(2012/03) Mar 2012

sorry mummies, my input look messy coz using mobile guess my finger too fat for pressing the buttons. thanks bb! spreadsheets updated. haha...i'm 1 of e oldest mummy here but as blur as a sotong! hi carnice, i oredi pm u my email! thanks! michelle, no problem! think working better at least can hv some freedom! being sahm no freedom quite boring & tiring coz dunno how to deal with my naughty gir....everyday i'm doing the same things to entertain her.... go pee or poo hv to carry her to toilet which is very troublesome. my free time will be her sleeping time. when she asleep den i can do my own things. furthermore, she dun like sleeping if she slp will be a short while. i dun even hv time to cook & do housework lor.... therefore most of the time i'm entertaining her. now 1 child still can cope if #2 pop out sure died coz need to breastfeed den need to look after both children think next time go toilet hv to tag both along liao...how's abt u being a sahm!
daisy: i usually leave till tmr, i dun wan to tire myself out. now my health n baby's health is most important.. nothing is more important than that. so i try to use the time in office to fullest.
wow.. thread moving fast..

i went for my gynae checkup last night... bb is growing well, abt 8cm. So far i m still alright, just keep snacking in between.

My gyane suspect it is a boy for me, as she can see tat one. That mean i can close factory le...

I have yet to find CL but looking a confirm seat for my little one at one of PCF infant care centre. The centre told me i am the 50+ in the waiting list, i told the admin, don't kidding. I am checking when i am 3.5mth le..it is a long story till the central supervisor called me and apologised saying they will check on their status and update me.

My advise to all mummies who plan to put ur little one in infant centre, have to act fast... alot of dragon bb is on the way.
dym/michelle, how u going to do confinement if u dun engage 1? my hb dun like to stay with stranger. #1 no cl. next year not getting either. Maybe i get those catering food.
maplemummy - i intend to go n see see look look at this infant care behind my house. newly opened. hope got opening for me...

chiny - my hubby n mother helped me for my last preg. this time same oso.
congrats maplemummy! wish i hv a boy too! anyway is up to god. if is a girl no choice but to close factory after this.
Zelda : wa then that ex at paragon. but any idea whether dr fong do detail scan too ? is it a must for us to do it ? sorry hor ask so much question ..

maple : you at week what now ? i wish that i have bird too ... but have to wait till next appt then can see or know.

Ladies : when do we start to buy breast pump ? after we pop or before we pop ?
Chiny : ha ha sahm is now easy theses two days never cook cause too tire with princess. I agree working is better... More freedom. Mine also i let her play then i go toilet but princess will walk to toilet looking for me..... But no choice princess no one take care.... Confinement... Oh I cook myself n settle myself everything during first month... My mum come when her off day once a week..... Then I able rest more that time.... Cause baby will sleep more ma.... Ha ha... But now #2 don't know will wat happen.... Reason for no cl cause money is tight that time.....
dym - lol true exp CL now raise price so much , so exxxxx !!

wenwen - tats good !! rest well for baby

maplemummy - grats !! did u saw the kuku bird too? lol and WOW infant care is on waiting list alrdy? tat is kua zhang lor !!

Pinky - thanks for the info cos i worried having another blood test as i had 1 alrdy .. so maybe my blood test previously include all the test needed ba .. btw why ur in wk12 but bb is wk13?

Carice - i tink after give birth would be better cos sometimes not all might be able to produce milk supply or maybe lend fm close gfs and if it work well den buy 1 for ur own use ..
Michelle : ya i prefer boy than gal ... cause i no need to worry so much ... my mil also same as me prefer boy ... lol ... but i dare not high hope if not disappointment .... my aunt guess it a boy cause the way i wear v qin chai ... like dont bother abt look at all ... mil also guess the same ...

anyway just hope and dare not ask for more ...as long it healthy bb can liao
think if we not doing Oscar, only need to do 1 blood test for HIV, Hep B & etc ...
BB : What if i have do the HIV Test before i preg like few months ago ... still need to blood test ? is it all together ?
dym: where you stay? normally, new one got opening.

carnice: i m currently in wk 14. Hope for the best for you.

daisy: yes, super kua zhang for infant care. I even told them i m looking in June 2012 not early 2012. For kuku, my gynae suspect. I show my colleague on the photo, she show me maybe it is this one tat has something pop up. Will confirm again in my next visit - detail scan.

To me, boy or girl is fate one. My hubby said maybe we shld try for another one -3rd one. I faint.
dym - u better fast hand fast leg liao .. lol abo if all taken up u rly faint ..

maplemummy - they told u to wait also? wah , rly so fully packed sia .. wen is ur next visit? ur hubby so fast wan the #3 alrdy?

chinbbs - i tink u better check for catering on confinement before hiring cos i remember Carice checked before and dont find it very good as like papaya fish soup like only once per week ..
Carice: Dr Fong don't do detailed scan. It'll be done at TMC again by the nurse. On breastpumps, I agree with Daisy to try to borrow from friends first in case you are not able to breastfeed due to low milk supply or other reasons.
Daisy - this one no scare. theres is at least another 2 just one busstop away near those industrial office. LOL.. i will fast fast go chop seats. mayb switch my girl over to be 'spy' for me! hahahaha..
<font color="000080"> Wah this thread moving fast. I wonder if even confinement food catering will be difficult to get because so many dragon babies! :S </font>
Zelda : ok. maybe will ask Dr fong again. ai yo ... maybe have problem borrow from friend cause she going to pop in feb. lol ... i have to see how le lor ....
dym: better enquiry fast n chop a seat asap. Last time, when i enrol my girl in her current infant care centre, the teacher told they can take in 20 bb. the teacher ratio is 1:5. But this centre grow super fast in child care service (toddler), n the infant care now only have 8 bb, n tell me no more opening. I suspect they transfer the remaining seat to the toddler side, that why now they are giving me alot of excuses.

50 bb on waiting list, you as a parent will wait? that why i am abit fed up with them. Hope this can be guideline for some of you.
Tethysea : same here ... but i not worry so much abt this cause mil or hb third aunt maybe can help. i more worry on childcare or who to look after my kid after i go work ...
daisy: yes, they told me wait. i am asking when i would get an answer, so that i can plan for other options if dun have. the prb is i m transferring to my girl to another child care centre which dont have infant service. Current my girl infant service is good - teacher is very caring for all bb there, this is what i like and near mrt, fees affordable. But when enquiry something, admin is not professional. but i don't care much.

My next visit is wk 19 - detail scan.
dym - lol !! must faster go chop chop seats liao den ! i cannot believe sia , CL alrdy quite many booked , infant care oso waiting for place .. dragon yr is sooo hot ! why !! haha

tethysea - guess catering is ok but dont tink the quality will be tat good as if too many orders , they might chin chai cook .. lol

Carice - ask fm other gf see if any of them have or not , if not u buy le and if ur not bf-ing anymore u can sell away and see if any mummies need it lor but cfm at a loss lo .. so not very worth it .. =)

maplemummy - so how ? r u intending to find another infant care? cos 50bb on waiting list , donno wait till when oso ..
the blood test is all in, HIV, Hep B and don't know what else. So you still need to do for Hep B and the rest even though you done your HIV test recently.

I super afraid of blood tests too. I would think it's only one blood test throughout. :p
michelle, lidat ur princess better than mine. Sama sama nobody wan to look after my child so i resign lor.... we lost lotsa blood during birth in fact we shld rest yet u r doing all the hsework very xin ku &amp; pei fu. not to scare u my mum told me got ppl she knew died during confinement coz the mummy dun hv proper rest n body very weak dunnoe kena what illness... actually me no different from u.... all thanks to my mil! ya lor, 2k plus really alot to pay for cl.
daisy:as my girl now still in this infant care, i demand for a status update after they discuss with the central principal. I don't think got 50bb on waiting list whom all are interested. Some infant care fees are too ex, 700+ or 800+ after subdis, the infant n toddler are in the same centre, which i don't like.
dym, my opinion is:
1. Infant n toddler separated (if possible), if not how many teacher ratio to infant, n infant max intake?
2. Teacher is caring, will inform you what did your child activity in the centre daily,etc.
BB - ya , blood test so painful .. i'm still having blueblacks on my hands on those needle holes ..

chinbbs - true , now CL is very exp .. abt 2k - 2.2k now le ..

maplemummy - oh , hopefully can get in so dont have to worry to find another 1 and can easily fetch 2 kids together .. =)
dym: you can check this out: https://www.childcarelink.gov.sg/ccls/home/ChdCccSrch.jsp

daisy: hopefully my little boy can bring some gd luck just like his elder sis (my girl).

I guess i will have another headache is CL...as i read all of CLs are being booked. I am unsure if my mil is going to help me anot or find CL.
daisy, thanks! alamak! once a wk papaya fish soup where got enough! In this case, may not be ordering catering.
maplemummy - ur boy sure will =)

i guess CL is quite headache cos wanna find a good CL is not easy , i see newspapers and threads in SMH on CL , some are so bad that cheated those mummies of thier deposit and didnt do a good job or simply show a bad attitude

so better hire someone whom u know or those close fren intro de den finding online .. =) maybe ask ur mil if she's helping not , if not u still got ample time to find a CL
Carice: I actually have extra set &amp; can loan u if u need. It's a medela mini electric if you don't mind. My fren going to lend me her medela pump in style.
chinbbs - u can try finding other catering sites and see wat do they offer u , cos i didnt search for it but previously Carice mention before in this thread so i remembered .. at least find a way for ur confinement before baby is due cos time rly pass very fast =D lol
your gal's ccc don't do infant care? So you got to send both kids to 2 different centres every morning?
this tread is moving too fast!!! hahaha..

wow, really can handle without CL? my #1 i had my mum to do confinement for me. she will cook all my meals and take care of my baby for me while all i had to do is rest and nuah. this time round she can't do it for me so i thot i would need a CL. is it really possible to do without one? how did you all tide thru it?! Pls share!!

dym, for infant care, it is more expensive in town area and cheaper at neighbourhood area. CBD area can go up to $1.4k before subsidy and neighbourhood ones are ard $1k also before subsidy.
Ladies, kiasu me just went Amazing Star! Too bad the principal not around. Good news is they have vacancy for next year intake. Right now cos the center quite new, 2teachers taking care of 3babies.. Any more info have to check with principal.. Hahaha..
wow! that is good news!!! congrats! hee! do take note if the teachers are the older aunties or the younger FTs. to me that is quite impt.

drypantz - i didnt had CL for my 2 confinements cos i dont rly like confinement food .. as for baby , i look after myself cos all baby do is eat , sleep , poo .. lol

for food , mom cooked for the first wk and following we went out to eat for lunch ..

but my 2 boys r rather easy to look after in newborn time so i'm rather ok looking after them myself ..

dym - good !! so fast got place liao haha !
