(2012/06) Jun 2012

hmm, havin my lunch in mac n a man approached me to buy a writin pen fr him. The middle button of his shirt n unbuttoned n he opened his shirt n started to show me his wound n sy he nd $ for operation. Mak me loses all appetite. Its nt the 1st time. Bt i wasnt bothered last time as i wasnt eating, bt nw i m really disgusted.

last time my mine leak lik nobody bis. Guess it wil b the same bah.
thks for the suggestion on usin a hanky. Tink i wil do tat too, bt aftr confinement bah.

I just bought a box of 60pcs to use mostly for gog out. I think I only leaked in the beginning few weeks. After the boobs 'got acclimatised', I stopped leaking liao.

Oops! That was rather uncalled for, when someone is eating

Robinsons Sale

I didn't know abt it!


But there's a 20% storewide at Metro 2moro. Thinking if I can chiong there to buy my moisturiser & sunblock?


Oh hope your GD test turns out negative
haha.. my colleagues are also gg along the lines of korea sounding names! haa!.. i'm gonna use the word "zhe"

hope things go well for you tmr =)

robinson sales
yupyup theres one today.. my mum wnt to chiong alr!.. ahhaa.. dunno wad goodies she bought!

you go monthly waxing? hmm.. not too frequent ar? i usually once every two months or so..

i've been eating tonnes of ice cream, wads w e weather these days! it tastes super good la! hahaha
how come not too frequent? Yeah usually i will go once a month or max stretch to 5-6 weeks once.

Yes i have been loads of ice cream too! Don't count the 2 pints weekly at home ... after lunch i have a single/double scoop.
Ice Cream
my home freezer always have 6 pints of ice cream.. been eating half a pint per night.. if i dun eat, baby will make noise. haha

gonna tighten belt. not going Robinsons today

Chris: poor girl.. next time just walk away.
as in.. isn't it too frequent? the hair must reach a certain length right?..

haha! whenever i head to the supermart, i always have to refrain myself frm buying the pints!.. invite evil! hehe
Hahah ... about 1.5cm i will go alrdy or when i feel i need to go. I don't wait for too long

Robinsons: i need to go and find those sports bra for sleeping but with front clip. Might check out later after work
Just back from a leisurely lunch with a church sister.. had Japanese food and a really good conversation

Now nobody in my office... my colleague went for meeting so I'm alone.

DS, don't worry about the test.. just try to control your diet for now and pray for the best.

Re bra, I don't wear to sleep also. I bought the sleep bra for post-delivery use in case of milk leakage. I bought reusable breast pads. Comes in a set of 3 pairs and is made of terry towel on one side and mesh material on the other side. Seems quite soft so hopefully will work well. I haven't bought disposable ones yet.

Jolene, ice cream is ok.. I somehow lost the love of ice cream... can eat but don't have craving. My boy doesn't seem to like sweet food as much as spicy and strong tasting ones.

Fleurfleur, i'm going to hand mold the alphabets... don't think you need special molds. You can buy alphabet biscuit cutters if you want the letters to look neater, but I prefer the freeform look.

Petrina, you hoard ice cream huh... hahaha...

Re waxing, I bought the groupon.. good deal for 3x...
Yes ladies, an email was sent regarding the Final Private member sale.

Any info? I doubt i will also be going but just keen to know.. Hehehe. The email stated 70% + 20% for sales items,no specifics though.

Fleur: When and what time is your next visit?
Mine is next week too!!
Ssmilezz, by next friday! No advance warning from school. I got a rental shop contact, but i don't want a real costume coz my son hates to wear certain things, so i was thinking just sew some triangular blades on the back of a normal jacket or shirt.

I think there might be some, but mainly they sew trousers. Will ask my mil to find out.

Ya, i need to buy cloth. I want to do something a little like this
Ice Cream
I also enjoy having it. If not, will just settle for mac’s hot fudge sundae. Better than nothing. I’m having honey green tea with pearls now. FOC from boss who went to GONG CHA during lunch time. :p
But not all brands of ice cream are nice leh! Some too sweet and artificial. What brands and flavors do u guys go for?
<font color="aa00aa">The weather is so hot that I went for a hair cut last night. Now my tresses is really short and I feel good.</font>
Ssmilezz: Thats one of my fav Gong Cha drink!! But have not had it since i found out i was preggers.

Yes agreed weather is freaking hot!!!! Heading out for lunch seems like a torture under the heat.
Hey mummies, can enlighten mi on my below problem?

Wan to seek advice on BF
As I insisted on TBF while my MIL keep suggesting to me to feed some FM , my MIL ask my HB wat happen when I went back to work, then baby is crying for milk and the EBM needs to warm up, does it mean she will leave the baby to cry until the milk is warm up? Eg. If it takes 10mins to warm up the milk, so is it juz let bb cry for 10 mins?
Michi: the milk warmer doesn't take 10 min. About 3 min or less if i remember correctly. Plus after some time, we can anticipate the baby meal time, so can prepare earlier. I know older folks don't like babies to cry. Mine were over protective and kept thinkning that crying too much would turn into having fits. So every time my baby cried, they would rush in or knock the door.

Anyway, babies cry for a lot of reasons. Since i did not go tbf, i am not so insistent that must definitely give ebm, but do say that children on bm are brighter and healthier. There are more battles to fight than this issue, so don't get too upset over something that has not happened.
Fleur: Mine is on Sat morning. Didnt you go 2nd week of April?
Quite fast that you are going for your next visit,right?
glass, the costume looks ambitious.. I can't sew for nuts... I'm sure your boy will love it if you can make the dino costume for him.

Michi, babies have different cries for different reasons. Maybe you can ask your ILs to watch this video to learn more about the types of baby cries. Babies don't always cry when hungry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv3-74EFtWQ

And I agree with glass.. after a while you will know when is the next feeding time, then get them to prepare the breast milk in advance. Don't give up on TBF just cos older folks prefer the convenience of formula!
glass: my HB already start to anticipate wat kind of problem will start lor. Like my MIL will put powder at bb bottom, while i forbid powder as i scare it will cause respiratory prob. Then TBF bb no need water, but MIL insist on giving water. Explained to her tat BM already contain alot of water liao but she dun believe. Then HB said her mum sure will put some medicated oil on bb tummy to get rid of wind or prevent wind, while i'm abit skeptical abt applying unnecessary thing on bb. Haiz~ these nitty gritty prob really will turn our relationship sour lor.
Hehe my previous appointment was first week of April
I wish it was faster then i can see my bb girl soon! How many weeks will U be next weekend?
Michi: for water, tell your mil max one teaspoon. Just to get baby used to the taste of water, but other than that, no need to drink if tbf. I had vehemently refused to give, but gave in in the end, just took it as rinsing baby's mouth after milk time.

For powder, don't use talcum. Anyway, my baby had skin problem, so putting powder was bad coz the sweat plus powder made it worse. I think coz last time people don't put diaper cream, so need to put powder.

For the medicated oil, i also was resistant to it, but other mummies said it work, so i allowed. My baby enjoyed the massage that came with the ru yi oil. For tcm, and even yoga, the core (tummy area) is very important area for health.

A lot of other things will pop up, and they can drive you nuts. But always remember a happy mummy is impt so that your baby won't get the stresses and bad chemicals in your bm
Fleur: I will be in my 32 week but after next weeks check, my check up will be either in the next 2 weeks or 3 weeks. I have book for the following appts as well.

I cant wait to get another 3D scan of her!!
Hope i did not put on too much weight!! Hahahaha....
glass: aiya they think one teaspoon not enough one lah. Somemore they afraid if dun feed water, next time bb dun like to drink water... which i find absurd lor.

My MIL already told my HB like tat she very stress taking care of our bb. I also very stress on her method leh. Somemore she used to be very experience in taking care of bb till toddler, definitely will tink her method is proven to work.
Michi, if your MIL says very stress to look after baby, then ask if you and hubby can get a CL or nanny lo.. Older folks will insist on their so-called "tried and tested" ways. If you can put up with their methods then go ahead, but if not, better outsource to a third party or else this may cause unnecessary friction between you and ILs. For hubby and me, we never want anybody else to look after my baby lo, that's why we are going to DIY. It's not easy, but we have better assurance that we can do things our way.
nattan: I onli can control CL/nanny for 1 mth. But my prob will still be there after my maternity. How to instill knowledge into my MIL at least until 6mth??

To be honest , I had a prob with my MIL too. Same lah! What feed water, cannot let baby cry, takes so long to warm up the EBM, put ruyi oil. I was really miserable during the time I spent with her. And I stayed home with the baby till 14 mths, yet she still wanna interfere &amp; tell me what to do.

This time round, I opted to do my own confinement at my own home. No one's gonna interfere coz they can't see what I'm doing.

For EBM, by the time u return to work, it'll be 4 mths. Your baby shd be on some kind of established schedule by then, so your MIl shd know when the baby needs to feed, &amp; she shd know when to put the EBM into the warmer to warm right? If she still doesn't know when to feed the baby, then sorry, to be very blunt, I dun think she can manage to look after a baby.

As for water.. hiaz, can't help you there. As long as she doesn't feed so much till the baby gets diarrhoea, then just cotta close 1 eye lor.

Powder on bottom... can u ask her to put diaper cream instead?

Seriously, if u need to depend on her to look after your baby, &amp; if she's very stubborn on her ways, there's nothing u can do except to close 1 eye &amp; accept her methods.
haiz~ guess i really need to close one eye. Anyway, when i go back to work, watever thing she do which i forbid i also wont know, really is 眼不见为净
Jul: guess such differences will always be there. Really must close one eye to tahan.

Today i came back after sending my son to school. Saw the fan blade turning to a stop but no one in the living room. Think my maid must have rushed into the kitchen to pretend to act busy. I actually told her she could use the fan, but should switch off when not in use. Just found it funny. Will be home most of the time from jun onwards, so her freedom will be gone.

My son doesn't like her at times. Kept telling her to go away when my mil was going to bathe him. How to bring him home more often?

Wasted the entire day today. Need to catch up on my work badly
MIchi, during the ML, you just gotta establish the routine and keep an eye on your MIL. Also, get your hubby to talk to MIL about both your expectations. Don't confront her and tell her what to do, let your hubby do it. Somethings can close one eye, but other things like what to feed baby when he's sick, cannot lo...really must make sure they follow instructions. Like my boss' FIL secretly fed her baby daughter lingyang, causing her to have bronchitis and had to be hospitalised! :p That's really ignorance that may have caused a serious illness or even death. This kind of thing must really drill it to your ILs that they cannot anyhow follow their traditional methods. And then, maybe it's a good idea to install a webcam at home to make sure the baby is ok while you're working.
Michi: i m a tbf person. i won't allow anyone to interrupt my plans for the baby.
Prepare bottles of EBM. standardize the amount per bottle per feed.
Get a box to contain the bottles and use labels to state what timing the feeds should be.
Put the box within eye level of your MIL. Put the bottle warmer in a location which is easy to see and use. constantly put it on plug. Fill the bottle warmer with water b4 u go work.
refuse to buy FM at all persuasion.
After confinement, start your baby on bottle and instruct your MIL to feed. Absent yourself during the day. adding the hours subsequently so that she gets used to it.

My MIL and your MIL is same. As long as you dun give alternatives, the caregiver have no choice. She can't be pouring away your EBM and secretly buy FM right? especially 0-6mths no FM on sale..
Just got back from Robinson private sales. 30% for most of the nursery items. Bought all bb stuff cos can't walk longer than that. Bought bb bath towel, face towel, ice cooler bag, detergent refiller, cotton wool n cotton bud. And more bb clothes from OG since they r having 20% sales too. Didn't check on nursing bra or other stuff cos too many pple. Just to queue up to pay took me 30mins. Need to rest my back now.....killing me.
michi > tink petrina suggestion is gd. Personally i hate to let my bb cry too. Bt thy wil form a feedin, nappin schedule. So more or less u cn anticipate. Sayin tat, every bb is diff. My boy, once if rch 3 mth, he nvr cries for milk. We jus follow his usual schedule to mak milk for him. Thawed ebm doesnt tak as long to warm. Hope tis hlp.
Hi mummies

My mil is making rice wine for my confinement use.
She is also making rice wine for sale.
Pls pm me if you are keen.
Lead-time : 6 weeks
Price : $15/bottle
Thanks all mummies for the opinion and suggestion. Will try petrina's way and monitor how first. If MIL still insist on her way, then i also bobian.... who ask mi not able to be SAHM and have to depend on her
Adeline: U make me feel better! I put on the same too
Heng he good mood never nag

Robinsons Sale: I went to Centrepoint today and managed to get the seamless wireless bra (Sorella) 2 for 39.90. I swiped 4 pcs and i think i can use it during ZzzZ time. Since it is so soft i may just pull down one side for nursing time.

Adeline, asrias

You are the ones who ordered 2 bots each right? I'm such a scatterbrain! Forgot to note down!

Asrias - pass to u during the fri gathering k?

Adeline - do u want me to post them to u?
Gd morning mummies, just did the first round of urine and blood samples. That orange drink not too bad, like orange syrup drink. But may not feel the same after 3 rounds of it later hahaha... Still have to continue to fast sia and the whole thing takes about 2.5 - 3 hrs... Already very hunger now. (-.-)''' ... My poor babe have to satisfy based on the orange drink now...
<font color="ff6000">Gathering

Date : 20 Apr (Fri)
Time : 7 pm
Venue : 313 @ Somerset (Marche)


1) Jul04
2) Asrias
3) Nattan
4) gdmaimai
5) anna
6) hopecg
7) purplenite</font>

<font color="aa00aa">have PM-ed everyone on the list my hp no. Maybe u can reply me by SMS so that we can call each other if need be?</font>
Jul: i tot i heard 3 rounds wor... Or only 1 drink? It is confirmed that I have to take another 2 more rounds of urine and blood samples lah... Hmmm if they dun give me more drink and I have to keep fasting.. Where got so much urine to give them.. Hahaha...anyway... Shall see what happen in another 20 mins time.. 2nd round coming soon.
Me too! same as jul, onli drink 1 round and make mi feel like puking liao. For blood drawing, they take 2 times lah, one is before taking the orange drink, another is after 2h from consuming the orange drink
DS. Michi

yeah yeah, I meant take blood first as control test, then drink, wait 2h, take blood again to see the glucose absorption/metabolism or whatever.


Yes, I agree! Already no drinking of water, where to get so much pee???? haha


Oh I know, maybe yours more detailed. Instead of just beginning &amp; end, your gynae also wanna test midpoint? haha
