(2012/03) Mar 2012

Michelle: The post natal blues is bad hor? I have it about 1 week too... don't know why abit feel like crying when I'm usually a v positive & bubbly person. Bb cry I can also cry. Immediately when I reach home I quarelled with my own mom bcoz she's so naggy! Luckily she was on leave for a few days & thereafter she left me alone with CL & maid. I think PS food court got this yummy Indo food always long q. Not sure if it's still there or not as I seldom go PS as it's always v crowded & I feel got nothing to buy ;p

BB: Ya same here! People in the bus just stare at my tummy... today I don't have 9am meeting so I waited for 2nd bus, praying that it's not crowded but still crowded lor. No choice had to dangle in the bus carrying 2 boxes of mooncakes for my office. My mom made the mooncakes so I brought to office before my greedy maid finishes all of it!

Daisy: Your 2 boys easy to take care huh? My gal is a "monster" since she's born. hahaha... Her cries v loud de & aft birth I can hear her crying from the nursery which is 4 rooms away from my room! When I brought her to see PD in the 1st week, a mummy in the clinic asked me whether I gave birth in TMC & stayed in level 5... bcoz she was my next door neigbour & can recognise my bb cries!!! The next day after I was discharge from hospital, some of my neighbours came to visit me bcoz they could hear my bb crying so loud so they knew I pop liao lor!! Bb has colic a few wks aft birth & she will start to cry from 11pm till 3am. I have to keep carrying & rocking her to sooth her. So I permanently slept in the living room during my ML so that my hubby can have proper sleep as he still needs to go to work. There was once I carried bb from 11pm till 6am as she kept crying! When my maid woke up, I immediately threw bb to her & went to sleep. Can't take it anymore! Some people tell me yi shan hai bi yi shan gao & #2 may be more notti! I don't know lah... i just pray everyday that my #2 is an angel ;p

michelle - u still haven find a suitable gynae? Dr Ang waiting time is LONG, waiting area v small(often have to stand), sat appt v hard to get.
hmm i also very sian abt dressing my boy up... hahaha! cos it is always the boring same old things. really hope i will have a girl this time round!! can get all the cute pinkish things for her! whee~

for infant care, mine also recently hired a PRC. my son totally dun like her - he turns away at the sight of her and pout. i wonder what she did to him man. the rest of the caregivers are local aunties who are rather nice and caring. but think it is hard to hire locals nowadays lah so the centre has no choice.

zelda, i hear it's opposite one! so your #2 will be an angel
good luck!
agreed with drypantz! zelda, its gona be opposite from #1. im gona suffer when #2 comes cos #1 super easy to take care. hahaha..
BB: the ccc with a lot if Indian staff is in sembawang. I work at Cambridge at Sembawang... It's a big centre been around for 3 yrs n I work there since the opening... And all my collegues been there with me for around the same time... The turn over rate in my centre is low as we all enjoy working with each other n the boss is gd... We just move to a new place which is two times bigger than the previous place, and seats r filling up fast I think due to the environment... It's true tat its hard to find local teachers as the pay is not very high n we got to do all the work if nanny n not just teaching... FT contract de n will go when contract finish... My boss just hire one frm phillipines, n so far she is ok... But boss still got reservations abt her...
If a child care & infant care centre is just preparing to open, and will be officially starting in October..then how to guage whether the teachers good or not huh? And the director told me they only have vacancies for 10 infants...so got to "book" fast after they open...
BB - those type white color and very thin material? i tink its cooling to wear those but my boys damn paiseh wearing sleeves , keep pulling the sleeves as if will longer so i gave those sleeves tops to my fren's boy ..

lol angry bird ! so far he haven told me he like angry bird haha ..

michelle - haven cfm ur gynae yet ah?

zelda - lol , they rather nice to look after , newborn period they can sleep thro out the nite like last feed is 12am , they can sleep till 6am and start moving abit here n dere and once u feed them , they nvr cry de ..

during noon time , i can just carry them out with 1 diaper and some wet tissue and i can go out have lunch and walk abit den i go home , they can last 4hrs for their feed so quite enuff time for me to eat and shop ard lol

wow , ur gal so cute , i tink she cry cos she wanted neighbours to come over and see how sweet she is ..

i just worry this baby might not be easy as #1 & #2 and donno if i can handle not .. lol
oh I see, in Sembawang. Those staying around there can take note of your ccc.

So are you going to send your bb to an ifc or someone will be helping you to take care?
not that "ah pek" yet lah!! haha! But it's those colourful sleeveless tops and the longer he wears and washes, it becomes looser and looser at the neckline and he still "bu she de" let me throw. Looks so sloppy ...
don't think that way lah. I've got a friend who have 2 easy boys and she also thought her #3 will give her problem when he's out. It turned out her #3 is even easier than her 2 eldest ones!
Dym : I just call up Bukit Batok Dr Wong MT. I dont know why orange able to put at KKH...

The gal told me.... fri got appointment place for me... but need to inform me that Dr WOng no more go other Hospital... only go TMC only.... then i say har... MA dont have also... then she say ya dont have.....

So now see the Dr Lawernce Ang waiting time n got deliever at MA or not lor....

My hubby Prefer MA than TMC....

Cause i kanna go TMC once when i pregnant... the bill is super ex than MA.....

for the room MA is the best than TMC... nurse skill i feel MA is the best too.....
BB - LOL !! haha ur boy so cute .. tink he like sleeveless tops , maybe buy new one for him and he will throw the older ones? haha
Daisy - this might be ur last chance to enjoy taking care of nb.. soon it will be over la. if not ur 2sons can help.. haha..
BB - so worry , its been quite long since i look after newborn and to the easy ways of looking over my boys , i so worry that my #3 is totally different plus my mom is working and there will be some time where my bro and kids in sch , mom and hubby at work and i'm all alone !! feeling so worried LOL

michelle - u double cfm if he's going to MA not , if not u see how and maybe find another gynae who can go MA instead ..

for me , the nurse in clinic keep telling me go MA cos its much cheaper den TMC so i say ok and they alrdy booked the room for me alrdy .. lol fast hand fast leg
daisy, haha.. paiseh.. but i am also scaring myself! cos my #1 very good boy! haha.. oh well, that will come in months' time lah.. so let's not worry abt that first... keke!!
michelle - once pregnant , u can find a gynae alrdy , i went to gynae in abt 10wks la cos hubby say so early go oso cannot see baby lol .. sometimes , u can find other area gynae oso , dont nid stick to nearby , my gynae at bishan while i stay geylang .. as long as gynae suits u , i guess going to see him once a mth or twice a mth nvm de ..

dym - cfm last liao ! i go see milk powder price i almost wanna pengz , duper ex !! my boys got sch leh , somemore primary sch time so long , but Dosen offered to skipped sch and stay home with me la .. LOL
Daisy - tot u always deliver at MA??? MA is cheaper than TMC.. esp now TMC is renovated, fees sure higher. but im going back to TMC.. hahaha..
drypantz - hahaha !! cannot , i so worry liao lol .. tink must ask hubby take unpaid maternity leave HAHA !! the 'months' time very fast de , like now left 5mths more to give birth , later blink blink abit more den due date is near liao haha ..
dym - cos i feel TMC nearer to my place ma and i saw AJ's fee is 1.8k after medisave on c section , so was considering going TMC de but nurse keep saying MA is much much much cheaper , so well go MA den lo haha ..
So good all of u #1 so good kid de... mine so so nottie.... Daisy i already call Dr WOng MT.. . the gal say only TMC.....

so now asking Dr Lawrence Ang... now look for his contact no.....

But Daisy when reach last 2month we need every week go to see gynea de lei... when i had #1 also like that.....
Michelle - Daisy is right. I went Dr Ang on my 6th week. Abit kiasu but i just wan to play safe. I stay Ubi but go all the way to Sembawang lo.

Daisy - i oso go see see the prices for milk powder, suddenly have the urge to BF.. -_-" EX EX EX lo. dun let Dosen skip sch la. studies more important. but i intend to let Verris stay home for a week. =x hahaha..
michelle - i tink some mummies here got Dr Ang contact , maybe ask dym cos her gynae is him ..

for me , i'm ok with going every wk in last 2 mth cos if nearby dont have gynae which suit me den no point going also ..

like dym , she stay in east but go to west to see Dr Ang ..
Daisy - my gf oso ask me deliver at MA cos of the nursery there better than TMC. Food wise will be TMC. i was thinking, since i already used to TMC just continue lo. somemore, my house take bus to TMC less than 30mins can reach. super near. AJ 1.8k includes what? last time mine only 600 deposit.. i think the deposit now increase to 1k le.
don't worry, you survived with the 2 boys at such young age. This #3 sure no problem.

At the most, we can meet up during maternity and let the bbs cry/fuss together, haha!!

the spreadsheet was "messed" up once so the hospitals might not be accurate for some. Will try to update as we go along.
dym - u kns ! ask me dont let Dosen skip but u let urs skip ! hahahaha see how , maybe will kena their march holiday leh .. but Dosen is always skipping sch to go gynae with me cos whenever i say no , he cry and whine and plead with me .. so cham like tat , claiming he wanna see meimei so much etc etc etc , cant find a reason to say no .. lol

i oso feel like BF liao lo but problem is .. even wan BF donno got milk not .. LOL the milk powder is super duper exp ! like triple of wat i buy last time ..
Hahaha!! I looked at the spreadsheet and burst out laughing when I saw Michelle's input at the gynae's column.
Dosen different, in pri school, cannot skip school le. Ours next year only K1, can pontang. :D
Think mine will be too excited to go school when bb arrives too.
dym - i go search in AJ's facebook for u cos she posted in her status of everything , now i tot must pay full den can delivery? den the last day top up a few hundred like tat ..

BB - haha good idea leh ! let the bbs all whine together LOL !! nowadays babies are so precious , so many NOs ..
Daisy - ask Krissy to help u on bf-ing. Now she pro liao. u see meimei's size? I LIKE MICHELIN~!! hahaha.. my milk supply was v low last time and Verris wont latch on. Shall see this time round. Ya lo.. BB is right, Dosen in pri sch cannot skip school. but i oso know his pattern - hum bao. =x tell him mar holiday den accompany meimei lo.
BB - haha after u mention , i went to look and cant stop laughing too !! haha so cute !!

LOL !! but every checkup he will sure beg , plead and use all sorts of method to skip sch just to go checkup with me ..

haha ya , the kids will sure excited for newborn coming in the family ..
Hi Daisy,

I have no idea too.. If I count by my last mense bb should be 13 wks too but during my 1st scan, gyane say bb is 1 wk later than now tell me bb is wk 13 & I am in wk 12 so I am confuse...
I am also afraid to blood test..
dym - lol help oso no use if got no milk haha !! oh no , meimei's size haha tats power lor !

my Dosen is hum bao and he always got tons of reason to offically skip sch de lol , his meimei is precious to him .. haven give birth meimei is 1st place liao and i move back to 2nd , so jealous lor !

pinky - but anyway its ok ba , since not very sure we rly give birth on due date , sometimes might be early wen baby decide to come out ..

blood test is PAINFUL rite lol .. (telling dym)

lucky BB said only 1 blood test if not doing oscar , guess u have 1 more to go rite?
hospital bill for spinal c-sect and upgrade from 4 bedder to 2 bedder:

Hospital Charges - LCSC W/ Spinal (4 Bedded - 3 days) - S$1680
Out of Package items - S$487.17
Doctor Charges (Woody) - S$1640.17 (medisave), S$927.83 (non-medisave)
Doctor Charges (Dr Wong) - S$500 (non-medisave)

Deduction from Medisave:
Hospital Charges - S$2309.83
Professional Fee - S$1517.45

Top-up after S$1.2K cash deposit (upon admission) - S$227.85

Grand total paid in cash: S$ 1,427.85

(for comparing , a fren of mine giving birth in August)
dym - ya , just realise is 1.4k , tats why i feel its cheap ma , cos c section is 1.4k and maybe natural will be cheaper ma .. =D
they doubled the admission fees after they renovated! that time i stay 2nights only. HEHE~ i requested. i didnt top up when i discharge wor.
Daisy - ya. i expected this. normal delivery sure cheaper lo. Ask meimei wan be TMC baby? LOL.. i going for elective c sect mid month. confirm wont bump into u..
dym - my gyane booked MA for me liao lol .. i going for early induce too , cos i tink my morning sickness will thro whole pregnancy and i bth .. so maybe mid feb will go induce if gynae allows too ..
daisy, thanks! during last confinement i surf all those catering sites some told me cbd area they dun send that is y i didnt order the last time. ended my hubby went buy outside food for me. think now too early maybe coming to 5mths than i go slowly search the website again. michelle, ur mil indeed very mean. luckily u dun stay with her. mine staying with me now lor....me also kena post natal blue coz 1st time no experience. almost everyday can cry. the day i discharge my mil start to nag at me oredi...the next day i started bathing my bb(mil told me she forgot how to do it) & washing bb clothers. i juz let her be.... coz she doing the cooking for me so i ren who noes after 2 wks cos of some very small matters she stay away from hm, even go spread rumours abt me. without her cooking got 1 nite i starve myslf to slp. after that mostly eat packet food lor....as for my mum i didn't told her i gave birth until 1 mth later. Sorry, juz saw ur msg. what time u coming to town? my side peanut ice kachang nice but now can eat cold thing meh? laksa & curry i still eat.

chinbbs - outside food sometimes not suitable for confinement , hubby said is ''poisonous'' lol ..

maybe search for it at a later time or maybe hire a part time CL is not bad also =) at least food would be better den catering perhaps
