(2012/06) Jun 2012

Oh... I feel so nauseous. Seems worse than first tri! Wonder if it's the stupid antibiotics. Ugh! Hubs come back quick with my prata! N soy bean!


Jul! So nice.. I'm hungry too.. But gotta zzz it away.. Sigh

Hb is very worried abt the DBS Frauds. So he's checking accounts yet system overload, can't access.
wen for gynae visit today. Stil cant tell the gender. Bb is only abt 9cm, n i m in my 15th wk. Itchy skin prevention cn try to use moisturising shower gel. Eg dove (org) . Or cn apply calendula cream or olive oil.
Glass: sorry to hear that your ms got worse. Can you get some pills from the doc to reduce the ms? When I was in my first tri and had to take duphaston, the doc did give me some pills just in case it caused me nausea.

Nattan: I also felt some flutters. Haha but I always get confused whether its gas or juz liquid in the stomach. But there was one day when i was lying on my side (tilting forward) and I felt a distinct wriggling on the side which was on the bed. Mabbe I was squashing my bb and it was trying to get out of the way. hahaha

Nowadays my apetite not very good. Not that I'm having ms or what but all the food just don't seem to interest me. And when I get interested its stuff I can't eat like smoked salmon, sashimi.sighz. Fortunately hubby has been super sweet to me this whole time. Was dead beat yesterday and he practically brought everything to me. Dabao for me, Fed me the pills, bring me water, blow dry my hair and apply mustela cream for me.
baby movement
i started to feel it around my 11-12 weeks actually, but that time not sure if that's baby.. now it's so frequent.. with #1 i only managed to feel at 24 weeks.. guess this baby is really active and I am more sensitive since it's my 2nd pregnancy..

Really love the feeling so much, just that last time #1 moves above my belly button and now #2 moves below.. esp at night before i sleep, the feeling is so strong..

Engaging CL
This time round i get a day time CL, staying with in laws so no space for stay in CL..

For #1 I was like Petrina, handled baby all on my own but he's not easy to manage cuz day time sleep for 2-3 hours only the most, and can wake up every 20 - 40 mins somemore.. my mil helped me cook normal food, no confinement food and indeed not much meat cuz she dunno how to cook meat.. then whole day i am alone in the master bedroom with baby, most of the time aircon is on..

i also put the bath tub on the table to shower baby but one time only around 7pm.. but didn't do laundry lah all throw into watching machine and wash only..

Till my boy was about 2.5 months old i get a maid, then life gets better cuz i finally have some time to surf net or nap while baby is awake, since he is awake most of the time anyway..

So this time round since no one can help, i decided to get a CL so i can live a normal life.. but 2nd baby liao really can feel i am quite bo chap, lol not like #1 everything also try to prepare in advance.. But CL already said she can only take care of baby if she has the time since she might be busy cooking.. but i am fine with handling baby myself anyway, hehee..
Dear MTBs

You may want to consider my CL whom she will be doing for me for the Month of May for 40days. Therefore after she is available. Her next confinement is on end Aug 2012.

PM me for her contact if you are interested.
She is a M'sian from JB.
re lack of space for cl
i think my hubby was so accomodating for two months. i was living with my parents. i shared the room with cl, and baby. He slept in the living room coz my brother was unwilling to share the room with him as he said he was a super light sleeper and had insomia, so cannot have someone else to disturb him.

nattan: it's a common misconception that eczema is linked to fungal infection. i had my skin problem misdiagnosed for many many years, and suffered terribly, including injections by my luan luan lai gp. my demartologist cannot explain why i have it, so must use steriod cream. I'm using the strongest medicine already. no time to visit him. will get one from my gynae later, but it would be too mild for me.

they said fitflops look too sloppy and unprofessional.

asrias: I have the anti nausea pills, but I have to take them before food. I cannot wake up early and not eat. I must eat within 15 min of waking up, so the medicine won't work in time for me.

Anyway, I slept at 9 plus last night. Feel much better today.

jul: i just think pregnancy make it super severe. too bad i can't take a skin prick test now to see whether i'm allergic to any items.
hi, just wondering whether any mums tried or intending to try Origins Jamu Massage? been going through their website and reviews and it seems promising. however, pricing abit steep.

any reviews or special therapists to recommend?
glass, be careful using steroid creams.. it may thin your skin. Maybe you can also check your home for dust mites which can aggravate the itch.

Jasmine, I'm also considering Origins Jamu. Their price is quite reasonable and comparable to many other jamu practioners (barring freelancers of course). I'm planning to take up the 10 days package, you?
origins jamu
anyone knows if their body binder provided will need to be washed by us? Last time i engaged a malay massage lady, got provide body binder but i need to wash that and return to her on her next visit.. find it a bit troublesome lor..
Sorry to interrupt. I'm a May 2011 mummy had brought in some kids cool Baby Food/Milk Car warmer selling them @ $25(inc Normal Mail)-5 available

* Deluxe soft material insulates and protects
* Adjustable neoprene material with zipper accommodates various size bottles - regular, angled and wide neck
* Warm bottles quickly and evenly
* Hook-on clip design allows parents to hang it to anywhere in the car, stroller or diaper bag
* Foldable material and design makes it easy for storage

Package Content


* VoltageDC 12V
* Capacity500ml
* Warmer Temperature45°C±5°C
* Color: Blue
* Gross Weight: 0.330kg
* Package Size: (LxWxH)17cm x 10cm x 4cm


If any mummies are keen, can pm me or email: [email protected]

im going through their website and googling abt it now. hehe.. am looking at the royal package. 10 days jamu massage + 5 days TCM meridian massage. but am unsure which massage aunty shld i request for.

wash by us? but thought that postnatal massage need to be done everyday for effective results; meaning you had to wash everyday..omg..

my previous #1 massage lady always bring a new one when she came, and bring back the one im using (she wash it herself) too bad she retired liao, if not will surely look for her again.
Hi Jasmine, I think the jamu is only for tummy based on what my gf told me, cos she did get a package from them. I think in the end after she finished the package she got one which is full body
yah lor i got to wash everyday, the next day she bring another one to exchange, but i stopped after 1 day actually cuz i can't bend over to carry my boy while having the binder on my waist, so very hard to breastfeed, and back then no one help me so no choice.. now even if i have to wear it on and can't handle my baby easily, i can ask CL to help with feeding baby.. that time my mother only help to cook, she can't even feed my boy cuz sometimes my boy will merlion milk even through nose so my mother was scared..

but the good thing about the massage is it's a full body one, very relaxing.. if the origins jamu massage is only for tummy, then maybe i will still prefer freelancers..
Jasmine, I am only looking at the jamu, not TCM median massage. Since it's first time trying, I guess won't know which therapist is the best. But I think if you're not satisfied, you can ask them to change one for you?

Um.. if need to wash the binder everyday, I'll go to another agency that provides that service. Already got laundry to wash, and the binder is covered with the jamu creams.. too much trouble indeed.
yup. too much hassel to wash the binder. think better call and check before making any payment. anyway, all of us are due in june, we knows they might come up with different packages / promos then...

There are the usual suspects for eczema. Egg, dairy, seafokd, stress, weather too hot/cold/dry, dust etc
Hi jasmine, not sure y my friend told me its only tummy. But the full body one was effective. she went back to her original size b4 birth.

oh then I think its the baby movements. I feel it more when I lie down on the bed.

Pray that our results is fine...today I am suppose to receive my express result....probably i will call them up to check.

Anyone did prenatal massage b4? I am not sure if linked but my #1 end up a breech baby. Not sure if it is related to the massage. Now I have a few sessions left and I am not sure whether to go.
Jasmine, I got it wrong, its the wrap that is just tummy, not full body. I prefer to have wrap that is full body coz I can already imagine thunder thighs and big butt with all the water retention.

Yah, I'm praying hard too. Will keep you in my prayers. I been trying to distract myself frm thinking too much. Awaiting your good news soon!!!
Merydith, what do they do in prenatal massage? Do they massage tummy? I would avoid tummy massage at this stage. But I don't think it's linked to your breech baby lah..

All the best for your result today!

Asrias, which massage provider can do full body wrap? Pls share?
Nattan PMed u. DISCLAIMER: Tried and test by my friend NOT me. She got her to do full body massage + full body wrap. So far after 4 mths maternity she went back to original size. I have not decided whether I wanna engage her also. Cos seems like she collects 50% upfront and 50% at later stage which i'm not so comfortable la. Prefer pay per visit.

Jasmine, I can't PM u.
Thanks Asrias! I'm ok with the payment.. do you know what's her fees like for 10 sessions? Your friend did how many sessions?
i just want to share one thing about the massage, i know it's for sure good.. but as for whether we could get back to original size, indeed i went back to my pre-preggy size and weight right after 1 month of confinement.. I am big in size as in 162cm but 65kg before preggy.. i only did massage for 1 day so to me obviously it's not because of the massage.. so i think it's very individual.. i notice many of my friends who did not manage to get back to their shape is because they eat supper, guess it's normal cuz they get hungry at night while breastfeeding.. for me cuz i dun have much milk so i stopped breastfeeding after 1 month, and i didn't feel hungry cuz i was always sleepy so at night i rather sleep more than wake up and eat..
<font color="aa00aa">Will full body wrap be uncomfortable?

I had tummy wrap after delivery #1 &amp; really cannot take it after 2 - 3 hours as it was so uncomfortable &amp; itchy (ideally should put overnight). However, it did help to reduce my tummy size.

Re: Shoes
Tracce shoes are really comfortable but the smallest size (35) are still too big for me.</font>
i am sure it will be uncomfy moi.. i removed it after like 1-2 hours lor.. can't do anything basically although mine was also just a tummy wrap.. think it only works for those who have people to help with everything during confinement. then can lie and bed and no need to move around.. i totally can't carry #1 in sitting down position lor cuz the wrap is just too tight have to stand straight..
Haha.. uncomfortable or not.. for the sake of beauty and regaining my figure, I'll do anything! :p I'd probably go for tummy wrap only cos full body is a bit too restrictive since I need to DIY during confinement.
Moi: Yeah confirm will be uncomfortable and restrictive. But if it helps me slim back down I will bear with it.... heee....

Felicia is right too. If you have a CL to help around and really dun need to move around much then its ok. If u need to do alot of stuff the wrap will drive u mad i guess.
Joanne, did you have diarrhoea or constipation?? Any spotting? If have spotting go to gynae immediately. If not, see a GP and see if he can check what's wrong.

is it diarrhea ? i had diarrhea 2 weeks ago during my hols and it felt like contraction, every 5 minutes, the whole stomach churns for 30 seconds, initially i thought, oh dear, need to go hospital liao, then i poo-ed once, then no poo, then 3rd time, all watery poo. LS for 6 times in total.
joanne: baby part (lower abdomen) pain or upper gut heartburn kinda pain?
come n go or constant?
if u r really not sure n the pain is still there, i'll suggest call ur gynae n seek his/her advice.

moi: too bad.. otherwise Tracce is good choice. if 35 is slightly big, u might wanna send to cobbler to add padding at bottom to shrink the shoe insides.

Re - wraps
saw ppl doing it, can't stand itchiness, n i m anal on hygiene, so i didn't do for #1. i bf exclusively. shrank my weight n tummy to nearly pre-preg size by ManYue. When #1 turned 3mths, i was already back to pre-preg size n lost 2kg compared to pre-preg weight.
of course i did c-sec, i still have the saggy piece of expanded skin below my belly button. but tat is usually tucked into undies/pants.
when i wear corset under tight dresses for functions, my tummy is totally flat.
otherwise, when naked, i can see the flab there.
so i don't know if jamu wrap works for me or not. cause another friend who was slim b4 preg, also c-sec, didn't do wrap yet she don't have flab like mine.
i gathered it was due to over-expansion of skin during preg for me. after all, skin is like balloon. once expanded, the exterior skin will remain expanded. at most shrink alittle. not possible to be pre-expanded size right?
Erm Joanne, I think forum is not the right place to seek medical advice. If you're really in a lot of pain, just go to a GP first or call up the gynae clinic. Don't wait until it gets worse. Take care ya!

Petrina, if you have good genes, which I think you have, you probably can easily lose weight just by breastfeeding. That's what my colleagues told me too la.. For me, harder to lose weight. Need to restrict diet and exercise a lot to achieve results :p Any help to lose the flab is welcome!!
Just went to my gynae, and it's a boy. My husband could hear the tone of disappointment in my 'oh' when my gynae revealed the gender. Guess my son was right. Told me it's a baby brother, and told my mil he wanted a didi. My husband is very happy though.

Nattan: yup, i know the effects of steriods. I cannot use my medicine continously for more than a week.

For dustmites, i use raycop to zap the dust mites.

Jul: now too hard for me to try avoiding food and check by elimination. I can only eat certain things, so i just eat whatever i have appetite for. Can only suffer in silence.
congratulations glass!!!!

actually my boy also says he wants a didi, not meimei.. now you and jul both confirmed boy, will i be the next one having 2 boys? LOL...

do you feel your pregnancy experience very diff from last time? For me not much diff besides slight MS during 1st tri, last time with #1 didn't feel anything at all.. so many pple say maybe another boy lor, haha, i really don't mind since i actually like boys.. but hor somehow will be a bit disappointed ba i guess..
glass, congrats.. another boy for you. I'd love to have one.. If i have girl can swop with you.. haha.. just joking!

I hope God will answer my heart's desire soon... can't wait to find out..
Huhu mine is very similar when I'm preggy with #1, and it turns up girl again..

It seems more of us are having same gender as #1...

I suddenly before going to clinic when checking the gender can find girl girl name for #2 already. LOL. Boy name I've already found for a long time even before pregnant with #2, but not girl girl..

nattan: i'm fat! haha.. already fat pre-preg. so i was happy to lose weight to lesser than pre-preg.
of course i gradually gained over these past 3yrs.

when i got married, i was 68kg. when i just found out i was preg, i was 70kg. then abt 3mths post birth, i weighed 68kg. now at #2 when i found out i was preg, i was 73kg. *cross fingers* last sat weighing was 73.6kg.
