(2012/06) Jun 2012

Wanted to go for raffles which is just opposite my place but the price is too high.. I really like raffles though. At least their delivery suites are not always packed like kkh ones..

My mom will be helping me during confinement (I forced her) but its been a long time since she took care of a baby so I'm not sure if the two of us can cope.. My hubby dislike the idea of CL as well as confinement food coz they are too expensive! Argh.. Pregnancy sure doesn't come cheap...

Moi, Nattan

Not i have high pain threshold, is when i want to give in to epi, the nurse said i do not need it anymore as my cerix is opened more than 7cm.


I dont really have craving as well but those that i dont really like it, i cant finish it while some i can finish the whole plate. I didnt know it has nothing to do with baby cause i hate food that i used to love, sigh.

Unable to read your birth story, my tablet dont allow me to highlight for copy n paste. Arghh..

I have my epi when i was dilated to almost 10cm, the anaesthetist arrived when I was checked by nurse saying oredi dilated to almost 10cm, then I asked the anaesthetist can I still proceed to epi, he said yes cos many ppl dilated 10cm still have to wait for another few hours. So end up I decided on the epi.

Felicia I was also induced at week 39 as my amnionic fluid was reducing and placenta was aging. However when i admitted hospital that time oredi dilated to 4cm. So if I dun induce more or less will deliver within 2-3 days. But gynae wanna play safe induced me lor. after 2 hours dripping, I have no response din feel any contraction at all, then the increase the flow of drip, suddenly I felt the super strong contraction w/o going phase by phase. I tried to stand the pain but it is really super pain!!! in less than an hour time from 4cm dilated to almost 10cm, when the anaesthetist came for epi, he said no wonder you so pain , in such a short time dilated 6cm. FAINT!!! this round i hope to go by natural w/o epi, hope to save the $800 since everything price increased.
I havent went for my detailed scan yet, going on the 13/2 but i am going to tmc instead.


Wah, why u can still take epi while i was told i cant? But i think partly is because my babies are small? Other than my 2nd baby is slightly over 3kg, the other 2 is below 2.5kg and all of them come out within 2 pushes. My 3rd worse, so kan chiong, cant even wait for gynae to finish washing up and almost popped out without him. The nurse had to use her hand to stop him from coming out, haha.

I also surprised that anaesthetist allowed me to go for epi though I can delivered anytime. Anyway during the injection, the nurse dunno passed me what gas to suck, then i fainted. and I have a weird dream. When I woke up which was 15 min later, I tot I have delivered and I can't figured out where was I. I kept asking the anaesthetist where is my baby, where is my hb. THen the anaesthetist only realised I was knocked out just now. But he never answered my question, when my hb came in, I asked him where is our baby, he laughed and said I haven't delivered yet.

Your story reminded me when i had a miscarriage at 20weeks, put a few dilation pills but unable to dilate though i feel some contraction. I think i had about 4-6 pills inserted before i managed to dilate and let the fetus to leave me. Cant really remember the exact number as i was very upset then.

Drip work better for me, pill took me more than 12hrs.
audrey: 20wks u had D/C done?

i think this time if really need to, i will also request for drip n break water bag. die die muz nat! haha

I also surprised that anaesthetist allowed me to go for epi though I can delivered anytime. Anyway during the injection, the nurse dunno passed me what gas to suck, then i fainted. and I have a weird dream. When I woke up which was 15 min later, I tot I have delivered and I can't figured out where was I. I kept asking the anaesthetist where is my baby, where is my hb. THen the anaesthetist only realised I was knocked out just now. But he never answered my question, when my hb came in, I asked him where is our baby, he laughed and said I haven't delivered yet.
wah your case is really very rare i guess, my bill came out to be 1.2k+ in cash with another 3.2k gynae package including delivery.. consider very cheap for 1 bedder..

and i think for your case it's not consider as induced, induce should break waterbag and use the drip liao.. yours is just to insert dilation pill, me and my sis both get that cuz gynae say our cervix wall very thick, so the dilation pill is used to soften the cervix hence supposedly will dilate faster.. but too bad for both of us it's not working.. i was at 38 week and she was at 41 week so for her case yes she's overdued.. but the dilation pill has nothing to do with contraction, the contraction is the actual thing which speeds up the dilation process..

honestly if i were you i sure question the gynae as in at least should break waterbag and wait for strong contraction then if really no dilation can consider C sect lah.. usually contraction will kick in after waterbag burst and that starts the labour process mah..

i wasn't overdue at all, only at 38 weeks as gynae can't let me wait till full term, high blood pressure will cause baby heart beat drop so he has to induce me before i am due..

wah 4cm dilated when you were admitted, no wonder you can dilate from 4-10cm in such a short time.. for me i was dilated to 1cm on week 37 already, but after inserting dilation pill on week 38, and waited for 5 hours, only at 1.5cm.. i am sure your 2nd time delivery will be very smooth cuz can dilate faster means shorter labour time mah.. i think my cervix wall is just too thick, that's why from 1.5cm to 10cm, took me 12 hours, LOL..

but Audrey is right leh, i meant i am surprised you can take epi at 10cm, cuz my friends once dilate to 6cm, they dun give epi liao, doc/nurse say by the time epi take effect, baby is out liao so it's too late.. that's why i advise my friends if can't take the pain at 4cm, then take epi.. or else wait till 6-7cm, even can't take the pain, also wont be able to take epi liao..

now then only i learned there's other ways to relief pain like injection on thigh.. last time i thought epi is the only option, haha.. so blur.. but then unless necessary, will try to go for natural without epi again
I dilated to 4cm w/o feeling anything, when admited, nurse oredi advised me to take epi. But i haven't felt any contraction yet. If i took epi then I will never feel the contraction at all, like not giving birth before. But probably I am tall, my birth canal is long. that was probably the reason I still can take epi at 10cm. Imagine after epi i still have to wait for almost 4 hours then only can deliver. Push 3 times then my gal was out. The midwife said you gave birth so easily, hope to see you next year.
After you delivered, they midwife will pass your bb to you let you hug or have a look. Me so silly I was shocked when the midwife passed me my gal, I pushed her away and wonder why this midwife passed me something so bloody. Only then I realised that was my gal. Then i gave her a hug. haha. My mum said I am silly, own daughter also dunno. Cos I dunno they will pass me the bb ma. My mum said this is the standard procecure.
haha loshita you are so cute!! yes it's standard procedure lor, although i've never viewed any labour videos but i read enough and asked all my experienced friends so i know what to expect.. but nvm this time round you sure know what's going on.. LOL..

and yes i can tell your labour is really smooth.. but shocked to know that dilate for 10cm still can take another 4 hours to deliver.. i am not tall but my baby was not due yet so never engage into birth canal, no way to push out so have to insert a vacuum cup like a mug to suck him out, that's why only pushed 3 times he is out.. if wait till he go down the birth canal, think might not just take hours, LOL of course can't wait also, if i cant push him out at that time, that's it, Emergency C-sect.. =(
Morning mummies..

Haha loshita... you didn't know they will pass you the baby? Luckily the PEH customer relations lady told me all the SOP during the hospital tour so I know what to expect when I delivering there.

Audrey, sad to know you had a miscarriage at 20 weeks.. did you know the cause?

Felicia, I thought the injection on the thigh is only given after baby comes out and you need to push out the placenta?

Re inducing delivery, I think my colleagues had the same experience... water bag didn't break so had to get doctor to break it.
I also never take epidural but get injection on thigh (Pethidine injection). The reason is becoz the midwife saying why I must suffer and it's FOC even though I actually can tahan the pain lor..

Then I think that makes my baby sleepy all the time and doesn't want to latch!! I think you should be careful for those pain relief things.

My friend told me the midwife should not inject me because the injection is only 1 hour before I give birth so it's really affecting the baby
She said last time she gets injected while she's still in the waiting room so she can get some sleep.

I always regretted that. When I ask got effect or not, the midwife say no effect, if got effect they have ways to overcome. Then some more say why I must suffer like that. Of course in the end I say yes becoz I cannot think becoz of the pain..
Regarding water bag: it's better if the doctor doesn't break your water bag actually.. Because if they did, means more risk to your baby and straight away can need to go for C-sect..

But then I also dunno why the gynea never break water bag in Petrina case.. Because usually contraction getting intense only after water bag break. Maybe because of no dilation??
My friend said she does not dilate in the end even though her water bag is broken already, and she need to go for C-section because of that..

My case I start with contraction all the way until few hours before I give birth my water bag is leaking only, and in the end the midwife need to break my water bag as I have dilated 5 or 6 cm but water bag hasn't broken..
And btw, the Pethidine injection got no effect on the pain at all!!

And I think it makes me feel very nausea after I give birth.. Only in the end I know it's a type of Morphine..
haha! Loshita, u very funny... knocked out then tot u delivered...

Groovy/Felica: my gynae is the kiasi type.. he is super cautious person who will not put anyone in danger. tats y i was so called induced or admitted @ 37wks - just because of weight loss..
Hb said true enough, when baby was taken out, the umbilical cord was already almost round the neck. Tat was the only reason i was relieved i accepted his idea.

he did mention tat if water bag break then no dilation means emergency c-sec means GA = no hb allowed.. which i was totally against.

i also wonder y no drip. maybe cause no water bag breaking?? nvr ask so much cause i wasn't too sure then.

i wasn't sure if i wanted the same gynae this time. but i can't find another gynae whom i feel comfy with. so i stuck with him. plus he assured me tat he will try his best for natural this time. so i m exercising alot more and hope i can start the labor by myself instead of sent to hospital feeling nothing.
I am planning to opt for w/o epi too. But I kind of abit worry if I can withstand the pain.. As most of my friends around use epi.. They say I crazy.. But after seeing a few mummies here so brave, I feel better.. Cos this is my #1, have no experience

A few qns. Did u all use anything else without epi? Cos one of my gf w/o epi, she inject something on her leg instead, so the leg go numb.. Don't know what's that. And laughing gas also.. Is there other injection to ease the pain?

For me, I will probably use hypnosis birth method.. Hope I can go into the state at that point.
oh ya, the chart that someone posted here before on the gender of bb, it is confirmed to check on last period date not conceived date. Check when is your last period date in lunar calendar then refer to the chart. At first I tot follow conceived date then I should be getting a gal. Then my frens around all said follow last period date only accurate. If I follow last period date then I should get a boy. and doc also able to scan the CCB.
Petrina, Nattan

Ya petrina, baby heart just stopped beating at week 20. Cause unknown but i had been bleeding for months and i guess baby not meant to be mine though tried my best to save him/her.


You are so cute, sorry that i laughed at your hubby's reply.

If i were to dilate to 10cm, i dont think i will opt for epi even anaesthetist said can take.

The midwife never offered me the thigh injection for all my deliveries, i was never informed of that.

Mine is not induced but both times i got contraction before 37 weeks, never knew if baby has engaged into birth canal or not.
The injection is FOC I mean is inclusive in the delivery package.. If never take they will still charge u I guess..
It's the same as laughing gas..
i never heard about the thigh injection thingy till recently my friend opted for it instead of epi for her 2nd delivery.. nurses never tell me anything about any kind of pain relief method.. they just said to hubby, your wife can tolerant pain so it's good, till i dilate to 8cm then the nurse ask me if i need any pain relief, i said thought you give me laughing gas? she then say nope switched to oxygen cuz baby heart beat is dropping.. faintz.. then never mention about any other methods..

i dunno if i pushed out the placenta anyway, lol that time was too excited to know baby is finally out.. cuz when i was told about Emergency C-sect, i was only thinking about the hospital bill, brain not function liao.. so when baby was out, the first thing i thought of is, wow save $$ liao.. LOL

yup for the sake of baby, should just listen to gynae hor.. and yes worst case is Emergency C sect so i also rather follow doc's advice and avoid that..

yup agree if i am 10cm i wont opt for epi, unless my gynae say must take. LOL.. i was fully dilated and baby was not in birth canal so doc said might need emergency c sect, if i have to do that then no choice die die must take epi or maybe GA.. guess i am lucky to have this very experienced gynae and he was confident that vacuum cup is good enough for my case.. i also got slight contraction from week 35 or 36.. i envy Loshita lor can dilate so fast.. i am hoping this time before i get admitted, already 3-4cm dilated at home, wahahaha..

I'm going to Mt A. What my doc said is just let him know which hospital we want to go then the type of room is only upon admission then let the nurse know.

Flu vaccination

My doc just gave me flu vac saying that is advisable to take.

Fish oil

My doc don't like to give so much vitamins so not giving fish oil. May want to get some myself. Any recommendation?
envy u guys cn opt for natural. #1 i was admitted cos overdue liao n bb is of rt size. Wt 3.5kg. No contraction, no sign of bb wantin to cm out. Try to induce w pills, was in the labor ward for ovr 35hrs stil refuse to dilat. So gynae sy better csec. Tis time i tink cos its too close to #1, dont tink i wan2 tak risk. Wil hv to csec too. No chance of goin thro the experience of water bag burst n contraction b4 goin to hosp.
Felicia, the nurse never told you when they switched to oxygen?? Faintz... I think I'll need the gas for pain management. The suction cup sounds painful too la.. if I can avoid, I will avoid it :p

Actually my colleagues' experience are really different. One said she was already in so much pain at 2cm that she had to opt for epidural. My boss was still going for Mac Big Breakfast at 3cm! She eventually went to the hospital and asked for inducement cos she didn't want to go home after travelling all the way! Another church friend said she only used gas and nothing else, but the delivery was relatively stress-free for her.

Hmm.. so any idea when to book the hospital huh? I don't wish to get into a mad rush given this year there will be many more deliveries...
Chin, so you mean no advance booking of hospital room? How will we be able to ensure we get the room type we want?

You can try the fish oil Jul recommends. For me, doc gave me DHAxtra softgels.. they are tasteless. I'm also taking calcium, Floron and folate tablets.

Not sure about flu vac at this point in time.. I read somewhere there's some mercury compound in the vaccine, so to be safe, I'll do it only after delivery... BTW, the flu vac does not protect against Rotaviruses.. this is the type of virus that causes stomach flu and diarrhoea. So you still need to be very careful around those who got stomach flu.
haha nattan nope, they didn't.. think they switch shift around that same time so not much proper hand off maybe.. i was enjoying the laughing gas when they first gave me the mask but after a short while dun feel anything liao, i still thought okay laughing gas is not working on me, who knows it's just oxygen.. so this time i am hoping that i can use the laughing gas.. like you said everyone's experience is diff.. i called my sister when i was 5cm dilated and she said i am crazy cuz i still can talk to her for so long, she said when she was 5cm she can't even open her mouth liao although she didn't use epi either eventually.. So true i did it without epi but the pain is really no joke and i am sure with laughing gas, i can manage it better..

i will be paying for half of the gynae package on the 18th which is my 24 weeks checkup, and nurse at his clinic said she will book the hospital for me at that time..
Nattan, ya lor. I heard already also very sian. The hospital also said the same thing when I go Mt A tour. U going which hospital? Maybe is different? Jul recommend which brand?

Doc ask me take then take whatever I just take. :p
Hospital room
From what I heard from the nurses at Mt A is even if u book,eg single room, on that day no available room u also can't get. Is base on first come first serve. So they don't want to give empty promise too. Haiz.
Fish Oil:

Doc gave me DHAxtra softgels but I really hate the smell esp when I burp. So immediately switched to Nordic Natural that Jul recommended after I finished the DHAxtra.

Tracy, I will be going for my FA scan at NUH on the 16th Feb. Was told that it will be approx. S$ 165.50 which is quite reasonable from what I understand.

My waterbag was break both times in kkh after cerix opened around 5-6cm, no sign of breaking on its own. Haha

As for my 3rd delivery, waterbag break on its own when my gynae is checking on dilation.

I was on drip 3 times before water bag break but maybe cause i was having constant contraction, like every 5 mins.


Laughing gas for me has no effect in pain relief but i think is more on letting you to get drowsy so you sort of relax when the contraction is here.

I also envy loshita being able to dilate so fast, wish i can be like her. Haha.. I got the real contaction at 36+ week, every 5 mins never stop so no choice but deliver early.


I am going TMC. The nurse assistant will booked for me when i am near to EDD. She will give me the delivery charge list a few weeks before confirmation so i have time to decide.
Chin, I'm going to PEH. Jul recommended Nordic Natural.

Anna, I don't taste anything when I burp leh.. Maybe cos I only take my supplements at night before bed so not much burping by then.. haha..
Hi nattan,
I am delivering at Peh too. I am booking the room next wk during my gynae visit. They will do the booking for me. Next wk , I will be 22weeks.
For the delivery charge, I already got the list during my 2nd gynae visit. So everything is quite clear for me.
I will be delivering at PEH too. Most likely going for cesarean....not as brave as most mummies here.

Thought supplements are best to take in the morning after breakfast as that's what I was told by gynae. And the fish oil taste extremely horrible to me cos I took them during my first trimester (MS season). Now should be better but I rather stick with the Nordic Natural DHA with strawberry flavour somemore. Heehee....
Priscilla, that's good.. I'll ask my gynae clinic if they can book for me when I go for my FA scan on 22 Feb. Do you need to pay a deposit for the booking?

Anna, I cannot remember to take after breakfast cos usually I'm in a rush and sometimes I eat out for breakfast, I don't bring the supplements with me. I think as long as I remember to eat it, it's good enough.
Wah! Swapping delivery stories huh?

I think I'm the most useless one. I started feeling some twinges like gonna have tummy ache ard 5pm+, went for my Brazilian wax, then was eating Mos Burger till 7pm when I told Hubs I couldn't take it liao. Dashed home, I had a long shower, scrubbed my face, shalpooed my hair twice etc, then went to hopital at 10pm.

They said the contraction was MILD, but I was bleeding by then so they sent me to the ward to stay overnight. Sent Hubs out for supper, was eating halfway, calling my mum, in between contractions. By 1230am, couldn't take it liao. Had to be wheelchaired to the delivery ward! Was trembling from the pain, tears pouring down my face.

Still gottta do the stupid edema which was so painful! The stupid nurse kept chasing me to hurry up when I was trying to clear *hiaz*

While waiting for the anaesthetist, I was given laughing gas. Totally useless lor! I told the nurse it didn't work, but she insisted I didn't breathe hard enough enough. I was clutching the bedrail in pain lor! Wanted to throw the mask in her face.

Anyway I think my epi finally came at 230am. Wah! Shiok! Bliss! Could feel instant relief, then started dozing. Except those irritating nurses kept coming to check my temp, BP, check dilation etc. Just after I fell asleep. I was having a bit of shivering from the epi, but nothing compared to the contractions pain. Think abt an hour plus before delivering, I felt itching. But no rashes coz I deliveerd by 9plus liao.

All the time I was wondering.. can I make it for breakfast? Can I make it for tea break? Who knows they refused to let me up from the bed, refused to gimme food till lunch. Wah $$@#&#&#^%! Starving lor!
Booking Hosp Rm

Asked gynae but she said 2 mths before the due date will do. Anyway it's true. We may book a 1-bedder, but if there's no 1-bedder avail on that day, just gotta take whatever they have left. Same goes for 2 or 4 bedder, whichever u choose. It all depends on that day's occupancy.

Fish Oil

hehe I also take the strawberry one. Day or night, I also burp. Haha


I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I also lost 2 myself, so I'm thankful for whatever I'm blessed with.

Oh your son changing school liao? Think they're many branches of Cherie Hearts in Singapore. Good lah, then u dun need to commute so far.
Maternity pads

Just one thing to note...

My firend used to tell me no point buying the thick, maternity pads. She just uses the slim, normal sanitary pads, much more comfy etc.

Then after I delivered, I realised why use maternity pads. My friend had a C-sec. There was no stickes at the bottom, and most of the blood was cleared out. So she had v little flow.

I on the other hand appreciated the thick padding. It'll make sure your wound down there is well-padded, so it doesn't hurt.

If you're opting for C-sec, I guess no harm just using those Sofy pads.

Haha you're very cute. I sometimes have dreams that I already delivered my baby, but when I woke up, I wondered why my tummy was still so big haha
Low Placenta

Anyone got this?

Went for my detailed scan & they said everything was normal, except that my placenta was low. Gynae didn't seem very worried, coz she said most of the time, it will move up. Hopefully! I dun wanna have a C-sec leh

I really dun want C-sec leh. First, the wound will be so painful - harder to recover, might grow ketoid, might have infection, will have horrible scar, & it'll limit my movt, whichb is bad coz I badly wanna BF. besides, C-sec will have major water retantion probs after all the IV fluids that they pump into me. And I cannot see, hold, BF my baby straightaway. Cannot eat!Dun want! Dun want!
Huh?! Dun scare me leh...both my Sils all went for C sect and never heard of those problems. They can still BF straight away. Whereas for the horrible scar....it won't be like last time....I heard the scar is very small now as compared to last time. I think I will better ask my sils to show me their scars first. :p

Maybe I have sensitive skin, so that's why. You know, just like BCG? Some people hardly have a scar, while others have a huge ketoid (patch of raised, brown, ugly tissue)? Since I have sensitive skin & nose, & eczema probs, I think I'll be one of the sway ones haha.

Not sure if the water retention happens to everyone, but that's what I read from my previous SMH thread. Seems like a lot of them have water retention issues if they had a C-sec. According to the BF-ing bks I read, that's what they say too.

Can BF but it's painful to do so with the wound on the tummy mah. Imagine how to cradle the baby? Prob gotta use football hold only.
