(2012/06) Jun 2012


U can call the clinic n ask.

I felt on n off from abt 15wks. But v weak n seldom. Turns out my low placenta was prob cushioning the blows. I thought this baby would be gentler than my first lol
Manunited: I could feel bb's movements at about 14-15weeks but very weak, sometimes its juz hiccups. Lately bb more active (now at 19th wk), think my coughing woke bb.
Jul, so cute your baby
Future footballer?? Haha.. I also felt some pain the other night on the left but after I rub there, it went away. Dunno issit the baby pressing that side or what.

Manunited, yes I could feel weak movements or flutters at week 15. Now the movements are more pronounced.
<font color="0077aa">jul, last wk robinsons having 20% (for cardmember) / 15% (for non-cardmember) discount off babysafe products. if i am not wrong, the promotion is until 5 Feb. u may wanna check it out.

anna, epi didn't work on my fren who just gave birth lately. her gynae told her it's cos her liver cleared the drug too fast and thus also mean she wun get drunk so easily. hee hee</font>
I can also feel bb movements, bb is very active around 9pm when i read stories to my kids and my kids talk loudly on bed. I'm at week 22, just had detailed scan and bb weighs about 420g.

Heehee maybe I watched too much football liao. For #1, I watched a lot of tennis &amp; football, maybe that's why he's like this haha


Thnaks! I didn't know abt the Babysafe promo. I'll go check it out.


I had mine at abt 20.5weeks. Weight was abt 340g. I have a feeling this will be a slimmer baby than Sam. Thighs already slimmer &amp; longer &amp; head not so big hahaha
aiyo.. i spend so much $$ on robinsons.. they nvr inform me abt sale.. hmph..

BB Movements
i have been feeling it on off since 19wks or so.

i get drunk easily. haha.. no wonder i can OD on it.

Chris: Updates!! let us know gender. good luck
normally #2 is slimmer than #1 cos mummy will be busy taking care of #1 :p

there's also robinsons promo these 4 days, get $20 voucher with $80 spent. Carrefour also have 10% storewide this weekend.
normally #2 is slimmer than #1 cos mummy will be busy taking care of #1 :p

there's also robinsons promo these 4 days, get $20 voucher with $80 spent. Carrefour also have 10% storewide this weekend.
Joeey, is the Robinson's promo only for card members? I'm thinking whether to wait till the BabyCare Fest to check out the Babysafe mattress promos...
i enjoy reading all the birth stories above. interesting !

chris and mummies, update us after your detailed scans

jul, i have kiddy palace card, work in town, stay in the west, if you want can arrange a timing ...
i saw the Robinson's promo in today's Straits Times. didn't state for card members only, i presume is open to all. you can try to call Robinsons to check ?
Manunited, are you a Manchester United fans? :D
How many weeks are you now? It's my 19th week and I can feel the fluttering since last week esp during night time after 10pm. Not really very strong but can really feel it....so fascinating for first time mummy like me. Hope you can feel it soon.
nattan, joeey

I called Robinsons to check on the Babyafe promo. There's a 20% for cardmembers, 15% for others. I'll prob gog to pick up the mattress protector. My #1's mattress protectors are quite torn &amp; shredded from 2.5 yrs of use haha


heehee thanks. I'll go to Robinsons since they have 20% now. Where are u working exactly? Maybe we can meet for lunch?
Jul, me too. Hub will not miss any match from Man U, but recently their performance really sucks big time esp all the good players are gone. Missed David Beckham and Ronaldo time....all the handsome guys. Heehee....

No prob
Even without the card, there's 15%


Hiaz.. yeah lor. They staretd the season so well with the Spurs &amp; Arsenal thrashings. Then they got thrashed by Man City. And they got kicked out of Champoins League *faint*

Dun find Ronaldo handsome lah. But he has a great body lol
yay, I finally see the fb group on my fb. But does that mean people can see I join the group? I haven't announce my pregnancy to too many people. Coz I saw this group from my friend's fb.
Joeey n mummies
I juz did my detailed scan tis afternoon. 19 wks 5 days. Bb is a boy n weight was 360g. Everything is normal. Head diameter is at 95percentile, so was wondering whether will b tougher to deliver if head growth continues at this rate. Gynae didn't seem concern though so I guess shld be ok.

Started feeling kicks at 16 wks, strong but occasional. Been v frequent since 2 wks back. Many kicks everyday. Heard first time mums experience movements much later. Perhaps my stomach skin is thinner so felt them earlier
jul > last time i gt the protector fr the fair so much cheaper than 15%. Havnt decide on the hosp yt. B relative intro anthr cl, so mayb c if she is available 1st thn decide bah.

Gender of bb
gona b a gal!
for most first time mom you wont feel baby movement very early. for my #1 only felt at 6th month then stop for a month never move, till 7 months+ then start actively moving.. but this time #2 think about 12 weeks can feel frequent movement already.. so dun worry if you can't feel it yet.. hehe...

my baby is about 350gm at 20 weeks 5 days so i think he might be smaller in size than his kor kor, hehee.. but for #1 last time head also big, every checkup gynae will tell me baby head is big, like mine, LOL.. then at week 36 i think he checked my cervix and womb and told me should be able to delivery naturally based on my size.. but predicted baby will be big around 3.6-3.7kg.. end up, 3.195 only, only head big lah, LOL..

Congrats!!! can start shopping lu!!!

Haha #1 also had a big head &amp; fat thighs. So his weight was over-estimated, abt 200g more than he actually was. I think this time the weight shd be more accurate since thighs are slimmer &amp; head is smaller haha

Chin, Chris, Cindy

Congrats on the gender


Hmm. how much cheaper is Babysafe at the fair? I have the Robinsons card, so it's 20% + the almost 5%, roughly ard 23%+?
Congrats Chris, Cindy and Chin

I think boy's head normally bigger, bigger babies are easier to take care, so that's good.

jul, my workplace is near dhoby ghaut mrt. Any mummies working in town, wana meet for lunch together ? Maybe can meet suntec or raffles city.
Hi Mummies

Sorry to interrupt. I have a pair of Brand New Medela Milk Collection Shells for sale. Bought it at $26.90 but letting go at $18.

Please PM me for quick deal. Thanks.

hehe bigger head doesn't mean bigger baby leh

Oh I'm at Newton. Maybe meeting at Orchard/Somerset is a better idea? Suntec a bit far. By the time I travel, no need to eat liao :p
Chin, why need a deeper pocket? Actually, having friends with kids can help you save more money. You can usually get some hand-me-downs which may still be in good condition. Of course, some people are very ngiao and refuse 2nd hand stuff. But my philosophy is, if can save, save. Babies grow so fast, it's a waste to buy new stuff. In my office, my colleagues recycle baby clothing and things a lot, so we can all save for what matters more - education and healthcare
haha Chin is having a baby girl mah.. based on experience, mummies with girls spend more.. there are basically more variety for girls when come to clothes, toys and everything else..
sure, we can meet orchard/somerset, then can go shopping heh ...
do you fetch your son to school in the morning ? Your FIL will fetch him in the afternoon ?

just started fish oil supplement this morning, have been burping since 7am , yikes !

today is the TOTO night, hope babies bring us luck... huat ah
yeah, girls can dress up more, hairband, hairclips, necklace, bracelets, bags .... that's what i've been buying ... haha
Then it's a choice lor..I understand it's very tempting to buy things. Even I also like to shop for cute clothing for my baby, but I'm also appreciative of 2nd hand stuff which can help me to save money to be put to better use next time.
Ya lor baby gal usually need more deeper pocket or pocketssss hahaha. I was hoping for a boy so that I can get many hands down from my brother. But gal only some friends will pass down. That day when my hubby knows is a gal he already quickly bring me go see clothes liao.

Still got legging and lacy shoes!!! Hahah
Just went for detail scan yesterday..
Very funny!! Baby is same as her jie jie, head down again and very low!! I was told can't scan the head, need to walk 10 minutes then come back..

Luckily when I walk 10 minutes, at least baby move slightly so in the end can get a scan of her face. huehehe...

This time around my scan is at Mt A! I think it has a better USG machine than Thomson leh! Or dunno last time in TMC if I get the not so good sonographer. Remmeber last time I get tortured, come at 12 and come back to get the head scanned every 30 minutes but my sonographer is not successful until 6 pm closing time she call another sonographer to scan? I remember until got 3 persons scan me. LOL!

This time around I have told the problem to the sonographer though, so might be she only estimate haha. She doesn't want to torture me. Especially I bring my #1 along :p. #1 is so noisy during the scan becoz she's sleepy. Huhu.. I think she's afraid if anything happens to me becoz I need to lie down..

And in Mt A the husband is allowed to enter from the beginning. In TMC I remember my husband is not allowed to enter, only the last 10 minutes then can enter for the sonographer to show the USG.. And I even cannot get to see the screen during the time I'm in the room last time in TMC

This time, the USG machine I think is very very clear, even the gender is TOTALLY CLEAR. GIRL AGAIN! Haha...

Haha maybe one day we shd arrange?

Hubs will drive us there in the am, drop us off, I'll settle my son, then take a 3 bus stop journey to work. FIL will fetach him after the 3h session ends.

I hate fish oil too! That's why I take strawberry flavour haha


Hehe you were right, really gal.. Congrats
<font color="aa00aa">Re: Baby movement
I started to feel baby's movement at 18 weeks. They are like flutters but sometimes can feel stronger movement.

Re: Epidural
Works very well for me when I delivered #1. In fact, I think it's a god-send as I actually yearn for it after having very frequent contractions but cervix was not dilating. No shivers or vomit after that.</font>
Wow~ long time no log in liao. Been so busy with work and CNY.

Went for detailed scan on 19/01/12 and hub was shock to see baby stomach very big. Result came out also show tat the abdomen size quite over the range... hahahaha... i guess my baby is a ah bui.

Got scolding from gynae tat my weight accend too much in 1 month (abt 3kg). Told me to control my diet, somemore say even i now dun eat, baby will still be growing... lolz
it's hard to control diet when we have discomfort here and there, eating makes me happy and controls the heartburn ...

chris, sex of the bb is determined by the sperm/man ... healthy bb is more important
My detail scan is on the 28th!!! The last scan also shows that my bb tummy abit big. Bb is 200g but tummy is 12cm. Abit worry if there is anything wrong.

My hubby even describe it like those africa kid tummy lor. Luckily overall gynae say the result is very good.

joeey: My hub very bad one lah, everytime i eat too much he will nag me liao. So now he very happy tat doc give him permission to control my diet.

Chin: Dun worry lah, ur gynae will give u the best advice
