(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

tethysea, windy>> Was too upset last nite to do anything.. Anyway, he chose to watch anime and play wif our dog then bath and go bed earlier last nite.. So he's not tat into having a BB for now.. Haiz.. So upset tat i feel like crying when writing this in the train..


amy, you ok?? maybe he also feel pressure la... u must keep your spirits up! relax mood = ttc higher chance??!! so jia you ok!

dolma! so long nv see your nick i was wondering where u disappear to liao!

QQem, did you test???~~

KWXY and tethysea, both your hubbys very sweet lor!

Amy>> *hug hug* dnt cry.. Take it easy. Dnt stress too much over ttc. Go natural bah, if not really no feel when bd, only for the sake of bb then bd lor. My Hubby also complaining to me now I only want his troops nia.. Said I don't love him anymore.. Lol..


We do BD every week, juz tat yest urgent coz of wat I think is the fertile mucus.. Don't think is pressure.. But he juz wasn't co-operative last nite.. =(

BearGe>> Thanx for the hugs.. Need tat lorz.. So upset..

peapea, JC>> Thanx for the encouraging words. =) But dunno if still fertile or not.. This morn no more mucus le.. Was dry feeling.. =( No mood to BD over weekend lorz..

amy *hugz* maybe he's really tired. Don't stress out. Just BD whenever u guys r up to. My first BFP wasn't exactly planned plan, i only recall BD more often that mth, nt just O wk. Relax, increase frequency & u would strike.. It's gd to "replenish" sperms every wk, keep supply fresh.

i heard that it is good to bd regularly before your O too.. so that supply is fresh...

my af this cycle very weird lei.. .a lot of blood clots on the first two days, so now af seems like coming to an end... but my flow is usually for 7 days and i am only at CD4 today

Morning Gals,


CD11 for me today, just when i tot this mth is R & R cycle for me due to hubby need go overseas during my O date but end up his trip delay to next week.

Based on the gynae advise must BD this sunday, yesterday i was telling him tis sun wake up early BD and his reply was HUH??? so sickening i tell him suan lor dun wan lor.

I think we really get fustrated when hor we koe is the important day to BD and they give the hack care attitude lor.

lynn>> Thanx! I am okie le.. After ranting like some mad woman here.. Haha.. =) Miss this cycle nvm, take as observation cycle lorz.. Will try harder next cycle! =D Now can't wait for AF to come and then can start on Conceive Well for next cycle.

peapea>> Maybe it's juz shorter this cycle.. Dun need worry.. =)


Ya lor so i tinking BD 13 & 15 lor 2 days only and tat sickening man also dun wan to cooperate really so angry lor.

Sometime i feel is we too eager to have or is they not eager to have but when AF come they so disappointed so really dun koe they is wan or dun wan baby de.

Hi ladies

morning...I nw seeing doc at marine parade..

Intro by my fren. He n his wife went once n they strike after seeing the Chinese physician..

hahaha... all these talks about bd makes me cant wait for AF to end and start bd-ing!

amy, i took conceive well before. didnt really like it cuz it makes me throw up after that... will suggest for u to take after food so it is better... i usually take my supplements in the morning without food.. maybe that is why i threw up... i was at eu yang sang yesterday and so surprised to see them selling blackmores products there! bought bai fong wan cuz heard for some people that it helps...

Ladies, I have this thick, white discharge today. Where in the cycle am I for today? So surprised to see the slippery, wet discharge become this.

Morning pretty ladies!!

CD17!! Temp still low at 36.3...usually my temp will start to raise slowly to 36.6 - 36.8....whats wrong with me...I got a strong feeling that though i have the eggy but Im not gg to O... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

JC>> Haha.. I have the intention to do tat.. But in a more subtle way.. Haha.. Seduce him to bed! ^_^

peapea>> Conceive well so jia lat arh? But bought le lez, dun try like waste money.. =x Bai fong wan will help in conceiving? Me eating EPO to regulate menses now.


Later their machine dun cooperate also jia luk.


Not only you must eat your hubby also must eat some supplement.

The gynae prescribe to my hubby is vit E because my hubby like allergic to royal jelly.


i took ur advice and bought the royal jelly.. now hubby very guai.. everyday eat royal jelly and multi vitamin... he got strong desire to become daddy before he reach 30. hahahah but hor, kordel 4 bottles of royal jelly is really a lot! dont know when can finish!

amy, i read from threads that it is helpful.. asked the EYS lady yesterday she said take 3 days after menses and then after that once a week ie 3 bottles a month.. her customers saw results after 2-3 months.. nt sure true or not... but then cuz i have been reading that lots of blood clot ie womb is liang, so im taking BFW to just "bu" my womb... hahahahah

KWXY, do u need to go back to see your gynae again?


Ya my hubby like take vit very on ley he put a bottle of water beside the bed n the vit than wake up eat liao haha.

Ya lor 4 bottles leh and hor now i alone eating today i see left 1 pill means 2mrw finish 1 bottle le but still 3 more to go leh.At 1st tot share share with my hubby mah who knows he cnt eat lor.

amy, im not too sure...or rather i will O late...i shall google it...hehe.

peapea, doc said i no need to go bk to him for now...the lining is ok and body ok now..he only said im gg to O...but i dunno when...or have i O already??!! hahhaha....confusing...nvmind...always got next cycle to try.


ya, just BD la!! saw from the other TTC thread that one of them just got BFP.. and she didnt bother to use opk or preseed... just relax and whack!

anyway, you could be more fertile now too! =) so jia you!!


sorry ah.. kind of curious... cuz i always find BD in the morning more difficult esp weekdays.. how do u do it??!!! set alarm very early?? cuz must at least lie still for 30 mins right??

jas, im gg to try double pillow this cycle! hahaha

Dearies, you dont rem im not working and full time ttc?? hehe

normally hubby will come and find me in the morning...In the morning is a fast fast one lah...he still need to go work ah...so after that i will be a like camel and store his troops and go bk to slp...then wake up after 1-2 hours then wash up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Normally only BD at night during weekends, when he is not so tired.

BTW, my last BFP was BD in the morning...no night duty at all...coz was during the CNY festive period...so at night no energy le...haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya i rem but is curious ur hubby because he need wk.

Ya think heard before morning better maybe more powerful haha.

KWXY>> How I wish to stay at home like u! *Envy* But we can't do w/o me not working.. Both of us earn too little.. =(

I think the thick white discharge is indicating the end of fertile period.. So sad.. =(

we tried it in the morning...not very difficult lah, just woke up half an hr or 1 hr early, BD liao than go back snooze a while.

after i start seeing TCM, i stop eating my conceive well liao. I think still got more than half left.

TCM say it is okie to eat, as long not together. Maybe 1-2 hr interval.


I think easy for me but hard for my hubby every morning ask him wake up go wk also a tough task for me le he can laze on bed for 1/2 an hr than late for wk lor.

So i tinking ask him wake up BD he more dun wan hahaha

js>> our hubby similar pattern! Every day have to kick him out of bed.. And he loves to set his alarm one hour early - and I am the one waking up.. =_=" Guess for the 2 of us, only can BD at nite.

windy>> Did u get a positive OPK?

Ya lor, esp if we are all working, its really hard to bd in the morning. I think most importantly is just whack during our fertile times la... in fact also must be stress free la, most of my friends who got bfp all hag care and bd every alternate days then strike de. I think its to bd more to get higher chance.


Ya i so angry every morning like tat lor become i wk later than him but i need wake up same timing sickening de lor.

I shall c if he wan cooperate tis sun since is a weekend haha.

so we shall just bd alternate days during fertile period???

eh i also cant bd in the morning.. unless it is weekend.. cuz both myself and hubby finds it hard to wake up early to do it... hahaha

peapea>> i think thats wat most ppl did during fertile period, jus whack la..hahaha I'm still waiting for O, not so soon probably next week...

jas>> We tried BD last Sun morn, whilst in Malacca. It was so funny coz we were rushing to do it at around 11am and check out time was around 12 noon. Think may juz do it tonite and on Sun morning, even thou seems like fertile period is over.. =x

hahaha... i understand lor, cos somethings must get hubby to co-operate else also no use la, it takes 2 hands to clap[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bear cd15 today.. Base on calendar already after O as my cycle is 27 days. But just input more troop during this weekend[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee..hee... Hubby said cannot tell him when is the peak day or week as he very stress. Like need to bd for bb then bd.. Hahaha... I guess need to think for Hubby feeling too.. Unintentionally has neglect his feeling, make use of him becoz of his troops;)

hahahah and we all want our hubby to deposit happy troops so they can quickly locate the egg and attack the egg and have a happy baby!

We also ke lian, coz muz note when is fertile period.. =p

Next cycle will juz seduce hubby to bed when it's fertile period! Oooppss.. R-rated liao.. =x

Amy>> hahaha u so cute la.... but no choice lei if we dun do it this way things dun work in our favour hor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For me, we never BD in the morning as firstly too rush and secondly I feel that both are quite smelly in the morning, like oily face and stinky mouth...how to enjoy like this? kekeke...


go for a quick bath before BD...haha

my hubby also always set the alarm to wake me up, so that i can wake him up.

Crazy one, usually i set ard 6.45, he will set 6am. Until i scold him, he than change to 7pm.

