(2012/06) Jun 2012


10% is better than nothing to me...i also wish they have 20% but dunno when.

I have the same bra in 34 - rib band to innermost hook 73cm, outermost hook 77cm. This fit me nicely though i wear a size 36 usually.


Haha hope u only ate enough, & not gorge yourself.


True lah. 10% still better than nothing.

Thanks for the measurement! The last time, I bought a size 36 coz I'm wearing size 36 for eevrything else, & it was a bit loose. Strange that the bra is so big?
First time i bought 36 and hooked the innermost... still ok but this time 34 i also can hook the innermost.. i think the fabric is very stretchy.

However, it's not the case for their other designs. The sleep bra M is too tight for me and I cant fit the smooth nursing bra 34.

Yup, all other bras & even Emma Janes are at 36 for me. Only this super stretchy bra needs to be downsized to 34.
jul: definitely not gorge! dare not.. even the bee hoon i also choose the white type w/o gravy. tats y i only took 1 ingredient.. eat very slowly liao.. so far so good. baby dancing inside

Emma Jane
Talking abt the bra with padding right? this bra muz downside 1 size from usual. agree. the rest i retain size 38. but this bra muz 36 for me.
morning mommies!

beansprout pillows:
for those of you who are SAHM or are free.. can go to market those sell beansprout/taukua stalls to get the black black beansprout heads from the stall uncles! that's what my mom did. but a lot of work. gotta pick out the (rotting) bean sprout flesh and dry them.. end up my mom made 2 pillows and 1 bolster for my baby using around 2-3kg (before drying) of the beansprout from the stall uncle!
petrina: glad that u are feeling better

jul: i am feeling like a zombie today too..so stone though i slept quite long last night
Zo, do you sleep in air-conditioned room ? try to cover your legs with a blanket, prevents cramps at night. you can do some calf stretching now to ease the tightness.

good to hear that your appetite is back.

i'm eating garrett popcorn, caramel crisp flavour, now. bought a medium size pack yesterday at $11.

Why is everyone eating this? haha

Kadice, Chris

Sigh really feeling tired, stoned, clumsy, achey etc these days.
i love garett b4 pregnant.. hehe.. my daughter hates popcorn. tried n tested and donated..

i was thinking these 3 days.. realized that both pregnancies i crave totally opposite things.
#1 boy - mcds, kfc, fried food, milk, liquid yogurt
#2 girl - veg, cold food *ice cream/frozen yogurt*, fruits

anyone 2nd pregnancy have such adverse difference??

I wanna get the baby out to end this 'suffering'. Yet I know there's worse suffering to come after the baby's out. And I also wanna carry the baby to full-term for his health. Dilemma ah!!!! God give me strength to carry on!


Hmm.. I have the same cravings for both pregnancies, & both are boys
I think I shdn't have eaten the fried beehoon & mee with luncheon meat & sotong for my 2nd breakfast

feel rather jelat now

Shd I go buy myself a Coke?
Morning ladies! I'm having mcd brekkie. The deluxe bf set plus mcflurry! Hubby made it up to me last night with flowers (p.s. he seldom gives n not romantic). Anyway tired frm everything and lack of zzz last night coz leg cramps plus bb girl moved all night so I took a day off.

I haven't been eating popcorn ... No major craving for that. Only ice cream n cakes.
I think mine also similar cravings and both girls..
Sometimes really crave for coke and tea also junk food (eating McD/BK/MOS/Freshness/long john once a week :S)..

Both pregnancy never craves for ice cream..
WTS: (New and never used before)Combi Travel System Multi 5 Ways [Beige color]

Hi, i just received this yesterday from Taka lucky draw. As i already bought mine, so i would like to sell this. It is new and unused, i only open the box to check the items.

Retail price is at $729
Me selling at $550
(self collection)

Email me if you are interested. [email protected]

For more info on the product:

Product Information:
Combi's Multi 5 Way is a five-in-one multifunction baby vehicle. It's a three-mode baby-stroller, a baby car seat and a rocking cradle. Carry your sleeping child from your car straight to the stroller without waking her up. Configuration also adjusts to growth of up to approximately 24 months.

• Detachable Car Seat/Carry Rack
Detach and use as a car seat by pulling the seatbelt through the handle. Also conveniently doubles as a rocking chair and carry rack.
• Soft suspension system
Wheels absorbs shock for a comfortable ride
• Extra soft, quick-dry cushions
Padded 3D cushions made of breethable, quick dry fabric keeps your baby comfortable and dry
• Protective shell structure with shades
Keeps your baby cool and protected from the elements
• Large diameter wheels and soft suspension system
Large wheels adds stability and absorbs shock for a comfortable ride
• Mesh window
Mesh fabric window located at the rear to keep your baby nicely ventilated
• Big sunshades
99% UV blocking shades keeps your baby safe from direct sunlight
• "Egg shock" seat attachment
A form-fitting, shock absorbent cushion attachment comes included with each stroller
• Two way positioning
Baby faces you in "shell mode" for better visibility and reassurance. Baby faces away in "upright mode"
• Zipped side basket
• 5 point seat belt
Secures and prevents your child from accidentally slipping off
• Extra durable
Strong frame makes this stroller much more stable and easy to use
• Shoulder Strap
• 170° Full reclining seat
Allows a near horizontal optimum sleeping posture
• Top window
Window opens above baby's head so you can see and talk to her any time
• Open Dimensions
W50 x D81 x H99.5cm (W19.7 x D31.9 x H39.2in)
• Folded Dimensions
W42 x D35 x H100.5cm (W16.5 x D13.8 x H39.6in)
• Weight (Heaviest "shell mode")
8.6kg (19lbs)
• Reclining Angle (in stroller mode)
• Approximate Age Range
1-24 Months
jul > i m feelin the same, as in wan bb out fast bt also wan to carry till full term. Hv faith n u wil gt thro it.

i hv the same cravin for both preg in the 3rd tri, sweet stuff n more sweet stuff. :p bt for #1 i cant eat fish at all for the 1st few mth.
oh ya, just to add to my previous *survey*
does the craving carry on to toddlers??
My boy is a meaty person. anti veg, anti fruits..
he loves milk though. not really a solid food person.
exactly the same as my pregnancy cravings..

so i was hoping my girl is a veg person.. haha.. so she'll stay slim.. keke

i am a plump baby all the way till plump woman. loves milk. so i scared my baby inherit my fat!!
haha mine is a boy but i crave for sweet stuff! gotta eat all sorts of sweet stuff like candies, ice cream, strawberries etc.

and i eat a lot a lot a lot of strawberries and cherry tomatoes! got a feeling my boy will be quite girly..... hahaha and i cant have a meal without vege! will feel very unhealthy. though i have a lot more cravings for fried chicken now

hehe ok lah ur Hubs 认错 liao. Time to kiss & make up


let's all jiayou together!


Nope. My boy likes fish & not really meat, although I preferred meat during my preggie days. He likes fish & strawberry, so I wonder if it's my strawberry fish oil lol. As for your boy's anti veg & fruits... common amongst toddlers lah


ur cravings same as mine,. All the naughty unhealthy junk food haha
Morning mummies...

I just woke up! Had a pretty good sleep despite slightly blocked nose. Hope to make a full recovery soon cos tomorrow I have to attend a camp...

Re craving, Petrina my mum loved Yakun toast and kopi when she had me and I'm also a coffee addict :p For me, I don't have particular cravings although I'm inclined towards savory and spicy foods... I eat anything (except innards)...hopefully baby will not be choosy when it comes to food too.
Petrina, this is my #1 and I'm carrying a girl. So far my cravings - popsicles, fruits (pretty much anything cold), fries/chips (western food).

Nattan, so envious! Get to sleep until so shiok!

No idea what to eat for lunch leh. What's healthy and easy to whip up? I'm home alone so I'll have to cook my own lunch. Otherwise, it's going to be cereal or brown bread
Sel, hehe.. I slept at around 3am and woke up around 11.30am.. roughly 8.5hrs sleep.. I guess it's quite a record

I had cereal and cold milk for brunch. Think I'll eat minced pork porridge later...

Re vege for kids, kids are more sensitive to bitter taste so naturally they will dislike veges that taste bitter. Most kids will enjoy carrots and potatoes. The trick is to cook veges that don't taste bitter eg cauliflower, pumpkin, snow peas, cabbage, etc. And for green vege, can hide them inside dishes like what my ex-colleague used to do... she hid chopped veges inside meatballs, mashed tofu, etc.
Joey: You're making me drool. I also love garrett popcorn, but usually i buy the chicago mix, coz I like the sometimes sweet sometimess salty mix. Hee hee

I crave for ice-cream soo much. That day went to dabao dinner, went 7/11 wanted to get a cone. In the end I got 2 TUBS of andersen ice-cream!!! Talk about being a glutton. My boy is always soo excited when i start eating ice-cream, jumping around inside. Dunno if its the cold, but then if I eat slowly shouldn't be that cold right? =P

My colleagues ask me not to eat too much ice-cream, not good for baby lungs =(.
My #1 doesn't really like to drink milk even though when I was preggy with her, I always drink milk, even twice a day until my 2nd trimester and changed into once a day in my 3rd trimester..

For this pregnancy I very rarely drink milk. Huhu.. Dunno why. Now lazier, even though I can just ask my maid to make for me. Last time I always ask hubby make the milk at certain timing then will feel wasted if I don't drink since it's already been made. Last time also my mum did lots of comments and ask me to drink milk. This time around she never ask me to do anything. Maybe thinking I'll do the same as #1.. hehehe..

My #1 likes fried food very much! Because I have a maid and I also like fried food so I very often asked my maid to make fried mushroom, fried tofu etc.. hehehe.. But she also like veggies and strawberry
nice to have a good sleep, but y sleep so late at night? 3am ?

i don't have sore throat, but cough, have been craving for sweet stuff these few weeks, since i can't eat ice cream, i thought pop corn might be ok. anyway, everything in moderation and drink lotsa water. Next time, shall try the chicago mix hehe ...
jul: hehe.. maybe is the fish oil!
i always envy my friends when i see their kids munching on veg on their own.. mine even i cut till can't see also he will make the puking sound and reject. very sianz.

xiaowei: i also love garett mix. either 1 flavour alone is too *er xin* for me.
i eat ice cream everyday lor.. they always say eat cold things not good. but it's not *liang* in nature.. so no worries

in fact birds nest is liang in nature. same as hashima. eat too much then will give baby lungs problems.

nattan: yup. i'll make chicken pie and smash all the peas n carrots in it. but leafy veg can't mix. so i can only cook soup n feed soup w/o veg to him. hope the nutrients is enough.

perhaps if we still maintain contact after 2-3yrs, we'll compare and see if our cravings = baby's favourite foods
Today's schedule Jurong -> Bedok -> Bukit Merah -> Bedok -> Jurong. Damm weather, I wonder if I will faint under the scorching sun.
joeey, cos I had a nap in the afternoon and wasn't sleepy yet, so stayed up watching tv and reading with hubby :p

Petrina, maybe if we introduce meat later, kids would learn to like veges?

How long is your hosp leave? Maybe you can get tingkat if you're gonna be home for abt 2 weeks - coz usually those companies have a 10-day trial package. Just for the convenience lor. Else you'll have to worry abt marketing, cooking then washing up, which isn't recommended in your condition right?


Actually I didn't touch veg myself till I got into my late teens. And only then I learned how to eat a bit. Now, I actually sometimes miss them if I don't eat them for a while. I think it's just a natural ageing process hahaha


Do you commute a lot for work? Sounds like going round the island tour!
This stupid ASOS! I couldn't pay via Paypal using my office puter, so I went to use my phone instead. And they keep saying that the code has been used! argh!

Smilezz - Was it you who had this problem the last time? I forgot what you did to solve it liao. *angry*
Xiaowei: I eat ice cream too and I heard too much cold stuff ( not just ice cream) is no gd for lungs. But crave eh. Hard to resist

I like Chicago mix too balance of sweet n salty hehe

Sel: I may hv missed reading on what happened to u.
Hope u are ok. Don't strain n rest more nonetheless
nattan, asrias

I just created a new acct, then saw that they have a new discount code for 10% (BONUS10), so I just used that instead. Thanks!
u all make me crave for Garrett popcorn!

Veggies, I never give my #1 green veggie until she's actually 1 years old and she loves it!
I think maybe because she found it's a new thing, and she eat together with us in the table and she can pick and eat her own veggie, that's why she loves it..

In fact I think she loves tofu, potato, mushroom, and veggies compares to meat :S
<font color="0077aa">petrina, i am like you...

#1 girl - craved for mac, disliked egg and ice-cream that used to be all-time fav, cannot take kfc
#2 boy - craves for bubble tea, likes egg and ice-cream, no particular dislikes</font>
Phew – I have been really busy today. No time to pop by to chit chat. Just glanced through the posts very quickly. J
Sometimes I think I have a too big of a mouth – I was just telling my hub, our gal actually very kuai, other than my excessive gagging, she has been good to me. Then guess what? Last night, I experienced my very first leg cramp in the middle of the night. LOL! I was like whimpering and slapping my hubby awake. He started massaging the WRONG leg…anyway, my calves still hurt now. Maybe I didn’t warm down properly after my workout session last night.
I bought my beansprout pillow from Love &amp; Heritage website. Bought extra pillow case covers too..can chose from many different designs and add on taggies.

I ended up having fruit salad for lunch. Not very good bcos fruits are high in sugar which I need to avoid/reduce. Took a long nap and got up at 5pm. Shiokness! I bet I'll regret it later bcos I won't be able to sleep well tonight.

I'm not on HL bcos I'm working from home to start with. Doc says it's fine to sit so I guess it shouldn't be a problem for me to continue working. But to be honest, I'm quite distracted by online shopping and reading abt baby and delivery to be productive really. She might as well give me MC. hahaha

I was thinking of trying some tingkat bcos I'm not sure my MIL will knw what to cook for confinement later too. But I've yet to discussed with hubby lah. For now I just cook whatever is left in the fridge/freezer and get my hubby/MIL to get things that we run out. I cook simple 15 mins dishes like pan-fried/steamed cod fish or something similar. Actually, I don't plan to wash up after meals bcos I'm told not to stand and walk so much but usually I end up cleaning them bcos it's an eye sore and it attracts those small flies over time.

I actually wanted to get my mom n sis to stay over in the day since my sis is not working and my mom works night shift but my sis just had a surgery today so that's out of the question now.

Anyway, I'm still spotting but it's very little now and like super diluted old blood. I'm hoping it'll stop before Mon when I'll see my gynae agn. This weeks seems to fly by very fast.

All this talk abt garett makes me feel like having popcorn too. Haiyah... Dinner time soon, every meal is a headache when u're watching ur diet.
