(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

hi all,

after seeing the doc.. he say my hubby sperm less active n he say i ovulate today.

Wondering his words is true or not. i go home use the tester n test.. omg i am ovulating..

he give me 2 dose of medicine.. ask me to brew n drink. first time in my life brew medicine n drink.

abit down after he mention my hubby troops its nt so active =.=

Jiayou Jan Jan!! BD for the next 3 days...including today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jan jan,

Ya BD 1st dun tink so much.


Haha think our hubby really same pattern and our method of dealing them also same.

my hubby cannot hear alarm ring 1. He can just sleep through. I very light sleeper unless i am very tired that day.

We were saying, if we have a baby, i will train baby to call 'papa' first. So that if at night need anything, will look for papa first loh.

He say he will be so dead sleeping, he won't listen at all

Wow, u gals are so fast... I can't catch up with the posts..

Amy, so far my opk all negative. Last week there was a faint line but according to the instructions faint line is also negative right?? Anyway I got bd a few times last week and this week lah... Just try when we in the mood.

can i ask u girls some question? im CD28 and DPO6 today and these few days im having white discharge. I usually dun get it after ovulation...

is it a norm among you girls?

Queenly>> I am at CD 27 today. Not sure DPO how many days or wat. But I am experiencing thick, white discharge today. My previous cycle was 38 days thou.

Windy>> I had a fainter line than the ctrl line last nite, but not considered as positive OPK too. So, also no positive OPK for me.

JC>> Me also light sleeper, so I am the human alarm clock. Haha.. I think jas shd be the same also.

CD 27 today (Fri), and sore nipples hitting me again. Juz like previous cycle, when it hit one week before AF. Guess this cycle is gonna be another failed one again. =( But if the signs are accurate, it shd mean I have a shorter cycle this mth! Yeah! =D

I was telling hubby juz now that actually best timing is to conceive in June coz juz nice, I can complete one most impt client's job which requires me to be on the job in Jul, Dec & Jan. =p Actually, now that I have calmed down and think of it, maybe I a bit over anxious le. Coz we are only holding our tea ceremony in June lorz, then if before tat get preg, I will be carrying a ball to "jing cha". Wun that be too funny? =x

windy & peapea, i didnt test as i had a strong feeling its not bfp. anyway, it came today already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] first time c menses so happy. cos im usually 30days cycle. this time, it came on CD42. completely haywire [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

janjan, use pre-seed to help the sperms swim faster? if u dun feel comfortable with the physician, can try consulting another one for confirmation?

im thinking to switch gynae, anybody can intro?

Am considering Dr Benjamin Tham, is he a fertility specialist?

QQem: pre seed, i tot pre seed its to relieve vaginal dryness...

i juz bd.. but muz make my hubby co-operative lor.. sometimes he reply me :"i am tired".sometimes i feel very disappointed when he say that sentences.

i brew the medicine for him to drink n he say:" yucks" but he drink it.at least something to b happy of..

went to TCM and she assign me 4 days must BD.

hahaha, my hubby say very 'shiong' leh

she is going to monitor my temperature further till next week and decide whether to proceed with 'zhen jiu'.

So boring Saturday.... Laze around at home. Have been bd alt days since last week.. Hubby tells me shiong leh... Hee..hee... Boh bian leh.. What to do.. I think I O 2 days late base on the calendar.. Having cramp and egg white dischage since Thursday... Hopefully his troops can swim and find my egg.. Praying hard

bearGE>> Jia you! Hope u will get BFP this cycle!

This cycle no hope for me. Coz hubby refuses to co-operate so nv BD during fertile period. AF shd be reporting next week. Hubby today still can ask me "Can BD tonite? Dun tell me not fertile period can't?" I shoot him back and told him "Can. But we muz BD more during fertile period also!" =s

Sometime it's all depend on whether tio or not even though we have try everything n also take everything to help during ttc... Hopefully this month is my turn bah..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just awake after dozing off when watching drama show...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hubby was watching his EPL match. Today quite relaxing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hubby has been quite co operative as of now. I just need to remind him to take those supplements. He swallow pills very good!! Can swallow the RJ, zinc and vitamin pills together.I just told him if he is not co operate with me for ttc, I will tells his mum and say he dnt want bb.. Use mil to scare him.hahaha. Anyway, he not scare de lor, I know he also want to be daddy soon that's why so good, listen to everything that I said which can help to conceive a bb.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks bear, out now shopping will hunt for those brands at one of the pharmacies. Think hub try to help cos he suddenly say wanna drop his caffeine intake and also wanna buy tomato juice...keke!

Good luck to all in their 2ww. For those ovulating, make sure you 'exercise'' more! :p

hi ladies,

i am so unlucky.. my hubby fall sick and we suppose to BD from the 1st apr till 7th apr..

we only BD once on the 1st apr when i O..

guess this cycle no chance liao...

Jan Jan,

Ya hard to say.

For my case de gynae only ask me bd 2 days I also feel my chances low but I just listen and follow lor.

Today bd in the morning and try the 2 pillow methods really Xin ku become my back ache and I doze off when waiting.

janjan, i tot preseed can help e sperms to swim faster? pls correct me if im wrong. sometimes they r just like big baby, need to coax and praise to encourage them to be good. lol

bearge, hope u get a BFP [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amy, dun worry, next cycle will be better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] JIAYOU

hub so funny, he is so excited to buy me a hpt when i missed my af. i was like -_- n said its impossible we bfp as what e gynae said in our situation. he said i gave him wet blanket. but i jus dun wana give ourselves false hope n dissappointment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good morning ladies!!!

QQem>>thanks;) really very hardworking this cycle. But as I mentioned before.. 七分努力三分运气。hahaha.. Hopefully bah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning everyone!

looks like everyone is working very hard this cycle... (but also quite a few is faced with lazy/difficult hubby!) hubby told me yesterday i shld stopped asking when is baby coming... hahaha... he thinks the more i ask, the more pressure we have, the less likely it is

i shld be having my O next week, CD7 today... anyone about same time as me??

Amy>>[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mine also should be AF reporting next week too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Holding hand together with our 2ww. JIA YOU.

Mine oso should be reporting next week... Having menses symptoms like sore breasts le... Somemore temper damn big now.. Signs of menses again.. Haiz.

Morning all

My AF was late for 2-3days....until last nite at abt 3a.m, my husband disturbed me by fingering me....then got blood...this morning also got abit...(not spotting definitely)....sian man! Usu 1st day of AF will be heavy flow anot? Sometimes i will, sometimes no. (cannot remember).

Hoping that i will have a light chance...but i know unlikely cos did not BD on impt period.

Hi morning ladies!!

I don't think I can try this cycle. CD 20 and my temp is like rollercoaster!! Up and down! Never happen to me before...opk also negative thru out...haiz...i think I better focus after my AF reports [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I see some brown and red discharge today... only CD25 for me...AF reporting early this month think no hope this month liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i will usually have light brown discharge for a day or so before full AF comes. perhaps you want to test to see if you have BFP?

i will see the discharge for another 2-3 days. duno why somehow i dun hv the feeling of being BFP leh...thats why i dare not test....thinking to wait for another few days....

when is the best time to test ah? im DPO9 today...juts wanna know how many more days before i can test...

but then again i got the symptoms for menses...so not pinning high hopes but secretly still wishing...

queenly, depending on how sensitive the test strips are... some are so sensitive can test 4 days before AF due... but also depends on how much hcg u have.

my AF irregular...usually is 35-40 days but got 1 cycle 50 days so i oso dunno how to gauge....if i predicted my O correctly which is last Sat then AF will report this sat....maybe i wait until then ba...but sian lah the symptoms slowly all come...

actually really a bit sian...especially with ppl keep asking when i wan bb....

Queenly, i understand what u mean... just last weekend, my aunt made me bring home a baby rocker!!!! we were like huh???!!!!! no news yet they keep passing bb stuff to us... my home now machiam store room for bb things... everyday walk past those bb things see liao also sian...

KWXY, seems like drinking red date tea really helps! my bbt is on higher side already.... so i take that as a good sign! heee...

hi peapea, my O shld be next wkend too. Trying nt to be too stressed over it.

those in 2WW now, jia you! drink more warm water & less cold drinks.


then lets hold hand together! lets drink more red date tea during this period of time

hhahaha... im using two ways to chart my bbt. fertility friend and ipod app. both are giving me different date for O. one is 13th the other is 16th. but fertility friend is predicting that my luteal period is 17 days instead of 14 due to my last cycle...

and now, i am confused!

hey ladies,

this is weird but i am experiencing cramps on my lower right abdominal. feels like sharp cramps like that... not supposed to have O cramp so soon yet as O by right is next week.... does O cramps comes one week in advance? cuz fertility friend predicting next wed is O..


i had the same kind of cramps and i went online to check. Apparently the cramps can be before O during O and after O but not sure its before can be 1 week advance anot.

