(2012/06) Jun 2012

I've only cried once since the pregnancy. It was after having a silly argument with my hubby over him playing his game online for too long. But after he apologised, I'm fine. Most of the time I feel happy, knowing that I'm blessed by this gift from God
When I feel moody, I just play some soothing music, play with my cats or try a new recipe. Cooking is therapy to me

It's not good to cry too much when you have a baby cos your emotions can affect him or her. I know sometimes it's uncontrollable cos of hormones but we can all learn to put our focus elsewhere when we feel bad. Think happy thoughts like how you are going to dress and pamper the baby. Or how happy everyone around you will be when they see the baby. We are going to become mummies and we will need to be tough for our little ones

I am abit lucky, got to know my baby gender at week 14, gynae said is a boy. Going for my next visit on 9jan, can't wait. Don't know my baby still a boy a not. Haha.

For clothes,
I order a few maternity leggings online. I bought dresses and sun dresses. Clothes that I can still wear them after I delivery.
Haha nattan,
I cried for the same reason, my husband play online game too long and ask me to wait when I am hungry. And complain why I always hungry..
But now he doesn't, when I say I hungry, he will shut down his pc...
Priscilla, haha.. sometimes we both become game "widows" huh.. But my hubby will always stop whatever he's doing when I say I'm hungry.. He learnt that a long time ago when we were still dating. I get really bad tempered when hungry! Haha.. This time is cos I felt he played too long and didn't spend productive time on his biz la.
U can't imagine what game my husband playing.. He can open a fewfb account just to play game.. Ask me to wait for him to harvest his stupid plants and feed the animals.. Faint
Very fast thread.. Today is my last day of leave.. Tmr go back work. My hb also avid gamer. I dun rely on him for stuffs. Unless i crave food that require cooking like noodles..
Usually microwave foods i will diy.

As i mentioned earlier, i didn't get CL cause i dun like strangers handling my baby. I m very anal on hygiene. Even own family members must wash hands in front of me then can carry. The only day i let go was ManYue day. I close 2eyes. Every member of my family have to wash hands n feet upon entering house since i delivered my boy. Residenta muz bathe upon reaching home.

I had arguement with MIL during confinement cause i refused to let her carry. I dun allow her to cook then carry after. Muz bathe. Otherwise no carry. So quarreled.

She cooked my confinement meals like steam fish, broccoli, meat. I nvr ate sesame oil or excessive ginger. Ate standard meals. Only difference she bought black n red dates n fungus to cook water for me. Nvr drink plain water during 1st mth.

I took care of baby alone. Bf in room, watch tv n surf net. Then food ready, she will bring in tray to my room. Bathe baby she prepare water. I bathe baby in my room, tub on table while i stand. Then shift baby to changing table next to tub to wipe n change.
Bathe once in morning then once b4 bed. Change of clothes only when necessary since mostly in air con.

During confinement, when i walk ard the house, i'll sling baby in MiM sling then baby zzz when i do laundry n other chores. Sometimes i will put baby in rocker to zzz when weather is too warm to carry.

I like to be independent as i dun like ppl watching my back or nagging. So MIL was good enough to cook. Even then she was complaining abt not being able to look at grandson more, cause i like to DIY. I scared she not capable enuff. Maybe it's my perfectionist character. So not many ppl can tahan me. Lol

I still can't tell gender. Next appt if feb already. Very itchy to buy clothes though.. Very hard to resist shopping.
My nesting instinct has started. Did furniture arranging n massive spring cleaning. Brought out my old honeywell hepa purifier to clean and prepare it's usage.
Groovy2009: Thanks. I always talk to my baby and tell him/her to be good. At times, when I am starting to get uncomfy, then I will tell baby, please go & sleep. Do not disturb me. Stomach is getting bigger & bigger and also put on some weight.

Priscilla: I will always be sarcastic to my hubby & said stuff like: "Oh, so I am right that you are selfish and dont care about me. Nvm, I will ask baby not to be filial to you in future!" But I guess he is kind of used to it.

Nattan: No I always go to see gynae by myself. Yesterday was the 1st visit to the pyschiatrist & after an hour of communication, she wanted to see my hubby. I think he is abit scared but I told him it's fine if he doesnt want to go. He said he'd accompany me though.
hello to all MTB, congrats to your little bundle of joy. i am new to this forum and is currently pregnant with #2. my edd is 20 jun.

however, gotten unfavourable oscar scan result and doing my amnio next week. trying hard not to ponder too much about it and be more positive.

any mummies went for amnio before? can share more about the experience? thanks and all the best to all!
Priscilla, haha.. your hubby likes to play Farmville huh? My hubby plays fantasy role-playing games online like D&D Online. He usually stays up late during weekends to play with his best friend.

Petrina, you zai! I also hope to DIY like you. I think it's possible cos I've seen a lot of mummies share their experiences on DIY confinement online, so I feel more assured.

Zo, why doesn't your hubby accompany you to see the gynae? Is he working or not free to go with you? I always schedule the appt on Sat so it's easy for both me and hubby to go together. He is always excited to see the baby on the screen of the scanner. It's good to have the hubby accompany the wife so that he will also be informed by the gynae about the baby's development. As for your psychiatrist appt, I think it's also good if he can go with you la..

Hi Jasmine, I didn't go for the amnio so cannot advise you. But wish you all the best for the test. Don't worry too much...
I understand ur situation.. Well, man are one of a kind at times.. Is just them, we have to give in abit lor.. And man wants pride.. I believe, if u want them to be nice to you, be nice to them also.. Have to treat them like a boy sometimes..when u treat them nice, u ask them for help, they will be more willingly..
Although my hubby very mcp kind, but he still very gd to me.. He does all the household job now and take things for me when I ask.. I am damn lazy kind..
In turn, I always thank him for his help.. He hear already also happy ma.. Have to give ur man some sweet sometimes..
If not, he not happy, u also not happy.. Then we become depression.. Not healthy....

Salute you!!!

I feel I'm too spoiled to DIY lah.. That time some more only 25 years old :$..

This time around will have a maid to help out. Hopefully #1 can play by herself already when the baby is born..

Frankly, last time my baby is on super traditional cloth diaper and the cloth diaper is just 1 piece of cloth. Or straight away pants..
That's the one actually take more effort, everyday can change maybe like 20 times or more. Pee before BF, change, after that pee again, change, then some more if my clothes kena pee also I need to change. Then poo is worst. Sometimes the poo not all come out in 1 straight and can poo so often.

Then I get horrified after 1 month she almost always vomit milk (can be fresh or like yoghurt) after BF, so need to change her clothes too and need to keep her in upright position for long, sometimes I carry her in my chest, then after a while I figure out can just let her sit on my nursing pillow. Hehe.. But that one also kena complain by parents and PIL saying baby how come so small you already put in sitting position.. ZZzz.. Then saying head is a bit flat becoz of sleeping in between the nursing pillow lah..
Agree with Priscilla. Men have a lot of ego and pride. They need the wife to manja them and speak softly. If I shout, my hubby will shout back. But if I ask sweetly, he'll do anything for me
Manja works. Haha. I not zai, i niao.. if ppl go against my wishes i pek cek then be momzilla liao. So I'm preventing tat. Manyue my mil ask her barber bro to shave my boy head. I said no. Hb not in. End up still shave. I carry baby, ask mil fren to hold videocam film process. Stupid aunty dunno. Went to close cam. End up film 1min niah.

I was so angry i bo
I shouted at mil fren and carried my baby away n slammed the door. Then hb came back n scolded mil. I cried so badly tat day...
Hahaha.. Petrina.. Momzilla indeed. I think I would also pek chek with those san gu liu po who want to interfere with how I look after baby :p

Issit necessary to shave the baby's hair for manyue? My mum didn't do it for me cos worried about safety. I won't want to do it too. Besides I don't think I wanna rely on any relative to do it.
i hate too whenever my mil kepo with her frens about me and my gal. I hate her the most when she compared my gal and her fren's grandson. Even I have bm her fren daughter dun have also compare. Complaint to her fren said I 'yim chim' din simply eat. Hello, if I can simply eat then no need to do confinement oredi!! she cooked kangkung and cabbage for me ler...even my hb a man also know I can't eat these.
I never shave my baby's hair.. MIL just cut a tiny bit saying just formality and keepsake..

MIL said last time she also never shave any of her kids hair.
My parents also said they never shave.

People saying after shaving later hair will grow more beautifully but it's not the case in lots of time. My hubby's cousins after shaving keeps botak. My #1 has lots of hair since birth until now still lots of hair even though we never shave her

Not that much laundry lah. Depends on how your baby poos & how many times u wanna change him. My MIL is quite 'shen' so we didn't have much laundry. She also only bathes the baby once a day, scared he catch cold. Anyway got washing machine right?

If your food & laundry is settled, and your HUbs can bathe small kitten, then prob he won't be as afraid as my Hubs. My Hubs was the super afraid of breaking his baby, so it was very difficult at that time.

Anyway, not that I'm encouraging you to get CL. Just evaluate your situation & make an informed decision. I was ill-informed so regretted my choice. Don't wanna see anyone else suffer unnecessarily.


hang in there! Maybe there's side effects of the drug that'll take time to get over? Your situation really reminds me of after I gave borth. really like everyday is hopeless, everything is helpless, terrible situation to be in.


Sad to say, my mum will be the one busy watching TV & Sms-ing on her phone if she helps me with confinement!


I bought lots from Old Navy, Motherhood.com & Perfect Mum at Suntec City. I have the 15% discount card for Perfect Mum if u need haha

I know liao. It's another boy for me

I dun dare to be so firm with my ILs leh. You r very brave!


Hi there! Have u asked the May mummies? Think they're more advanced so some of them shd have gone for amnio?


I also go alone for #2. For #1 he went for every check up. Now, I tell him to pls save his leave so that he can help me more AFTER the baby comes out hahaha. Plus we need to keep taking leave here & there when PILs got something on, wanna go overseas, #1 starting sch etc.
loshita, how come cannot eat kangkong and cabbage during confinement? I heard about during pregnancy cannot eat la, but after delivery??

Groovy, ya, maybe I just cut a bit for keepsake
Anyway hair thick or not depends on genes. I'm praying my baby has daddy's hair.. thick and full.. hehe.. Mine is very fine.

Jul, yeah I know your advice is well-meaning
I just like to keep things simple and not over complicate it with too many steps or people involved. We like our privacy. Even if MIL and Mum can help to look after the baby, I think we still prefer to do it ourselves la. Cos old folks got their ways and we have ours. That's why before we got married, I insisted on not staying with ILs in case of conflicts.
shaving hair

Nothing to do with how much hair grows lah. Hair is based on no of follicles or dunno what. How can shaving increase the no of follicles?

Ok, great that u r ok then.

I also cannot live with ILs one. They have their habits, I have mine. Sure got conflicts. Even gog there & staying there during the day will cause conflicts.
Hello gals,

Those who went for amnio at TMC, how long did it take for u to receive the fast results? Been waiting for the call. I did mine on tues 3rd jan
Jul: I agree. Theres definitely gonna be conflicts no matter how nice the ILs are or how tolerant you are. Thats y even though my ILs were very nice and wanted to help out with the confinement instead of us getting a confinement lady, I rejected their offer.

Petrina: Wow, you sure ain't afraid to show whos the boss. I'm not sure I dare to be so fierce to my in laws. I think at most i'll juz complain to hubby then ask him to talk to his parents ba.

Jasmine: Congrats to you too! Dun worry so much. I'm sure things will turn out fine. =)

Checkups: So far hubby has been accompanying me for every checkup cos he can't wait to see the bb. He even finds it torturous that we only get to see bb once a mth now. Haha.

Shaving: Most of my friends did shave their bb's head. Some even cut their lashes and swear that they grow longer and more luscious. I'm not sure I dare to cut the bb's lashes.
merydith: hello, my amnio is scheduled next week and will be done by gynae. but i have research enough that the result normally took 2 weeks. unless u opt for a express result, which is within a few day. hopefully im not wrong.

how does your amnio went? is it painful?
Hi mummies

Any of you have itchy belly button? I used to have itchy tummy & itchy nipples. But for the past few days, my belly button & the nearby area has been itching horribly! As in, I can scratch the whole night & not be able to sleep well due to the itching!
Jul, my mom also spend much time to go shopping.. Becoz my bro and sis is also in SG. She's here for only less than 3 weeks last time when my baby is born, and her time here coincides with when IL is here for about 10 days so in the end she's in my home and helping for about 10 days only as most of the time I ask her to run errand or she spend time go shopping.. huhu.. Quite lucky out of those 10 days she didn't go for more shopping as my sister is not in SG even though she stay in sis house, because when my baby is 2.5 mths my mom comes again and not really helpful as when she's here IL was here to for #1 baptism. Maybe only help in 2 days. Becoz she go shopping almost everyday with my sister or my father and only come to my house for a few hours in the afternoon.

My mom is just not the type that can be confined at home, even though last time she take care of us herself as she's not working but with help of maid.
My mom if IL is at my house just come at lunch time and go back before dinner.

If she stays in my house and no in-law, nowadays, she will ciao to go shopping or take a walk with my father after lunch and only back during dinner..
<font color="aa00aa">Re: Baby's hair shaving
Cut lashes? I won't dare to do that but I think we did shave his head. However, I can't remember whether it's full month, or at 4 months' old.

Wow! I really salute you. So gungho &amp; steady.

Re: Confinement Nanny
Was telling DH last night that this year's rate is $2K+. He said, just order confinement catering &amp; ask my mum to help out in the day. Really in a dilemma now as I don't know if I can handle. Also don't know if I will meet a good CL.

Re: Bad temper
My temper has been really bad lately. I pity my son as he'd always "kena" scolding from me.

Skin stretching too much? Does anti-stretchmark cream or moisturiser help?</font>

I have following items for sale:

1. BRAND NEW Pigeon wipes with casing (multiple): $4.90
Usual: $7.90

2. BRAND NEW Tommee Tippee 0-3m Pacifier (x1): $4

3. BRAND NEW Pigeon Milk Bottles (x1): $13
Wide Neck, Peristaltic Nipple, BPA Free, 240ml

4. BRAND NEW TollyJoy Wipes (Refill + Container): $7

5. PRE-LOVED Organza Cloth for Maternity Shots (x1): $8
White with Shimmer, 3M long, Used only once.

Collection at Sengkang MRT.
Pls email me at [email protected] for photos.
Hi Jasmine, I did request for express result so waitig for them to call.

Regarding amnio, best is to be relaxed and not look at the needle gg in. Instead I looked at the ultrasound screen. When needle goes in and comes out it is like injection. The feeling while drawing te fluid is more of discomfort. No anaesthesia used but whole procedure take around 1min. Doc gave mc to rest at home after that

my mum also cannot stay home &amp; look after kids one. She claims that she'll quit her job &amp; look after both my #1 &amp; #2 for me, since Ils don't want to, so that I can go back to work. Forget it lah!

Not that I LOVE to do it alone, but my mum really cannot be depended on. Last time asked her to come up when I had a maid as I was trying to telework - not enough leave - she also fly aeroplane after 2 days. All she had to do was keep an eye on the maid, also cannot. Then for the short while that she was there, every minute can hear her go OMG at my boy's antics. So I really heart grey will cold liao

jasmine, moi

I have been applying cream. But it just itches like mad in the middle of the night. really driving me crazy. And it had to start right after I saw my gynae!
dont think too much and i think u will not feel the pain. i did mine last week. no pain at all. maybe i thick skin or the pl needle poke got alot of fats. haha..

i din op for express result cos the cost is really too much :p so i jus wait patiently with open mind.
Jul, I had the same itch on my boobs and nipples weeks ago but it's fine now. Guess it's just the skin stretching. Just tahan a bit and it will go away after a few days. Now my nipples are super sensitive... even brushing against them is quite uncomfortable..
dont worry, im sure you will receive positive results very soon
is hubby allowed in there? hows your ratio like if you dont mind i ask? oh! btw, my gynae told me express result will receive within a week. so u may use that as a gauge

haha...endure! my mum used to tell me when you scratch, you will stretchmarks. i scratch like crazy when im preggy with #1, true enough i have some. amazingly, my mum had 3 of us and have ZERO stretchmarks.

did you do it in TMC as well? heard that amnio also able to detect gender right?
I am apply moisturizer everyday now.. My cousin recommend me to use the coco butter from body shop.... She don't have stretch marks...so I follow her use.. Before I use, I start to itch abit and can feel my skin abit dry... After using it everyday, no itch now.. Can try
stretch mark:
Only after I give birth last time then I heard from mom if scratch don't use finger nails so you won't have stretch mark.

It's too late for me lah. For my #1 I scratch and scratch like crazy. Cannot tahan especially when going to sleep I scratch without thinking.. This time around also hand started to be itchy. huhu..
Anyone started using the Topicrem? I used a bit yesterday it's less strong smelling compared to Palmer's and the consistency is also lighter. My boss swears by Palmer's. She said she and her friends didn't get stretch marks after using Palmer's for their #1. I'm a bit lazy la.. only apply when I can remember to :p I think I'll put more around my hips and tummy cos it's really starting to grow bigger and the skin feels quite tight.
Argh! I try not to scratch, but it gets very very itchy when I'm sleeping. So cannot stop myself


yes, amnio test would yield the gender too.
Hi red tea,

Hopefully everything is fine
I opt for express if not wait CNY still keep pondering whether to tell relatives or not.

At TMC hubby wait outside coz the room v small

Btw anyone felt some mOvements from bb? Since after amnio I felt some light movements but I am only coming 17 wks. Isit too early to feel?
My result is 1:101 ... yours?
Hi Merydith,

That time doing the scan, the sonographer press my tummy very hard as the baby's position not the most ideal....after a while, i felt my tummy there got one kick like sensation...i dun know its the baby angry at being disturbed or just my tummy muscle reacting to the pushing...but other than that, i can't feel any movement yet.

Thanks gals for the maternity clothes sources...i find the clothes in the shops so ex...will look at some of the online shops =)

Your first one also a boy? Mine also...i got a feeling this may also be boy....but many of my other friends think it should be a girl as they say my pregnancy now seems more mah fan...more vomitting, spotting etc....

For my #1, i didn't want to shave him..but as a respect to tradition, i allowed the CL to cut a small clump of hair for my keepsake

I haven't started using stretch mark cream yet...but I got my sister to buy from clarins for me...first time trying it, dun know good or not.
Itchy skin
My entire body is itchy. Been scratching my feet, sole, legs, back of knee, hands and stomach is esp unbearable.

Skin is now bleeding with scabs, even my son ask me what those scabs are. Then now taking calcium, my fingernails grow super fast and super hard, so my skin is in worse stage than ever. I doubt mine is due to skin expanding. My excema is just acting up worse than ever. Give me steriods!

Tomorrow go see gynae. Hope to see gender.
I should stop feeling sorry for myself. Feel miserable that my ms has increased instead of decreased when i reach 16 weeks now. Keep puking all over and had to waste time cleaning up in the morning coz it came so suddenly. Boo hoo hoo.

Nerves feel pinched. Just now nearly bent over in pain when i tried to make my son brush his teeth and the nerve just became super painful. Felt so itchy and had to go home early instead of spending more time with him.

Now feel like sleeping even though i got tons of work to do. Then sian that my workplace just banned fitflops and i don't have flats to wear for the past few days.

Ok, end of complaining. Going to change my sorry state and feel excited about tomorrow's visit instead.
Merydith, I felt some flutters in my tummy but can't be sure if it's the baby. However, it didn't feel like gas or indigestion as I was just resting when it happened. You should be able to feel something between 16-20 weeks.

glass, maybe you can ask your doc for lotions to ease the itch. Don't think you can take steroids during pregnancy. Since eczema is linked to fungal infection, maybe you can try taking probiotics and yoghurt, see if it helps..

How come your office bans Fitflops?? Fortunately I'm allowed to wear them to work. All the best for tmr's doctor's visit!
Flutters - not sure if i had it. But i feel thuings moving ard my tummy since 14wks. Not aure gas or baby.

Nausea - i'm still vomiting.. Dunno y. Smetimes can control, sometimes can't. Morning yellow bile juice gets out too on some days.

Tmr gg back to work after so many days leave.. So sianz! But glad these few days have been fruitful. Did spring cleaning, baked tarts, visited son's school.


I thought i could feel something ard 14/15wks. Not sure if it was gas lol. But these couple of days i seem to feel more distinct 'knocks' but it's once off. So by the time i slow down to feel, no more movt.


It's ok to apply steroid cream. My dermatologist was saying v little gets into the bloodstream. I'm still using my creams. Better than oozing blood n plasma n scratching till i get no rest


Yup #1's a boy too. My symptoms were similar. Just that more tired etc which could be old age or not being able to rest with #1 ard.
