(2012/06) Jun 2012

Kadice, oh I also received some samples from the BabyCare Fair but haven't tried them. It's the olive oil one right? Anyway, I haven't finished the Topicrem and Palmer, will just use them up before getting new ones.. Actually any rich moisturiser will do just fine.. not necessarily those marketed as stretch mark creams. Some people even use Body Shop's body butter, which is good too. I don't have a habit of using body lotions and moisturisers so anything just feels sticky/oily to me...

Haha..your hub wants to hide behind your tummy issit? J
Stretchmark Cream
I cannot stand those sweet smelling cream so that was why I never considered getting Palmer. I prefer those lightly scented ones either aromatherapy type or those that smells like baby powder.
Good that your boss/company is supportive. Get as much rest as you can!
Your friends also preggie? All using Tropicream?
Did all your Carrefour loot arrive finally?

No lah, I have 1 preggie fren. I did 1 batch for her. Then her fren wanted, so I'm doing her fren a favour too.

Yup, finally arrived at 1pm+. Really pushing the 9am - 2pm limit. ZzZzz...
Very peeved that the "courier service" that's suppose to deliver my goods called to tell me that they cannot deliver by 6pm as promised and wanted to arrange for a later delivery time. My hubby is waiting for them at home but he's suppose to come out and meet me for dinner later. I made noise so they promised to get to my place asap. They should inform their customers earlier if they cannot make it instead of calling at the last minute. I'm going to boycott them liao..
Anna: Yes the baby hiccups is rhythmic and quite interesting.

Baby Position: I think my baby position moves coz i feel my bottom tummy flat (unlike before) and either the arm or leg keeps moving and its hard horizontally. Hope she doesn't anyhow move in wrong direction.

Moi: The crafts is interesting. Good idea too!

Jul: hahah i dont mind if you like packing hor come and help me
Nattan: it is skin therapy oil, it smells good..

Fleur: I think my baby position also moved today..kept kicking the left side & quite painful...
Nattan: what's polymer clay? Since Singapore don't sell handpainted alphabets I may need to check out bras basah art friend and to find the non toxic paints. Also wonder if need to varnish it.
Nattan: what's polymer clay? Since Singapore don't sell handpainted alphabets I may need to check out bras basah art friend and to find the non toxic paints. Also wonder if need to varnish it.

What did u order? So did they arrive in time for yr hub to go out to meet u?


Jokes aside, do u need to go back for a checkup again after ur long break at home?
Fleurfleur, is a kind of plasticine-like material that can be air-dried so no need to bake after sculpting. They come in all kinds of colours and are light weight. Can find them at Art Friend, less than $2 a pack.

Ssmilezz, I ordered 2 sleep bras and breast pads from Mummytoons.com. Took more than 2 weeks and they didn't even inform me when the goods arrive until I emailed them to ask about it
Then on Sun they emailed that they could courier the items to me either or Mon or Tue after 3pm. I opted for Tue 3-6pm. They agreed, but called me around 5pm to say they cannot send me the goods by 6pm. I made some noise so in the end, they agreed to rush to my place, came around 6.05pm and my hubby came to see me after that. I think if they called me earlier, I would be more understanding la.. it's really unprofessional that they called me last min while my hubby was waiting for them at home.
@nattan - thanks for sharing on pelvic exercise. Was in pain since yesterday afternoon. I did it in my bed last night and all's well right after doing a few times.
I tried zzz w/o air con last night. On fan full blast at me. I feel cooler though still no need quilt. A leat i had a good zzz w/o waking up in sweat.

Last night baby was kicking really hard. Dunno complain simi. But my son say baby moving cause she like the story i was reading to my my son.. Positive thinking, i like

Can't bring myself to try waxing. Too scared.

Nattan, tot emma janes was good enough already.. I love the slp bra material. Like jockey but better n wider.
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+2">Gathering</font>

Date : 20 Apr (Fri)
Time : 7 pm
Venue : 313 @ Somerset (Marche)


1) Jul04
2) Asrias
3) Nattan
4) gdmaimai
5) anna
6) hopecg</font>
Leg Cramp

I had my first leg cramp in the middle of the night!

Woke up in pain &amp; squealing like a stuck pig
Got Hubs to stretch my calf &amp; massage etc till it went away, but it was torturous! And poor Hubs was so sleepy &amp; blur, &amp; I was in so much pain, that I kept telling him left calf, but he kept trying to do the right calf haha
jul: u try to do some leg stretching exercises before you sleep, it might help. i had cramps serveral times already, luckily it only lasts a while.
Leg Cramps
when u feel a cramp coming up, immediately flex your toes upwards facing you. it offers instant relief and hold it there till the cramp goes off.
100% works for me.

Your poor hubby must be so confused! Haha. Stretching helps and also I think calcium intake. At least, it works for me now. Like what Petrina says, flex your toes towards and way from you. It will ease the cramps.


Did u rotate the fan? Don't let it blow full blast at you yah? Will end up with feng shi.
morning mummies...

This morning, I'm the only one in the office... shall enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts...

Jolene, you're welcome
Glad the exercises helped you.

Petrina, I bought 2 sleep bras to try cos they're cheap.. only about $14 each and made of microfiber. My Emma Jane bras are not for sleeping, but for wearing out...

Re waxing, it's scary at first, but afterwards, you get used to it.

Jul, which Honey Pot branch do you go to? I used to frequent the Pacific Plaza one when they started.
nattan: enjoy ur peace in the office. so shiok!

actually i hate wearing bras to sleep/at home. so if nice time have to wear bra sure very hot &amp; uncomfortable.

waxing: i didnt dare to try, scared of pain leh :/

Shiok man! Enjoy your peaceful time in the office!


No wonder u gana cramps! Cover up yah?


I also haven't done before. Hehe.

I'm gog to the one at Taka. I did it for my #1 &amp; it wasn't painful. Not like the horrible Strip where they literally stripped off my flesh *angry*

Hmm.. I bought La Leche League sleep bra befor. I found the side seam digging into my side. So uncomfy even during pregnancy, can't imagine the discomfort if it were to pinch into my boobs &amp; cause blocked ducts! I threw it away.


I had to wear during BF-ing, coz the milk will leak otherwise.


yeah lor. I got up to pee, then forgot to cover up.

it's such a chore to get in &amp; out of bed these days! Have to lie down using elbows to support, put the head in the right position on the pillow, cover up with blanket, position another pillow at the back, position my wedge pillow at the tummy... Ugh!
hmm.. it's individual pref? haha.. i'm kinda addicted to it.. but has refrained since preggy.. maybe will book slot soon! izzit common for preggys to wax huh? i'm like thinking later the nurses/gynae will be shocked?.. i think too much hahaha

mummies care to share the names you've chosen for your little ones?? haha.. i'm into name game nw, tho i have already selected his name eons ago.. gonna be kyash!

It's apparently very very common. When Ia sked gynae abt it, she just matter of fact replied me. I think many people ask that qn haha

During antenatal class, they also mentioend that it's common for the nurses to see the mummy poo while pushing. Just use something to cover up the poo then carry on with business haha

Think I could have 'leaked' some poo during my #1's delivery (haha TMI)... but honestly, so engrossed trying to get the baby out that heck care! Maybe I shd ask hubs abt it?
Today take mc coz super tired. Also had leg cramp this morning coz i never cover my legs. Too hot.

Anybody knows where to find someone who can do some sewing? My son got go dress up as your favourite book character. He has selected a dinosaur book! Found some patterns and also saw a costume online, but doubt can buy it quickly enough
haha.. i know about the poo bit! abit disgusting right?. haha.. that's y they make u clear bowels lo! wah.. clear until shiokz that time!
kk.. means i think too much =P
Yah man…I also have to roll to the side, flip my legs over the edge of the bed then push myself up with my arms. My abs muscles are non existent at this point. But my sleeping position very standard la..either face left side or right. Nothing else to adjust. Haha
How soon do you need the costume to be ready? What costume did he chose? Else have you considered renting? Maybe can get from those costume rental shops at Bugis area.
I think the docs/nurses/midwives are used to all sort of scenarios la…don’t think anything surprises them anymore. Hehe…
I also heard that you can end up making quite a mess while pushing. Ah well, as long as the baby is safe and sound – erm…a little mess will never hurt anybody. Just very pai sei lor….but then again, when your legs are so wide open to the whole world, already as embarrassed  as can be…LOL!

How abt gog to the mkt near your hse, any seamstress there? Else go to those expensive town seamstresses like Clancy's at far east Plaza.

hopecg, smilezz

Haha even with the edema, I think there'll be some remnants? hahaha

Anyway, every hour got people come &amp; lift up your blanket, poke heir fingers down there, check here check there, by then u will heck care liao. Who cares abt a lil poo?
<font color="ff6000">Gathering

Date : 20 Apr (Fri)
Time : 7 pm
Venue : 313 @ Somerset (Marche)


1) Jul04
2) Asrias
3) Nattan
4) gdmaimai
5) anna
6) hopecg</font>

Did I miss out anyone?
Sad day for me today... happily went for check-up ...babe is good.. 1.9kg @32 weeks but i got detected with high sugar level... gonna go for gestational diabetes test tomorrow morning.. hope all goes well for the test...*finger-crossing*

Never do before...I also scare to do that... heard must have good pain tolerance...

Haven't settle on anything yet... thought of getting some inspiration from korean dramas.. hahaha been watching quite alot lately..
Ladies,anyone going for the Robinsons Private Member Sale today? Please share how much discounts given for baby items?
Thanks a lot!!
Talking abt poo? haha
I blow fan towards our bed. not rotating but not exactly on me either. i think the wind is strong enough to keep me cool. We usually put air con on 25 deg. b4 preg it's cool enough. but now it's too warm.

nattan: ooh. i dun wear bra to zzz. unless post natal, prevent leaks then i'll wear.
i already wearing my emma janes now to work. slp bra or normal buckle bra also very comfy.
i dun differentiate my going out bra or slp bra. hehs..

glass: best to go seamstress but u still need to buy the cloth right? cause dinosaur design hard to find.
Hi chris,

For breast pad, I only bought 1 box of 60pcs from pigeon. For going out.
Can't remember who mention to use little towel at home.. I think is economic. So I bought those very cheap and thin white little towel from the bugis wholesale shop, we went the last time
Chris, depends on how good your boobs whether will leak or not. For me during my#1 I rarely go out if I am at home I won't wear the pad since it's quite itchy. My boob is quite good too won't leak that much when I am outside even though much milk hehe. I might use only 10 pairs of breastpad during my #1 period. Especially becoz I used the sports bra when I come back office. And I use the nursing bra with washable pad if I go out since I feel very itchy and uncomfortable using the disposable one
pris: me.. wear a nice bra and insert 2 pcs cloth in between. washable, can absorb milk leaks n sweat. i used to put 1pc of cloth with abit milk leak beside baby. he likes to smell to slp.
I think it is quite ok for us to eat ice-cream right? In moderation of course. Been craving for Ben and Jerry Chocolate Brownie.

Jolene: for the past mth i have been eating at least 2 pints a week!!!

Bras: Anyone know any sports bra brand with front clip that i can buy from Robinsons/JL?

Checkup: Looking forward to my check up end of next week!!! Hope i didn't put on alot of weight but hope my BB has put on weight! By then i will be 31weeks

Adeline: I didn't know today have Robinsons Member Sale .. was there a catalog sent?

I have been going for my monthly waxing. So far still ok. Will be a bit more sensitive but i can take it.
Imagine the labour pains is going to be tons more than this

Nattan; Do you need the alphabet mold to do the names? Quite interesting! I will check out when i head to Art Friend

I totally understand how U feel about the bras and last min telling you.
