(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Valerie >> for the past 2 cycles, I see the discharge like 1 week before full AF. So my cycle was 38 days last month.

Amy>> not sure if it's implantation bleeding..I hope so too...but then.. this discharge look like the one that always come before my full AF leh..


hi peapea, based on online calculator, it's 10-16 Apr, but if based on my own estimation (2wks before AF), it shld be 14-19.. so got to OT from 10-19 lol

Hello Ladies...

Sigh I think I this cycle no hope liao. AF supposed to be due either tmr or end of this week, and I'm already getting cranky + mild cramps.


as long as AF is not here yet, the hope is always there..

I also thot so previously, mild cramps, bloated.. but it ended with a surprise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jia you!

haha... lynn, mine is able same period as urs! online calculator say 10-13th, my ipod app say 13-17...

so now i guess have to work from 10 - 17th... hahaha

Haha... thanks for the encouragement, dacylet. I'm feeling bloated actually, but I've been feeling like this every cycle for the last 3 months, so I've just decided to discount it :p

Hi dacylet,

i am using fertility friend and period planner. personally find fertility friend better as it helps to analyze the bbt chart and all...

tethysea>> Which CD u in? My AF also due this or next week. BearGE same as us. Me not pinning any hope as u gals knew, hubby wasn't co-operative. =x The 3 of us in 2WW. I sure hope both u and bearGE will strike and shower me wif BB dust! =D

QQem>> Thanx for the encouragement! Yup, believe next cycle will be better! =)

Hi ladies, Today is CD10. Was feeling horny last night but hubby came back super later and din manage BD.

I told him the next 4 days are critical fertile days for me, he needs to come back home early to do night activities. hahaha...

Hope we all will be better luck this round.

busy till now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amy>> Me also dont pin much hope as on and off having cramp. Last nite lagi best..stomach pain, LS. tonight go home and make the red dates tea.. i guess have been taking cold drink over the weekend lead to tummy pain. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Amy, i oso in my 2ww....i think my AF due this Sunday....hope those of us in 2ww will have ppl strike!!! N blss us with babydust [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh think many of us on 2WW... Hope we all can strike soon! The wait is terrible... I having sore boobs, stomach a bit cramp, low mood too...

I also cutting down on cold drink and coffee..trying out the instant red date drink, not sure of it's as effective though.

Anyway going for holiday in 2 more weeks.. Hopefully AF fast come and go then can try again during my holiday in Macau.

jjj_mummy>> ya lor especially recently hot weather.. Hee.. Hee... Now drinking red date tea[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes girls, pls drink red dates drink in your 2ww...avoid cold drinks...but then again...i was in low mood and bought a KOI to pamper myself just now!!

Hubby and I gg to jb for supper!! Chat with you girls tmr!! Loveeeee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kwxy>> So nice to go JB for supper. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Enjoy your date with your hubby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Me have been controlling not to buy bubble milk tea. Esp when i came back from taiwan, i really fall in love with bubble milk tea. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But then, for the sake of bb, i must not drink as heard that it is very cooling for our body.

AF report today.. Gonna work hard again next cycle. Think my cycle back to the normal 30-32 days again.. Used to come in the beginning of the month...

Been having very itchy nipples for the past few weeks.. Tried applying aloe vera gel...but still don't work... Any gals experience before??

morning ladies!

windy, havent have such experience before.. for me it stops after a while... but whenever i have sore boobs, i will take evening primose oil and it goes away after a way...

anyway, jia you and good luck for the new cycle! im taking instant red date tea myself too.. i think need to drink it while it is hot... personally, i found my bbt increased after regular consumption

Thanks peapea... How often do u drink red date tea? I find it too sweet for me.. Usually I add more water. Gonna lose some weight so trying to cut down on sweet drinks also...

Maybe I should consult a doc soon if hr itchy nipple don't go away soon...


i take it once a day. either i use a giant cup, or i will fill it inside my water bottle... so it is more diluted.. ha!

Hi Gals,


Super tired, today really set up alarm to wake up early to BD than also put 2 pillows below buttock for 30 mins really tiring. But finally this month mission over waiting for result in 2 weeks times haha.


I also got itchy nipple i went to c doc than she give me cream to apply lor.

But she got ask me is it i change new bra or detergent i say no than she touch to make sure no lump lor she jus say maybe allergic lor.


i also drink it at night before i sleep must use bigger cup lor if not very sweet.

Good morning ladies!!! CD21....still no news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Harlow ladies!!

How is everyone doing?

For red date longan, try not to drink it at night near to your bedtime as will cause water retention. The next morning u will see that your face is more puffy.


i dont like it sweet so i just brew the red date n longan with no sugar at all.

Taste au naturel for me.

Btw red dates with seeds is more heaty so if u find too heaty for yourself, go get the seedless ones from sinseh.


bbt after mc tends to bea bit haywire.

Hang in there yah.

A Big Hi to All!

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Hi lynzi dearie!! Yes! I see my bbt chart I dunno to laugh or to cry...up down up down! Haha

You hang in there too!! You have my prayers! Loveeee

Hi ladies! Cd15 WaitIng for O[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jas- gd luck! Hope to hear some gd news fm u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hang in there!

Windy- new cycle new hope, drink more red dates tea to warm yr womb so Tat feel more comfy during Af report.

Kwxy- hang in there!

Peapea- which cd r u now?

Lynzi>> quite sometime have not hear from you le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee..hee...

Me having migraine again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hoping it will goes off soon. I guess the weather is too warm today. Must drink more water. Hubby fall sick le.. i still can tells him, go see doctor and take medicine as now i no need your troop, hahaha hubby stare at me said i no heart.

kwxy>> although this cycle has been very hardworking with hubby, but still worry lor..as do not know whether will strike or not as keep having cramp on and off this few days and also having migrain today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] worry AF may report early. today cd19,should be 6dpo

Dolma, my o still not here!! Haiz...haywired [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Thanks dear.

Peapea, Bearge,


Me been very busy and when im home i tend to collapse on bed..haha

Today on childcare leave cos my boy fall sick again and im worse off than him..sigh.

Luckily my boy still active but the mummy is feeling horrible..heavy head, body feel out of sorts, nose running like tap water, coughing till my chest and throat hurt and im losing my voice..help!!! hahaha..

Got no meds some more..im hoping my body can get over the common cold asap.

peapea>> thanks, same goes to you too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kwxy>> dun gan chiong, O will come de, be patience ok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bearge>> take care of yrself, drink lots of water and have plenty of rest[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good luck to your 2wwk and really pray for a bfp for you this cycle[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lynzi>> you too take care, drink lots of water tats the only natural remedy.

windy>> Dun worry.. New cycle new hope! =) Gambatte for yr new cycle!

Queenly>> Think my AF is due next Wed, based on my prev cycle. But if based on my painful nipples sympton from prev cycle, shd be this week. Waiting for AF very sianz.. Esp when I want it to come fast as I know this cycle no hope!

peapea>> I have been brewing and drinking red dates & longan tea every weekend. And I also think my BBT has increased since drinking. Have recorded slightly higher BBT readings compared to previously.

lynzi>> Do rest well and take care of yrself.

bearGE>> Might be implantation cramps also. Remb reading somewhere that implantation might have cramps and brown discharge. Keep yr chin up! Am sure yr hard work will be rewarded. =)

lynzi, do take of yourself. there is quite a bad virus going around. i know of ppl who are not well enough after one month! a lot of babies are getting this virus too! u need a lot of sleep and lots of water...

amy, i know your feeling.. i was having that the previous cycle... now i cant wait for O to come... but im dreading the 2WW!!!

KWXY, you didnt test anything on OPK?

amy>> I have cramp on and off, but i do not have brown discharge... thats why i do not think is implantation bah. Just praying hard for this cycle.

we in 2WW de really hope will have someone strike...gives us hope oso good.

for me...sure AF coming liao....AF symptoms all here...now just hope faster come so can start new cycle.

HB suggest to go c doc if this cycle nothing....but we tried 4 months only leh....

Peapea, im using the cheap but high sensitive OPK strips...if see dark line then i use clearblue to reassure it...so far...today only faint line...hope i will see dark dark this week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW the OPK hor i realized need to wait quite a while to see the results. I rem when i just started using i see nothing then i throw le....but this cycle i kept all the stips then realized actually must wait like 10-15 mins then the line will appear...

Hi, am new here and hoping to join you in the TTC journey as I am trying for a dragon bb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have PCOS but was told by my gynae that I am still ovulating naturally so don't need any medication. I am not doing much but taking BBT and using OPKs.

Just to share, my gynae said that ovulation would normally occur 24-36 hours from time you test positive on the OPKs. I tested my OPKs twice a day to see if this was true and it was. I tested positive at 10pm and the next day (2pm and 10pm) but it turned negative the following day (2pm) and this corresponded with my BBT. So maybe, if you really want to catch the surge, can consider testing twice a day. HTH...

Queenly, for OPKs, I think you should not be reading the results after 10 mins. Think the best time to read the results is around 5 mins. For me, when I test positive, the line appears quite fast but I wait till abt 5 mins to make sure it is really positive.

Minibunny, I normally start to bd only when I test positive on the OPK coz I have irregular cycles and I bd 2 consecutive days since I ovulate within 24-36 hours so no point bd-ing alternate days as my ovulation will be over. Different pple might bd differently so you might want to ask the other ladies here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

queenly and KWXY,

can i check with you, if after i wait for 10-15 then both line same color, considered +ve for OPK?

cuz once i tested, initially line very faint but after 5 mins, the line is same color as control line

i think sperms can stay in body for longer time so can BD a few days b4 ovulation ba...

i think best is if have the EWMC then start to BD since it helps the sperms to swim up....


EWCM is usually the most accurate to predict o.

Good ewcm will help swimmers to swim up better n stay alive longer.

It will be good to bd at least once before o to clear the old troops.

