(2012/06) Jun 2012

Morning mummies...

I just came back from my scan.. it's a Boy!!
So happy... God really answered my heart's desire...

BTW, just want to share this link for a breast milk-boosting tea. http://sacredtea.weebly.com/index.html My colleague recommends it and said her friend had an over-abundant supply of milk after drinking this. I think it's worth a try.. going to order with my boss and other parents-to-be in my office.

Thanks Chris and glass
Chris, 2/2 quite soon..just enjoy your CNY first! Actually my appt was suppose to be next weekend, but I wanted to go before CNY, that's why changed appt to today.
Congrats nattan!

I also have to wait till 2nd feb.. Provided baby is corporative.. Hehe

I guess all mummies will be busy enjoying their CNY

恭喜发财,心想事成 (^_^)
Thanks Petrina!

Well, just to update, I'll be taking public transport back to JB... my 2 BILs, 1 went back a day earlier, the other at first said want to go back at night, then last min change to go back in the afternoon. We didn't have time to prepare, so decided to go back ourselves. I was a bit disappointed that they didn't try to accommodate us, but in the end, I think better rely on ourselves than depend on other people and owe them. Anyway, I won't be going back already after CNY. So this is my last trip until many months later (or even 1 yr later when baby is older).
nattan > glad everything is settled. Ya, smtimes is better nt to expect too much fr othrs so tat we dont gt too disappointed in the end.

jus packed the fridge. We r nt preparin any reunion dinner. Dont knw y the fridge is all filled! :p
Nattan~congrats to u!!! Have a safe trip to JB n enjoy the CNY!

I also got to wait till end of the month for knowing the gender. Just enjoy the CNY 1st..

Wishing all mummies here a Happy n Properous new year. May all dreams come true for each of u...huat Ar!!!!
Nattan: Me same as you, my next scan supposed to be on 28th Jan but I really wanted to know my bb gender b4 CNY (when people start asking me)so I went to see my gynae on Friday.

And Yeah, found out my baby is a BOY! I was really thrilled cos my 1st one is a girl. But now I start to worry about logistics (my house is packed with girl's clothings and toys..and no space for boys stuff..hmm..)And the calendar predict wrong gender for me.

Anyway, I hope all the other mommies here can find out their baby gender soon!
Here wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year!
Congrat nattan and joycie!! Dragon boy.

The axa plan just lauch 2months ago.. Is also a investment-linked product with a mummy/child rider. Should be similar to prudential. But I think axa have a bit additional feature with slightly cheaper premium on the rider. This product is new so I guess will be slightly better than pru . If u interested, u can let me know, I can get my broker friend to assist u, if u don't have any...

Happy chinese new year!!
Happy New Year mummies!!!

So excited that almost everyone know the gender of their baby!!! I still got to wait till next wed!!

Recently have been working really hard baking CNY goodies for my family. Finally can rest le. My hubby told me that I have been talking a lot in my dream. Lol. He got scared sometimes.
Actually it's not the study fee I am worried about. It's the hostel fee +transport + food. I guess nowadays can reach 1k a mth already. Hehe I'm just a bit worried but the time hasn't come yet. Hopefully won't reach that case.
Groovy, u can't feed ur bil for the next few yrs right? If he' automatic, he will earn his own keep. At least try. But if he's a leech, like my bil in the past, u'll suffer... I stay with mil so bil officially leeach on all our food n drinks n lodging expenses. I can't say anything cause mil is here. It's very stressful on my hb for the past 15 yrs.. Feeding bil n mil while earning peanuts..
Hello mummies...

Thanks Anna, Joeey, Joycie, Bubblyval and Priscilla for your well wishes

Yay...made it back to Sg today. Actually traffic to and fro was very smooth, no jam at all, and we got seats. We went in on Sun morning around 9+am, reach FIL's place before 11am. Only thing was the long queue at the customs where I had to stand for about half an hr. Coming back today was a breeze though. So thank God everything went well. Anyway I wont be travelling into M'sia again till maybe next CNY.

Told my FIL about baby being a boy, but he wasn't like very excited also. He seems more excited playing with BIL's 2yo daughter. My dad also just replied "do i have a choice?" Dunno if he's just trying to be funny. Anyway, I don't really care about their reaction. I'm just happy for myself and glad to be home.
Nattan, they prefer girls?? Weird that ur fil not excited abt their first grandson leh...
Ur dad's reaction also abit weird. Own daughter preg shld be very happy. My parents r very proud.. So is my brother. My Mil also happy except she say very stressful.. Hehe. Went ard announcing for me.
Petrina, I also don't understand.. maybe cos SIL already have a son on the way in April, so FIL is not so excited already about another grandson. Now first grandchild (BIL's daughter) is 2yo, he is more interested in playing with her. My dad's first reaction when I told him I'm pregnant was "now I really feel old" :p I dunno if he's just trying to be funny or nonchalant cos the grandchild will not share his surname anyway. Usually MILs would be more excited la.. I can imagine my MIL would be very happy if she was still around.
Grandmas Preferring Grandsons

I've nvr understood why.

My own mum prefers boys, so does my grandma. But they're all female. And they would have 'suffered' to some extent at the hands of their own MIL. Why would they care abt continuing the family name when it's not even their own? Is it a source of pride to have had a son who has another son? *scratch head*

Maybe your FIL will come round to the idea after a while. I think my ILs are slowly coming round to the idea of my son gog to sch. I think it helps that they dunno how much it costs haha


Hmm don't think so much first lah. It remains to be seen whether your BIL will get into NUS/NTU first right?
Jul, thanks for the well wishes.

I wouldn't know if my MIL prefer grandsons. But I guess being traditional, MILs all want grandsons to carry on the family name.

Anyway, I'm on leave today and tomorrow
Going to visit my parents and grandma. Hope your son and FIL will get used to the idea of school soon...
Jul, haha.. On a contrary my mil prefer girls cause she has 2boys.. She told me she wished she have a girl to chat with. But this dil of hers always go against her.. Keke

Nattan, hehe, i also on leave till next monday.. Wanna enjoy the long holiday.
Usually ur dad is joker mah? Sometimes old ppl may be thinking of something else when we r talking to them. Perhaps he dun mean anything, give him time to absorb news bah.
Petrina, ya my dad is a bit of a joker, so I didn't take his remarks too seriously la.

Anyway this morning I vomitted for the 1st time. Had nasi lemak, fried chicken wing and the tarik. After bathing, I started burping, then before I knew it, I vomited inside my mouth :p I think baby is telling me "too much food!" Heh...better eat less for lunch and dinner.
jul: i downloaded photos from my friend's album for the first week of sch and my hubby showed them. According to him, they didn't raise any major objections this time, just kept quiet.

I decided to try to apply for part time workload, so that I can go of during lunch time for 2 hours to send my kid to school. Not sure whether can get approval. They think I would be too tired from the travelling, coz when I go over to their place at night, I would fall asleep.

But I was really upset last few days. Kept breaking down and cried almost every day. Pity my #2 for getting bad vibes.

Will see how it goes.

I seriously think I suffer from going-back-to-work-from-break illness. Nearly fainted just now, then threw up my food. Already 19 weeks!!
Happy Chinese New Year MTBs..
Sorry have been missing for long.. haha.. too busy with work and #1.

Ate too much ba gua. hope I do not have any warnings from my gynae this friday after 2nd detail scan..

I will have 2 sons and my MIL wants girl.. Is like that one.. they always want everything.. As if we can choose.lol

Haha my grandma I can understand. I dunno why my mum would prefer boys - when she cannot even summon enough energy to look after 1. She had 4 gals btw haha

Thanks, hopefully my son will stop crying soon!

Ew.. think u overate the rich food?


Haha her DIL keeps gog against her, yet she wants your daughter? haha


Hmm.. maybe they resigned liao? Anyway hope your PT arrangement works out. I've been contemplating on PT arrangement too haha. Also to be there to bring my son back after sch - something like yours - 2h off work.
glass, no I don't think so.. I'm still on leave today and tmr. I was ok in JB too.. not much nausea except maybe just feel sick looking at the same steamboat leftovers :p

I think part time work is a great idea. I'd also wish to have this kind of arrangement if I have 2 kids cos it's really tough to rely on maid or family to bring up 2, esp if they are both so young. I'll have to trust God on that when the time comes...

Jul, ya maybe ate too much rich food and ate too quickly :p

Maybe your mum prefers boys cos she always wanted boys herself? That's why try so many times but keep getting girls.. haha..

Yeah lah, I also think so. But after seeing my boy, she's quite horrified. So I dunno why she wants boys. Besides she also doesn't take care of her own kids herself, it was grandma/maid. Really no get it
my colleagues are coughing their lungs out. Spreading germs around!!

re part time work,
Sianz, according to HR, I should have applied for it last year. Now too late. By then I would have gone on maternity leave. Shucks, another door closed.
Lol! Exchange hb... I also think maybe mom or mils they nvr experience both genders so they prefer the other gender.. Hehe
Like us lah.. We also hope to get 1 each right?

Jul, lol.. I go against her, she say she hope to have her own daughter.. But bo bian. 2boys. So hope to get a nice filial dil.. Now hopes also dashed! So granddaughter lor.. No more chance liaomah.. Bil still very young. Haven't pak tor yet. Haha

Heehee you are the bane of your MIL's existence hor? DIL also cannot. Granddaughter also cannot. Haha very funny indeed


Wow so long. No room for negotiation at all? It's just a couple of hours after all?
Jul: maybe can. I will go and talk to my bosses tomorrow and see whether possible or not.

Think i'm allergic to sea cucumber or some good stuff. My skin itching like crazy.

Btw, how's everybody's weight gain like? I seem to be putting on weight slower than previously. A bit worried. I am not back to pre pregnancy weight yet by 500g or so. Sometimes a bit yoyo
glass, did your gynae say anything about your weight? I already put on about 4kg (or maybe a bit more, didn't go and check the scale.. hehe), which is pretty normal I guess. If your're eating normally then it should be fine. But if you're worried about the lack of weight gain, maybe can drink some of supplement milk formula like Anmum. You need about extra 300cal daily at this point (though I'm sure I exceed that :p).

About sea cucumber, I never heard of it causing allergy, but shellfish can. Did you eat any prawns, crabs or other shellfish? See if the itch goes away, if not ask the doc if he can prescribe anti-histamine.

Yeah, you go talk to him. It's not the same as work only half a day, or work only 2/3 days a week. 2h surely not that big a deal.

You have eczema right? Could be all the prawn, sotong, shellfish etc 'good' stuff that you had during CNY. I get that when I eat too much of these things. Oh I think I'm allergic to alcohol. When I was on confinement & took too much, I started itching all over. And that day, I took the steamboat soup with the chinese wine, I also itched.

Hmm.. think I shd have gained 5kg by now
weight gain
thought i am not eating alot but i am gaining weight faster than 1st pregnancy..

gained a total of 5.7kg at week 20 checkup, and now after CNY, think i must have put on another 2kg.. crazy sia.. i am worried that i will exceed the total 12kg weight gain advised by my gynae, he sure niam me lor..

i thought i am not eating a lot, but now think about it, i've been drinking soft drinks almost everyday lor although i still drink 2L of plain water daily.. with #1 that time i almost didn't touch soft drink at all, maybe that's why =(
Happy Lunar New Year to all mommies to be!

y u talking abt my MIL is like talking abt my MIL like tat huh? they like the same person like tat. haha..
my MIL oso din really take cares of her 2 sons. she's only weekends parents and dont really give hugs and kisses to her grandchild too. unlike my mom who will hug and kisses her grandchildren. i find it weird lor. cos my FIL express his love for grandchild more than her. to me, she is jus taking it as a responsibility acring for them.

weight gain; jus weight myself tdy. gain like 2kg. hope dont gain too much this time. :p
jul > chk w u, did u gt ur CL confirm fr tmc? Hws ur experience deliverin ther? Whic type of rm u choosin? Cos i havnt gt my CL confirm n was tinkin if i shld deliver in tmc instd so tat i cn gt the CL ther.

I can't remember what weight gain at what weeks now. I only rem that overall was 14kg. Hope not to exceed that this time round.

Think my appetitie not so good this time. Also feel more tired & fall sick more often. Guess there's no chance to rest at all coz got #1 hanging ard all the time. last time, I could rest wheneevr I got home from work & on weekends.

Hmm.. but that's your MIL. Mine is my mum leh. I think maybe now she's sad that her kids are not close to her at all. But it's too late to do anything now. And I'm not sure that she knows how to do anything.

Wah u only gaiend 2kg. Envy


I'm waiting for them to call em to confirm. For my EDD, they'll noyl call me end-Jan or early Feb. But shd be ok since I'm No 4 on the list.

Yeah I gave birth to my #1 at TMC. Mainly chose it coz my gynae's clinic is there, more convenient. And the PD I like was there then too (But he's since moved to Mt A HIAZ).

I got single room. I die die want single room coz I dun wanna be disturbed when I'm trying to rest, & Hubs can stay overnight if he wants.

1) Food - Very good. Choice of confinement / Western / something else.. I forgot. I took confinement.

2) Room - ALso good. It's impt for me to have the door closed so that visitors dun disturb me. That time was dunno H1N1 or whatever, only 2 visitors per patient, yet the 4-bedders were so noisy! The whole village can come for visit & they don't close the door if it's non-single bedder. I can't sleep with noise lor.

3) Lactation Consultant - They will make their rounds. Any prob, just ask them.

4) Parentcraft - I also chose TMC for this. In fact, I went there 5 times for my 8-week latching career. Mrs WBB said she doesn't wanna see me anynmore after the 5th time :p

5) Parking - Aws hear complaints but personally, Mt A isn't much better. TMC gives whole day parking coupons to my Hubs & he just parks there for free.

6) caring nurse - My boy had to be re-admitted for jaundice. I stayed with him so that I could pump EBM & let them cup feed. I could only get premium single room, & they couldn't let my son into the nursery coz of contamination. it was so cold & my son as turning blue & I was so upset I just burst into tears. There was this nurse who was so nice. She managed to squeeze out a room for me on another floor, & the nursery was empty, so she let my son stay there in a warm environment. Then dried my tears, hugged me, etc etc. Think that time I really broke down heehee

7) Mt A - What I like abt Mt A is that it's Catholic & my hubs is one. Also heard that the nurses there are nice & caring. But I'll choose TMC again for the gynae & the CL. My PD can come over from Mt A to do the rounds, so no prob with that.

thks jul. Cn chk w u again hw much is the CL for 1 mth? I m tinkin of gettin for 1.5mth. I wil lik to hv 2 bedder, cos hubby has to sty hm w #1 n i dont lik to sty alone in a rm. Wonder if ther wil b diff standard of nurse in diff rm category?
