(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

actually for me the EWCM comes like 1 week before my O leh....i think maybe for diff ppl diff bodies ba....so now i only depends on the OPK


Usually when I have EWCM will start to BD alt days and then when +ve opk i'll BD consecutive 2-3 days. But then again, its individual also, BD more often to have better chance ba i guess[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think for opk, usually if positive result will show up quite fast de mayb 5 mins or so.

hi ladies,

i see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for the tips.

for opk, do u start to test daily from CD10?

minibunny, for OPK testing, it depends on your cycles. If you have regular cycles of around 28-30 days, you can start from CD10. If you have irregular cycles, like me, I was told by my gynae to test from CD16 onwards as I will probably ovulate between CD16 and CD26.

hi nb01,

my cycles sometimes accurate sometimes irregular..guess is due to stress that it came late [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think i start to test from cd10 for this cycle... and see.. starting to take bbt this cycle too hopefully can detect O.

1 more awkward question, sometimes after bd, i feel a lot of troops flow out.. wonder if there are troops deposited after bd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nb01>> I guess we are pretty closed in terms of cycle, mine also will O during this period of time, but i tend to test 2 days earlier like CD14 in case.

amy and queenly>> pls dun give up hope yet, no see red still got chance, jiayou gals[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i used to have that prob too but i read that it is normal half hour after BD the semen will turn watery and will flow out. but i find using pre-seed helps cuz the amt flowing out has lessen..

jas, i know u used the two pillow method liao.. how is it ah? is it uncomfortable?

Dolma, we can be cycle buddies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also intend to test from CD14 in case I O early. Don't want to miss any chance. Hee

Minibunny, I put my bum on a pillow for 15-30 mins to prevent the troops from flowing out and also put a towel on the pillow as I am afraid of staining.


I feel is my back ache haha than i keep ask hubby 30 mins up le mah.Still ok la maybe early morning do i very tired so i wait until i doze off.

I use preseed also and hor i realise i use the pillow method hor like lesser semen flow out leh.

nb01, peapea,

i see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me is right away after bd, got some troops already out.. i also tried the pillow method.. but wonder if there is sufficient troops inside [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi lynzi & KWXY, do u take bbt? This is the first month i am taking bbt,3mths after D&C. The temperature range is like roller coaster. I can go low like 36.12 and jump 36.4 next day. I know my peak shld be closer to 37 but it's so weird to see it yoyo-ing meanwhile. Wondering if my body is still nt yet recovered internally?

hi peapea, I might skip red date/longgan drink this mth. my sinseh's medicine is really quite heaty, I am concerned of hving sore throat if i take the drink as well. This will be last mth for me if i still want a bb born in 2011. I told hb to be prepared for marathon next wk lol *Fingers & toes crossed*

nb01>> which CD are u at now?

peapea/jas>> thought of trying the 2 pillow method this cycle too, but a bit worried cos later instead of depositing the troops becomes all flow out...

lynn>> guess our bbt fluctuates daily, its pretty normal, as long as u can detect O from bbt charting.


Dun worry I try I feel really lesser semen flow out ley. Just try every cycle is like am experiment trying diff method.

jas>> oh okok, i think i will standby the 2 pillows at the side, aft BD jus get hubby to put under my butt for me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahaha

hahahaa... ok... im gg to try two pillows then... jas, all the best ah! hahaha

lynn, i just told my hubby yesterday too! ask him is he up for it the entire week! hahahahah

Dolma, I am CD25 now. Normally my cycles are 35 days but getting more haywire and going to around 40+ days. Hoping this cycle will be less than 40 since I O on CD23.

Jas, I only use 1 pillow. Think 2 pillows is too high for me and like minibunny, I already got some troops flowing out when I elevate so scared even more will flow out if I use 2 pillows. But yes, I do feel less flowing out when I use this method. Dolma, you can try 1 pillow if you are worried.

Btw, like your saying that every cycle is like experimenting something new. Hee


I used to use 1 pillow but I see gynae he ask me use 2 so I just follow instructions I really wonder if it makes a differences?

nb01, preseed is good for fertility as it is make to condition as if it is our EWCM.

about UTI, i heard from my doc before the best is to pee immediately after doing it.. something about the process causes it to increase risk of UTI. but nowadays, i try to clear my bladder like ten mins before im going to do it...

erm, im not sure if ppl with UTI can use preseed. but preseed is to be inserted directly into our *ahem* and that is a different area from where UTI develops... so im guessing the chances are low? you may want to google more about preseed.

initially, hubby and i werent aware and we used normal lub during BD. then after that realised that it is prob the reason why it affected our chance for baby...

nb01> guess we not fated this cycle to be buddy la, cos am only at CD16 today.. but all the best to you this cycle[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jiayou! previously already using the 1 pillow method, so now thought wanna try 2 and see how.

jas>> hee.... yup every cycle is a new experience lor, but good la at least we get to try different methods to see which works best for us[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good luck to you this cycle too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jaiyou!

jas, maybe I will consider trying 2 pillows then. But I heard from my other frens who strike that they are even more "kua zhang". They actually put their whole leg in the air like doing those bicycle exercises in the air. I dun think I got the stamina for that but maybe can try that if 2 pillows don't work. :p

peapea, I know abt peeing after doing it but now that we are trying, I don't think we should do it else it will cause the troops to come out. Now, I also pee before I do it and after 30 mins, when I get off the pillow. I will google more abt preseed and might check with my gynae. Tks for the advice.

Dolma, I am not trying this cycle. Decided to give it a miss coz no point trying for a rabbit bb when next month onwards, can try for dragon.

Jia you to everyone!

jas>> oh really?? great! but i haven't O yet... only spotted some creamy discharge this 2 days, opk also negative still...think mayb will O the next few days ba...


Yaya I also heard fren do tat so when de gynae tell me need for 30 mins I huh so loud because I thinking how to tahan end up he say nothing to do with leg is the buttock ley .

Hi all,

i am down with flu n sore throat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wondering should i brew the chinese medicine n drink or not..

missycandy, i went to TCM , doc hear from my pulse say i O liao.. somemore at right side.. beginning i also dun believe. when i reach home i use the Kit and test.. true enough that i O..

Jas, it is the buttocks that is the key. Noted. Will lift my bum high high.

Jan, do take care and rest well.

janjan>> wah ur tcm so zhun ah? where is the tcm located? mayb should go and try...:p oh ya, i remember last time my tcm say, if after taking the medicine got flu and sore throat stop taking the medicine cos too heaty body cannot take it, mayb u check with yr tcm again.

jas/nb01>> yup yup, its the buttock only.. hahaha


after mc or d&c, bbt will be haywire.

Especially for those who did d&c, will take longer to recover.

Minimum is at least 3 cycles.

Those natural mc will heal faster.

Hang in there ok n keep trying!

Pillow method the key is the butt not the legs.

Important to get butt elevated after bd for 30 mins so swimmers will get deposited nearest to the opening of cervix.

Gravity will help swimmers to get to cervix faster to meet egg esp during o period.

Those using preseed, preseed can also apply on your hubby's didi if u dont like too wet feeling.

Dont use other lubricant as will kill the sperms.


Hi Lynn,

We are in the same situation, today my temp is 36.5 and yday was 36.2...then went up to 36.6..like YOYO...i had my mc on the 16th March and didnt go thru D&C...was natural mc...i think we just need more time to recover.

Im also waiting for my O too but if the temp forever like...dunno how to see leh...hahah!!

Yes Lynzi,

Sometimes i applied the preseed on hubby...when OPK positive then i insert the whole tube...hehe...kiasu a bit...coz instruction did mentioned to insert preseed 10mins before BD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Or you monitor the discharge? Or c got cramp? The gynae tell me O got 3 signs. Temp will be higher, ewcm & cramp.

jas, i had plenty of EWCM last week but i didnt O...last few days got white discharge...today got nothing...,my factory siao siao already...i suspected i wil have longer cycle...my norm is 32 days...cannot imagine anything longer...faint!! if longer cycle will O late or worse...will not O!!

i was thinking if i dont O...what will happen to my 18mm eggy i saw last week? now should be 20mm!! hahah...so tempted to visit Dr Benjamin Tham to see if my egg still hanging there?? hahah

Thanks Lynzi, hopefully this cycle O will still occur.

KWXY, maybe this coming wk? I hv been feeling a bit pain/cramp on my right side this wk, also dont know if it's pending O, hopefully. meanwhile, still take care of your health & continue to bu.

peapea, i keep reminding my hubby abt next wk agenda. He is giving me the "sure or nt" face lol We try to make the whole process less stressful & more fun. We are going for 2wks hol next mth, hb say if by time we come back fr US no news we will do health check & seek help.

I find I can't test my CM at all if got BD... can't tell the difference! Anyway, it's ironic but I've noticed the EWCM all my life without knowing what it is, and now that I'm ttc I don't see the EWCM at all -_-;;

Kwxy, when I saw my gynae and he scanned and saw the 18mm egg, he told me I should O within 1-2 days and that is what happened and it was double confirmed by my opks and BBT. Maybe you have O-ed but didn't detect? But maybe you want to continue testing to see if you really O late.

Hi lynzi, thanks for the tips on the red date tea. But I drinking the instant type. Too lazy to make myself =)

I also tried the pillow method leh... sometimes I doze off while my butt is on the pillow...haha..a bit suan after that... hmm...not effective so far leh...maybe will try 2 pillows next time...

Hi ladies, so glad to find u all. M also trying ttc. Hubby said if can't, then gotta iui or ivf already. But scared pain. So think better try a bit more of the methods listed here. Can I know what is bd? Ewcm? I can only try next month ...would drinking koi affect? I love koi...

Really encouraging to see so many ladies trying and bot giving

Best of luck to everyone

Dolma>> Not high hopes lah.. Nv work hard during crucial period.

Juz got to know a good fren of mine preg. So envy her! She had originally wanted to wait for her house to come in 2013 1st.

Argh.. CD 30 and BBT temp is all haywired! Up and down like roller coaster rides. Dunno if I taking my BBT wrongly. I take BBT in bed, but will usually be taken after I stretch my hand to off my alarm, without getting up from bed. Can anyone advise if that is ok?

Amy>> I understand how you feel lor, esp when we see friends surrounding us all preggies and then we are the only ones struggling.. jus dun give up hope jiayou!

jessica>> bd = baby dance, ewcm = egg white cervical mucus. heard from most of the gals here mentioned dat drinking koi or bubble tea is no good for ttc-ers. so i guess you have to cut-down or simply stop taking it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Queenly>> Yup, take the same timing everyday. If i take slightly later on a day, will note down.

Dolma>> Not giving up hope yet. Hubby cld see I was upset and comfort me, ask me dun give up, can try again. And I glared at him - coz he missed the impt period this cycle! =O

good morning ladies!

one day closer to O day... hahaha

wah! you all so late at night still posting on forum! pei fu pei fu...

cant wait to try the two pillow method! eh... we prob need to find sth else new to experiment if the two pillow doesnt work for us!

