(2012/06) Jun 2012


Edd is just an estimate. Bbs can come early or late. Just takeit as the earliest date to be more prepared?


R u low iron?

Alexis, EDD is just an estimate. Although mine is 27 June, it may be a week earlier or later. You will know when you start having contractions.

Jenny, I think you need more iron. I used to feel giddy also cos I naturally am slightly anaemic, but don't have that problem now cos doctor prescribed iron supplement.

Jul, I haven't checked my mailbox since NY eve.. let me go and see. How do I return the extra bottle?
Jul, let me go back and check on to see if I received the package already, then arrange with you. Don't beat yourself up about it. It's normal to be more blur during pregnancy :p Hehe..
GREAT!! FINALLY engaged a confinement lady thru http://www.confinementladysg.com/ *PHEW*

Spoke to Jane Loh herself & i find her super amiable! Though its thru AGENCY & its a little bit off my budget, i believe SHE will provide me with superb services! ^^

My colleagues & friends recommended their confinement ladies to me but ALL fully booked. Sad sia. If possible, by referrals will be good of cos but am left with no choice. Hopefully this agency can meet my expectation! *cross fingers*

My sis & 1 of my colleagues tried GPLS(http://www.gplsconfinementnanny.com.sg/) & encountered BAD EXPERIENCE so........
<font color="aa00aa">oceana,
Your gynae should be able to give you a more accurate EDD during detailed scan around 20 weeks.

That's great. I'm looking for a CL too. I saw Jane's post in another forum &amp; am considering her too. How much is she quoting you (can PM me?)

I engaged my last CL via PEM Confinement Agency. The CL was good but there's no guarantee that I'll get her back and the charge is not cheap.
Ya, there're some bad comments about GPLS.</font>
Hi Angela, can you share how much is the confinement lady you engaged? You got a full-time one or day care one?
Hi ladies,

I am expecting my 2nd one and EDD is on 7 july 2012. I got a feeling he/she (dun know the gender yet) will be early and could be a june baby

I also need to go to the toilet frequently. Its like i just went a few mins ago and will feel like going again in a short while.
Same for my MS...till now just got slightly better but still vomit every now and then.
Last night just vomitted a huge bag of my dinner in the car. haiz...also wondering when it will end...
PM u two already! Go chk it out! HAHAHA!!

I got a full-time 1. 28days confinement. Price ain't cheap but i believe Jane's services. =P

I've got another colleague engaging PEM too. Yaaa heard NOT BAD too. Hmm...
Angela, thanks got your PM
Actually hubby is still not keen to get a CL. He thinks he will be able to handle it. My boss also strongly encouraged me to get one. She is getting one for 2 months for her #2! Cos she had experienced not having enough rest as a new mum with her #1 and now her hubby wanted her to get one for 2 months. Anyway, shall see... if hubby is so gungho, I'll let him take care of me and baby la.. ;)
Re cl
I got mine from gpls last time. She's ok, and i got her for two months. But she's over aged now, so cannot get permit so i never call her.

Re incontinence
I remember second day after giving birth, i was on my way to the toilet when i got one gush of water coming out. Didn't realise i had just peed full bladder on the floor, and i had no more pants left coz going home pants wet, pyjamas badly stained with lochia, in the end i hide in the bed while waiting for my husband to bring dry pants.

Then i told my gynae when she visited me, but so embarrasing coz my neighbour and her hubby were in the next bed.

Can u pm me too? Very difficult to get CL for dragon yr.


Hi! I also have a feeling mine will be early n end up being may baby.


Thks! Paiseh leh.


Haha i rem last time, i brought a whole cabin sized trolley to hosp. Got pads, 3 sets of PJs, 1set of gog home clothes, novel, cardigan, 1set of baby clothes, 1pack of disp panties, 1baby blanket, 1swaddle etc. End up only use pads, 1set pjs, panties n gog home clothes. Think the nurses must have been laughing at me haha
I will encourage you to get CL, my no.1 I regretted I din get any listening to my mil. So for this coming bb, I booked CL for 2 months. After no.1 experience hb also feels the need to engage a CL.

Make sure your hubs can handle k?

Last time i had no CL. Hubs went for prenatal course but no confidence. Everytime ask him to swaddle bb, dun dare. Ask him to change diaper, i have to help him. End up i do it all myself. Dun mention bathing him lor. Clean baby's eyes, he can prepare all the water cotton balls, but he'll pass to me to do. Everything is dun dare, scared hurt bb, bb so fragile n delicate.

In fact, it's only when i had my mc in may this yr that hubs began batjing my 2-yo, washing his bum after poo etc himself. I only managed to make him cut his nails last week.

So make sure he can do all this k! You'll be dog tired at night to have to BF n have to burp, change diaper after that

Same here! Regretted not getting CL last time. This time i'm getting for sure. Only thing is, i can't stand the traditional type. I ever interviewed one, she looked so 'dirty' with long, curly hair, nails also look long n yellow. Really dun dare to hire this type.

So really dilemma now. Coz i'm quite anal abt hygiene n pro-BF
loshita, Jul, I told him already what to expect. I will also get him to attend the classes. Since he insists that he can do it, I will let him try lor.. if he really cannot, then bobian he will have to resolve the issues cos I already warned him I'll be tired, I need the rest etc. But actually, strangely I have confidence in him la.. I believe that he will do his best and not run away from doing all these things. Just a matter of whether he will be more tired than me.. haha.
Nattan, it really depends whether to get CL or not. Is your hubby FULL TIME helping you?

Last time my hubby WORKS FROM HOME and it didn't really work. It's so tiring with all the carrying, feeding, changing diaper etc. I exclusive breastfeeding, day and night breastfeed, sometimes every 1 hour, sometimes 2 hours. Sometimes got hubby helps me carry baby to my lap and change her diaper first before bringing her but MOST OF THE TIME I'm on my own.
Especially I'm taking care the whole night feeding starting 1 AM since hubby ZZZ already.

Even though we have hubby's relatives to clean house, cooking and wash clothes but she's very old so she can't help in taking care of my baby at all.

Before giving birth I thought maternity leave will be like holiday. But it's actually like hell. No time to do anything. hahaha..

Can't imagine with #2 around this time, and hubby some more dunno can work from home again or not. But I definitely will have a maid this time around so she can at least help carry baby..

Actually the most tiring part is the total breastfeeding, I only pump and ask hubby to bottle-feed only once in weekends. Got 1 time I sleep 2 hours straight in weekend and already feel shocked like sleeping whole day like that. Becoz usually maximum sleep 0.5 hours or 1 hour each sleeping time lor..
Jul: i think i wanted to bring books, laptop, cds and lots of other things to occupy my time there.

Turn out i was mainly sleeping during my 23h labour, and also after birth.

Another thing to consider:
- Do you or your hubby have any experience with babies?

Because I do not have any experience at all when #1 is born. I have not even have carried any newborn baby before.
Done my dear. PM uUu!! ^^

Go get a CL. Very impt! My huBBy also said he CAN HANDLE but i DARE NOT take the risk laaa. And, am going to do Confinement back in my mother's place instead of in-laws'. more freedom. Tee hee! =X
Your hubby might be similar to my hubby leh!! Last time before give birth also he has confidence later he take care himself while he works from home after my maternity leave ends..

In the end his view changes when baby is born. Taking care of a baby really need full time. Where got time to still do work? Especially he works from home meaning all the time works, night time, weekends. So in the end we hire a maid..
Sianz also hubby in 2 man's company, can work from home, flexible, but in the end, every day every night, sometimes weekends also work..
Becoz sometimes he looks like working but he's not lah. Playing with iPad or computer games. Sometimes I asked he said waiting for server to load lah.. Zzz.. Can be true.. but still in front of computer meanings can't take care of baby..
Groovy, I know what you mean.. my boss already told me all these scenario. My hubby is working from home, his own biz, so he can be flexi with time. I'm also planning to breastfeed if possible and will also pump for hubby to feed when I nap. My boss said try to breastfeed exclusively for 1 month at least and not use bottle. I'll do that unless i'm too tired.

I think for your case, since you already have 1 kid, it will be more taxing to look after both baby and #1. I would get a CL too if I have 2.

glass, Jul, I don't think need to bring too many things to the hospital unless you're staying more than 2 nights for C-sec. You'll be too tired to read and even watch tv.. I'm thinking just bring an iPad so that hubby can occupy himself while I'm resting and I can also surf or read when I feel like it. For clothing 1 set pj and going home clothes will do cos hospital will provide maternity pads, gown and even newborn clothes for the baby.
<font color="aa00aa">jul_04,
Your post really made me LOL!

If you want to save some $, you can bring your own pad coz hospital's charge a premium for all consumables. Some people bring their own pj as they feel more comfortable. I think I brought one set but didn't use as I was wearing the hospital gown till discharge.

I brought 2 magazines but didn't really read it as either I was coping with the labour pain, tired or feel uneasy with all the contractions &amp; stuff. Anyway, more discussion when we're near EDD.</font>
Can u also pm me the rate of your CL? thanks lots!

wow, quite a few of you gonna engage CL for 2 mths..maybe i should seriously consider it also..for my first one, i was so scared and helpless when the CL was about to leave after 28 days.
Is this your first baby?
If you can, i recommend that you get a CL...cause after you give birth, you will be very tired and be in a bit of pain. Rest is important and also to recharge.
If its your first baby, you and your hb really got a lot of things to learn and the real baby is very different from the plastic baby during antenatal class ar.
BUttercup, yes it's my first. I know a CL will offer a lot of convenience but we have our reservations. Plus we both don't feel comfortable with a stranger staying with us.
Jul, I received the Topicrem... how to pass you the extra bottle? I can meet during lunch time around Raffles City area.
This is my first child too.
Actually initially I also thgt I don't need to hire cl. Cos my mom can come over everyday to bath and cook for me..
Then my friend warned me better get cl, if not I will regret..
End up I got one lor..
Nattan, I think unless ur mom or mil staying with u during ur confinement, I guess maybe u can skip, if not I think better be safe lor..
Confinement lady

Hmm.. Nattan not that my hubs tried to escape or what. He just had no guts to do it himself. But then maybe our case different lah. Coz we had no experience with newborns at all. Then also staying at mil's hse, so naturally she'll say things like let him rest he needs to work etc

The most silly thing is we both can't rest. Me washing n changing n he assisting. So bohua right??? 2 pple sleepless together


Good move! Honestly when mums or mil say will help, but they're limited in terms of got other family concerns, cannot exoect them to stay up at night etc. They can at most cook n help with laundry. After 2 weeks my mil let me bathe my bb
alone. So different from paying someone u know?


Can u meet at orchard tomorrow ard 12? If not, raffles city also fine. I work at newton.
Glass, moi, groovy

Actually i was very alert n not at all sleepy in hosp leh. Think it was the adrenaline. Or maybe i had an ok birth, ate supper before gog to the delivery ward, had epi till fully dilated, so gkt lots if energy after pushing lol?

It was arriving at mil's that it all came crashing down. Sleepy baby, engorgement, then hospitalisation due to high jaundice. I nearly went bonkers then

Oh forgot... I brought laptop too!

What're u doing abt food? Catering? Can try natal essentials. That time i tried for 10 days after my mc. Food not bad. But they deliver early, like all caterers. They have insulared box which helps to keep food warm, n red date tea. Food portions are enough for a hungry BF mummy. But think tye tea is not enough.

N not cheap. I paid $400+. Oh n they dun deliver on PH which my hubs said was stupid. As if PH mummy dun need to eat n drink lol
Priscilla, I cannot get MIL or mum's help cos MIL died last yr and mum has poor health.

Jul, is there really so much laundry? There's a laundromat at my place downstairs, at most I just need hubby to send it downstairs to wash. As for food, I'm planning to get delivery so that's settled.
hi nattan, sorry to hear that.

I guess there will be quite a lot of laundry. My mum say have to bath baby like 3 times a day. So their clothes u need to change. And u can touch water.. So some one have to bath baby..therefore will be good if u have someone to help..

I am also afraid that baby cry too much and I don't know what he wants, I think I will panic and cry.
Morning mummies..

Priscilla, I don't think need to bathe the baby so many times. Wouldn't that be drying for the skin? I think once in the day and another time in the afternoon if it's warm, is fine. At night, just wipe the body with a damp towel then dry quickly to prevent cold. My hubby will help me with the bathing. If he can bathe our tiny kitten which was then about 2 weeks old, I think he can do this... haha..

Did you watch the video about baby's cry? If you haven't then watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1fsofmvz4g It's very useful to know what the baby is trying to tell you so you know if he is hungry, tired or needs burping.
Good morning to all,

Nattan: I never like coffee or tea, apart from the occassional bubble tea that I like cos of the pearls. Went toilet on last Saturday twice &amp; stmoach was aching badly. Cannot imagine that the pain will be 100000x more. *Shrudders at the thoughts

Michi: I never like to drink prune juice although I tried before and it's of no use. I have not started to drink any milk till now.

I went to see the pyschiatrist yesterday and cried uncontrollably during the 1 hour session. The pyschiatrist diagnosed me having perinatal depression (both before &amp; after birth depression) of moderate level. She also prescribed me a medication to aid my sleep. &amp; am scheduled to see her again next week. She also would love to meet up with my hubby to talk. I tried to take the medication but it's worse. I could not sleep &amp; maybe cos of a cold, I kept sneezing till I ask hubby to off the air con. In the end, he went to another room to sleep &amp; I started to weep. Then I watched tv &amp; ate hawthorn biscuits till 2+. This morning, I started to tell my hubby off that he left both baby &amp; myself alone, saying that I want to kill u!!! :/ Now I am having migraine again. But thank goodness it is Thursday &amp; weekend is coming soon.

Priscilla: My mum bathed my nephew about twice a day &amp; sometimes will sponge him when he perspire but definitely will change his clothes like 5-6 times a day!
Jul, haha same lor, MIL bathe baby for 3-4 days, after that teach me then I bathe..
That time after I give birth, ILs are the one staying with us for about 10 days!! My mom stay in my sister's place and I stupidly asked her to go shopping for me as I'm lacking of nursing bra, doesn't have any spare tummy wrap etc (which actually I don't really need in the end), instead of asking her to help me.

Some more PIL just watch TV, MIL busy SMS/ on her phone, and do more to make that one hubby relative to settle down in our house and help her cooking. All becoz they thought hubby is AT HOME AND NOT WORKING.

Until one day hubby's boss call him and I overheard him scold hubby for not working. So, In the end I broke down and getting very angry to ILs and shout to them why no one help us taking care of baby!

Becoz that time it's quite depressing for me as my baby doesn't know how to latch yet but we are insisting to total breastfeed. So every time we wake her she just cry and cry like crazy, when put near breast won't latch but just cry.
IL just said buy formula milk or pump, but LC in Mt A said I shouldn't do that.. Hubby also insist on total breastfeed which means I just pump a bit of colostrum or milk to my baby's mouth when she cry...

Trust me, even though you're not the person who is easily depressed, you might be depressed after delivery. It's so different than every day life..
Btw, actually baby doesn't need so many bath lah.. I bathe my #1 only 1 time every day and her skin is still very good. No rashes or such..
Nattan, if your husband is the daring type (dare to carry newborn etc), I'm sure he can bathe baby too.

Haha in the end my husband also learn to bathe baby so he can bathe baby sometimes. I didn't ask him, he's the one offering help.
for my elder I bath one once a day only. in the early evening I will sponge him again.
but keep changing clothes cause poo poo lah, then stain clothes cause their poo is the more liquid kind. then he also regurgitate milk, milk reflex, so milk stains on clothes throucghout the day plus the hankie used to wipe the milk after feeding the baby...
can machine wash all these so no worries
but definitely quite a bit of laundry plus our clothes. cause due to hormones we will feel hot and perspire more....
btw, can I check where do u get your maternity clothes? I seem to be getting bigger faster this time round.

also do u know the gender of your baby yet? o went for my oscar ultrasound last week and the sonographer say cannot tell yet.
Paiseh I say wrongly.. Not really bathe 3times, bath + sponge. Change clothes 4-5times? I will take note, then have to standby a lot of clothes.

I can understand how u feel. I also cry if my husband ignore me at times.. I also don't know when I cry so easily over little thing. Hubby will not understand also. Thats why end up they walk away... I think is hard for them to understand our hormones change. ESP my hubby is quite a mcp ..
So I avoid arguement with him, and I don't have to cry..
Just relax and take it easy..
Or maybe, u can talk or go out with ur girlfriends, u will definitely feel better.
Buttercup, I bought my maternity bottom at spring maternity. Top I still wear my old clothes. I went for my checkup yesterday (14 weeks) also cannot see boy or gal.

Zo, I think you scare yourself too much la.. It's not healthy for you to keep dwelling on unhappy thoughts like the pain of childbirth and so on. Try to focus on the positive
I hope you feel better after seeing the psychiatrist. Does your hubby normally go with you? It's good if he can follow you for these doctor visits to have a better understanding of your condition.

Groovy, my hubby is quite daring la.. more daring than me. Normally I don't really dare to carry other people's newborn babies, but my hubby is very comfortable doing it. I guess I have more to learn than he does!

Buttercup, ya I'm thinking that if need to keep changing the baby's clothing then there will be more laundry to do. But luckily there is a laundromat below my place, so it's quite convenient if I have no time to do laundry, just send it down to have them washed. I don't perspire easily, but if it's really warm, I would still on the aircon and fan.

Re maternity clothes, I get them online mostly cos cheaper and more variety. Can try asos.com, ubermums-shop.com, springmaternity.com, etc. I also buy dresses with empire waist from normal blog shops online cos they are much cheaper than maternity clothes and I can wear them again after delivery.

I should be able to know the gender when I go for my next appt before CNY
