(2012/03) Mar 2012


Chiny : U r wrong when i come out from hospital later 5days later i go back to hospital again for my C-Section wound pain.... then hubby call mil no one take care princess guess what my mil not working de hor.... she say not free ask others to help... so i call my mum die die must take leave to come n take care my princess.....

Doctor also advise me not to move alot...
First week my MIL got come to help but end up... She complaint this n that... then later part she not coming cause that time i was down i tell my hubby i going to my nanny there to stay n crying.... that week i really very very weak n emotional down.... so my hubby no choice to tell mil that i not at home.. i want to go nanny place..... but actually end up a day over i tell my hubby i can settle myself as long no one nag n say me i ok de...... morning my hubby will cook red dates tea for me.... then plain rice..... then he go for work... cause he not really know how to cook... so when i wake up i prepare soup.... easy meat my mum already wash n cut for me.... pack for me which to mix or which to eat if i want.... i prepare drink ba zhen soup....... ginseng soup..... will cook more.... then morning lunch eat the same..... important is eat liao feed liao go sleep together with princess..... first two week i cannot sleep well cause worry this n that.... first time mum ma.... after that i ok liao know princess pattern so i ok with it.....

Carice : hmm.... ok la.. to me this time if is girl i save alot.... she can wear my princess clothes.... but if is boy.... oh no.... need to spent money for clothes liao....

hubby say got princess liao so next doesnt matter is girl or boy....

michelle - i guess boys are cheaper den girls cos boys rly not much clothes to buy de .. lol

for 100+ can drink but maybe the baby inside dont like so vomit out the drink lo .. haha

u rly got a very mean mil .. lucky i dont nid to entertain my mil lol
Carice ya.... i must be strong that time i keep tell myself that...

cause of princess i must be strong if i sick again who take care... my mum only but she working 12hrs work already very tire....


Daisy : u r wrong this time boy clothes also ex.... hahahahahahhaah.....

this is why i dont want my mil know i pregnant.... if not more more stress....
Daisy : dont know when i see my friends son clothes i ask her... wow hear the price... so ex... kiddy palace also not cheap de....
Michelle : Can go online purchase clothes which are slightly cheaper which recommend by my friend.

when nearer the date , i will buy some and the rest will be online purchase bb clothes le ... also can go forum sales to take alook ...

i cant buy anything now except survey here and there ... asking around ... cause by dec, i will be getting my nest keys follow by bb.

everything all come together ... hahaha
Carice i not really like online to purchase item de.... hee hee... i think by oct know the gender then plan ba... maybe go expo buy... they cheaper..... anyway i never buy much princess clothes so far till now i only buy 15pcs clothes for her... home n out de.... cause my hubby colleagues give away baby girl clothes....
Dym: how often to drink coconut from tri 3 on?
Sianz, today took train kena pushed by an old man, he rushed to the reserved seat, an indian man seating there and rudely asked if he can seat, i was standing and he just pushed me. told him not to push, he said where got is i push him all the way. All the way? when my back is facing him? aiyoh. lucky never fall down... colleague told me it's time i wear maternity wear, best is dress with ribbons hahaaa
Jo : Pls be more careful. i always cover my stomach when the train is crowded. in case pp bump into me ... even wear maternity clothes ... some still dont even bother lor ....
michelle - kiddy palace cfm exp , boys clothes i usually get fm those like amk center or those shopping place with no aircon type .. cheap and can bargain , i nvr buy exp clothes for boys cos wen small they easy outgrow and it will be waste

only now bigger is ok cos they can get a bigger size and wear longer and now i can get fm giodarno , hang ten such tops and bugis street sometimes can get cheap boys tops & bottoms also .. =)

sometimes i do buy online wen got promotion , like disney's tops not bad , cheap and durable ..

some spree in smh oso got very cheap boy's clothes..
jo - totally agree with ur colleague , esp wen u girls taking public transport after work in the packed time .. at least ppl can see its maternity wear and will be more careful..

coconut shld be taken last mth b4 birth and once per week .. if u wanna drink more den tat also can but previously old folks tell me is like tat haha but i'm taking more den once per wk cos i like the coconut meat haha !
Jo - My mama ask me to start with one week once den slowly increase to twice weekly when date nearer can drink alternate days. I didn't really follow oso cos I didnt believe what they say on baby will be more cleaner. -_-" but indeed my baby is v much cleaner from what I tot. Lol
Michelle: wah liao ur MIL too much! Luckily u hv no post natal blues!! I had abit e first few days due to hormone changes plus 1st time mummy. But I think u're a v independent mummy as still can cook n clean for yourself n bb!

Jo: wear maternity clothes oso useless as all pretending to sleep! I oredi given up.
Zelda, really don't like English speaking old uncles. sorry la but they v demanding of their so called rights and bull-doze people in their way, so uncouth!
I'm not asking ppl to give up seats lor, if there are old ppl or ladies with bigger tummies I'll still give up seat if i'm in reserved seat. If old ppl fall down wah, can't get over it man.
<font color="000080">zelda >> Haha yar... I think at this stage still early, I see ppl looking at my tummy and can't decide if I'm preg or just fat, then give up and go to "sleep" :p Maybe afraid give up the seat to fat lady get scolding instead!

Jo >> That time I was on the mrt one 40+ yr old woman try to rush the seat with me when I already sit down halfway! But I'm much bigger size than her, so I swung my backpack at her and sat down :p I very don't give face one... esp I've seen her around and she always push and shove people and cut queue to get into the mrt.</font>
Zelda : i also got the post natal blues!!! during first week... that y that time i crying n lock with princess in a room that is the time my hubby worry me and ask what i want so i tell him i cannot tanhan mil.... too much already... u keep ask me to bear... but u know now is the rest time not the disturb n make trouble during this time de lor.... as i need rest.... either ask her stop coming if not i want to go my nanny place de... then he say ok he call mil tell her i not at home after today....... so that is how i tell myself i prefer settle myself instead let mil come and make trouble lor..... tire n stress that time when mil come i not able to sleep n rest lor.... u know.... she will nag this n that de.... this time my hubby worry.... when #2 come out how... i able to handle..... or really want me to go nanny place to stay... haha....
I agree what zelda..... as my tummy is big.... when unknown aunt ask me u pregnant 5month liao har.... then people give up seat to me.... haha..... i never say anythings de hor... depand when u able to meet some people is trying get u a seat... but i know is hard to meet theses type of people.... even i saw a old man can go to the seat tell the person excuse me.... omg... i cannot believe man....
Michelle: I m same like u, I already got a big tummy b4 pregnant, so now I wear maternity wear, ppl thought I got twins... Then nowadays got ppl give up seats to me... But the parents at my centre did not know I m pregnant as they still think I m fat... As so many yrs they seen me in the same shape....
Hallo ladies!!!

Michelle, i ever got this ang moh lady asked ppl to give up seat for me when i was pregnant with #1 in the MRT She was so furious when ppl refused to give up the reserved seat for me!! Lucky, i was abt to alight soon...
Linda : i dont know why this #2 grow so fast.... n so big tummy..... haha..... going to 11week people mistake i 5months now... omg.... i just keep quiet haha....

When i got #1 i prefer take bus cause when i take bus... bus driver will make sure i got seat to sit before he drive off..... got a time no one given seat to me... the driver angry shout can anyone pls give up sit to pregnant woman.... omg....... mrt hard la... when i 7months pregnant no one want to give up seat to u de.... har.... sometime really dont know why theses people like that de.... even i pregnant i give up seat to those very old people.... when they see me give up seat they super peisay lor....
Morning ladies, going to c my gyn later, hopefully can c the Bb gender... Rainy days, all mth becareful when walking outdoors..l
morning ladies... Zzzzzz

Michelle, you really very poor thing... but no matter what, must jia you jia you!!!

dym, good luck on your infant care search! yours is new centre right? if not you can go to forum to check with other parents if that place is good and if the caregivers are caring and loving.

daisy, my first is also very guai. my ML i was alone with him at home and i could handle it by myself, with all the cooking and taking care of him. but i heard #1 guai #2 will be naughty, so i am quite worried. plus my first one will turn 18mo when the #2 pop so i am worried he will have the terrible two signs and will be hard to manage... sigh!

for coconut juice i heard is to drink during last month of pregnancy. cannot drink too early cos too liang (aka "cooling"). plus cannot eat the meat cos the meat is too heaty. but really must drink! cos the bb will come out very clean
Starr : pls add me in fb first.

For those who want to join the fb group. pls email me direct. i think the pm have problem.
dym, okok.. go talk and look see ard lor.. must have a good feeling abt the place!
good luck!

Carice, what info do i need to email you to join the fb grp? :p

Nice weather to sleep in ... but it's ok, mid-week liao, 2 more days to go. hehe.

Daisy, Michelle,
I agree boys are so much "cheaper". Only have choices like tops and bottoms, not so much variety like gals - dresses, skirts, leggings, capris plus need to buy hairbands, rubber bands, accessories, nice panties &amp; whatnots. Think the amount I spent on my boy over these years is probably less than half of what I spent on my gal. :p

The only thing is boys' toys are quite exp.
oh, so you will switch your gal over ... Else really mafan to send and fetch from 2 centres daily.
The centre you went to check out sounds good. New centre, cleaner and lower ratio. Need to book now or they told you can wait till later?
Morning ladies

Drypantz ya I will jia you jia you.... Sleepless night again...

Chiny today later I might go down PS... But not confirm yet.....

PS got any nice food to intro ma....

And mummy u all still got eat laska n curry ma.....
Talking about bus, I was wearing a dress that shows my bulge quite obviously this morning but people just stare at my tummy, at me then sat still. :S

Luckily my journey was only a short one, 15mins. Hb asked me to drive to work but if drive will have to reach real early else no parking lot at my office here. Hopefully when bigger, people will give up seats more readily.
BB - ytd brought my girl there and she already told me she want change school. this morning wake his daddy up n tell him she is going to new school. -_-" actually both centers v near only just that her current one keep hiring FTs..i dun like. the teacher there not sure about next year intake so she ask me to call principal instead. i still thinking whether to register both at the same time as deposits for both cost a bomb lo..
morning ladies ! =)

drypantz - my #1 &amp; #2 is ok for me cos they rather quiet and easy to look after .. wat i also worry is this also , just got the feeling this wont be as easy as my 2 boys anymore haha ..

BB - ya lol , boys like 2 choice only .. tops and bottoms , sometimes wanna buy clothes for them oso sian cos see here see there almost the same de , nothing very nice ..
haha!! Your gal so cute.
I think the FTs problem happens in most cccs, cannot really do much. My kids' ccc has quite a few too but as long as they can speak proper English/Mandarin and caring, should be ok.

If you register the younger one 1st, will there be no more vacancy for your gal later on? But then if nearby then maybe not so bad to send to 2 different centres also.
have lah, 5 choices. Long sleeves, short sleeves, sleeveless, shorts and long pants, hahaha!!

I also seldom buy clothes for my boy cos like you said, all same. Just different colours/designs of t-shirts. Anyway my boy also bochap, will just wear anything I give him. Unlike the gal, must choose and match ...
michelle - once a while , but laska's 'hum' cannot eat too much ..

BB - maybe they tot u had a full breakfast so they stare and didnt wanna give up seats =.=''
BB - They keep changing FTs and their local teachers(mostly malays) doesnt seem to have hearts to work lo. at first still ok, but now see them like sian sian everyday and dont talk to us now. i will register my girl first cos younger one is next year june.
BB - LOL !! singapore is too hot to wear long sleeves , sometimes saw some clothes which are long sleeves but they nvr want it and claim its too hot to wear tat and they shy to wear sleeveless LOL !

recently my 2nd boy have a liking for tweety bird so i went out with him trying to find some tops which have tweety bird prints and end up all those tops are only for girls , lol he so pissed off and asked why only girls can wear tweety bird haha !
I work in childcare centre,my boss dun like to hire FT or malay except for chinese tr frm china, as the things they teach is totallly different from local chi. I got a student, the previous centre all indian tr and auntie, so the boy everyday go to school n cry, so decide to change school... my centre do not have infant care so alot of my parents will put the siblings above 18mths in our centre and the other siblings in infant care...
long sleeves usually for year end or when we go movies. Oh ya, your boys quite big, shy to wear sleeveless. My boy loves his "ah pek" sleeveless tops lo, can wear it to everywhere. I'm the shy one to be seen with him in those. :p

Tell your boy no tweety bird but angry bird alot! haha!

oh ya, the problem about FTs is they come and go once contract is up. My kids' chinese teachers always leave just before year end so end up they will have a new teacher for just the last 2 months before changing to ANOTHER in Jan.

but I heard from the ccc director not easy to get locals so no choice they had to get phil, chinese FTs.
Mind if you tell us which ccc you are teaching at? Near your place? Think many parents will love your ccc.
does this "Indian" ccc you are talking about happen to be at Serangoon area? My chinese friend's son is in a ccc with an Indian P, many Indian teachers and they celebrate Deepavali! But she quite like the ccc cos she said the P and teachers are nice.
