(2012/06) Jun 2012

Sel: it's ok to be distracted by online shopping. Even I get too! hope your spotting clears by the weekend.

Hubby cooking bee hoon for dinner. One of our rare home cooked meals coz usually we eat out.

My eyes are closing at this time while doing pedicure. Think cos I din zzz well last night.
Looking fwd to weekend. Anyone gg for baby expo tmr ?

I have bad backache. Sat down at bakerzin today and they took super long to serve me. Then when i pick my son up from sch, he fell and cried, so i had to carry him to the car. Now back is really bad and i feel pressure on my pelvis and hard tummy. Flat out.
Reading on all the curving..
Planning to have mcd deluxe breakfast tmw. Hopeful can wake up early for it before my appt at 1030am.
I will probably pop by expo tmw about 11plus..
Will update u all what is there..

Getting more and more difficult to walk these days, guess baby getting heavier, causing some pelvis pain..
Damn sianz...
Good morning! It's Friday n next wk is a short wk!


Hehe thks for everyone who volunteered to update. I'm only looking for Babysafe mattress.


Oops! U definitely strained urself. Take care


So did u manage to sleep last night? Haha
joeey: Yes my hubby cannot live without air con. These days, I am also not so much afraid of the air con as before. I always like to pull up my top and expose tummy, but covered with my quilt instead. Thanks alot for your advice. My mum and colleagues said cannot eat kangkong and will cause cramps and aching legs. But my MIL still cooks from time to time and I also ate it. Have no idea if it is really related.

I love Garrett popcorn, with the macademia nuts. My hubby now prefers Chef Tony's popcorn.

Anyway TGIF & hope all mummies have a wonderful day.
Good morning ladies!
Hope all is well for everyone.

I'm convinced that my baby is only interested in 1 meal a day.. managed to eat a packet of veg beehoon again for breakfast. though i bought yam kueh yesterday as standby, baby didn't allow me to eat. so i guess today will be same. only breakfast, no lunch, no dinner.

Glass: try not to carry your boy if it hurts. nowadays my boy very manja.. so though my back hurts, i'll still carry him from my room to his room before bedtime.
morning i feel terrible! can't sit, can't bend, can't walk. it takes abt half a day to feel slightly better..

Fleur: i was tempted to go pedicure.. in the end i sat on sofa and took 15mins just to cut my toenails.. haha
abit out of shape though but i dun care lah..

Zo: i also like to slp exposing tummy.. dun feel so restrain. i like to sayang my tummy while slping. when i turn i feel that i need to "carry" my tummy and turn. hehe
Jul, I managed to sleep ok last night. No cramps or anythg, just the usual need to get up and pee :p Maybe bcos it rained last night so it was nice and cooling.

Petrina, ur appetite so small? My baby will start kicking when it's close to meal time.

Priscilla, can help me check on cloth diapers pls? If got really good offer I'll send hubby there to get some. I saw G-market selling but all from China. Those from Alibaba are cheaper and from China too but not sure how secure and reliable is the quality of the cloth diapers.

He kp insisting for us to use cloth diaper bcos it's more economical. Our washing machine is bottom loader and doesn't use much water/energy per wash. But I would rather switch to cloth diaper only when baby is bigger and poo like once or twice a day. Plus newborn poo is more watery so I'm not sure if using nappy liner will help in this case.

Wah I envy u leh. I ate 2 slices of bread with a fried egg & Milo at MIl's,... then porridge from Old Chang Kee,.. now washing it down the youtiao with soya bean drink. I wish I could eat lesseer so that I will put on less weight haha


Hmm.. they say cannot eat pineapple, kangkong, cooling stuff.. but we're already in the 3rd tri. Besides, I think all these cooling things only impact if we take a LOT of it. I guess shd be lack of calcium, the additional weight & maybe cold. For me, I take a lot of calcium & try to cover my legs. It seems to help.

Zo, petrina

Hehe I sleep in the buff these days. It's just too hot!


To be frank hor.. if u BF your baby, he could poo a LOT! As in, drink halfway, poo. Change him, finish drinking, poo again. U could go bonkers leh. Besides, with the electricity, water, detrgent, dunno how much we really save with cloth diapers.

Do you have a confinement lady? If yes, then at least you have some help for the first mth. if not hor, I strongly suggest u standby diapers. Or... you listen to your Hubs & use cloth diapers. Then when he realises the work involved, you cans end him out to buy disposables & keep the cloth diapers for when baby is older & more established in his poo patterns.
jul: perhaps envy. but feeling nausea not shiok feeling lor.. then no hunger pangs. so weird right? normal human also need to eat few hours once mah..
then i told my MIL. she say sometimes maybe food too oily then body can't digest. so she ask me drink more fluids will do.
my lips all crack liao. super dry. though i'm dunking fruit juices and water all day long..
i just afraid that baby not enough nutrients. so i dunno y baby is doing this to me lor.

Sel: baby kick whole day. haha. no specific timing. i wanna eat, but i see food i buay tahan liao. then no appetite. dunno what's wrong. anyway i dun feel weak. just tired. so i think i have enough "fats" stored to deduct lah.
My pelvic at the back area hurts very badly again. Going for physio later. Every movement in bed to turn is painful including getting up to go toilet.

Wanted to go baby expo but doubt I can now. Mummies Going can help me check if they are selling nuk or pigeon laundry detergent

Went for my gynae check and baby is on low percentile for thigh and tummy. Head circumference ok. At 31 weeks baby weight is 1.45kg. How to fatten her up? Some mummies here have very good weight babies
Jul, that's y lah. It's going to be a lot of work to clean of the poo all the time. As it is, we all knw that the 1st few weeks will be hell bcos of sleep deprivation.

I'm not sure how much help I'll get yet because the original plan is for my MIL to retire and stay home to look after the baby. But now, I feel like I want to try and be a SAHM while maybe working part-time from home for my own allowance.

I know my mom intends to drop by daily after her night shift to help out a bit. If my sis recovers from her op, she'll be able to help as well.
Maybe your baby is pressing against your stomach. I hv been getting the " heartburn " feeling nowadays. If I drink a full glass after that I feel as though the liquid didn't go down and can come up.

Cloth diapers: I heard that it can be used to swaddle and more cooling. Was thinking of buying. What do u all think?
If u don't have maid, it's a nightmare to clean all those poos in the cloth diaper! Really!!

A tip is quickly wash with water when the poo is fresh. But this require someone look after baby when u washing the poo.

Then the ironing part is another nightmare too.

Last time I spent 1 week without hubby's relatives who wash those cloth diaper for #1 when she's about 3 mths old and it's really super tiring. In the end my #1 starts doesn't want to latch anymore. Maybe that time my supply depletes becoz over tired. And I kinda neglect her with all the washing and ironing :S.
Maybe not a 100% reliant on cloth diaper. I still think u need to use disposable diapers at times too. Eg. family outings, baby has diarrhea *touch wood*, etc.

Actually, how many diapers do u have to use for newborn daily on average?

My in laws plan to head to JB tmr, maybe I'll get them to buy the cheapest brand (Giant or Tesco brand) of newborn diapers from there. Since baby changes diaper every 2-3 hours, shld be ok right? I don't want to waste $$$ but yet don't want baby to suffer fr rashes too.

Sigh... Today I have to take my home blood glucose test. Failed the test for breakfast although all I ate was Post Great Grains Crunchy Pecans cereal and a small banana. So frustrating!
hi ladies,

cloth diapers are good jus that they require lots of washing and also drying.. i tot is more advisable if you have a helper or maid to help you on this. for diapers, think at least 7-8 according to my frens whom breastfeed leh....Sel : is a good idea to drive in to JB to buy all the pampers...oh yes anyone know we can order from JB pampers website on diapers huh?
issit wishful thinking ...

what is the differences between having a c-sec cmpared to natural besides reovery period is faster for natural huh? any tots? have to wear a supoort binder for c-sec straight away huh? two kinds of c-sec issit? full GA or half GA huh?
Just back from expo.

Jul, no baby safe.

Sel, yes. Got cloth diapers. Are you talking abt the white cloth? Pureen is there as usual. They sell. Per pack is $16 if I not wrong. As I bought it the last round.

Well nothing much, same as the last baby expo.
if you wanna buy some more baby clothes/ nursing bras can go la.. Cos metro having sale also..

Or if you wanna buy stroller/car seat/cot also can go see see.. If not don't bother. No pampers , no dryers/huggies
Just try to eat whatever that you can la..bit by bit, better than nothing. L Guess your girl is just picky and doesn’t want her mommy to eat a lot.
How often do you need to take the home glucose test?
Seems very quiet in here today! Where is everyone
Last min decided to take half day leave. I've just finished my 1.5h massage. Gog for facial soon. Pampering day!
Very tempted to take leave on 30 Apr to go for Goldheart private sale. But then thinking my #1 hasn't settled her childcare yet so give up

Hux dunno what happens if in the end really can't get childcare for #1 in August this year. Maybe hubby and I need to take turn taking leave or I finish my whole annual leave + childcare + unpaid infant care (19 + 6 + 6) but then still need a lot of days until end of the year.
Why oh why childcare around my house lots of them only allow 2013 admission for 2010 babies...
groovy: aiyah. u can take mc? hehe
some CCs r overloaded. so u need to see if they r allowed by MCYS to take in younger kids. not so much their issue, more of licensing issue.
hello everyone, ya seems quiet today, took me quite fast to read thru all the posts. hehe

plan to go baby fair later. just curious, is there pigeon there? dunno whether to buy during this fair or next mth motherhood fair.

just to check, what brand of breastmilk storage do you mummies buy? thanks
Priscilla, u mean the inserts? I need to buy the waterproof cover as well.

Ssmilezz, I have to take it once a week but 3 times that day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I think the small banana made me fail the test. I had a small portion of rice with spinach soup, half a pan fried fish with sambal and some fried ikan bilis and half a steam tofu for lunch and I passed the test.

Hmmm... A pampering day sounds nice! Since I can't go out anymore, hubby is going to try DIY our prenatal shots at home. I'll have to motivate myself and put on some make-up tmr.

Kadice, do we really need to buy breastmilk storage in advance? I was thinking of waiting and see how much is my supply before deciding if I need to buy or not.
Petrina, that's the problem I took MC last week already becoz of flu (and use the chance to go gynea). Total I took 7 days MC (to go gynea, sick etc) already in this year!!
Wanting to save MC too in case of labour/ really need when sick. huhuhu..
Hi ladies!!

Am off from today onwards and will be back in the office on the 2nd June!!

Had an awesome 2hr massage this morning and now heading out for Starbucks and going to drop by the expo to take a look-see. Craving for ching thng, gonna have it for dinner later.

How's everyone doing today? My lower back ache is feeling so much better after the massage.

Can't wait for my Gynae appt tomorrow!!
Jenny, I'm planning to use J&J for my baby.

By the way, do we need to buy maternity sanitary pad or just any overnight sanitary pads will do? And how long will we have our mensus for after delivery?
adeline! 2nd may lah.. june u do what? 1 mth at home.. keke

groovy: yeah. me also 7 days MC taken when i had the low fluid thing. so i dare not waste le. then bobian liao..

Sel: best to buy some. cause u can stimulate your breast best during first mth to establish supply. so between latching, u can pump and store.
1 whole day can mix together. so u dun worry that 10ml can't store. every 24hrs u mix into 1 storage if u dun have alot milk.
Do we need to buy breast milk bags to contain n stored in freezer? Any particular brand or juz any brand is fine?

I buy overnight pads those long ones..

J&J head to toe wash gd?
Right now a bit afraid about how the labour process is going to be with my new gynea.. He seems to be very free (as I can just change appointment anytime and looks like his clinic is always empty - no queue).
He's very good in explaining things, very gentle as well for the general checkup. His USG pictures are always very nice and clear. But dunno the actual delivery will be.. huhu..

My #1 gynea last time is super busy, can't change appointment, each appointment last about 5 minutes only inclusive of USG that's always so blur! LAbour process also chop chop, come only after the midwife asked me to push baby head. Dunno if usual practice or not.
Then, he uses vacuum without my permission and without asking. Stitch very fast too.
Good thing is of course baby comes out safely, no vacuum mark at all. The stitch I feel still a bit pain but dunno maybe becoz it's near my piles as well (might be my piles that's painful). He might have cut me very big last time.

My colleague delivered by the same gynea said doesn't feel any stitch pain at all.

I've experienced the worse. But really, I hear much more horror story about different gynea who doesn't even said hello when she come during C-Sect, immediately cut before the patient knowing.. My colleague said she thought it's the nurses only do some cleaning, then a few minutes later she asked are they done cleaning but actually it's the gynea come already and cut.. Quite scary too. C-Sect with epidural is covered, u don't know what happens. Some more she said her husband is not allowed to accompany her during the C-Sect with that gynea. She said the gynea is okay during monthly consultation, but actual delivery is worst!
groovy: why your colleague wants to know what is happening during c-sect? isnt it better that she doesnt see/know what the gynae is doing, just know when it is completed dats sufficient...very scary when they show u the procedure or let u know what is happening..*shiver*
Hi mummies,

I would like to seek advice from you all. Seems like most of u got the Emma jane seem free nursing bra with removable padding one n got gd reviews with it. I m thinking to get but unsure wat size. I measured my under breast size is abt 32 in about 81cm. So wat size should I buy? Thanks for ur help!!
Haha... Jul, yes 2nd May!!!

Anyways, baby expo has lots of clothes n detergent stuff for stocking up. There is also strollers/car seat n cot. There is also stocks on Avent. There is Pigeon liquid detergent, Pureen detergent and there is also Lansinoh storage bags & disposable breast pads. Your basic misc is at the baby expo.

It's not like she wants to know. But you'll need to be prepared before gynea cut right!

Adeline: can't wait for your updates tmr. What week are you at now?
If the expo has gd detergent deals then I'll ask hubby bring me tmr. The baby care fair was good as the nuk detergent was cheaper than JL or robinsons after 20%
Hi Sel,

The cloth diaper you referring to is what kind. To me the cloth diapers are the old school kind that need to fold.
If you are talking about insert, you are referring to the bumwear kind?

they have it both there. For the white cloth, pureen is selling. For the insert kind, i think i saw it somewhere too.

You can go check it out.
@adeline 2 hours of massage sounds just so good. Aching now. Think have to go for massage twice a week now. Not too "over" I hope.

Storage bags
I haven't got any. Since easily avaliable. I intend to send my husband to buy when I have to supply. Think it's much harder
to preserver than start.

@Sel Sanitay pads
Advice I heeded is that overnight ones should do just fine.
Priscilla, I get what u mean liao. I'll see if hubby is free over the weekend to check it out then. Thanks!

Wah! Massage twice a week is abt S$400.00 per month leh. Very heartpain! But if ur back is really aching and ur feet has very bad water retention then maybe it's worth it. I'm seeing my masseuse every alternate week and it makes a huge difference to me. I can't imagine going without.

Regarding delivering, I've always assumed that I'm going to do it normal w/o epi but now it seems I might have to opt for c-sect so I'm really mentally unprepared. Maybe I'm still in denial and hoping that the placenta will move up this 2-4 weeks.
Sel, I remember i used a few packets of maternity pads after i gave birth. I lost quite a lot of blood. I bought them from kiddy palace. One pack contains 20 pads.

Anybody experiencing water retention in your legs or feet? My feet suddenly swell like elephant legs yesterday and they hurt!And my shoes are all tight now, even slippers..urgh!

Everybody is going for massage! I did once a few weeks ago and it was awesome! I think i should go pamper myself again, and to massage all the water in my feet!
Fleur: Hope my check goes well tomorrow too! Excited but hope he doesn't nag on my weight. Hehe...

How did ur check when today? How much did you put on from last months check?
Jolene: Do go for a massage,it totally relaxes my stiff back due to the first time changes to my body and the additional weight on my tummy. It's soooo good after that. Just make sure you go to a masseur who knows and has experiences in pre natal massages.

Baby expo
Went to the expo but I dun find the items or price attractive. It is very small scale unlike the previous bb care festival. I only saw pigeon liquid cleanser selling at $9 for the refill but not laundry detergent. No nuk detergent and babysafe mattress. Even the bb cot prices are not really that attractive unless u dun mind the quality. I saw OG selling bttr quality cot at the same price during the last sales. However I managed to buy the 6 in 1 set inclusive of bed sheet, blanket, bumper, comforter, skirting and diaper carrier at $89. Baby head support to be used in stroller, car seat etc at $4. Reuseable ice pack for milk bottle storage at $9 in a pack of 3. There is a metro expo at hall 4 just beside the bb expo fair, but nothing much I find. Anyway there is Robinson sales at 70% + 20% coming up again and OG sales at 20% in 1st May.
