the actual contraction pain kicks in and only get stronger and stronger till i pushed out my placenta, Lol..

for me i delivered at week 38 due to my high blood pressure so gynae say better play safe and just induce.. i wish this time no need to induce cuz they say induce is way more painful than natural..
Hi ladies,
Iam from the July 2012 thread.. just sneak in to ask if anyone has the 20th week detailed scan at NUH yet? If so, can share with me how much is it, and how is the procedure? Thank you!

Felicia, ya lor.. Alot ppl also ask me y induced no drip no break water bag.. So sad.. #1 costed me $11k after inducing 3x and 6 nites stay. Till now i still dunno y so exp.

Were u overdued? I wished i could dilate but many ppl say not due yet so my body couldn't react to the induction pills..
