(2012/03) Mar 2012

daisy - you are very lucky; your husband is so hands-on.

chinbbs - i heard it's ok to switch on the fan as long as it is not blowing directly at you. my ex-colleague warned me to minimise going out to avoid getting 'chills'. she went out once during her confinement and came home shivering non-stop until her CL gave her some home remedy.
Carol - if i'm u , i choose 1 !! =) being a first time mom is not easy and have lots of things to learn

if #2 , after ur mom go and wen ur hb go works , u will left alone to handle baby urself and if anything happen , u will need someone to help u look after

#3 , if u meet a bad CL , its terrible unless CL is someone close to u intro de ..
Carol : your house and my house will be one street away ... no worry i keep you company .... haha ...

Think stay at your parent place or someone can take care of you more important.
Kelly- hubby is worse den my mom , my mom everything chin chai , hubby everything is NO .. like now , i go out eat with him .. he dont allow me to have cold drinks totally , not even can drinks which is not cold .. only milo , horlick .. typical uncle type !
Any mummies going for antenatal classes? more applicable for the 1st time mummies...

Did any mummies go during their first pregnancy? Is it necessary?
daisy, the lactation consultant always told us every mummies hv milk. some lucky one before gave birth hv abundant of milk whereas some need to slowly build up supply. The best let bb latch on. bb refuse to latch, pump also can trigger milk supply.
star_nn - i didnt go for first pregnancy ..

chinbbs - but not always will be successful on pumping , my #1 i tried but it cause to bleeding so i stopped after tat ..

as for me , i always feel weird feeding breastmilk cos i donno hw much did baby actually drank and donno whether is baby able to latch properly , donno if he's full or not .. tis always pop into my mind wen i try latching haha so i give up eventually
<font color="000080">Daisy >> Hers due in Jan or late Dec. But her #2 I think she stopped bf-ing after a few months cos of mastisis, not sure if she will bf this one. </font>
hi starr_nn, i went for that and i find it quite useful for mental preparation and also to get the hubby involved in the whole process. the sessions i went to, the trainer kept stressing that the fathers shld try this and that and nag at them to help out the mother in the future.

daisy, he is just concerned abt u!!! hee! so xing fu!

carol, i will go for #1. having a new baby in your life is stressful and tiring enuff u dun wan to get used or being upset by the CL! plus it is always good to have someone there with u all the time lah. after delivery will be weak one.

any of the ftwm here thinking of switching to sahm? hee.. want to listen to some opinion on this.
daisy - you didnt go and learn as you go..haha..dont know whether I can or not, I v lun jun one

drypantz - the one you went for is those 6 sessions one huh? like very long huh..so many sessions? there's another one for only 1 hour, don't have anything in between..
haha..so cute, they nag the fathers to help..

i think most fathers will help out, since its both parents' child lol
starr_nn, the one i went to is by TMC Parentcraft. 6 sessions 1 hr each. yah quite cute, but i really appreciate the fact that they do that. cos i think the fathers really dun feel anything or dun feel involved when we pregnant. only after the kid is born then will feel more involved. can't blame them actually. but these sessions will teach you how to bf, bathe the baby, prep you for delivery, etc. i think it is quite good lah for a first time mum.
you can check out the forum for pump threads and reviews. Mostly recommend Medela. Hospitals are using it too. Some hospitals can lend you to try out there after delivery.

I personally find pump is a good and long term investment so can go for a good one. I've got friends that tried cheaper brands and eventually changed to Medela. Ameda is also another good brand.

I didn't go for any antenatal classes for my 1st pregnancy too. Don't know why but didn't cross the mind, haha! But I heard from people who went they managed to learn lots of things from there and it kind of prep hbs for fatherhood too. Maybe you can go take a look.
wah! this thread is moving really fast!

carol, i will also choose #1... nothing beats having your own mum around during the most crucial time of your life.

on breastpump, i got mine after i delivered #1... hubby went to buy after that, cos like most people, unsure whether got milk or not... milk flow was alright so bought a dual pump. served me well, i bf till my girl was 11 months.

star_nn, i attended the one at Mt A last time... i think it's quite useful for first time mummies... also an opportunity for the fathers to b prepared
My colleague also highly recommend that I sign up for the class, that its really informative and can learn alot..

Oh it's ONLY 3.18pm..
daisy - ya man, these few nights always insomnia, and feel very tired especially after lunch, can't wait to knock off from work!

lucky you, at home lol

saw fr the spreadsheet that you r in NUH too.
wan to check with u if you did the oscar test?
when did u get the result?

i did mine last 2 weeks, receive no call from NUH.
when i contacted them, they said if got prob, doc will call us, otherwise doc will explain on our next visit only.

as i kno oscar test result in TMC can be known by dat day itself.

usually u go to which clinic?
i go to jurong clinic
daisy - i knock off at 6pm .. sigh.. another 2.5 hours to go..

yr 2 children not around? then you won't be bored?
i want to stay at home too .. bored never mind, doing nothing is one of the best therapy lol..

do you need to prepare dinner etc?
kelly, difficult not to go out during confinement coz need to bring bb for jaundice check up. i need to carry bb when hubby is driving. daisy, oh dear! pump til bleed, so painful! If it was me i sure panic n will stop bf too since bb refuse to latch. me too failed in latching. bottle feed better can tell dun hv to worry much.
Esth3r - yes I went for the test 2 weeks ago too.. did the NT scan and blood test, first trimester test etc ...i suppose that's the oscar test?

They called me on the 3rd day to tell me about the DS risk blood test.. from the NT measurement, and the hormone and protein blood test, they did a risk calculation and come out with a ratio for DS.. Did they call you to tell you about the ratio?

As for the detailed blood test, they will only have the results approx 2 weeks later, and my doctor told me she will evaluate the results with me at the next visit, so I didnt follow up on that. The nurse also told me if there is an issue, they will call you to go back to see the doctor.

I go to the one at NUH KRW, becuz I work at NUH, easier for me to just go downstairs..
dym - LOL !! u abt same like me la , just u cant sleep in office nia , u just as free as me lor ..

BB - haha !!

starr_nn - 2 hrs and 15mins to go !! lol jiayou !!

ya my 2 kids ard but they play on their own de

nope , i'm not good at cooking , only my kids dont hiam my cooking de , my mom n hubby dont eat wat i cook cos they say its not edible =.=''

chinbbs - yup , so stop after the bleed , maybe wrong position or wat since i not really keen in bf-ing cos its painful for me wen engorgement and i used to sleep on tummy ..

yup dat's oscar test.
i nvr received a call rgding the ratio leh
how is ur result? wondering why they never call me... haizzz
I called, the nurse said, we can't reveal any info, only doc can. if got prob, she will call you. haizzz

my next app will be 20sept, 2 more weeks...
Esth3r, weird ley, u try calling again, ask them for the down syndrome test result ratio, i don't see why they cannot tell you. You don't need the detailed results, that one can wait till you see dr chua..

My DS ratio was 1:11185 ... low risk

Anyway I think since they didn't call you, means the doctor thinks your results is good, no cause for concern
oh ya, now school holidays. Didn't bring the boys out? But think you are probably too tired to go out.

i hope mine is good too, keep bother me coz my family also very worry, keep on ask me abt the result. Coz i'm a very weak type person, so they all r very kan ciong to know the result too

today feel extremely sleepy too
hope to see 6.00 pm soon :D
Esth3r, i'm sure you'll be fine, don't think too much. call and bug the nurses, thats part of the reason why they are there haha..to provide information
Just back frm gyn side, the blood test frm the oscar scan was fine. Saw bb position, was like driving a car. Gyn cant tell if its a gal or a boy. 20wks gotta do another detail scan for the spinal n other thing.
gd news &amp; congrats linda! michelle, no worry! paisay maybe next time we meet up. very late liao wait need to squeeze with office workers. u better go hm earlier wait no seat for u.

Daisy: yah, bb close leg so cant c. Gyn say the bb position just now was like driving a car. Hubby was so happy to c tat.
