(2012/06) Jun 2012

nattan: is it bad if i puke my food now? i didn't have such issues for #1.. but my back pain is quite bad. can't walk. sit also pain.

Nattan/Kadice: You all have sinus problem? It happens to me and hubby coz both of us have got sinus. But bopian coz like what u all said its too warm to sleep. So I rather suffer the bad nose.

Lately stomach pains are hard to differentiate. Last night I had pretty bad stomach pains when my braxton hicks started. Gave me a scare cos hubby in china. In the end turns out i needed to clear my bowels. But really can't differentiate lor. Its not the normal stomachache pain and my tummy was so so tight.
Morning mummies!
Looking forward to next week. At least it’s a 4 day week and I’m going for my checkup again.
U mean your coll went into labour @ work??!! How many weeks was she?
Better take smaller meals today and more “clear” food. Avoid those oily/chilli stuffs for now until your tummy settles ba.
These few nights very hard to get up in the middle of the night to go pee. Very uncomfortable man. Sigh.
That’s good news! Now just need your baby to get engaged and you are one step closer. J Is your test results out yet?
smilez: 39weeks.
i can't eat anything now. though already puked breakfast, still feeling nausea.
google and didn't find anything on 32weeks vomiting other than pre-eclampsia which i doubt i have cause i ain't gaining weight. neither am i bloated or puffy in face.
I hope mummies here would get better and hubbies would be appreciative and more supportive.

Btw, anyne here has Gmarket discount coupons to share with me?
take care petrina.

im in a cranky mood, not enough sleep with body feeling very wierd...and it is pouring now! going out to eat lunch also a hassle..
Ladies, do take care and rest well for those falling ill. The weather is crazy nowadays. It was so hot this morning and now its raining heavily.

I woke up at 3ish in the morning just to switch onte aircon as i was sweating. Usually the fan is sufficient enough but ever since i am in my 3rd tri, i tend to perspire more.

Petrina/Kadice: I have the lower back ache as well, went for massage yesterday and it did help!
Also did the pelvic exercise yesterday night as recommended by Nattan.
I think i need to stretch my ligaments and my back every morning which was what i did today and it seems to work and the pain is much less now.
Me too! Getting heartburn and puked out gastric juices. When fluey and I sneeze my back pelvic hurts

Didn't sleep well.

Last night bb was actIve and she seem to press on my right side waist area causing a sharp pain. Towards morning can feel either her foot or fist moving. Last 9 weeks to go!!!
Asrias, I have mild sinus but it's not serious and doesn't happen at night. I think it's likely a cold or flu cos I feel pain behind my eyes and last night my throat hurt a bit but it's better this morning. Really hope it's not another bout of flu... can't keep falling sick and taking MC :p

I also had stomach pains last night but it got better after I laid down. It's probably BH so don't get too worried.

Petrina, I don't know if it's bad for you to be puking now... I just know that if the nausea is something out of the ordinary then better let doctor check.
<font color="aa00aa">prisann,
I think the swab test is offered by some gynaes during the second detailed scan (or 30+ week check) to check for the presence Strep G, which may cause meningitis in baby when s/he travels through the delivery canal during labour. I did that during #1's time.</font>
Oh dear – I see quite a number of us here not well or didn’t have a good night rest. L Hang in there everyone k? Do try to get back earlier from work and spend time @ home resting and being pampered by your loved ones.
It’s pouring cats &amp; dogs here. Luckily, I headed out earlier at 11+ to buy back my lunch. Fish Soup Noodles today + Popiah for me.
It’s so cold in the office and my sinus is starting to flare up. Just feel like curling into a ball and sleeping.
Hullo everyone

Have been busy since I was away yesterday. And my son is sick. Quite a tiring staycation coz had to take care of him haha. But on the whole, not too bad lah. I was an experience.

Hubs asked me what to do when we have 2 kids? Get 2 rms? Extra bed plus baby cot? He's thinking a bit far...
Adeline: There will be nice if we deliver same day! Fate! Yours BB girl too right?

I really feel the hormones kicking in. Past 2 nights when something happened between HB and me i can just auto tear and cry. I know not good for BB but its like all the emotions running loose. Maybe the pelvic back pain also does make me feel more "useless" and helpless than usual. In short he made a senseless comment which he said was a joke but nonetheless hurtful so though i kept quiet ... it was hurting so that night "tap" flowed.

Then another night was over SIL (his younger sis). Don't want to go to deep but i did mention before she is a B&amp;*^4 and very spoilt by the family so she is rude and didn't want to acknowledge me as Da Sao on our wedding day because i am only one yr older than her. Anyway its the usual case of me stating my viewpt and hb being nice about it (the usual of she is the queen of the family).
Sorry just feeling down so need to rant out
waiting at the gynae for my turn. Excited n sleepy. Jus had lunch n Tummy feel super bloated. Bt i stil feel lik dating smthing leh. :p thers a shop sellin popcorn of many flavours in ion, anyone knw whers it exactly? Is ther anthr outlet in orchd? Suddenly gt craving for it.

Oh dear, i put on 2.4kg in 1 mth! Too much? Tink i took too much mango n bubble tea liao.
jul > glad u enjoyed. Haha, ur hubby nt the only one tinkin far. I m also tinkin of tat cos was tinkin of goin to genting or cruise b4 #2 start takin porridge.

fleur >*hugs* hope u r feeling better nw. Guess its normal. I was also tapping last wk aftr an argument w my dad. Usually i wil b ok cos i knw he is a stubborn man. Bt tat day i jus broke dwn lor.
Are you referring to Garrett Popcorn? Based on google these are the orchard branches

#B1-50 Wisma Atria
#B1-09/10/11 The Centrepoint
01-K1 Liat Towers
Pelvic pain and heavy snoring
I have the same problems like most of you. Think it's a common problem during the 3rd tri. My hb been complaining he can't get to sleep as I have been snoring very heavily.

Fleurfleur, I have the same problem as you. Been very emotional esp starting from the 2nd tri. Can cry very badly for the slightest reason and remarks he made. Wonder is it bcos I'm carrying a girl hence cry so easily?

Chris, I put on 3kg in 1 mth. Worst than you isn't it? I have put on 16.5Kg at 31wks already. Haiz....feel so depressing.

Thin our hormones have a lot to answer for!

yest I saw this silly Channel5 show abt this foster mum having to return the small kid to the natural mother. And I was massively sobbing away, coz I thought the kid reminded me so much of my son, &amp; I started thinking how I'd feel if I had to lose him etc etc. Hah!


Haha r u talking abt the Garett popcorn? It's at Wisma, Centrepoint.. lots of places. But they don't sell fruit flavours leh. Only Cheese, Caramel &amp; some mixed with Macademia nuts or something.

I think I could have put on 5kg+ the past 4 weeks! I haven't weighed at the gynae's &amp; I don't have a weighing scale.. but that day at MIL's, I weighed 66kg!!! Faint!
not garrett.. they only sell caramel &amp; cheese.
the ion popcorn shop only in ion for whole orchard.
i can't remember off hand the name but it's in B4 near Daiso.
Chris, i think you are talking about another brand of colourful popcorn, should be at the basement, B4 where the food court is. Can go and check it out
Anna: Yes mine BB Girl too maybe that's why more emotional. But i hope to be as cheerful coz i want my bb girl to be a happy bb.
Finally the husbands know what its like to sleep beside someone who snores! Tell him yours is only temp not for the rest of your life haha

Chris: Hmmmm not sure if its the one you are looking for. Maybe not! I didn;t know there's fruit flavoured popcorn
thks mummies. Came out fr gynae clinic liao. Waitin time is longer than consultation.
gynae sy bb vry active n is 1.95kg at 30wk plus, turned head up, n if my csec wound is painful thn vbac wil nt b possible. Also sy my wt is enough alrdy n no nd to cont puttin so much. I m 68.1 nw! :p drizzling nw, i m braving my way to ion for the colourful popcorn. Hope its as gd as i rem it.

Where's your gynae?

Hehe your gynae said don't put on weight but you're still eating colourful popcorn eh? haha

Your baby's a gd weight eh? Think mine was only 1.4kg+ at 31wks+.
thanks anna, so it is still not that cheap.

i called up bella luna for my massage, they also have the same rule, cannot do massage after 32nd week. was thinking of doing near the edd.luckily i called up to check...if not the coupon i bought would be wasted
How did your doc visit go so far? J
I don’t think Garrett sells those fruit flavoured popcorn. I like their caramel popcorn. Very sweet so can only eat a little bit each time else very grossed.
My weight gain per month has also increased. Started from 1.5kg to 2kg per month. Since last month, it has gone up to 3kg per month. I’m stopped weighing myself at home and I’m going for my next visit (3 weeks apart since my past visit) next week, I cannot imagine how much I put on again.
*hugs* hope you feel better today after letting out your emotions. It’s better to let it out than to keep it all inside right? SIL relationship can be very sensitive. L I’m not the best of friends with my SIL either which is funny cos we are actually the same age. But at least we try to be cordial towards one another. Not super friendly but normal lor..I think I am closer with my friends at work.
No wonder we didn’t hear from you! Are u back at work yet?
Did u end up watching a movie last night? Do go back and rest earlier k?
@All have you started using personal gel yet? Feels a bit funny apply it to that lil section. And especially we pee so often. I usually pee quite soon after applying the gel. Wonder if it is useful this way?

yeah I'm back at work tdy. a bit concussed coz didn't sleep well. Last night had to get up &amp; feed my son meds coz he had 38.9degC fever *yawn*

Oh did u see my post on the fenugreek?
jul > i took too much bubble tea n mango tats y bb a little heavy n mummy put on alot. :p bt i hv craving for sweet stuff in 3rd tri. Happened to #1 too. I jus cant stop myself! Hlp! Had ice cream jus nw n nw i m havin colourful popcorn. :p bt its nt as gd as i rem it leh. Nw i m stil nt satisfied.

smilez > gynae sy my wt is ok liao, no nd to continue puttin too much. He is tryin to b funny lor. Bb is slightly heavier. Bt he sy bb vry gd wt n vry active.
sy nex time i wil hv a hard time liao, cos active bb. :p

Ooh.. I've been eating beef, Macs etc after my 30week emergency appt &amp; home rest. Think that's how I put on weight haha

That's a great location! Better than TMC. What a boring place.
Fleur: Yes am expecting a baby girl too. Dr Chan would have his hands full with the both of us though.

Hope you are feeling much better after ranting. Chin up girl and be better then her.

Definately we all feel a little emotional here and there sometimes but try and think positive and always know there is always a silver lining behind whatever happens.
so long nvr walk along the street of orchd, feel lik a tourist myself. Saw a funny street entertainer rapping into a hp, n i cant even hear wat he is rapping?

Haha u r funny. But seriously, if u have to spend 10+ visits waiting at TMC for the gynae, you'll appreciate Paragon all the more haha
jul > nw tat u mention it, ya, i tink i wil stil prefer pricey orchd. I really hate to go to hosp. Oh, btw, my gynae tld me tat tmc labour ward area is under reno.
ask me to consider goin to mt a instd, although the carpark is under reno.

I registered for the bb massage talk on 12th may at aia tampines, organise by aia. Anyone goin? Cn go together.
Aiya my question got auto corrected. No wonder no one answered my question.

Have you all started using the perinal gel yet? Wonder of its useful since we would pee soon after using it. And I wonder if it would cause yeast infection.
jolene > i nvr use it b4, cant comment. Bt i heard olive oil does the trick too. N if the gel tat u use has the same texture as olive oil, i tink it shld b able to stay as olive oil nt tat easy to wash off w jus water.
Came home around 3pm and slept till nearly 7pm. At least managed to get some sleep so I feel less groggy. Nose is running like a tap and having a headache... symptoms of flu... have to see how I feel tomorrow morning, whether can go to work or not :p

ssmilezz, I didn't watch movie last evening, went to Carrefour and bought my plastic drawer plus other misc stuff instead.

Fleurfleur, I guess all of us a bit more emo nowadays. Just keep thinking positive and don't let those bad thoughts spoil your day.
Thanks ladies ... Maybe coz my pelvic hurts that I hv problems turning affecting zzz ... Rashes and now conjunctivitis due to office dust (Reno). Never ending discomfort
Terrible day today...stuck in the cte jam cos tunnel was closed. Was late for my dental appt. But made it there finally and had my tooth extractions. Extracted 3 decayed tooth and had stitches done. Was kinda worried initially but thank God baby was active throughout to tell me he is safe. On a happy note, I got mc to cover me till next mon. But hv to bear with soft foods or liquid diet for now.
