(2012/03) Mar 2012

Dym : i call up liao lei.... the gal nurse say no more MA lei.... TMC lei....

Headache liao.... omg....

Daisy : the MA food also nice n good... if u hubby go there downstair more cheaper food than TMC....... that is why my hubby want to go MA cause that time i at TMC my hubby need to go out to buy in..... so when tour at MA... my hubby try the food cafe there cheap n good n big size... haha.....

now headache liao.... think now dr chose to go TMC more...

As TMC increase the price is because of the fine.... har.....
Hi everyone,

Can I join the thread? My edd is early Mar.
This is my second preg. Found the topic on confinement interesting. Seems not many follow the old practices. I hated my confinement the last time; had post-natal blues as a result.
jac - welcome back !

michelle - lol u mean food in cafe ah? not the food given to us? haha

u can try the list Carice give and see any doctor delivery at Mt A ..
Kelly - Hi there .. sure do join us , the more the merrier =)

Welcome & Congrats !!

i didnt follow old practices of confinement cos the main thing is i simply hate ginger lol .. wat made u hated ur confinement?
the food given to us also nice.... i stay there lei... i finish it very clean.... then tea break i ask them got what to eat... they also let me chose.... haha.....
no la.. chiny all the while i see kkh de.. that y that time ask orange no reply.... now then reply....

chiny i might go PS later cause my sister want me to bring her there.......

but still not confirm till she finish her class then i know....
chinbbs - actually ur input haven in lol ..

michelle - lol the food is cfm better den KKH , KKH food is tasteless haha !!
i dont like kkh de... i always never eat after one meal....

MA if u got somethings dont want to put u can let them know de...

haha.... that time i remember dont know what food i say i dont want onion... hee hee...
when the food come no onion de... my friend have ask me why like that... i say can request de... haha...
hello MTB,

i heard a lot of my collegues told me to drink red date/ dreid logan water now even at 14 weeks. Are u all drinking it now? i always tot its after birth then drink on leh..any pointers??
michelle - LOL !! i didnt request cos i didnt know , just eat whatever given haha .. check ur email , have email u another choice .. =)

Rach - did they say why to drink red date and dried longan water? i not drink cos its heaty but i donno if other mummies having not ..
oh no i drink coke again cannot stand of ms...

do anyone know... now is safe to drink HASHIMA with red dates..... this drink is for what purpose......
Daisy ya i got it... i reply u also....

hee hee....

i never request de... is when i at MA the nurse give me a list ma... she see me dont know what to eat... then she ask me... too much to chose or... dont have ur choice then let me know what u want to eat... i say got one but i dont like onion... then she say oh it ok i request for u... then u able to eat what u like... haha... this is what i want lor...

TMC n KKH dont have this type of nurse lei.... they only ask u how... make ur choice already... time reach soon.... then u anyhow chose lor... dont like it...
welcome kelly! and congrats!

confinement i din really follow too strictly lah.. i got wash hair! hee~

MA is really better and cheaper than TMC? how's the parking? think my only complaint so far abt TMC is the carpark.
rach, i never drink leh.. also thot is after give birth then drink one? to bu3 blood?? now can drink ah?

michelle, your MA nurse sounds so nice! hmmm.. think Woody also deliver at MA.. maybe shld switch to MA...
michelle - u mean 'xue ge' i'm taking it yest cos mom bought back , donno for wat but shld be ok taking it la .. since mom didnt stop me haha ..

drypantz - sg is a sibei hot country , its not able to bear for wks not to wash hair , i tink most of the mummies here wash too LOL , i washed mine right after birth in hospital for my #2 and got scolded by the other mummies in the same room as me =x
welcome kelly! michelle, me blur like sotong! ps food court fish soup not bad can try. daisy, my mil dun prepare breakfast during confinement she bought from outside so i thought is fine. no wonder after a mth my mum comment that i like pale plus face look qing qing. if reali can't get confinement food next year mayb will get my hubby to get from my mum plc.
Daisy & Michelle, thot hashima's benefits are like bird's nest but a cheaper version...

daisy, u best lor!!! 2nd day!!! omg!!!
drypantz ya parking MA is bigger than TMC....

i also wash my hair everyday when i got #1 haha..... even after 2weeks later i feel better i go out buy what i need for baby... haha cause my hubby is blur de... ask him buy always get the wrong one... so i go out to get it....
chinbbs - donno , hubby dont allow outside food during confinement for me but i still go out eat myself with my mom but she will ask the stall holder whether is safe to eat for confinement not .. if they say no den we go another stall to eat ..

drypantz - shld be the first day , few hours after birth i went to bath le .. but for my #2 only , #1 i not able to walk , cos after all the pushing , sweating , feel so sticky till i cant get to sleep so went to bath LOL ..
daisy, i updated the spreadsheet with my hp yesterday after tat check hv lay, my input was above zelda row instead of below michelle. think got to used computer update liao... michelle, u confirm let me noe, ok. see i can meet u in time or not coz scarli i c your msg u dunoe where liao? heehee... The best 1 day in advance lidat can plan. me gave birth in kkh the food i forgot what taste liao..heehee...howcome u get to try so many hopital food de?
KKH i got gastric problem.... i stay there....

TMC is when i pregnant i food poison this is why i know TMC is what ever u use everything is charge de.... the bill i see faint... har....
then TMC nurse skill not that good when remove the things to our hand i dont know what that call.... when they put in keep say this n that line cannot find... super pain when they do...

MA haha... i got no feeling at all.. when the nurse what to do i see another side dont want to see her... she keep talking to me.... why what happen to u... i say cause i at TMC they do for me super pain... she laugh ask me to look at her... then i say done le ma.. she say how u feel i say nothing... then she say is done my dear... omg.... so this time i still prefer MA.... haha....

Chiny ok let u know roughly 3pm is there ba,.... going out now....
daisy - i did my confinement at my mum's place becos she insisted CL is a waste of $$; can use the money to 'bu' instead. That was a big mistake cos she forbid me to wash hair and nag cannot do this and that; it's all for your own good etc. That drove me up the wall and plus hormone change, i just fell into depression. Was a bad episode that I would never forget. So this time round, I am getting a CL.
dym - cham i didnt see it leh .. i'm blind liao haha !!

kelly - oh i see , but tot own mom would be more chin chai , my mom damn chin chai on me , she say if i wanna wash my hair den next time wen i have backaches or wat dont complain to her abt pain

if ur getting CL gonna act fast le , cos CL are so fully booked alrdy ..
daisy - it's reverse here. guess my mom has good intentions but didn't realise the -ve effects it had on me. managed to secure one CL after two highly recommended ones were already booked till May.
I told my mum who is doing confinement for me tat I want to bath as I sweat a lot normally n the hygiene will not be gd if I dun bath or wash hair, she said can bath but the water tat we shower must be boil n must put in dried pomelo skin n herbs.. so since mooncake festival coming, I will ask everyone I know to keep the pomelo skin for me... I also told my mum tat i will slpt at nite with aircorn on as too hot to slpt at nite as since young I m always slping with air corn on...
Need some advice here. Was thinking of investing in the electric pump but wasn't sure will it be a waste of $$. I wasn't successful in bf the last time; tried manual pump also no use. Anyone has used the electric one before?
huijun - i did what my mama said - bath with boiled water + herbs and no fan on during day. i still find her v naggy and quarrel with her. lucky she sleeps damn early. so after she sleep, i will go bath again b4 i sleep. for the whole entire confinement, i tied my hair when sleeping(even thou i wash but not everyday). cant stand it. my mama in the end oso give up on me. LOL.. this time round im not going back her house for confinement, so i guess i will be more at ease. LOL..
dym - saw it HAHA !! cham , cant see well sia lol

Kelly - oh , my mom is chin chai cos she know i very stubborn de but the other relatives in family dont allow me bath also , once i accidently got caught by one of my uncle's wife who came over to cook for me and i was nagged by her whole day and she complain to other uncle's wife and to my mom also =x was nagged by other uncle's wife too and mom warn me to be more careful next time LOL !

but now its good tat u got CL alrdy .. fast hand fast leg ! lol

Linda - if ur mom ok den its good .. but hor the herbal still smell weird de haha , i stop after a few times cos i dont like the herbal smell on my hair !
Kelly - if u have gfs who got eletric pump and they not using alrdy , maybe u can lend fm them before u buy it cos sometimes bf-ing is not successful and it will be a waste of buying and later on not using ..

other way is u buy le and if it still not successful and u can sell it away but at a loss ..
the last time i did borrow the electric pump but it seemed to be faulty or maybe i wasn't using it correctly. i still have some months to decide...
dym, u work from hm or r u the boss urslf? :p how to survive if can't on fan even after bath will still sweat like hell lor... i on the fan everyday for 24/7. daisy, if dun use herbal what u use for bathing? I dislike it too! kelly, personally find electri pump is better.
Dym n Daisy: so far tat wad wat I told my mum dunno if she will change her mind last min anot... Keke... But I got no where to stay as my own house will be ready next yr end... Hopefully my mum will not start nagging at me when she do my confinement...
chinbbs - haha i just bath fm the shower head lor haha cos i totally hated the smell ..

Linda - usually own moms would be more chin chai , just 'sa jiao' abit and they will give in liao lor haha !! lucky my mom didnt nag during confinement , cos she very naggy at other times de .. maybe she worry i got post natal despression , so she say u do wat u like but dont regret next time and don say i didnt warn u ..

come to say , i feel my hubby is worse den my mom , he tend to be a more fussy person for my confinement .. i had 2 mini confinement done by hubby for miscarriage , worse den hell !!
Welcome Kelly!

I used a Medela electric pump previously and I find it good. Tried pigeon manual pump before, don't know how to use it. hehe.

not you "messed" up. Someone sorted according to the hospitals and it was "messed up" before you were here, I think.

Daisy, Michelle,
I like KKH food leh. Maybe I tiam jiak, haha! I like the food when I delivered and also when my gal was hospitalised due to hfmd, I finished her meals there. :p
<font color="000080">Had porridge for lunch... ridiculously happy about it. Crazy cravings.

My sis initially said want to give me her pump, but now she also expecting dunno how. Other than pump what else do I need to buy? Storage chilled bag? Things to sterilise the bottles?</font>
hello mummies,

finally back from lunch after a super busy morning... i still can't decide if i want a CL anot... Cos i have too many choices -

1. Stay at my parent's place where my mum can be my full-time CL but the house is going to be very crowded. (6 adults + 1 infant)

2. Stay in my own flat (Coming in Dec) and my mum will only be here for a few hours in the morning till afternoon and after that I will be on my own since hb works on rotating shifts.

3. Hire a CL at my own flat but feel uncomfortable living with a stranger.

Headache man...
