(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!


Thks! M wondering isit becos of the yoga that makes my AF come late or wat? I juz started to learn yoga in beginning Mar. Today oredi CD37. I nvr had so long cycle b4. 顺其自然吧...

Oh dear, u sick of confinement food oredi? When I had my mini confinement, I told myself take it as a practice for the real confinement, keke.. To make myself feel better...

Actually, I really drag Apr to come cos nx month supp to b my EDD. But well, life has to carry on, rite? Think God has sthg better planned for me as I lost that little one...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_wink.gif]

sorry, I hope my little resentment here does not affect u...


hi KWXY, BB dust all over u! =)

hi sunshine, hold a while.. better late & get a gd solid BFP =)

Sharing what my sinseh told me, green tea, lime juice etc is not gd, avoid as much as possible. If womb too liang, it's harder to conceive. In fact I am not allowed to drink cold drinks now. Irregular AF & clots are signs of cold womb which i tio all the above signz.. gd that i am not addicted to coffee/tea or cold drinks.

* ps: 1 ttc-mate ask abt my fren's gynae, i am still waiting for my friend to get back to me. will pm u once i hv info.


thanks for the info shared... i was wondering why i am having so much clots during this AF... maybe my womb too liang... so avoid green tea and lime juice is it? anything else?

lynn>> Any other things can;t eat or drink? Desserts like green bean soup, cheng teng also cannot? Oh dear... Guess I muz really go cold turkey on my green tea le...

Sthg to share abt tea. My hairdresser n her sisters are all fans of tea and she advised me not to take tea during TTC. If not, MC rate quite high. I m a teh-luver and v diff to kick that habit. Until tis yr, I happ to mit up wif this 'teacher' who is expert in chinese tea. She oso commented that not to take tea when it has turned cold. V harmful to body, esp women. Since then onwards, I try to stop my bubble teh n my fav, teh terik. Once every fornight I will award myself wif a cup for being obedient, ha! but prob half a cup n of cos, it was served hot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

A penny for thought...

it depends on each person's body-base, mine is rather liang, i can take heaty herbs and wont fall sick, so i hv to totally avoid those liang food. Tea is known to be liang. I would also avoid cheng teng and green bean soup unless hv no choice aka heatiness. Maybe for some of u gals, ur body don't hv to be so strict, moderation intake ba.

Sinseh did say, at least avoid all these nearer to O and during 2WW, that's the critical period for bb to form & sticky. He gives me some pills & syrup to take daily, containing heaty hearbs like dang gui. Can consider hving chicken w dan gui more often? Apparently danggui is used for pregnancy/aid in pregnancy for 1800yrs (!) Danggui is really heaty cos i do feel my throat a bit itchy in the morning though i wont hv sore throat *touch wood*

peapea>> Yah lorz, I read and was thinking maybe it is this reason why haven strike BFP yet.. Okie.. Have to go cold turkey once my AF is here.. Anything to get a sticky BFP!

sunshine>> Thanx for sharing!

i give up on teh peng and bubble tea too..

it is mind over matter...i used to drink teh peng everyday. Once u stop thinking about it, u will not have the craving.

I think some gers here drink ribena if u wan something sweet. If i feel like drinking soething sweet, i go for fruit juice nowadays.

bring a small bottle of water. Once thirsty, just drink

Amy, what blood test u doing? My cycle ard the same time like u... Last cycle was 37days... Think now cd21... Tested opk all neg for the past few days... I don't care Liao just bd as and when we want.. Hope can strike soon..


i agree wif u. Mind over matter! I oso told myself, either u want BB or teh.. So i choose bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].. I oso started to drink ribena n soya milk. Any idea soya milk ok?


Hw abt chrysanthemum tea? Or 8 treasure tea(八宝茶) whereby u can ctrl the sugar by adding the amt of rock sugar u want?

i have been drinking red date tea.... but while on course couldnt resist and start my green tea again.. need to go through cold turkey...

not sure about english tea though.... but im also curious! cuz i love teh o

Hi ladies, gd morning!! Me is kopi lover. Have been controlling a cup per day. As for teh, i guess is too liang for body, include English tea too bah. As I remember my mum mentioned to me when af reporting cannot drink tea as the flow will be more.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sunshine>> Chrysanthemum tea or 8 treasure tea can drink arh? Then I will switch to tat better.. haha.. actually I drink green tea coz I believe can reduce weight.. More of a mind thingy.. Think I shd kick my green tea addict coz I wan BB! =)

Windy>> My blood test for quite a few stuffs tat my 1st blood test results had not-too-gd results.. One of them was prolectain. I think our cycle days are quite close! Me at CD 25 today. Started testing OPK from CD 15, still nv spotted a positive OPK.. =(

hi sunshine, go easy on soya milk.

I had a terrible experience recently. I sprained my toe during CNY (high heels!) and felt slight pain. I thought nothing much abt it, though the pain din go away totally. I was drinking 1 glass of soya milk almost daily. Last wk my toe pain got so bad that i limped to see TCM. End up the sprain has recovered but because of the high protein (soya milk) intake, urine acid built up at that little toe & my joints swollen up. Sinseh said everything moderation, no need to drink everyday etc. I stop drinking for 2wks & it recovered. Females tend to retain higher urine acid (acidic urine), especially pregnancy, so hv to go easy. Drink plenty of water helps too.

hey gals,

i am just curious, who is trying for their #1 over here?

i just had my wedding in dec.. this will be our #1.. hubby seems to be getting impatient with the waiting.. ha

me! tot i'm married in 2004 :p v old bride here... we are going for a long hol trip to US in May, hb say if no news then, we will do health check & seek help. I told him if i reach 35 n still no news, maybe dun start family... I'm scare that i wont hv energy for bb when i am much older. feel down when my friends' kids are growing older & older, some entering primary sch liao but i yet to even hv an egg.

Gals, I juz went to the ladies and when I wiped, I have this clear, stretchable discharge. Had a little of tat last nite but when I tested OPK yest nite, it was negative. I can only test OPK tonite when I get home. So, is this any indication of "IT" i.e. my fertile period?

Hi peapea, I'm trying for #1 also! My 2nd wedding anniversary coming up, so we finally decided we have enjoyed our 二人世界 for long enough liao... heh.

I have genetic hyperuricemia, so I can't eat bean products, mushrooms, spinach, etc. Unfortunately, these foods are also the best source of folic acid. I'd say eat in moderation and stick to folic acid supplements when you're pregnant, because some pregnant women will develop gout or diabetes during pregnancy when the baby is pressing down on some vital organs.

amy, your fertile period could be here! actually i heard that sometimes when OPK is +ve the egg has already came out.. so ppl advise to deposit the troops at the opening of where egg is coming out earlier... ie, BD before u get +ve OPK! weekend is coming! you should be in a more relax mood! heee

good to know so many ppl are also trying for their #1! hee... lets jia you! cant wait for O period to come... two more weeks... looking forward to the BDs actually... hahaha

could i check, any of u here using pre-seed? do u use the applicant to insert in the pre-seed?

im try for my #1 too....29 this year and married for 1.5 years...

for me very weird, my EWCM comes a few days before i get a + OPK then for this cycle now i'm DPO 5 i still got a bit discharge....i tot supposed to not get it after O

Haha.. I already informed hubby to be back earlier tonite.. He is gg out wif frenz, so ordered him to be back early. ^_^ Quite relaxed mood.. Surfing net u=during office hours lehz.. =x

I was quite worried that I may not get my fertile period or positive OPK at all.. Tonite will test OPK but will BD no matter positive OPK or not! =)

Queenly?? We are the same age! Married slightly longer.. Will be married for 2 years in May. But tea ceremony only holding in June this year. Haha..

Gals, can check if I do get a positive OPK, means wat? 1st or last day of O?

A Big Hi to All!

High sensitive (20 mIU) OPKs for proper detection of LH surge (ovulation)

Ultra sensitive (10 mIU) HPTs for use as early as 4 days before missed period

Priced at $0.50 to $0.60 per strip (expiry 12/2012). Free normal postage > 5 strips, fast delivery guaranteed.

Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ $220

Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ $46.50 (with free HPTs)

Clearblue digital ovulation (smiley face) 7 sticks @ $45.90 *in stock*

Clearblue digital pregnancy with conception indicator (tells how many weeks pregnant) 2 sticks @ $27.90 *in stock*

Special packages incl Pre-seed, Basal Thermometer also available.

Next day delivery is available for items in stock.

Please see my website at www.bbshop01.blogspot.com for more details or email [email protected]


Thks for yr info. Ya, i rem someone told me that if got arthritis or gout, got to cut down on soya pdt...

u gers r quite young compared to me., I actually rch my 35 tis yr. Thats y i'm desp for a child. When young, think later can try... Now tis age liao, try oso doesnt mean hv... I gotta Gambeta!!!!

today CD38 liao.. still no sign of AF but boobs oso not sore. Dun know wats wrong wif me...


The way I interpret wif my OPK instruction manual, once u spot a +ve in yr strip. Egg will be released in 12-36hr.

N i read some articles that different CM means different fertile level. If clear, stcky, watery CM during yr O days, means u r fertile. if got EWCM n stretchy, means u r v v fertile. So when u r 'wet' juz BD lor.

Sunshine>> Maybe u wait a couple more days and test during weekend? When's yr AF due? Mine is the clear, sticky & watery CM. How does EWCM looks like? Is it clear too? Sorry for the stupid qn, coz I still very blur.. =p

Sunshine>> I hope we can hear some positive news! All the best! ^_^ *Shoos sunshine's AF away*

Thanks for the articles, will read them tonite. =)


ya, SHOO...ooo...ooo.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/nono.gif]dun come.. dun come... BB, come.. Bb, come...


Jiayou sunshine!!

Yday went out with hubby...hubby decided to change his car to a MPV 7 seaters...he kept telling the dealer that he is looking for a car thats suitable for bigger family.

Then on the way home...i asked hubby what if the family dont get bigger...he just said...it will, it will [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yr DH so sweet n v encouraging.. Def it will! Jia you!!

Speaking of that, these few nites my DH keep talking to my tummy n said, 'bb, r u there?'.. I find him quite cute loh..

I remb I read somewhere in the forum someone said her dog knew she was preggie even b4 she herself realised.. Wondering if my doggie will tell in future if I am so lucky to be preggie? =p

sunshine, you hubby so cute! haha

Today CD16...so long...when is my O coming?? 32-35 days cycle...i think O coming ard CD18-19...praying hard!!

Hi Amy, did you go to a gynae or GP to do blood test? I'm thinking to do a health checkup...but not sure whether should go KK or just approach GP or gynae.. ha...our cycle really similar... was quite 'wet' yday...got BD lah..but then today I test OPK -ve again leh.. wonder whether got O or not.

Peapea, me also trying for #1. Married for 1 year plus liao...now ready to TTC. Been actively trying since last Oct but still no news...sigh..

BearGe, me also Kopi addict...every morning must at least 1 cup...like a habit...sigh..

windy>> Long story.. ANyway, the blood test is done at KKH, so all my follow up is there for now.. U can go straight to KKH or to a gynae to do the health check-up. U got positive OPK yest? I nv got a positive OPK.. Dunno is this juz a false alarm, making me happy, think I shd be fertile..

Juz to rant a bit.. Yest when I saw the little bit of sticky discharge, hubby say he very tired so nv BD.. Today already told him come back early.. Now then came back.. Feeling quite pissed off now.. Dun even know if he is interested in having BB or not.. =(

Windy>> me too. Morning must need a cup to make myself awake. I read frm article one cup a day is all right. Not too many cup, as will lead to MC. Have been bd alt day since having symptom of O-ing.. Tired tired. Going to Zzzzz soon. Lucky tmr is Friday!! Going for my dental appt[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Amy: Don't be upset... that can delay the O! Relax, keep calm.

I was watching this US TV series about couples in different stages of marriage/relationship called "Tell Me You Love Me", and one of the couples in the show also ttc... the hubby got super sian after a while cos he felt like the wife just treats him like a sperm-machine. I think as much as we want to get pregnant, must be a "labour of love"... so don't stress each other out lar ;)

KWXY, ya hb is soooo sweet.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but changing car now couldnt it be pricey?

Hello gals! dolma is back from overseas work trip. So many of you gals O-ing must jiayou jiayou!!

Last whole week was in HK on working trip, my co-colleagues in the head office, 1 giving birth soon, 1 just gave birth and another is on the way, so jealous lor! hahahaha... but anyway I was so excited and amazed that I must update here,just 2 weeks ago I dreamt of a friend giving birth and then just today I got news that she is pregnant with #2 liao. So amazing hor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I ever dreamt that I got positive hpt but only in the dream never come true de, dun understand y can dreamt of others and become true, dreamt of myself never come true[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thanks nnyl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

am oso ttc for #1, married for half a yr liao.

i hope we can have some gd news from those who r in 2ww, to give us some encouragement.

Dolma, did u tell ur friend tt u dreamt of her giving birth? my fren dreamt tt i gave birth, e first thing she did was call n tell me, hubby oso dreamt tt i had twins. but nv ever happen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my colleague jus gave birth today, and she even asked me to help her name her baby. seeing her newborn, how i wish i have one in my arms [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anybody had any idea if moving house will affect menses? recently in a midst of moving house. last menses on 19 feb till now. mine used to be very regular but this 2 mth jus simplyh gone completely haywire till i cant even be bothered.

my mum even ask my nephew to put his ear and listen to my tummy, really -_____-


QQem, late for so long? Did u test?? High chance leh!! Good luck!!

Amy, dun be upset lah.. Maybe sometimes ur Hubby really tired. Actually I think they quite poor thing... Most can only bd when we ask them too... Sometimes I find that the kind of 'feel' is gone cos we bd just for bb...

