(2012/06) Jun 2012

joey >ya healthy more impt. He isnt tat disappointed lar. Jus his preference lor. He go ard tellin ppl i m most happy cos gal cn accompany me. :p so i m tinkin he wil dote on #1 in future.


Mine has suddenly progressed from nothing much to knocks

Even with the shivering n a bit of itchiness, the epi was still a godsend for me haha


Actually hor, my #1 also had a big tummy, thighs & head. Then the weight was over-estimated coz of that. Think you dun need to worry lah. The tummy will go down.


It's ok lah. I can just get from Robinsons, if I make it to town this weekend.

Hee at least your Hubs got reaction. I told mine, he was like, "Ok". Ask him happy or disappointed, he said "doesn't matter". When I asked if he's secretly hoping for a gal, then he 'scolded' me for being a woman asked why I must aws press for something other than what he replies. Sian lor!
I went for detailed scan today and it was double confirmed a boy. Head bigger in size compared to short arms and short legs. I also finally put on 1kg. Readings all good though placenta a little low.

Me having pain in pubic bone area. My gynae said it is a bit early for me to feel the pain. Got to avoid squatting and carrying my son. In fact she banned me from carrying but i need to fetch him to and from school. Also must sit down to wear pants. Must take care if not pain will be so bad i won't be able to move.

Son just started school. Teacher told me to go off right away. He cried lots and didn't want to participate. Today not so bad but still cried.
Chris, avoid names like kaelyn, kayle, keira etc. Tonnes of kids i know have these names. Something Belle is also very common.
Haha glass, my boss is calling her girl Caelin.. similar to Kaelyn :p

Anyway, you better be careful with carrying stuff.. don't lift anything heavy. For your boy, would he understand if you tell him it's painful to carry him?
tokin abt natural birth. Initially i tot i hv to csec cos #1 was csec n by edd is less than 2yrs fr #1 delivery. Bt gynae sy i cn try natural if i wan n if the original wound heal well. Bt cant induce.
Chris, you got a letter in mind? Like my boss, she wanted name starting with C cos #1's name also starts with C. Actually there are many naming websites like babynames.com where you can get many ideas for names.
nattan > i tot "m" wil b gd since #1 also starts w tat. Bt i dont really wan2 restrict too much either. Sm of the names i cant even pronounce. :p
Chris, just sharing some names starting with M I like
... Maya/Maia, Myra and Mischa.
Chris: I went to buy a names book to comb through all the names. Wanted something unique. And I don't want fancy spellings of a normal name coz many parents have the same idea. In the end tough for teacher to remember spelling or friends always spell the names wrongly. Very tough search. Happy looking.

After finding a name you like, must run it through a critical eye. Will it be pronounced wrongly by your parents or older generation? Will your child's friends make fun of the name? I know a number of kids who face that and the parents never think carefully. Or even yourself? Like Bernard is actually berNARD and not BERnard.
After that, must check surname to hear how it sounds and also see the initials got spell something bad esp with Chinese name too.

Don't get me started on Chinese names. Got one boy's name sounds very grand- rule the country. But the hanyu pinyin also spells fruit juice. Or those hanyu pinyin that has many sounds. Sure wrong tone would be used. Or Chinese name so complicated to write, your child will go crazy writing them. I know my son will have problem next time. His surname already a lot of strokes. Chinese name even more!

I actually told my mother she should have called me 陈一丁 to save me all the trouble of writing my name.

Anyway, have fun!
For boys, I know at least 5-6 boys my son's age who are called Ethan. And too many peopke say 'eaten' instead of pronouncing the 'th' sound. And some Aidan and many Jacob. And many kieran also. Dunno why k and j are very popular with many of my friends

And even though my son's name is very uncommon, got one boy in a trial class he went to had the same name. Very confusing. Then got one aunt keep calling him Eugene when it's not. Spelling totally different. Then my aunt likes to change English names to Chinese names, then my son's Chinese name and english name add together can mean howling devil/spirit. Anyway, this can be his nickname if he wants. So in the end, just find a few that you zoom in on.

Oh yes, for me even harder, coz of my work. We can come up with nice names, but somehow we will know someone or many people who are extremely naughty with that name. Then must restart the search.
Chris: hehe I'm someone who thinks too much.

Petrina: so you are right about having a girl, is it? Take care. Will bed rest increase the amount of fluid?
Not sure. But i was given antiobics cause gynae say mild yeast infection. So maybe tats y low fluid. Plus over active. So drink more water n rest lor.. Hope it comes back up.
Congrats Petrina!

For yeast infection, try to wear loose cotton underwear (don't wear tights or pants), cut down on sugar. Sugary foods and drinks make it easier for the yeast to multiply.
Hi Mummies! havent been in here for a very very long time. Just cleared the detailed scan last week. Mine is a boy also..DH hopes for a girl but too bad their family genes too strong.. can save abit money now i guess... EDD is 12 June, anyone same as me? Will be delivering at PEH but havent book yet..

Btw anyone have numbs hands and fingers? dunno is it water retention anot..but gynae said its the norm..
Chris, Miko is the meaning of "temple priestess" in Japanese, but if you're seeing it more from English perspective then it's ok I guess.

I agree with glass about choosing the name carefully, especially the part about older generation mis-pronouncing the name, cuz I have a cousin whose English name was often pronounced by elders as something that sounds like the male pte part, that he went to change his English name in his IC.

My #1's name starts with E, so hb and I have kind of settled with "Emma" for my #2. Actually intended this name for #1, but we liked the meaning of another name, so we skipped this name. Now got chance le. Haha...
Emma is nice.. For my family tradition is boy R, girl P.
So we chose Phoebe for our #2.
if we have a boy we would have picked Reuben.. Hehe

Thanks all
all the anticipation made me a little disappointed about not having a boy.. Afterall seeing how much our #1 stuck to me, i kinda yearn for the same feeling.. From beginning of the preg, i already don't feel a connection like i did for #1. On the other hand, my hb was super excited abt this baby. So he is super pleased tat we r gonna have a daddy's girl ! He already started scouting for the perfect girl clothes.. Keep saying this n that not nice, material not comfy.. Haha
He wasn't so picky with #1. our boy wore lots hand me downs n those $2 rompers..
I guess there is some truth in the daddy's girl, mummy's boy theory..
Hi mummies, how's ur weekend?

I'm looking for name starting with B. Cos my name start with A, Hubby start with C n my #01 is D. So hubby wan to hv a B so we will b a ABCD family. Haa.. but very difficult to get the one we like for our baby gal.
yotsuba > huh? Thn i dont wan tat name liao. Meanin is vry impt to me. So do u happen to knw any nice jap name for gal? Preferable start w m n easy to spell.

Pet> no leh my hubby lik boy more. Even for #2 he was hopin for boy. :p

dont knw y for tis preg, i smtimes feel tat my belly button is ovr stretched n smtimes it feels abit raw at certain part.
a little painful whn my blouse rub against it.
Yotsuba, Emma is a pretty name
makes me think of the Jane Austen novel.

Petrina, yes I believe in that theory too, so my hubby is hoping next time can have a daddy's girl also.. haha.. But many people probably hope to get 1 boy and girl cos they believe it means "好" (though I don't subscribe to this). But for economical reasons, I don't mind having another boy :p

Re names (Christian and Chinese), hubby and I already settled it before we knew the baby's gender. Won't say what it is cos it's a secret and nobody else knows, but it means "happy, auspicious sunshine"
glass, me also can't help to carry #1. Huhu.. When carrying just don't forget to carry from squating position. Also, don't bend too much when getting items from the floor.. I always get backache over the weekend but sleep it off to get better on weekdays..

numb hands & fingers, I remember when I pregnant with #1, I can't even bend my fingers in my 3rd trimester (8th mth pregnancy). I think it's common.
Morning mummies!

I havent thought of it, waiting to know the gender on next monday plus hubby is lazy to find one too. But guess it will be a similar name to my 3 kids' names; Everett JingYong, Charlotte JingEn and Garrett JingWei. But it wont be easy of 1, thats for sure.

Bedrest help to increase fluid, thats what my sister was told during her first pregnancy by her gynae but she didnt listen to rest as much as possible and was induced later stage.

Alamak! I'm also starting to have pain in the pelvic area. But very difficult not to squat coz I bring my boy home eevryday, & weekends we're on our own. Now Hubs is sick, so not as helpful as usual. Sigh, we'll muddle through as best as we can. Jiayou!


Hehe you got your wish, then now not so happy liao? haha women are like that right? I also couldn't make up my mind whetehr I wanted a boy or a gal, so I just decided to take whatever I'm blessed with. Ooh.. better rest well. Too much spring cleaning liao!


Is it that carpal tunnel syndrome thing? I don't have that but I'm starting to get cramps in my calves!


Oh I like Emma. But I'll never get to use it haha


haha I only know Aomi, Namie & Michida.

Mine also. In fact abt a mth ago I was saying that my belly button was very painful.
Emma is such a lovely name, something i have suggested to hubby when we were told most likely it's a girl during Oscar scan.. but end up boy again so no chance to use.. LOL..

congrats.. i am sure a lot of people will say you are very lucky to have 1 boy and 1 girl.. nowadays i look at cute baby girl clothes i also feel a bit wasted cuz i am the kind who loves girly stuff.. i told my sis, too bad all my skincare, bags, diamonds and stuff next time got to give to her 2 daughters liao.. LOL.. but if i really have a girl, think i won't know how to handle, so having another boy is good for me and the baby also i guess..

haha actually i really know a friend who's name is 丁一 lor.. surname is 丁 lah.. shiok hor very easy to teach the strokes sure learn faster than other kids in school.. haha.. but you are right about the spelling part.. for us it's even tougher.. cuz hubby's IC got english name, dialect name and hanyupinyin, he every time complain it's too long so for #1 we decided to put just the english name with dialect name.. then come to #2, i think damn hard to come out with the word 哲,which we both like a lot, but the dialect name spelling in Cantonese is ZIT.. how to use like that.. so we move on to choose other words for his chinese name but end up really couldn't agree on anything better, so now thinking to just spell it as ZETT lor.. not easy sia to think of names esp for singaporean got to think about all diff dialects..

I also sort of have similar 'regrets' abt having 2 boys. I'm not a girly gal, but it would be nice to have someone who will appreciate dolling up once in a while. Although I hate whining & the pettiness, yet it's nice to have someone who is more 'sensitive' to me too.

Oh well, gotta work with what we have. Haha yest we bought a Thomas Train cap for #1. he was crying abt gog to sch but once we showed him how the blue cap matches with his blue shorts & socks & bag & shoes, he was distracted liao. Hiaz!
Morning mummies!!

I'm expecting a boy #2 and edd 29/6! Drop by to say hi to all June mummies here! It's already Feb, 5 more months! WoOts!
haha jul, Sam doesn't like to go to school still hor.. but when you pick him up, is he doing okay? Renzo still cries when i send him to school in the morning but not serious, think because he just get promoted to PN2 this year so need time to readjust to the new environment, but when in laws bring him back, he's too happy and sometimes refuse to come home.. LOL.. guess Sam will do better and better so no worries!
Morning mummies..I will be having my detail scan in later afternoon today!So excited will confirm whether is it really a Bb girl as last check up gynae said 70% is a girl
I have thot of the name for the girl(Cheryl or Sherrill) but it sound like my boy name(Jaryl) Do ur think the sound is similar??..so still considering
keep us posted!!!!
and i like the name Cheryl.. nice match with Jaryl sure can tell they are siblings.. for us not much a prob but for old folks maybe lor the 2 names sound very similar dunno they could pronounce properly. the worse is when you call the name the 2 little one get confused dunno who you are calling.. but overall i think it's alright..
jerlyn, it's only whether you will mix up the names sometimes.

my brother's name ends with jie, but i'm jiejie or jie for short, so sometimes my mother mixes us up when she calls us.
groovy, I'm not supposed to squat, so carrying from squatting position is even worse for me. Only way is to carry him when he is very near me. He went a bit ballistic over the weekend. Kept insisting on me carrying him, and would cry really loudly if I refuse to.

jul: I think I'll make him climb to a higher level so that I don't have to bend so much to carry him.

Felicia: Really got Ding Yi? Wahahahaha. local or prc? I tink I came up with the yi ding coz last time got chuqian yiding.

Ya, cantonese spelling is a bother. My husband's dialect name is supposed to be Tuck, but his father didn't want him to be made fun of. So he gave him English name only in the IC. Everytime I write his name, people ask me whether got more. I know of one boy who has that Tuck, and true enough, frequently made fun of.

Zit is a bit unfortunate. So I want to avoid dialect name problems, and allow teachers to call my son's name correctly, so I use Hanyu Pinyin for the name, but stick to normal dialect surname. Plus my son's dialect name sounds disgusting to me. I refuse to call him by that.
Name, I'm using fully English name, completed with Middle Name (baptism name), and Last Name (family name).
Then just write Chinese name separately lor..

I was wondering for Singaporean case, usually you will write the "translation of Chinese name", "English name" ?

glass, Huhuhu my #1 also now keep wanting to be carried! Even to wash her hand also she will shout/almost cry if I ask my husband to carry her.. Then if we're at home she doesn't want to play/ eat/ carried/ bath/ change clothes/pants etc with the new maid yet. Then will keep looking for me even I can't really took a nap now. Hopefully 4 months from now she'll be okay with the new maid. Becoz I'll be with my maid, her, and new baby all the time. Can't imagine when I breastfeed the new baby if she keeps bothering me.. Maybe I'll need to master the technique of bf-ing using sarong then, so I can hands free and can walk while bf-ing..
i think the two names sound similar!.. next time u wanna praise them, also abit confusing! maybe wanna start with letter J too? Since yours jerlyn? and son's jaryl..

any mummies gg for prenatal at mt a??

i did mani/pedi the other day.. the therapist told me need to tell them abt preggy else they massage wrong points.. but last i checked w gynae, foot reflexology is ok.. or is it not?
<font color="aa00aa">Re: Baby names
Have not really thought about it. Will pass this until it's nearer to EDD.

Re: Short vacation ideas
I would like to bring #1 for a short trip before baby pops. Any suggestions?</font>
Morning mummies..

welcome hopecg
Foot reflexology is not recommended as the feet has many nerves which may be stimulated during massage and trigger uterine contraction. But usually they don't massage the soles of the feet in pedicure...you can ask them to gently massage your calves instead.

Jerlyn, I know a number of people with the name Cheryl... it's nice but getting a bit common :p Also, it sounds very similar to your boy's name leh.. I think the older folks will get confused and generally I think older folks cannot pronounce the "ryl" sound well :p

Re carrying #1, I think it's not advisable to carry anything heavy at this stage. My hubby doesn't even allow me to carry the tower fan into our room (it's less than 10kg). I dunno how heavy your #1s are but at age 2 or 3 should be around 10-12kg? Hubby also saw my SIL carry her #1 while she is now 7 mths pregnant. Quite dangerous lor... what if the kid accidentally kick the mummy's tummy? Even pressing against the tummy isn't good.
mummies, hv u tot of wat milk bottles to use? #1 i use pigeon premium standard. Tot for #2 better to change so tat cn differentiate while sterilising n washing.
haha yup got one Ding Yi, prc..

ooo we used dialect name spelling for #1 since hubby has that in his IC, got (hanyupinyin name) on his IC also but when he fill up form which requires name as per IC, he always complains cuz got to write 2 lines.. that's why for #1 we didn't put hanyupinyin.. but problem is like you said, people wont be able to pronounce accurately, more like reading Chinese name with English pronunciation..

my boy also very clingy to me lor and i still have to carry him daily when i send him to school.. hubby and mil keep telling me not to carry him but it's hard, he's still too young to really understand about having a sibling.. i still can manage with no problem although he's already 16kg, but i am also worried if the little one in my tummy can take it sia..
Felicia, I also have hanyupinyin in my IC but only use the dialect name when filling up forms. It's not necessary to include the hanyupinyin name actually.

Wow.. your boy is already so heavy. I seriously think you should stop carrying him already.. besides straining your back, the weight on your hips and tummy is a concern too..
#1 used Avent, in general it's good but we had bad experience with it leaking super often.. called Philips but was advised there's no similar issue reported by in fact we found many of such complains also.. think maybe because we sterilize the bottles daily, when #1 is bigger and we stop sterilizing, it gets a lot better.. also the teat is big and hard, so at first i thought if having a girl sure will change to pigeon cuz i think it's hard for a girl to handle avent teat..

anyway for #2 i already bought 3 NUK bottles to try out, so far the only prob i realized is the small bottle neck, might need to change to wide neck ones if it's really hard to wash the bottles..
haha okay then i will tell hubby dun fill in next time, he must be happy.. LOL..

yup i have a big chubby baby!! haha and yes i know it's not good, but sometimes it's really tough.. like early in the morning while he's still sleepy, it's hard to let him walk on his own to school.. and now it's terrible two stage so he doesn't really understand reasoning and telling him i can't carry because i have didi in my tummy won't work at all.. so far only my gynae told me it's alright to carry, funny right? he said if i dun have other options, then just have to handle it myself.. haha..

Chris, Felicia, my colleague is giving me her brand new Avent bottles. Going to try out and see how it goes..
