(2012/06) Jun 2012


Hoping to get the mattress this weekend mah. Finish quickly, another load off my mind lor

I have to disagree with Petrina - not everything that is safe in pegnancy is safe for BF, & vice versa. Best is to check with the doctor.

Agree with petrina that Manduca or Ergo are best. Get those with waist support to help distribute the weight ergonomically. Else u will definitely feel it when the baby gets a bit heavier. And don't get those with the baby facing outward & dangling at the crotch kind. Ouch! bad for baby's back.

Just got back from check-up today. Bb weighs 2kg at 31wks. Gynae said wow...abit huge ya...hahaha. Placenta has moved up slightly but not enough. Gonna tell bb to move up more...

Nattan, the weather is not very good lately. Drink more water and rest well.

Jul, I will be dropping by bb expo this friday afternoon after my meeting. Will let you know if they are selling any babysafe mattress ya. Btw, I have just bought bb cot and they are giving away free latex mattress. What's the differences between babysafe mattress and latex mattress?

Perineal gel
I dun think I will use it...too lazy to apply it since I pee almost every hour. Does it really help in our delivery?
hello mommies..
had been busy busy so didnt come in to forum.

went for week32 check today and my baby is at whooping 2.5kg!! super heavy??? but my doc keep reassuring my mom (coz she's very worried) that sure can natural birth.. but i scared man.

gained 12kg for myself also..

i bought babysafe mattress for play pen at 20% off at RObinson's sale previously! $135 after disc $108. also dono cheap or not because usually those mattresses at kiddy palace costs only $50-$80? but i tot since it's babysafe it shld be worth it..

washed my baby clothes last weekend as well. pure hard work man... had to hang up all around my hse! and we only washed the white and light coloured ones.. need to wash another round for the bright coloured ones this weekend already
ssmilezz, I bought Baby Bjorn since it's recommended by friends and my boss. Was on offer during the BabyCare Fair so I just got it. I'm not sure if it's suitable for newborn but anyway, we probably won't bring baby out for the first couple of months anyway, and hubby is planning on making a wrap to carry baby until his neck is strong enough to support his head. I rather use a stroller than a carrier... it's for my hubby with separation anxiety... haha :p

I dunno what supplements are suitable for post-delivery. Best to ask your gynae. But I saw Blackmore has this supplement which is suppose to help pregnant and lactating mums, so I suppose that's safe... I'm quite lazy to eat supplements.. if I can avoid, I will avoid, unless doctor recommends that I eat.

Anna, 2kg at 31 weeks is quite normal right? I'm going to see my gynae this Sat.. I think my baby will probably be around that size too since I've put on about 1.5kg since the last time :p

Re Babysafe mattress, it's got ventilation holes to keep baby cool. Other than that, I also dunno what's so special... I did buy 1 during the BabyCare Fair since it's about 30% off the usual price.

Re Perineal gel, it's suppose to be used to while you stretch/massage your perineum... not to be applied every time after bathing/peeing. Refer to this http://www.babycenter.com/404_can-perineal-massage-help-me-avoid-an-episiotomy_1955.bc

I think it's worth trying if it can help me avoid an episiotomy...

Thanks! Do let me know if there's Babysafe on 30%! I'll drag Hubs down to Expo on Sat by hook or by crook if there is!

Well, I find that the Babysafe mattress doesn't stain. My cot was a handmedown from SIL & the mattress was stained. Had a stale smell too. My son's Babysafe mattress has been pee-ed on a couple of times, & puked on a few times. Managed to sponge out everything relatively easily & no residue smells at all. The ventilation holes also amke the mattress feel cooler, I think.

Haha your baby is quite big lah. Coz mine is abt average size.

As for perineal massage, I won't do. Coz I had history of delivering early plus so many BHC for me. I don't wanna trigger early delivery! Maybe you wanna do from week 37 to play safe.
apparently their products dun change shape after long usage. my boy's 2yo flat pillow he now 4yo still in excellent condition other than saliva stains.. haha
supposed to prevent SIDS cause of the holes in it. material looks like latex but i think it's much better.

Definitely asking gynae is best solution if u r eating anything post natal other than foods.

it's a general guide that pregnancy stuffs r suitable for nursing moms. I'm not doc lah. so best to ask doc.

I am hoping I can wash 2 loads of baby clothes before the weekend so that I can pack the baby's drawers & my hosp bag this weekend. Hope the weather cooperates
Sel, I bought my nursing bra from gmarket and they are selling maternity disposable panties too. Don't worry too much...most important to have a good rest...complete rest in bed now.
<font color="119911"><font size="+2">Fenugreek Spree</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Fenugreek (USD)</TD><TD>167.86</TD><TD>Buy 1, 50% disc off 2nd </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fenugreek (SGD)</TD><TD>219.9</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Exchange rate</TD><TD>1.3100</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Total shipping</TD><TD>49.77</TD><TD>vPost 10% discount </TD></TR><TR><TD>For 14 bottles</TD><TD>269.67</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>For 1 bottle</TD><TD>19.26</TD><TD>Norm postage $1.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD>For 2 bottles</TD><TD>38.52</TD><TD>Norm postage $2.55 </TD></TR><TR><TD>For 4 bottles</TD><TD>77.04</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></font>

<font color="aa00aa">Calling smilezz &amp; prettibride

The cost for 1 bottle of fenugreek plus normal postage is $20.76

Can PM me your mailing address? Or you wanna meet me at Orchard during lunchtime to collect?</font>
Jul, did you buy a mattress protector sheet? I got one from BabySafe as well since its suppose to help with bedwetting. About $25 if I recall correctly..

Re baby's weight, I think no need to worry too much cos all these are estimates. For all you know, the doctor over-estimated like in my boss' case.
@nattan I think Anna's concern is that since we pee often, the perinal gel might get washed off. But as Chris points out, it should be fine since it is oil based. It is also more hygienic to use it after bath and start the massage.

I guess should do it. Tearing of the vaignal area sounds bad. But for mothers here who are having their second can give it a miss since it has already been stretched.

Yeah I have mattress protectors. But sometimes the pee &amp; puke gets into the side where the mattress isn't completely covered

yeah I'm not too worried abt the weight also lah. Just that for my case, it's gd that he baby's hit 2kg, in case, he really comes out early. My #1's weight was overestimated by abt 200+g also
Wah! Jul, champion liao, u seriously put on 5kg in 1 mth? Tats alot rt? My gynae shldn't grumble tat I put on 2.4kg in 1mth thn. :p Congrats tat ur bb is growing well n u cn go natural again.

Groovy > U don't look tat heavy leh. Cn afford the wt lar. :p

joeey > u shld stop taking the herbs tat ur mum is brewing. Whn u r coughing, it will only mak u worse. Tats wat TCM will tell u. As for nan bei xin ren, as petrina recommend, it is gd. Bt I will advise nt to tak bei xin ren. Nt recommended for preggy n small kids. Try making apple soup, it is gd for heatiness, cough n phelgm. Recipe: 1 honey date, 5 figs (wo hua guo), nan bei xin ren and 1 peeled apple. Taste gd n healthy. I always mak for my boy.

yeah lor! 5kg leh *faint* But this time round, my gynae didn't even say anything abt my weiht.

For #1, she kept nagging me to eat healthily, control weight gain etc. But I think she saw that my weight gain was only 14kg, not the 20+kg kind, this time round, she also relac relac liao haha
Jialat case! Really no mood to work. Why am I so contrary ah? When I was on leave, I wanted desperately to work. Now that I'm at work, I can't concentrate!
Jolene, I think you misunderstood my point. My point is the gel should only be applied when doing the massage, so no worries if it gets washed off when peeing after that.

It's not true that 2nd time mums will be sufficiently stretched since many I know had torn their perineum and got it sown back by the doctor. The scar tissue may make it harder to stretch...I'm not sure unless 2nd time mums can verify here?
Yes at least yours is cordial. Mine is self centred and rude. But i shall not go further to rant. Guess i ranted enough ytd.

Petrina: Oh dear have u see the doctor yet? Pls rest well and take care

prettibride: 3 decayed teeth and stitches?!? How are you feeling now? Hope you are feeling better removing the decayed teeth

Zo: I know what u mean ... i also react similarly to you sometimes. I think the 3rd trimester hormones have caused such a wreck within us. I didn't expect it! I know i have alot of discharge but not yellow yellowish kind. Try to drink more water and observe
I have been Changing panty liners alot more frequently.
nattan, petrina, chris,
thanks for the advice on cough. i ate durians because i thought my cough is the liang type, ok, maybe i should stop durians. Thanks for the recipe for making soup : 1 honey date, 5 figs (wo hua guo), nan bei xin ren and 1 peeled apple. i'll have to buy the ingredients first and make it this weekend.

had my 34th week checkup and bb weighs 2.1 kg, average size. next checkup is 2 weeks later, 36 weeks, omg, so fast !
hey mummies, have you all prepared the green bean sprout pillow stuff for baby? Didn't use for #1 and he's a super light sleeper and never really sleep through the night till now.. so thinking to get for #2 and wondering why to buy?

Can get from Kiddy Palace.

But I bought the Zaky hand instead - a lot more heavy than the beansprout pillow &amp; washable.
Jul, hv just pm-ed u.

Fleur, thanks for concern..I am ok now except for the part can't take solid foods. Will remove stitches on mon before I go for my buffet at The Line. It better dun affect my appetite. Hehe..

Seems like most mummies still continue to put on weight...but somehow I feel like my 1st tri symptoms all coming back..jus feel like puking today and gets full quite fast. Totally different from 2nd tri when I could take 5-6 meals a day.

Babysafe Mattress
Went to robinsons last weekend and they were having 20+15% sale. But the SE told me to wait till next month as GSS is coming. So if u can wait, then buy next month cos might be cheaper.

Yup I replied u liao

Issit? 20+15% is not cheapest? That time during the fair, it was already at 30% leh
Babysafe Mattress:
The last fair when they were there their offer was around 30% off. So i thought the robinsons sale of 20+15% seems quite good already

Beansprout Pillow:
I want to sew my baby's name on it so may wait until the last moment to get ... around end of May when we are more certain of her name

2.1kg at 32 weeks is very good. I am 31weeks now and not sure if my baby weight is good.

Prettibride: Haha The Line ... i wish i can go too!!! Too bad its over by end of April and hubby will not take leave to go with me.

Since Sunday i have been crying almost every night except for last night and again this morning. Took the day off to rest at home because of my eyes being red &amp; nasal sensitive to the dusty workplace. Had heartburn and vomited gastric juices out twice. Just so emo and had an argument with HB who had to say more insensitive things. I feel super bad towards my BB girl ... i cannot control myself from sobbing yet i feel worried she will be an emotional and unhappy baby. I just hope these few days will not impact her so much.

On top of that she has been moving alot alot lately. Every movement is so prominent unlike before. I can distinguish her hiccups which is lighter and more rhythmic compared to her limps and head moving which can press against parts of my tummy.

Is 2.1kg really good? But I'm almost 33 weeks liao. Gynae said everything average. Anyway I dun really care, as long as everything's ok

Ooops! Sounds like the preggie hormones are getting to everyone. Cheer up! Babies are hardier than we think. Maybe your gal will be more udnertanding towards you after all you went thru to carry her
Hi ladies,

So good to hear everyone's lil one is growing well, my checkup is this Sat and cant wait to see our lil girl again! Hopefully we get another good 3D scan of her and her features is more defined now!!

Baby Carrier/ Baby Wrap
We decided on a BOBA carrier and a Baby K-Tan Wrap as the Boba wrap is not suitable for our climate.

Baby Fairs
Baby Expo_27-29 Apr
If it is the same as the previous one held earlier this year, there is very few vendors participating and it is mostly clothing and toys. Nothing much but we will still be going as DH and i are off on that day, so will be able to update everyone.

Baby Baby Exhibition
Has a slightly wider range of vendors. Will also be going to look around and able to update.

My opinion the best fair held this year was the Baby Care Festival organized by Mediacorp besides the usual Taka Baby Fair.
Jul: i will update my baby weight after my appointment k. BTW are your gynae visits fortnightly or 3 weeks once now?

Baby Fair @ Expo ... I am thinking of going for that on Friday but need to see if i will be taking leave. Actually nothing much to buy now except Mattress for CL but just thought of going to see see look look
fleur > *hugs* speak to ur hubby. Let him knw tat ur emotion wil affect bb. Tell him its nt a easy journey for u w/o his support n its gona b tougher aftr delivery. U guys hv to b ther for each othr. Trust me, tis is extremely impt. I hv witness it myself. My sis has pre natal blues, cryin vry often. Turns out tat my nephew is a vry vry difficult bb. Whic in turn cause my sis to hv post natal blues too. She cldnt even handle my nephew for many yrs. My nephew has to sty w my parents n nvr wants to go hm.
nt to scare u, bt if we cn prevent it nw, its definitely better. My hubby is also a vry insensitive guy. So smtimes jus to mak myself happy, i wil watch comedy. :p
Thanks ladies. I'm trying not to feel too emotional about it. Thanks for some of the recommendations. I'm sure to browse and buy some online.

My baby has been actively kicking and moving today so at least I knw she is doing fine. Maybe it's her way of telling me not to worry so much.

Beansprout Pillow, my MIL bought from OG at S$19.90 last week.
Felicia, I was planning on making my own beansprout pillow but can't seem to find the motivation to do it :p I found a pillow filled with polyester "beans" so might just get that. Then again, baby will be swaddled for the first month or two, so I won't need it so soon either...

Fleurfleur, hugz... try not to let your emotion get the best of you. Good to take the day off and have some me time to pamper yourself. Go for a movie, enjoy high-tea, go for a massage or whatever you like

Re mattress for CL, I saw a lot of cheap ones at NTUC and Carrefour.. below $50.. I don't think the baby fair at expo will have these cos I didn't see any at the last one.

Re baby kicks..my baby seems to be kicking on the lower right of my abdomen... wonder if he's lying sideways now or what :p Quite uncomfortable sometimes...
Chris, that's why dunno why I don't feel as big as before and afraid if really fat not water hehe. During #1 give birth I straight away lost 7 kg in 1 week, even though baby is 2.78 kg only.

My pre preggy weight this time is 58, last time during #1 is 55 kg hehe. Actually the toughest time is when you go back to work and still fully breastfeed/pumping. That time I straight lose 5 kg in 2 mths. End of my maternity leave I weigh 60, then become 55, after that starts to feel weak and get sick often so start eating more. In the end before preggy with #2 I weigh 58 kg lor hehe.

I am not that afraid can't lose weight becoz Last time I ever weigh 63 kg and lose 8 kg in less than 1 year just by dieting, eating less rice. But if breastfeeding no need to diet that much sure will lose weight hehe
I get quite a big cut last time during delivery. Some more it is very near my piles. Double the pain. I thought for #2 then doctor can just cut the same place and re stitch. If I am not wrong c-sect is like that, so natural should be the same?
Beansprout pillow. Bought for #1 from spring maternity. And she can sleep overnight since 2.5 mths old. Dunno becoz of that or not. I remember I bought only when she's about 3 weeks old.

The one I found not useful is swaddling blanket. My #1 doesn't like to be swaddled. Also no need pampers, at night we tried last time the traditional cloth diaper vs pampers she will wake up the same frequency hehe. In the end save money she don't wear pampers until 1 years old :p, until the diaper cover can't fit anymore hehehe. I bought the bob dog brand, 3 for 11.90 now. Then just put ordinary white cloth as insert. The good thing about this bob dog type is when baby poos, can just change the insert becoz usually it won't kena the cover. So no need to buy that much of cover
groovy: shld be same. hehe
I also bought the bob dog type! hehe but nvr really use. only used once or twice after boy turned 1yo.
then i changed to bumwear.

I think my baby is trying to get me on a diet. i don't feel unwell anywhere other than nausea.
ate kfc porridge at 10am, 4oz frozen yogurt from frolick at 1pm, then 9pm ate a small green pear. then stomach started to growl.. so i ate a small rice bowl sized fish porridge (leftover from dinner MIL cooked).
baby is very active.. so i think she's very happy swimming inside. just wanna torture her mama

but i guess i'm luckier than those who can't eat yet crave to eat. cause i totally detest food now.. so sad..

hb &amp; parents very worried for me. but i dun feel unwell. i'll call my gynae and ask for advise tmr morning to ease their worries.
petrina: ya too bad u changed ur appt on sat if not we could bump into each other. yes, i think it is good that u see the gynae tmr to ease your worries
Morning mummies,

Thanks for the feedback on the discharge. I did not tell my gynae of it as mine did not smell and I thought it is normal. My SIL told me that it is normal and she told her gynae previously and her gynae also mentioned it is normal. Just quite a hassle to keep changing pantyliners &amp; I am concerned, touch wood will get yeast infection as magazines advised that wearing pantyliners daily can cause infection easily.

Jul: Congrats on your placenta &amp; healthy baby

Today I tried to wear my comfy bermudas to work but alas, I cannot button it. I tried to use my belt but who knows it is not even long enough for me. OMG! I can still button the bermudas last week. I felt quite upset &amp; hubby lent me his bermudas with velcro material. I almost cannot velcroed it too. My pre pregnancy weight is 55kg and my last appoinment at KKH weighs 68kg. Think I am most likely to hit 75kg by the time I visit my gynae when I see him on 15 May! :/ I also had a bad cramp on my right leg at 3am+. What a day to start on Thursday!!!
Zzzz very tired. Din sleep till 130 last night. How to wk when so zombified...

Wish i were on leave at home alone haha
Good morning ladies!
Feeling abit hungry this morning so bought a packet of vegetarian beehoon with crispy beancurd skin.
Just finished, *crossing my fingers*

Would appreciate an update on whether there's babysafe at this wken's fair

What is this baby baby fair?


My check up was 4 wks till 32 wks. Next visit is 3 wks at 35 wks.

jul: yeah. slightly happy that i feel hungry this morning.. being detesting food for past 2 days already. finally managed to eat something. hope it stays in there. haven't called gynae since this morning tummy got hunger feeling..
i tot if still hate food then something is wrong le, better call. adopt a wait n see attitude now.
