(2012/06) Jun 2012

Moi, I think Jul's suggestion about giving what you'd like to receive is a good idea...It also depends on your budget...

Hi mummies, anybody looking to buy 2nd hand Avent Phillip Electronic Single Pump? I have a lightly used one for less than 2 months. Still under warranty. Looking to sell @ SGD140, as i have received a medela one from my friend.
Please PM if keen. Thanks!
Moi: Depends on your theme. My friend gave stickers with my son's name on it. Coloring book of the theme. Balloons. That time I had angry bird theme, so I got angry bird stickers to give away. Party hat, but some children don't like. One friend had a hungry caterpillar theme, gave a magnetic board with various characters for fishing. I won't give food items but I had junk food in those goodie bags before. Depending on age, maybe can give cheap rattle for sound. Or you can buy foam alphabet set, give them a few letters or just their nAmes or initials.

Nattan: don't wait too long. The older we get, the more complications we face, or just more tired. An acquaintance has two teenage children, she's now 39 to 41, she finds this pregnancy super tough. But not immediately so that your #1 can be breastfed for a year and your body can rest properly.
Goodie Bag: if you have a budget maybe can just get those cartoon character bpa free straw cups. One good item shld be sufficient and just wrap in see through Plastic wrapping.

I just cannot wait to give birth as my thunder thighs are getting thunderous. I hope I can lose most of the weight before I go back to work.
Hi prettibride..mine from psloveyouphotography..their price are quite reasonable n saw her blog..quite pleased with the photos she taken..most impt her home based studio near my place
I thinking of putting a ribbon ard my tummy..finding letters to put on my tummy n I even bot a pair of pre-walker shoes maybe put on the tummy?Any more ideas to share?Haha...
@jerlyn: I think it would be nice too having a shot with you and your husband looking at your wedding album;)

Think we have to look through the photos online. My packages is about 200 photos.
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks for the wonderful ideas on goodie bag. Souvenir Cup is quite refreshing to me.

Which studio are you taking the prenatal shots?

Are the photographer(s) ladies? Which area is the studio located?</font>
Personally i like the pose where the husband will kiss the tummy. another pose would be the mummy looking lovingly down at the bump. placing items that belongs to the baby at tummy is a common pose also..but rather meaningful. you might wan to have some artistic and some funny poses in mind. I am sure the photographer has more ideas.

thanks for the suggestion on the ribbon. sounds like a good pose. 200 photos is a lot. do you get to keep all of them? dun mind sharing how much is your package?
Yeah. Prettibride, nice ideas. Maybe one with mummy looking at the hubby with one hand on the belly, while the husband jumps up, looking very happy ;).

The photographer told me about 200 photos would be taken and returned. But only about 20 photos would be touched up. But ok la the image enhancement programmes are quite easy to use now.

Mine is $428 with Yew Kwang photography
1*Make up+hairdo
1*8R with frame
20*4R with album
And +all the misc usual stuff.

Quite a good deal. I have not signed up any package, but the one my friend got from StudioLoft is $250 for 5 photos i think. 1 is bigger size printout. I like Yew Kwang's style of photography..he was one of my shortlist when i was scouting for my wedding photographer. Enjoy your shots~
I think I had spent too much money on my own makeover photos and wedding photos that I didn't bother to take any maternity or baby shots.
Today this thread like very quiet :p Where's everyone?

Looks like my wish to work at home tomorrow till Fri is not going to come true... need to come back to office even though everyone goes on retreat :p
@glass you can DIY
. I intend to use the photos and make it into a photo book using Artscow. This is a great site where you can just make use of your photos and make into a photo book. $$ is much cheaper compared to Singapore. Check out the site
Hi mommies!

It's been months since I've logged on here.

I'm planning to take maternity shots too. DIY since my hubby has a dslr and he is interested in photography. But the weather is so damn hot that I just don't have the motivation to dress up and look good. Plus I've got horrible pigmentation on my neck, armpits, belly and thighs. I'll need lots of concealer to look good.

Anyone had theirs taken already? Care to share ur ideas/pics?
nattan, ya..i was wondering where's everybody too. so your boss wans you to go back to an empty office ar? cheer up..at least no bosses around..u can surf and chat here all you like.
Aiyo raining again... Yeah today last tmc antennal lesson Liao, gonna be crowded again at scgs..(-.-) '''

Btw tmc antennal class got door gift one meh?? My on wed class, How come I dun get?? Only for WBB class is it?
Prettibride, yeah... but I also have to take over some admin duties for my colleagues who will be at the retreat :p So not like I can just do my own thing and ignore people coming into our office...
Hi Ladies,
Reporting in after lunch. J Had nice tom yam fish soup for lunch.
It’s starting to pour – likely to be a gloomy afternoon. Try to stay indoors and if you guys are outside, walk carefully.
I don’t intend to take any maternity shots. Feeling like a whale and with my messy hair (unrebonded), very sian to face the camera. Hehe.. But my hubby is into photography and also has his DSLR and many types of diff lens and camera tools (lighting/tripods and what nots), he can put them to good use taking baby shots then.
Hi hi, I'm now working from home. Glad to be at home than in office, though still need to go in office from time to time. Can slowly do some packing and planning at home, and nap anytime I want. :p

Dun intend to spend money on maternity shots. Will save up the money to buy stuff for bb instead.

Bb been hiccupping almost everyday. Told hub about it and he said can't be bb moving meh....why always said she is having hiccups. Men....shake head....
Re maternity shots, I'm a bit ambivalent about it. On one hand, nice to have a momento before delivery, on the other hand, it's a bit like wedding photos... I didn't have that either as I felt it's a bit extravagent. Might just DIY to save the money which would be put to better use for the baby when he comes...
I got my door gift at 1st WBB lesson. Its a small tin of Dumex milk powder and a nursing cover. This is the only gift i got. Will be giving tonight's lesson a miss..don't think this doctor's talk is beneficial in a great way..and i got gynea appt also.

Try to think of the bright side, you can have extended lunchtime. Can do some shopping for your baby.

Don't worry, you still have the pregnancy glow ma~ Even though raining but still feel super warm in office..din have a good sleep yest cos of DH's snoring. Tonight I'll ask my gynea if he can give me 2 weeks HL before EDD. Hope he agrees.
Maternity shots
If got hubby/ friends good in photography, can save the $ and just ask them to help. I want to display some of these in the baby room. Taka sell those DIY hand/foot clayprint sets too..tinking of getting one of those too. Afterall, this stage only happens once in a lifetime, can be a keepsake for our child next time too.
Prettibride, I got NAN Mum and nursing cover at my antenatal class. Now I have so many boxes of NAN Mum samples. Any of you want? I don't drink...

I usually have flexi lunch time, but since now I have to help man the office, it may not be so flexi :p

I want to get the hand/foot printing set also, for photography, maybe just get hubby to snap some photos and I can photoshop to make them look better...
Maternity Shots
I had a few fully clothed shots taken by my own hubby. Just for memento. so i dun intend to waste $ on this.
I had the DIY footprint taken for my son when he was 1yo. too lazy to do it at NB time.. so did it at his 1yo bday.
Good for you! Nothing beats being at home although u have to be very determined to get your work done else will be waylaid doing other stuffs. Hehe…
I don’t think I experienced baby hiccupping! What does it feel like?
I didn’t even do any wedding photoshoots too. Haha…I only had the photographer take some pics of my actual day (the church and the lunch). That’s it and we hardly flip through the album at all.
No glow la…more like oil from my skin. I am kinda camera shy anyway. I seldom take pics now too.
You going for your checkup today? J
It’s really cold in my office. Brrr…it’s like a freezer. I have been sleeping pretty ok these few nights – must have been so tired that I’m sleeping through without waking up to pee. But I’m typically drenched in sweat when I wake up which is so horrible. It’s like I did an exercise workout in my sleep. LOL!
yup..going for my gynea checkup tonite. suppose to sign up the hospitalization package too. my baby has taken it upon himself to be my natural alarm clock, will kick me non-stop from 7am onwards. really in desperate need of sleep.

hv any mummies confirmed the cordblood donation already?
afternoon everyone.. seems like a gloomy and sleepy after.

prettibride: have not decided on the cordblood thingy. most of the ppl around me signed up for the cord blood package..anyone taking that up too? wonder if it is necessary, not cheap either....
Moi: do u mean the souvenir cup link I posted?

Nattan: hehe I'm having couPle time with hubby today
we took time off for our A day
That's why never post.

We are planning to take our own photos probably will use tripod and remote.
However I wonder if anyone has Lobang for the alphabets?
Cord blood : we signed up for the 20 yrs most ex one. But since can use CDA account we only need to deposit around 3.1k. It's more of an insurance perspective that we signed.
ssmilezz, lucky u! I can nvr get 8 straight hours of sleep anymore. My eyebags is getting worse!

I don't think I'm going to sign up the cord blood thingy.

fleurfleur, happy anniversary to u n ur hubby!
glass, no need makeup if you just wanna take bump shots or those monochromic type of shots. I can use Photoshop to touch up ;)

ssmilezz, my customary wedding photographer was a friend and it's just normal shots, we don't even have an album and I never looked at the photos after the first time. Don't wanna see liao... I was so slim last time..
I also get very warm at night when I sleep esp in the early morning. Hubby turned on aircon for me and ended up having blocked nose himself while I feel just nice without the quilt. Maybe should ask him to sleep outside instead :p

Prettibride, I've not contact SCBB yet... thanks for the reminder! I'm going to donate the cordblood..

Fleurfleur, happy anniversary! Enjoy your day with your hubby. You can probably find those alphabets at Papermarket or can try those toy stores that sell wooden toys (I saw them at a toy store in Katong 112). I'm thinking of making my own alphabets with polymer clay.
Hehe thanks everyone

CDA: we come out Max 6k govt will match 6k. U can slowly put $ in over the years no need lump sum unless u are using for cord blood. It can be used for infant / child care ...
Harlow everyone!

A bit busy coz just back to work after a week's layoff!

And busy with my spree also. Got for my fren, then her fren wanted &amp; asked me to do another batch. Aiyoh like mei wan mei liao haha

What's the topic now? No time to read
jul: topic on maternity shot and cordblood..i had one day of mc ydae and today feel so lethargic..

what spree are you conducting?

Oh! Maternity shots huh? I'm too busy &amp; tired to go for it. Have seen some which are quite nice, but Hubs doesn't like anyway.

My Topicrem spree lor. The website must be wondeing why I'm using so many bottles?
Ssmilezz, I'm reading emails from home and of cos will call office to give instruction of work. If not for my marginal placenta previa case, I won't request that from boss to work from home too. Anyway, will still need to go in office for meetings etc. But glad can rest anytime when I feel tired. Now gonna pack my hospital bag...keke.
Bb hiccups is like a series of little rhythmic movements. Very cute.
Jul, how nice to have a one week layoff! I'm only halfway through my Topicrem... you really use a lot huh. I just checked last night.. still have half a bottle.. probably will still have some leftover by the time I deliver.

I envy you! Wish I could work from home too.


No lah, not for me. I'm just helping my fren coordinate the spree.
Kadice, I use Palmer also, but Topicrem is less sticky/thick and has a pleasant powdery fragrance. Hubby complains that Palmer makes me smell like a bar of chocolate :p
nattan: ya, i dun like the smell of palmer too but they have a new product -- oil based one, but not oily...and smells real good. They gave me samples when I bought the lotion previously

@Cordblood - I remember reading here that we can opt to donate our baby's cord blood and we will still get priority if our baby needs it.*touch wood* I will go for the option.

@prenatal shots- My hubby was funny. He was taken aback when he found out that he has to be in the photos. Hahaha

@sterchmarks cream - been using bodyshop cocoa butter. Now I am using Bio Oil which feels quite nice, not sticky. But a tad more ex. I think it's $30+ for a small bottle. Used to apply the butter all over my body now I only use Bio Oil on my bump and breast :p
