(2012/06) Jun 2012

3 more upcoming fairs before we pop

Baby Expo 2012
Dates: 27 to 29 Apr 2012
Time: (Fri & Sat) 11a.m. to 9p.m., (Sun) 11a.m. to 8p.m.
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 5A
Organiser: Vivacious Media Pte Ltd

Baby Baby Exhibition 2012
Dates: 4 to 6 May 2012
Time: 11a.m. to 9p.m.
Venue: Suntec Singapore Hall 401
Organiser: Sphere Exhibits

Motherhood Fair
Dates: 31 May to 3 Jun 2012
Time: 11am-9pm
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 5B
Organiser: Motherhood Magazine

Nattan/Fleur: ya lah.. tat's y my hb say he very give me face liao.. previous pregnancy we stopped at 4mths. then this pregnancy till 7mths.
Cause i kept nagging at him that it was his fault i couldn't dilate. if we had BD more often nearer to term, i could create enough oxytocin to make contractions come and i could have natural delivery!
So this time he gives in occasionally to avoid being blamed lah.
Then baby decided to help daddy get out of this situation by giving me PP lah... Breech lah...
All the nonsense! So have to stop all BD immediately. Then every night I still need to do exercises to un-breech baby.

Groovy: usually middle child lose out. so some middle child will be jealous of youngest while trying to compete with oldest.
I think for those age gap near, should be ok. My friend with same gender children <2yrs apart r rather close.
Maybe 2-3yrs is abit awkward since they r at the terrible twos stage.
Give them time, they will bond together. after all they r siblings..

Washed all BN clothes yesterday. did 3 laundry cycles. luckily all well sunned

Got cupboard cum bathing area. All packed with baby's stuffs

Feeling accomplished. I m left with toys sanitizing, cot fixing up n cleaning, old clothes removal of milk/yellow stains and i'm ready!
morn mummies,

was in jb over the weekend and bought some shoes and toys for baby. jusco aeon (near to tuas) has quite a big baby department for mummies keen. Managed to get some baby rattles and teething toys less than RM20. Brand Tollyjoy. Din know that Tollyjoy is made in Malaysia. Got toddler shoes 2 pair for RM40. Can drop by if any mummy is keen. They have quite a good range of strollers and cot too. Most impt, much cheaper than any shop i see in SG. Kiasu me bought a rocking horse for my son too...only RM69.90.
petrina, you're fast..i only managed to wash the quilt and mattress covers. today getting maid to wash the swaddle cloths. still got towels, bibs and clothes to wash...good to start early i guess.

wat kind of exercises helps baby to turn heads down? i only know after peeing in the morn, rest 10mins each on left and right side helps..
good morning mummies, im on mc today, feels good to be at home and not at work on a monday morning..woke up early though and feeling sleepy again.

today is such a humid day and i cant stop sweating...
Baby Clothes/Bedsheets
Still unwashed. I am not planning to handwash as i realised that it will be very tiring for me. Do i need to "wash" the washing machine like do a rinse function once before i use it to wash the baby clothes and beddings?

My Cot is only coming mid May so the room is still in a mess no matter how i try to pack it there is always stuff on the floor until the day i really wash everything.

your HB said he give U face by being intimate with U? Hahaha
Yes i heard that it creates oxytocin that helps with delivery but i thought no need to do so early ... wait until closer. That's why HB also scared to do so early. But by the last month i am already so clumsy and tired lor ... its more for smooth delivery then i will try.
Petrina, what's PP? Sorry.. don't understand all these abbreviations ;P I think if you're doing it only cos of having a natural delivery, then no need to do it too soon la.. a week or 2 before EDD is ideal I think. Else you might end up pre-term. Actually I have the urge, but I respect my hubby's decision so I won't force him. Can always self-satisfy :p

Prettibride, you still can go JB? Even if I have a car, I won't wanna travel long distance now. My FIL lives very near to Jusco Aeon.

Kadice, nice to have a long weekend. Take care and rest well...

Fleurfleur, you can do a rinse function, but I don't think it's necessary for me...I usually use only half cap of detergent for a full load so that my clothes don't have a strong detergent smell. Sometimes I use the hot water function for washing heavy cottons like towels and jeans so the machine should be well rinsed already. Another way is to soak the baby clothes in baby laundry detergent in a tub and only use the rinse and spin dry cycles in the washing machine. Must remember to use a laundry bag.
hope all had a good break!
seems to be coming down with a flu =(

have not packed hospital bag/cupboard.. think i am the most unprepared one! hahahaa.. what hospital plan is also unheard of =P
hopecg, oh dear.. the weather is causing flu again. Do have a good rest and take it easy also.

My hubby has been feeling fluish since yesterday also. THink he just doesn't have enough rest. Plus I need the aircon whereas he feels cold easily. Poor thing...maybe I should try to tahan the humidity instead of switching on the aircon :p

I managed to get sanitary pads over the weekend. 2 x 8pcs packs of Sofy 41cm overnight/heavy flow pads and 2 x 16pcs packs of Laurier 32cm regular heavy flow pads. I think enough for now... Now I just need an open-front pajamas/nightie for my hospital bag to be complete
nattan: low lying placenta.. Placenta Preavia.

Talking abt the heat...
I woke up in buckets of sweat in aircon room last night! dunno nightmare or really hot. end up slp w/o quilt. i m already wearing knee length nightgown to sleep. not as if i wear pants! still perspire so much. haha
hb was covering all the way.. hehe

hopecg: rest well. my throat is still itching from last week. every morning cough green phelgm.
i'm eating grapefruit recently. they say it's very cooling. it helps with heatiness so my inflammation can go away soon.
Nattan: Thanks ... i tend to put a full cup or 1.5 cup of detergent so i think i better do a load of my own clothes using the eco friend laundry detergent that i recently bought to "clean" the machine first hahaha

I woke up with flu this morning ... sigh sigh i just wish i can don't go to work for the whole week!!!
nattan: im just the opposite of you. my hubby needs the aircon but I would feel unwell after sleeping a night in the aircon room. The other day, I got flu the next day. so no choice, my hubby has to give in to me given my weak immune system now:p
Petrina, I wear sleeveless tee (my gym t-shirt) and hubby's boxer shorts, and I'm already feeling so warm! I hardly cover up with my quilt at all. My hubby was also huddled up in the quilt.. haha.. our poor hubbies have to put up with their "hot" wives! :p

If you have phlegm, you should avoid all citrus fruits as they will cause you to produce more phlegm. Chinese pear (those big round type) is better for reducing heatiness and phlegm.

Kadice, if you feel cold easily, can drink the red date tea or ginger tea to increase your body heat. I'm already so warm.. cannot drink all these.
<font color="aa00aa">People has been asking me if I'm going to pop as my tummy is very big and low now. They're surprised to learn that I have another 2 months to go (which I hope so too).

Haven't start to wash baby's clothes and other items yet as we've other laundry to do and there's not enough space to hang them (I don't have a dryer).

What are your view of this type of dryer? Do they work efficiently and worth the investment?
nattan: he is 2.5 years, so it's at the age where he hasn't learnt to share, but understand enough to know his position would be usurped.

pris: oh no! I must make sure somebody watches over him. Thank goodness my ILs should be around.

Both my hubby and I have 4-5 years age gap with our younger sibling, so actually I wanted a siblng then, so kept pestering my mum for one. Only felt the jealousy when he was much older.
Moi, the dryer you mentioned.. it's looks interesting and quite cheap also. But it's not a brand I'm familiar with so cannot advise whether it's good or not.

glass, actually I think a gap of 4-5 yrs is ideal as that's the age kids would feel like they need a play mate, but I'll be 40 by then.. haha.. so I think my next kid should be 3 yrs later also. If not, a gap of less than 1 yr is good also as the #1 will be too young to get jealous. Anyway, must always ensure there are adults to supervise a baby and not leave the baby with another toddler.
<font color="aa00aa">fleurfleur,
No particular theme. Just thought of celebrating DS' birthday in his childcare centre since it'll be his final year there.</font>
Cassandra: either you do the troublesome way or the easy way.
1) mix 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and squeeze some lemon *to rid vinegar smell* into a spray bottle filled with water and just spray on unwashable toys n wipe dry.
2) mix 1 cap of dettol *brown solution* with a bottle of water and spray n wipe
3) buy febreeze off the supermarket shelf, spray n wipe
4) Use either 1 or 2 in a pail and use clean cloth to wipe. *especially for electronic items*

Nattan: if u do natural, u can actually try for a baby within 1yr gap for close siblings. you can actually bf while being pregnant. so it's ok.

Moi: hard to prepare goodie bag w/o food items. unless u have good budget, you can get party packs like themed toys. which can cost alot.
best bet is still food items. to prevent allergies, you can opt non-lactose, non-nuts. other than that usually no other allergies.
'Hot Wives'

Haha I'm another of them! I sleep in aircon with only.. ahem.. bra &amp; undies.. n Hubs is curled up shivering. Anything more, &amp; I'll wake up sweating. The worst thing is that the sweat aws comes from the neck area. Really, really hate that! Grr!

Argh where's my Carrefour delivery?

I've finished my 2 batches of towels. Now left 2 batches of baby clothes, &amp; 1 batch of biggie items like breastfeeding pillow covers etc (I THINK). Hope weather cooperates! Wanna dry &amp; keep the towels hanging all over the place before Wed coz the OpenNet pple are coming

That looks like the blowing hot air type of dryer? Think it shd definitely help to speed up the drying process. Just not sure abt maintenance &amp; capacity?

How abt putting things like balloons, bubbles, etc? Cannot have stationery ah? If want stationery then at least u'll have more choices. My son's sch bans goodie bags haha
Moi, can try those party shops along Waterloo St. They have a lot of birthday stuff and goodie bag fillers. But I think kids would prefer candy though :p If you have budget, then I think giving them vitamin gummies would be a healthier option.

Petrina, I don't want another kid so soon la.. haha.. don't think we can manage plus need time to regain my figure first :p I'm just suggesting that having a smaller age gap would probably make it easier fr the #1 to accept a younger sibling.

Cassandra, I use Febreeze for my soft toys and mattress. It smells a lot better than Dettol. Vinegar and lemon may cause fabrics to fade as they are natural bleaching agents being acidic.
Morning ladies!! Back to work on Monday.
Rinse Cycle
I actually just used this package of washing machine cleaner to wash/clean my machine yesterday. So next week, I can start washing the baby’s beddings/clothes etc. Dunno if the cleaner really works, but the machine drum does look very clean and sparkly now. Haha
I also finally went to buy all the pads from Chinatown. Bought erm 4 pkts of 8 Sofy 42 inch? And 2 pkts of 10 Sofy 35 inches. Hope it’s sufficient for at least the first 2-3 weeks. Then I can use my normal ones after that.           
Disposables Undies
Popped by Guardian to look for them – but size L all out. Only FW. So I didn’t get. Will go hunt again. I think they are on sale. Already bought some from Watson but my friends keep reminding me – buy more la, when stain can just throw always use new ones.
Had a busy morning attending a training. Now looking forward to lunch time.
nattan: hehs, i use dettol in a pail of water for wipe downs most of the time. febreeze i use for soft toys or sheets.

i mean if u want close age gap, best to be under 2. so they still young dunno sibling threats. more willing to share. otherwise wait till #1 is schooling then easier.
My friend have a toddler n baby, abit hard to manage since both high attention seekers.
ssmilezz, that time I went to Robinsons sale, they have the cotton-type disposable undies, only $9.90 for 2 packs of 5. Maybe you can still try to look for them at Robinsons?

Petrina, my hubby also uses Dettol for most household cleaning. Febreeze only for things we cannot wash like the mattress. I do put my soft toys in the washing machine with the laundry bag though.

Re age gap, a colleague told me the worst gap is 4 yrs cos when 1 is having O levels, the other is having PSLE :p Actually same for 2 yrs.. when #1 is having A levels, #2 will have O levels. So to me, 3 yrs is ideal cos if I wait 5 yrs, I really don't feel like having another 1 liao...
Hi Nattan and Petrina, thanks for the advice. I will use Febreeze for the toys.
I do use vinegar and lemon to clean household items and wash vegetables. Very useful.
nattan, we have a 2nd house there, so me and DH travel quite frequently into jb. i'll prob stop when june comes just in case baby decides to pop anytime.

just curious, i finally got a bag to pack my hospital bag..but isit necessary to bring our own sleeping clothes? thought hospitals usually provide their pyjamas? now is time to dig out the hospital list.
<font color="aa00aa">prettibride,
Small tummy good mah (as long as baby is developing well) - less stress and pressure on the body (esp. the lower part), lesser risk of developing varicose veins, able to wear non-maternity clothes (even the belt of some of my maternity pants is adjusted to max already). I'm really wondering if baby or I can "tahan" for another 2 months.

Re: Goodies bag
The reason why I don't want food is, I hate it when DS was given them during such parties. For stationery, DS has loads from them from such goodies bags too. So, I don't want to give others what I don't want.</font>
Me too! I'm sitting right below aircon in my office and I am sweating! Need to use hairband. Has been eager to cut my hair for a long time but hasn't had a chance. Maybe this weekend..

Coping with 18 months old #1
Seriously I leave most of the feeding, changing diaper, bathing etc to hubby &amp; maid. The only thing I need to do is to entertain her..
But I she still wants me to carry her when she's sleepy some of the time. *and I spoil her by carrying her. huhu.. This is the part that I'm very very worried when #2 is just born and I'm in confinement..
moi: then give them what you wish to receive.
I pack my boy's favourite biscuits n gummy bears and raisins as his classmate's goodie bag.
thanks mummies! hope all is able to get a bit of breather nw that we are on the final stretch! i'm kinda excited and apprehensive too! awww.. mixed feelings!

haha.. when the boat comes, the bridge is straight! i'm just gonna go w e flow and hopefully my mum and helper can help me settle some stuff! i still gotta make a mental note to check out breastpump to make sure it's not mouldy nor rusty! eEeww...

cleaning agent
i use febreeze as well as this brand called sureclean, the latter is used by some cc centres.. so quite professional type

wah.. ur goodie bag must be so mafan ar.. hmm. no food and stationery? how like that? haha enlighten me! gonna hafta prep for #1's next mth too =)

haha.. my tummy same size as yours.. some thinks it's just fats!! hahaHahaaaa
Prettibride,u are not alone
me too,my tummy is rather small at 31wks pregnant now and this is my 2nd pregnancy..ist oso small anyway small or big tummy doesnt matter..most impt is Bb developing well!It's doesn't mean small tummy Bb will be small size..big tummy Bb will be big size
With a small tummy..not so xin ku too!
But I just don't like ppl comment..huh..u are gng 8mths tummy still so small arr..I told them Ya..good wat =p
Prettibride, you don't have to pack your own pajamas, but I prefer to bring my own instead of wearing the ugly hospital ones :p

Re tummy size, it's not important, what's important is your baby's size and whether it corresponds with the right weight for the weekly development. Actually I'm quite big now, but I don't feel any extra weight except when I lie down, so it doesn't bother me...

Re goodie bags, actually is it necessary? I probably won't bother to give out goodie bags next time. Sharing a cake with the class is good enough. I feel that sometimes giving these things create additional unnecessary stress for mummies :p Esp for those who may not have the kind of budget for such things, but they feel the peer pressure to do so cos their kids are receiving stuff from other kids during birthdays...
Not sure if TMC changes the rule yet but the last time I delivered there (2009), they don't provide any clothings for mummies. Have to bring on your own.

I used febreeze and dettol, actually i am lazy to use dettol so is more for my hubby to use. Hehe..

My tummy also quite small but baby is not, haha.. But I feel myself quite big, don't know others keep saying my tummy look small.

Goodie bag
I am thinking what to pack for my boy's classmates next month also. Most probably sweets will be out of it, I don't give my kids sweets.

I didn't want to give initially but he just received one recently. Not sure if the school allow cake or cupcakes but at the same time, I am not sure if the kids have any allergy or not. *headache*

confinement stuffs
I havent buy any of them yet. My mum will be helping me to get dried longans from her supplier so it will be cheaper from outside. The rest of the herbs i will ask hubby to bring his da yi to buy, i don't know what to get actually. Haha..
hopecg, jerlyn, nattan, seriously i dun really care what others say. but wan to have bigger tummy so that i can go for maternity shots. now still apprehensive whether to book or not. its true small tummy not so xin ku..although hv the usual backaches but i dun feel so heavy. but the pre-preggy me already heavy enough la.

audrey, u reminded me...yet to get the ingredients for red dates tea..omg.

coconut and cooling stuff
we're suppose to start taking these in 3rd tri right? but when exactly? scared too early will danger the baby.
Haha.. actually i was asking my mum what do i need to buy for confinement, she told me those herbs for eating can only start at day 12 after delivery so i don't bother to buy now. As for bathing herb, last time she didn't allow me to bath when she did my first confinement so she won't tell me to buy it. T.T But after the first one, i have been bathing daily in confinement. Haha..

I will be skipping coconuts, high sugar content which I can't take now. Haha..
Audrey, safest things to pack for goodie bags are things that don't contain allergens like nuts and eggs. I'm not sure of other stuff. If you can afford, then buy organic stuff for kids, eg dried fruits, mini juice packs, etc. I think nowadays kids seem to be a lot more sensitive than when we were kids :p Actually, if my boy brings back all these things home next time, I'm not sure if I'll allow him to eat them :p Probably eat them myself, pass to daddy or throw away.

Prettibride, oh.. you want to take maternity shots. Can la... so long you have a bump, it's still ok to go for it
To relieve backache, try to do more pelvic tilts as recommended in the antenatal class. Lie down on your back with knees bent, then "roll" your hips upwards (but don't lift your butt), you should feel your lower back pressing downwards. If you can, get your hubby to put his hand below in the curve of your back and press down on his hand. Do about 10x daily. When you walk, don't push your belly infront. Make sure your shoulders, hips and butt are all aligned from the side.

Re coconut, drink about 2 weeks before EDD can already.. and no need to drink everyday... once every 3-4 days is enough.
Afternoon lethargy >_< Can't wait for the day to end so I can go for my facial!! Can't wait for Wed to come so I can work from home while rest of office goes for their retreat!!
Any mommies looking for MEDELA PURELAN nipple cream or AVENT Nipple protectors?
I have a tube of PURELAN (37g) expiry 04/2013 to let go @$10.
Avent nipple protectors are brand new in packaging @$12.
Self collection Eunos mrt or via postage at additional $1.
Please PM if keen. Thanks!
Yeah @prettibride and @jerlyn, I'm taking my prenatal shots this Saturday too.

What props are you preparing. I am still looking for alhapets to form my daughter's name on my belly. Damm haven't found any. I will also get a pink daisy. Though photographer said that he has props in his studio, I think should bring at least a fresh flower

Any advise/tips for mommies who had taken their prenatal shots?
<font color="aa00aa">Re: Goodie bag
I don't intend to give too. But as what audreyaw had mentioned, he'd received it from others so it may be good to reciprocate.
I really have no idea what to give.</font>
i intend to book and take next month too..30+ weeks shld be big enough. which studio are you going?

enjoy your shots~ my friend took hers at StudioLoft, the pics are quite nice but i find that the poses she take is repetitive. have seen the same poses many times. unless i can find something better, i'll go for them cos its a female photographer. she does semi/full nude shots. i am still trying to gain courage to take full nude cos its really natural and beautiful..havnt thought of props..my idea is to capture the natural beauty of pregnancy..and also to show my child next time our joy of expecting him. but your idea of having a pink daisy is nice..perhaps i'll prepare blue ribbons for my son. hehe..and bring his tiny booties along.

Yeah prettibride you can go yahoo images to search for ideas and suggest it to your photographer in case she takes repetitive shoots.

You can tie the blue ribbon around your tummy then ask you husband to holding end of the ribbon while you hold the other end. "unveiling our precious lil one" or some caption along that line. I thought of this myself and sharing it unselfishly here hahaha. Usually the images I saw is just the ribbon around the belly.
