(2012/06) Jun 2012

Petrina, you haven't seen your doctor yet?! No point speculating.. Better go and consult the doctor and have a good rest.

Gd morning mummies,

Been quite sometime since I last posted.

Fleur: Hope you are much better now. At this stage, we are more vulnerable than anything. The other day when my hubby asked me to wait for awhile after I asked him to kiss baby on my tummy, then I started to sob and said that he does not love baby. Y must wait when he is just watching tv. As for SIL, there's always conflicts around but just have to tahan. :/

Chris: I dont think it is possible not to gain any more weight? I think sometimes even breathing will put on weight. My gynae asked me to go on diet the previous visit but seems that I have been eating even more.

Anna: I have been snoring at times when I am too tired. Hubby commented whenever he wants to record down, I seem to know and stopped. I told him that so it is proven that fat people will snore and he also agreed. I think it is also partly our sleeping positions that caused the snores.

Can I check if any mummies has any yellowish discharge at this point of time? My SIL told me she had alot and now it happens to me too. I had been wearing disposable undies and panty liners ever since near to 3rd trimester.
I noe y at night i can't slp well. Cause air con make my legs feel restless. After off air con, though warm, i didn't toss n turn as much. Managed to get 5hrs slp.

Dunno. I dun trust my company gp. Mth end closing so i can't take mc c gynae. Already applied leave for next monday. So i tot just stick it out first.
Hope today is a btr day
petrina: could be food poisoning. weeks back when i had diarrhea, chris chong gave me some tablets but i did not really take.

i am going to see gynae this sat, going to ask him why i have constant aching pain on my lower right abdomen when i walk..feels so uncomfy
fleur: hugz.. don't worry too much about being emo. it's usual for preggies.

Zo: yellowish discharge i dun have but i know mucous plug is yellowish in colour.
might be mild infection.

Chris: i think it depends on individual regarding weight gaining. perhaps he just tell you dun worry abt baby being small.. so u dun need to eat too much protein or sugary stuffs.

I fell aslp fully ard 1am. woke up ard 7am. damn tired.. though i tried to slp ard 10pm, kept tossing n turning. baby was punching my organs. my tummy hurt alot esp w/o food inside, kinda like gastric feeling. luckily my hb massage my restless legs. otherwise i think i whole night need to sleep on chair liao.
Hmmm I do have discharge...u mean some of you don't have? I thought it is common among pregnant woman?

Chill ladies.. Try to relax and do and have the things you like. My husband has been away since Monday, coming back only tommorow. Been home alone, and eating not so nice food for dinner. And he hardly calls or whatsapp me. Haha I hope it makes some of you feel better to know that there is someone worse than you
i'll be gg on Sat when boy goes for his music class.. wil help u check out if there is then. hope not too late! hee

i also have the same yellowish discharge.. putting on pantyliners to try to stay clean.. any cause for concern huh?
kadice: aww. my appt also this sat. but i have stuffs on. so i changed to mon morning. otherwise can meet u liao..

hopecg: thanks.
Morning mummies...

Flu is back so I'm on MC today again :p Hate the blocked/running nose feeling..

Zo, discharge is normal, but if it smells bad or makes you feel itchy/painful then it could be a sign of infection.

hopecg, perineal gel is used to help you lubricate and stretch the perineal area to prevent episiotomy during delivery. You can substitute with any vegetable oil actually.

Petrina, my baby has been punching and kicking me every time I lie down to rest or sleep, so consider yourself fortunate to get 5-6hrs sleep.. I had only 4hrs or less nowadays :p
nattan: yeah.. but i was hoping to get some good zzz b4 baby pop. so sad.
luckily i found out my legs can't take the air con. so last night got to zzz. past week totally can't zzz cause legs were shifting left n right..
hey nattan, take good care and rest more. take more soupy stuff...

been super busy lately so din log in..oh yes, jus a question, for natural birth do we need to use a binder st away to help support? cos i am thinking if e-sec hor, then later no time to buy binder since malay massage can only be done one month later...yeah any tots on the binder huh? what brand do you ladies recommend huh?

the weather is soo soo soo hot these days...going crazy..can bath up to 4 times during weekend oh mine.......

i oso have the yellowish discharge that stains my panties which i soak them before wash or else the stains cannot come off......

are you ladies getting excited huh?
@sunbelle if you c sec u can't wear the binder too. No rush la. can get it at the retails shops in your hospital. I think it is good wear a panty liner, more hygienic.

And my discharge do smells a lil, so I use pigeon baby wipes to clean the area when I feel like it. Baby wipes should be mild enough. And it gets better smell reduced.
Hullo everyone!

Waiting at gynae's. Yawn... I really did put on 5kg this mth oops!


If csec, your gynae will provide the binder for u. Chargeable of course


Take care! I also am feeling a bit under the weather. Think my son could have passed his sickness to me

Oh dear, what happ to u? Why dun u go see the dic to check it out?

If ur legs can't take aircon, try long socks? I totally cannot sleep without aircon now
Expo baby fair

There's a fair at expo this wkend. Any idea if there's babysade mattress? I need to get a new mattress for the baby
hmm.. recently homo is driving us nuts?
i dont look and sound like me recently... ~.~

i hear it usually get worst coming to EDD..
jul: managed to keep porridge down since 10am. crossing my fingers though i can feel it creeping up soon..
i took leave on 30th. gynae appt also that day. so i tot just tahan. anyway few days more..

Baby fair
i don't think i'll go this round. i'm waiting for motherhood fair next mth. but i fear i can't move anymore le..
Thanks ladies for your well wishes... I'm just going to rest as much as possible today.

Jul, I don't know if there's Babysafe mattress at the fair.. you didn't get it during the BabyCare Fair last time? But I didn't see Babysafe at the last expo, so can't be sure if they will be there this time. Can ask Anna to help you check out since she works around there

Aiyah ok u know ur body best. Just drop everything n run to gynae if u notice anything worse then


The last fair, we haven't decided which bed to use for no1. Now that he's still using his babysafe mattress on his toddler bed, i need to get another one for the baby

Anna works at Expo ah? Ok ok i ask her hee
Gd news for me! My placenta has moved up enough for me to be cleared for vaginal birth. Yippee! Baby's 2.1kg at 32 wks 5days. Everything's normal according to gynae, despite my complaints of heavy weight at my pelvis Whew! Relief for a while
congrats jul! baby's growing at a good size too. hope your placenta continues to move up up...

due to tooth surgery can't take solid foods..now super hungree and sucky feeling...any ideas on nice soft foods that i dun have to chew?
petrina, nattan, jul, do take care and rest well. congrats jul, your baby's a good weight.

i've also been coughing for a month, have stopped cold drinks and only eat apples, bananas, durians for fruits, doesn't seem to help. GP refuse to give me medication. My mum is making 东从草 tonic soup for me, this herb is even more expensive than gold... hope it helps.
if your health is ok, can indulge in ice cream. for me, i have to stop ice cream due to my cough.
prettibride, petrina, joeey

Thanks! Had a happy conclusion to my gynae visit today, despite waking up late this am haha. Interviewed & paid for my confinement lady, placenta moved up, no sign of early labour, baby looks ok & normal, got my admission letter to bring along with me, booked my hosp room. Let's hope the day continues like this haha


Oh your GP is so careful? Mine does give me meds but safe for pregnancy type.


I'm sure your placenta will move up in time too


Try those ice cream, soft rolls/cakes?
Hiya ladies,

It's been a frightening week for me

Had an US on Mon morning and baby is looking great! She's in a transverse position and placenta is slightly low. My blood pressure is borderline high. I'll most probably be induced early bcos of GD. If the placenta doesn't move up and she doesn't turn, I'll end up with a c-sect.

Anyway, I got home after my check-up and had some bleeding. It's fresh blood but kind of diluted. At least I'm not cramping. I called the Doc's and am strictly on bedrest. I was to monitor it for an hour before calling back the clinic agn. I was hoping it's just bcos I had over-exert myself and all I need is some rest.

I went back to the Doc's to monitor baby's HB, got a jab to help baby further develop her lungs n some hormones to relax my uterus. I'm still spotting and i was told that it could get heavier n it's bcos of my low placenta. I'm strictly on bedrest until delivery. I had my 2nd dose of jab yest and I'll be seeing my gynae agn on Mon.

I'm to try my best and hold her in till 35 weeks, assuming that the bleeding doesn't get worse. I was instructed to rush to the hospital if the bleeding gets heavier and they'll most probably do a c-sect. Since baby is well, I'm still trying to be optimistic abt the whole thing.

And I'm not done shopping for the baby and me
It seems like I have to do more online shopping since I can't go anywhere now.

Hng in there gal! My gynae was just staying that by 34 weeks, the baby can breathe on its own. So don't stress ok? All the shopping can be done online or send Hubs out to run the errands. The impt thing is to follow your doc's instructions & be careful till then.

How many weeks do you have before 34 weeks?
Jul, I'm abt 33 weeks now. I'm hoping I can hold her in until 38 weeks although I'm told that she'll most probably be fine if delivered at 35 weeks. I didn't expect pregnancy can get so complicated.

I'm browsing online as we speak bcos I've yet to get necessities for myself such as nursing bra, nipple cream, disposable panties and sanitary pads so I'm not even close to packing my hospital bag.

To make matters worse, hubby is going on reservist from 21st May for 2 weeks. I don't think he can defer at this point of time but he did say that he'll make sure that he'll be there for the delivery. *fingers cross*
Joeey, if you're coughing, should you be eating durian?? It's very heaty and may cause you to cough or have sore throat. Weather is also very hot nowadays, so best to drink more water and rest.

Sel, don't worry too much about shopping. Online shopping is fun too! Important thing is to make sure you're well rested and baby is ok.

Ah.. Hang in there a couple more weeks then.

Nursing bra - can get Emma Jane from www.asos.com Where are you delivering? If TMC, they have Emma Jane bras there, with nipple cream, brast pads, disp panties, antiseptic wash etc all there. They even sell nursing clothes by MothersenVogue. So you can dun pack all these & just ask your Hubs to go downstairs to the pharmacy & shop to buy.

Sundries like nipple cream, disposable panties, pads etc.. Not sure but I think you can order from some Chinatown shop. I think some of the other mummies can help. The name escapes me at the moment! You can get things like baby soap powder, wet wipes, etc all from there too.
Sel: poor girl! get ur hb to defer. definitely will get approval. need ur gynae to write a letter regarding edd and condition.
hang in there
play some music for baby and talk to her. stop all activities at home and perhaps if possible get ur hb to take half day leave each day to help you with stuffs around the house like delivering lunch and dinner and drinks to the bed.

Sel: for nursing bras, u can try asos.com
since most of us tried emma janes bra, it's very comfy and size isn't a issue as it's mostly free cup size just make sure u get correct band size.
other essentials u can get pictures from the website and send ur hb on errands to nearby supermarket.
hospital bag - mostly certificates and going home clothes and electronic devices as per ur needs.
don't worry too much about other essentials if you need to, use the hospital supplies. they have everything under the sun other than the above mentioned.

Went to frolick for frozen yogurt. apparently they have 1-for-1 for Cup A in millenia tower. Cause i double confirmed with the cashier when she took only $4.10 from me when i ordered 2 flavoured cups.

joeey: take some nan bei xing ren + white fungus dessert. add some red dates or honey dates for taste.
it works great for cough. i drank that for 3 days and my cough went away.

Just tried your red date longan tea from Gongcha. Not bad leh, but... a bit too sweet to drink more than 1 cup. I'm waiting for my "qi" to feel more "bu" lol
just back from checkup yesterday. Baby is about 2 kg in my almost 33 weeks. Hopefully won't be too big when born. Hehe..

I weigh 69.4 kg! Gained 2.5 kg in 3 weeks!
I remember I weigh 70 kg when my #1 was born.. I think I'll be heavier when #2 is born :S. Hopefully not that much.. All thanks to the food in Medan, becoz FIL and everyone is always buying me 2 portions of food and I feel wasted if can't finish..

But the funny thing is I don't really feel that heavy. I think my water retention is not that bad as my #1. *which means I have more FAT now?? :S..

Hehe you are funny. I'm weighing 66kg now. Last time I started at 54kg & ended at 68kg. This time round, I started at 56kg. Hope not to go past 70kg leh
Jul : thank you very much for you information on the provision of binder hehe
hope natural is the way to go for me hehehe

hi groovy and jul,

think weught gain is okie as long as our babies are healthy hehee think we can lose some weight after our delivery hehee

yo anyone know whether can we take heerballife during our breastfeeding or after our confinement month huh? saw a fren whom slim down really a lot but not so su with her so din contact her to ask her too....hehehe tinking whether can we take it and yet breast feed not sure whether will comprise on nutrients for the breastmilk leh...any tots huh?

No prob
I also wanna avoid being chopped up at all costs haha

Er.. ok lah, I admit I just like to complain, but actually I don't really mind. Coz I know all the weight will melt away upon BF-ing. So I just eat & eat & eat haha.

Sorry, no idea abt Herbalife. maybe you can ask the PD or LC?
Hi ladies
Been having a busy morning @ work. Just had time to pop in to read and say hi.
I’m sorry to hear about what you are going through now. But hang in there k? Only 2 weeks more to week 35. But I think with sufficient rest, you might be able to keep her in to at least full term. Keep talking to her and sayang sayang her. In the mean time, keep yourself busy online. At least time will pass more quickly.
Is your tummy feeling better now? Just make sure it’s not food poisoning else it can be quite dangerous if u get dehydrated.
Happy to hear your good news. J So to date, how much weight have u put on? 2.1kg is a good weight now. Looks like your recent 5kg helped with your baby’s weight.
I thought this weekend’s fair is a very small one? My hub was thinking to pop by but I told him not to bother.
When I did my wisdom tooth extraction/op (2 at one go), I survived mostly on milo and mashed potato at least only first 2 days. Thereafter, I took mostly porridge/soupy stuffs.

I've put on 10kg since the beginning. Not too much, but could be better. Think it's reaching figure '7' that irks me haha

Issit? Aiyah I thought that time someone was saying that Babysafe will have a booth at the expo?
sunbelle: best not to take any special supplements during bfing. it's meal supplement and it affects the nutrients we transmit to our babies.
salesppl can say anything but w/o real medical proof, best not to take the risk.
anyway when u fully bf ur baby, u'll slim down naturally.
i wore my pre-preg pants during manyue already. of course with girdle but it's a start.
u can exercise post natal with baby's help.
sit your 3mth-6mth old baby on your tummy with knees bend.
then do sit up. ur baby will be amused and u get to do crunches on your tummy

pre-preg 73kg

current 78kg

target <80kg
i hope to reach 70kg by man yue
Aiyoh – I already hit the “7” digit already. My only comfort is I’m still lighter than my hubby. Haha..
Maybe Babysafe will be available at the May baby expo? I bought all my Babysafe stuffs during the last baby expo. Already opened up the plastic cover for the mattress around a month ago to “air” the mattress.
Can I still take my normal vitamins and supplements after I give birth? I mean, I use to take normal multivitamins, fish oil and anti-oxidant before I was expecting. Wondering if I can go back to them after I deliver.
Baby Carriers
Any recommendations or reviews on the different brands of baby carriers?
Aiyoh.. called the organsier of the Baby Expo. Said cannot reveal the list wor. Gotta check 2moro's Straits Times ad. Duh.. I don't have Straits Times

smilez: Fish oil is fine. anything that u can take during pregnancy is fine for bfing.
anti-oxidant u need to check what type. if those for slimming type then cannot. cause u'll transmit it to your baby, so how ur baby be plump? keke
multivits u also need to check. there may be some items not suitable for babies. best to show gynae. if he say suitable for pregnancy, means ok for bfing.

Baby Carriers
i'll still suggest ERGO/BECO/BOBA BABY/MADUCCA. these type. anything that uses baby's spine to support, won't be suitable.
