(2012/06) Jun 2012

Felicia: thanks. Do you have any feeling about the gender? While i woukd prefer to have a girl to balance out, i just had a feeling that it would be a boy again.
Symptoms not reaaly different, just more tired, probably coz must carry #1 too, and maybe older and not so fit.
Food likes and dislikes not too different, except i don't like cheese now.

Plus i look at my tummy, still the pointed type of shape like last time.

Another reason for my feeling is the way my son responded to me. They say the chikd will be very sticky to you if opposite gender. It only happened for a week or two at the initial stage, and he went back to his normal self. He is closer to me now than before coz i spent a lot more time with him in dec.

One more reason is i thought i saw something in the 3rd month scan at the lab, plus my baby's legs were wide open. Usually boys tend to open up more than girls.

Last reason is my mil got 2boys. Gender is determined by the men! Guess my hubby got similar genes as his father.

Sigh, wanted a girl for no. 1 and then no. 2 and both are boys.
Not super disappointed, but just accept lor. The nurse tells me to go for #3 but i don't think so.

<font color="aa00aa">I return to my pre-pregnancy weight quite fast after birth. Too fast that my tummy skin is not able to shrink as fast &amp; so I have lots of stretch marks &amp; a flabby tummy. That's why I look like 5 - 6 mths' pregnant now even though it's only 15+ weeks.

Re: Gender
I'm happy that this baby is a boy too (gynae confirmed at 12th week scan as I'll save a bit of $ with the hand-me downs from #1. I'm quite a practical person, so it's fine if both kids are same gender.</font>
Nattan, haha, you hope for a boy right! Good luck to you.

Groovy: did you actively try for a boy? I read up on the shettles method but never follow.
petrina you didn't put on any weight for this pregnancy wor.. think i put on 5kg liao ba..

for #1 i was 65kg when i preggy, then before delivery was 76kg.. after confinement back to 65kg then further dropped to 63kg..

then i went on diet half a year ago, share lunch with my sis everyday, i am the type that even do exercise also hard to slim down de.. but by eating less hor, i managed to lose to 58kg.. so i am hoping that this time round after delivery, i can slim down naturally by eating less again lor, hahaha..
wow yours also another boy? haha really many are having same genders hor..

yup boys usually can confirm earlier i feel..

i dun feel anything about gender this time leh.. last time at 7 weeks i told hubby i feel it's a boy.. lol then 14 weeks gynae said most likely boy liao.. same as you lor i just feel more tiring this time cuz need to carry #1 and i am older than before lor..

my son from day one super sticky to me, so no change so far, yup that makes me think maybe it's another boy..

my tummy not obvious yet.. not as pointed as #1 though but not very round so a bit hard to tell..

and guess what, mil also only 2 boys.. that's why for #1 i also strongly believe it's a boy last time.. maybe this time round really hoping for girl to have a diff experience, so dun have much feeling about whether it's a boy or girl..

my full scan is on the 18th.. can't wait also.. LOL
glass, ya hope for a boy... but if girl, I'll love all the same la
My MIL also had sons, 3 in fact, so hopefully the "boy-producing" genes will pass to my hubby too la.. haha! But I cannot tell if my tummy is sharp or rounded...to me looks round la.

Petrina, you only put on 0.6kg nett?? Wow.. cos you cannot eat much issit? I already put on about 3kg.. dunno if that's too much! I normally snack on fruit or yoghurt only after dinner.. Really concerned about too much weight-gain in case hard to lose it later. The important thing is try not to eat supper la..esp fattening stuff.
glass &amp; Felicia
Hi^5. my MIL oso 2 sons. my #1 &amp; #2 are boys. now #3 oso boy. i jus wanna cry. haha.. even my BIL oso has a son. so, think their side only got boy genes only. so sad rite. so my advise, nv nv try for #3 unless u can 100% confirm can get a gal!
3kg sounds very healthy weight gain to me leh.. dun think it's too much.. my gynae always remind me no more than 12kg in total, and you are right too much weight gain sure not easy to lose later.. so i am sure you are doing perfectly fine!!

wow 3 boys!! I only know I am going to close factory after this one.. LOL boy or girl also won't try for #3 liao.. i salute you sia.. with both me and hubby working i already dunno how to cope with 2 and you are going to handle 3.. power!!
Thanks Felicia
Fortunately I still go to gym 1-2 x a week (down from 2-3 x a week :p) so hopefully that helps to curb the weight-gain cos I have not really controlled my diet la :p I eat whatever I feel like (sometimes my hubby will tease me, issit baby wants to eat or baby's mummy want to eat? ;)) Now that another colleague is also expecting and also due in June, we're planning to make it a routine to go to the gym together

RedTea, you tried for a girl huh.. I have a relative who is the opposite of you.. tried for a boy even though she had 5 daughters!! Luckily 6th one is a boy! I also wanna close shop after 2.
i vomit alot lor.. even my colly also say i lost weight. face become smaller. but tummy machiam 5mths preg. LOL
for me as long as baby grows well i dun mind losing weight. haha
but gynae is strict. he say 600g is ok. but i muz gain more by feb (next appt).

i'm quite sure i m having another boy as my tummy is super pointed and high. only from sideways then can see. face forward, i just look fat cause overall i m fat.. so far haven't gotten seats much. only when i wear empire dress.
when i wear pants n tee, can't see liao. cause the existing flab is under pants. so the top protruding looks like fats..

genes - MIL also 2 boys, yeah. my hb did say will be boys high chance.
i followed shettles method very closely for girl. but 6mths no news. then month i got preg was the month my ovulation was 3wks late. which means we were doing it during boy period! sigh, i think it's fated i dun have girl cause tried 6mths no news.. then first time haywire then preg liao.

my #1 was first hit then kenna..

RedTea: i noe.. sob sob. i also tell ppl nvr try for #3 unless u can handle the results or if u really want another. for me #2 boy or girl i will close shop le. can't afford.
Nattan: pointed means stomach is protruding in the middle more. Rounded means the middle part not exceptionally big, but everywhere also quite flabby.

Redtea, wah, three sons! Well, the third one will pick up things very fast coz the older boys will teach him. My friend got two boys, tried for a girl, now boy again, also want to cry. Her gynae say can help her try for a girl, so now she is already thinking of forth one whike still expecting third one
glass, oh I see.. I'm not big anywhere else except the tummy part la.. dunno if that's a sign for boy?

Petrina, I also have 2 other June/July babies in the office. Boss' baby is due next month. So altogether 4 babies in the office this yr!
Amnio/CVS/Gender: I have went for my CVS test 2 weeks ago cos I can't wait to do the amnio test which is 2 wks later(now). Too torturing to wait that long. I have done the quick/rapid test and the result out within 2 days time, which a more detail report out within 2 wks time. Thank god the result is good. So you gals can opt for the quick/rapid test when you are doing the amnio. I have just received my detail report and everything is good too. And I was told I'm carrying a little princess. Abit of disappointment cos my ils, hubby and I will prefer a boy...so that my hubby who is a very sporty person can bring him out for sport. Well it's all fated...never expect I will be preggie but anyway my hubby dun intend to try #2. This year I'm already 35...dun think can handle another #2 too.
glass, redtea, congrats on knowing the gender. I'm also expecting a boy this time.

Anna, great to hear good news, try for #2, having a sibling is the best gift for your child. As long as before 40 still can make it, Andy Lau's wife, 45, is also expecting.
I got my results today and the express result says baby is fine. Phew!! And it's a girl.. Just nice ...since #1 is a boy.

Now I dun have to hide my tummy anymore ..

For prenatal massage they did not massage tummy ... Oh or other acupoints will affect the baby position?? Hehe

Hope the best for u too
Joeey: congrats! You are very lucky to have both girl and boys.

Merydith: congrats on having a girl. Really envy:)
Glass am just glad baby is healthy and learning it is a girl is a bonus . Well now just pray a smooth pregnancy and delivery.
Glass, 2 boys is also ok coz they will be close n with a sibling they won't want to drag u to play with them all the time. My 3yr old keeps wanting me to play with his toys etc n too be frank I am bored playing with his cars and balls lol
Anna, Merydith, congrats on receiving good reports on your babies. The baby's health is most important.

Agree with Joeey that having another baby before 40 is still ok as long as you're still in good health. I also think that having a sibling is better for #1 too. It's not much fun being an only child, especially when he/she has to carry the responsibility of looking after parents next time alone.
Felicia, are you going for your detailed scan on the 18th? Is it at TMC?

Anyone had been experiencing abdomen cramps and backache these days? I am at week 18 now.
Hi jul,
I got no time today to go for the stem cord seminar,but I registrated the cord life seminar on the 14jan..
hi mummies, reporting for the 1st time - expecting #3 (hoping for a gal but doesn't look like it - i have a gal and a boy in that order) and EDD early Jul.

anyone living in the east and interested to do aqua aerobics classes together?

Congrats on your result and your bb girl!

Hopefully my bb will be fine and healthy too, the gender no longer matters. Whenever I feel bb kick, don't know to be happy or sad. Kind of bitter sweet

I know how it feels nt knowing the results but I learnt we need to stay positive. now I feel super guilty coz I didn't really put a lot of love into her since I was afraid of disappointment.

When I went for the amnio the nurse tell me nt to think too negative. She said actually there are a lot of false positive from Oscar and said doesn't mean that translates to alot of down syndrome babies. She said most of them turn out ok.. Even those who has 1:15 risk.

When r u getting ur result?
Hi Petrina,
I may be signing up for either stwmcord or cord life,
How much disc can I get from stem cord if we sign up together? What are the rates like? Care to share? Thnks
yup going for detailed scan on the 18th, but not at TMC, i only deliver at TMC, all my check ups are done at gynaes clinic including OSCAR, blood test and detailed scan, he has another sonographer in the same clinic who does this for patients, haha.. very convenient i feel..

anyway going to know the gender soon but again, yup it really doesn't matter, most importantly baby must be healthy.. other things doesn't matter to us at all..

wish you all the best, yup heard a lot of false positive cases and i think your baby will be strong and healthy as long as you stay positive about it.. jiayou!!
congrats on your bb girl.

be happy when you feel the bb kick, it's a good sign, bb will also be happy

hi michele,
congrats ! got more and more #3 mummies here.
Hee i'm sitting at the stemcord seminar room. Waiting for it to start. Yawn...

Anyone here?

Actually i'm not interested in the stemcord part, only the rest of the topics haha
Jul, how was the seminar? I'm going for the one on 14th Jan. I'm also not interested in the cord blood banking part.. just want to listen to the other topics about breastfeeding, labour and delivery..
Re boys and genes, dunno why my female cousins on my paternal grandfather's side only got boys. Two got one each, one has three, and I will have two. But my male cousins managed to have one boy and one girl each.

Today my son finally opened his mouth and participated during story telling. Still not a lot, but good start.

His great grandmother passed away today, and he, my hubby and fil are the eldest male of each generation. But I can't go coz pregnant so I think I will end up looking after my son for the next five days. Do you think children at age two can go for such Chinese wakes? Would he get scared?
glass, my SIL brought her 18mth old girl to MIL's wake.. I dunno if that's a wise thing to do la.. although her parents were there to help look after the girl while we go through the rituals. She was already 3mths pregnant then but she also went through all the rituals with us, just that instead of kneeling or sitting on the floor she sat on a chair.
Joeey, michele

Wah we're in the same birth mth again!
so nice to see familiar faces.

Have your aug09 babes all started sch? Mine just started orientation last wed. Mon is when we don't accompany him. I think i'm more nervous than him lol


Oh got baby massage, breastfeeding, common newborn concerns n last tri/labour. Not bad lah. It's a refresher fir the antenatal classes almost 3 yrs ago. All return liao lol
Joeey, michele

Wah we're in the same birth mth again!
so nice to see familiar faces.

Have your aug09 babes all started sch? Mine just started orientation last wed. Mon is when we don't accompany him. I think i'm more nervous than him lol


Oh got baby massage, breastfeeding, common newborn concerns n last tri/labour. Not bad lah. It's a refresher fir the antenatal classes almost 3 yrs ago. All return liao lol

The seminar wasn't bad. Only skipped the cord blood session n went outside to look at the booths lol

But i think the cordlife one isn't so good for me. Only interested in the BF-ing. Labour, IVF, dental etc all not interested leh. Dunno whether to go

The seminar wasn't bad. Only skipped the cord blood session n went outside to look at the booths lol

But i think the cordlife one isn't so good for me. Only interested in the BF-ing. Labour, IVF, dental etc all not interested leh. Dunno whether to go
You're having 2 boys too

What class is your son in ?

I brought my son to his greatgrandmas wake. Same. 3 generations of oldest male. But he stayed at the back with my mum n the maids etc
You're having 2 boys too

What class is your son in ?

I brought my son to his greatgrandmas wake. Same. 3 generations of oldest male. But he stayed at the back with my mum n the maids etc
Good morning all!

May I know which seminar are you all referring to? I may need to go BF course or talk cos I didn't Bf my first child. Now, very determined to Bf my second baby and get info as much as possible. Wanna get a refresher course for other things too.

Think it was ok so long as it's within the family (traditional Chinese culture) when my hubby grandmother pass away, my son was there at the wake. Shld be fine cos they say the older the deceased is, the more good life they are? Just a thought though

Prenatal excercise
I'm feeling quite clumsy and energyless despite being in the second tri. Wondering anyone attending any yoga or any sorta exercise for preggers? Any intro?
Good morning all!

May I know which seminar are you all referring to? I may need to go BF course or talk cos I didn't Bf my first child. Now, very determined to Bf my second baby and get info as much as possible. Wanna get a refresher course for other things too.

Think it was ok so long as it's within the family (traditional Chinese culture) when my hubby grandmother pass away, my son was there at the wake. Shld be fine cos they say the older the deceased is, the more good life they are? Just a thought though

Prenatal excercise
I'm feeling quite clumsy and energyless despite being in the second tri. Wondering anyone attending any yoga or any sorta exercise for preggers? Any intro?
I think for wake, own family is ok.. 百无禁忌.
My cousin brought her 1yr go to our grandpa's wake. Think she preg then also.
Agree with the good life thingy. But most ppl fear the surrounding spirits. Not so much of the dead person spirit.
Tats y ppl dun like to go wake. Tat time i wanted to bring my boy, 3yr but mil say no. Plus i staying over 3days then.. So abit hard to take care. Personally think is ok. But usually old folks sbit niao.

Cordblood banking - if can afford, it is good to have. Other than initial few hundreds, every yr only $250 annual fee.
Esp for more than 1kid, cause siblings n mum can use. Dad only 50% chance. Self can't i think. So if bank all kids, everyone has a chance in life.
If wait for singapore cord bank, might have to queue like kidney transplant?
I think for wake, own family is ok.. 百无禁忌.
My cousin brought her 1yr go to our grandpa's wake. Think she preg then also.
Agree with the good life thingy. But most ppl fear the surrounding spirits. Not so much of the dead person spirit.
Tats y ppl dun like to go wake. Tat time i wanted to bring my boy, 3yr but mil say no. Plus i staying over 3days then.. So abit hard to take care. Personally think is ok. But usually old folks sbit niao.

Cordblood banking - if can afford, it is good to have. Other than initial few hundreds, every yr only $250 annual fee.
Esp for more than 1kid, cause siblings n mum can use. Dad only 50% chance. Self can't i think. So if bank all kids, everyone has a chance in life.
If wait for singapore cord bank, might have to queue like kidney transplant?

There's a seminar by cordlife n tmc next sat pm at hotel intercontinental. U can click on the banner at the top of this pg.

But i find personally that those topics aren't so relevant to me. Think i'll just attend the BF session n skip the rest.

I think it's possible to only attend 2 classes out of 6 for tye tnc antenatal course for non-first time mummies.. If u want, u call n check up? Then u can pick the BF n babycare sessions only?


There's a seminar by cordlife n tmc next sat pm at hotel intercontinental. U can click on the banner at the top of this pg.

But i find personally that those topics aren't so relevant to me. Think i'll just attend the BF session n skip the rest.

I think it's possible to only attend 2 classes out of 6 for tye tnc antenatal course for non-first time mummies.. If u want, u call n check up? Then u can pick the BF n babycare sessions only?
