(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Hey gals, izzit normal to experience a "dry" period then "wet" period again? I am at CD 22 today. Think I missed my O coz started testing from CD 15 till yest, still no positive OPK.. =( But didn't cared and still BD.. Haha.. =)

Hi Amy! Yup, I've been research and it is normal. I get that too!

Is anybody else charting their BBT? I just started this month, and mine is all over the place :S I dunno if I'm doing it wrong?

peapea, i also do bbt charting last month for the first time. My temperature will drop to coverline 36.45 before my AF reports for 1 day.

Quite accurate. My temperature before O is around 36.2 to 36.55 and after O, temperature is usually above 36.6 to 36.9 or 37.


my temp before O was around 35.6 - 35.8. after O then went up to 36.3/4 before peaking again at 36.8... just went back to 36.3 for the last few days... so wondering if it is normal.

amy and missycandy,

thanks but im not that confident lei... keep having this wet feeling like going to come already... will see how... dont dare to test too..

Morning girls!


your bbt looks low to me...your temp will be above 36.6 if bfp...but yet again, everyone is different. Keep your hopes high. Since your AF is late, you can start testing, unless you are having irregular cycle...then you can wait for a few days later.


we have the same bbt pattern. Now I'm hovering ard 36.3 waiting for O to come..hopefully it comes!! After O, the temp will go up ard 36.6 to 36.8. When I see 36.4, means AF reporting the next day.

Milo dearie, how's your 2ww? Good luck ya!!

Jiayou everyone!! Hope to hear good news!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey peapea wait,

I recall the last time I hv my bfp, I have a dip in my temp on dpo10 then went up bk to 36.6...maybe it's a one time dip.

All of us praying for you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i suspect im a bit cold blooded... hahaha... usually when i take temp in the morning it hovers around 35 degrees... hahaha maybe my body too "liang" la... too much tea..

i dont know why but im actually very scare.. cycle usually about 31-32 days... so wait a while more ba...

Hi everyone...

My BBT when AF is abt 35.9 and after O, my temp range frm 36-36.4. Nvr it had been higher than 36.5. Tom will b my AF day, SHOO away AF!!!

just heard news that one of the staff at my workplace passed away while she is pregnant... could be due to some heart issue.. both adult and baby gone...

sigh.... it makes me think like ttc is such a hard process, and then for some, the process of pregnancy is also so tough..

hi all, question....i had 3 smiley face on the clearblue...does it means i will O only after getting a circle? or is it 12-36 hours after the 1st smiley face??

im trying to determine when is my ovulation day....cannot do everyday....both me n hb no stamina hahahha


As mentioned earlier, once you see your FIRST smiley face, you are GOING to O in 24-36 hours. So if today no smiley face, you might O last night or today...so just BD again tonight can see if you can catch your egg! Jiayou! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

queenly - dont need much stamina really... hb n i also cnt do everyday... lol... advise is once u see smiley, do it that night, that if u want, cn rest next day.. but following day best to do again... like alternate day... but wil tio or not duno la.. ahahaha... what i do is, if we no stamina.. i wil erm... use hand or mouth to make him almost there... then ask him ren awhile.. then insert then do a bit... then can cum quite fast... sorry ah... TMI... =P but they say saliva is not good also la... wahaha... so depends on you la... to me during this period, im not into satisfying myself la... i jus wan to get the sperm in me... =P there r other times to satisfy... this one is to let sperm meet egg... so for hb to have orgasm n cum is more impt than for me to have orgasms lor... =P

Missycandy, same i just wan to meet objective but do everyday still too much haha. I got 3 smiley I do on 1st 2 smiley only. Somemore my opk the 2 lines de show positive on my 2nd smiley day... Wanted to BD on 3rd smiley day but really shagged. See how loh else like very stress on hb oso.

I read that if the female orgasms too it helps as well ;)

Apparently the chances (even if egg and sperm are in the right place at the right time) are 25% only. So don't stress out and just enjoy the process as well?

Morning gals,

Af came in full force this morning. Looking forward to bd days! Hubby seems much more disappointed than me.

Spent the entire night coughing and vomitting. Such a horrible feeling. Didn't sleep well but can't seem to go sleep now too. Hai

Peapea>> new cycle new hope!! Take care.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me also not feeling well this morning. Migraine[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hopefully the pain goes away soon...

Kwxy>> good morning[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]!! Still in the mini confinement? Must take good care arr.

Good morning to all!

I'm also TTC. Thot this month got chance but AF reported this morning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks everyone! The weather is quite bad. Clinic have so many ppl waiting to see doc too. Will jiayou next month! Thank god the O day as acc to various apps is on a weekend! Hee

Take care everyone! Load up on water ya!

drink lot of water, think the haze few days ago also affect a lot of people.

I must take care of myself more le, coz once sick, my AF delay again.

CD4 today...can't wait to try again this cycle!

Morning Every1,

My AF also came last Sat. Waiting for next cycle to come. We can try for 2012 Jan BB, still bunny havent CNY yet.

Good Luck every1! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Seems like a lot of ppl sick.. Me also having itchy throat..

jan jan>> Dun be sad.. I believe will be our turns soon! =) My colleague sitting near to me also preggie, giving birth in July.. =_="

tethysea>> I think I shd be in 2ww too, like u.. But not sure when I shd be expecting my AF.. =x I think I am still at the "blur" stage as my cycle is so haywire..

Sorry amy, no idea how to do...totally stop tea for now. I only know how to make red date longan tea. Hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my colleague going to give birth anytime.

These few days keep asking those mummies question on the giving birth part.

So envy and she keep telling me what her gynae tell her, how the baby is etc etc.

hi ladies,

Hope everyone will get out of SICK mode soon..

Well, I need to ventilate..

Today AF suppose to report.. Tho no sight of her, HPT oso no sight of BFP. Temp seem to be on dwnwd trend...So frust!

Hv been waiting for today but such a disappointing day. Hope to hear some gd news these few days soon..

*I want sore breast! I want MS!!*

KWXY>> No prob.. I juz put in hot water for a while then pour away the first cup. Think I may have to go "cold turkey" to kick my green tea addiction..

JC>> I have a few colleagues also like tat.. Juz now during lunch, one of my colleague was saying, seems like only those china mummies are like tat.. Coz the other S'porean mum in my office didn't "show off" like they did.. =x

Need some advice from professor here. if O-ing, there's bleeding, meaning within this 24-36hrs, right? As apart frm the symptom of cramp and sticky white discharge, i also notice of bleeding. Would like to know does it mean i am O-ing with this 24-36hrs?

Yup spotting sometimes happens just before or during O... cos of the follicle releasing the egg.

@Amy: I heard that drinking one or 2 cups of green tea a day is good, can increase the fertile mucus! Maybe dun need to go cold turkey lar.

My BBT chart looks like rollercoaster lor... but according to the fertilityfriend.com free chart, I O-ed last week. I don't know how their computer calculate also. Haha!

Bearge, jiayou and BD these few days!!

I'm on CD 14 and still no sign of O...let's wait patiently [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tethysea>> thanks

Kwxy>> me today cd12. Start having symptom of O, but today abit bleed. Hope to catch the egg.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think my O is on Sat cos i was having pain in my right tummy the whole evening while i was having dinner hahah....

thats the day of my 2nd smiley face... so today should be DPO3 i guess...

anything we should take note in 2ww?

tethysea>> Same here! My BBT chart looks like a very terrible roller coaster ride.. =x I dun even know if I have O or not! Or maybe I didn't O at all for this cycle.. How to know when my AF is supposed to reprot then? Is it true that green tea supposed to help in fertile mucus?

i think tea is liang, that's why will cause more mucus right?

last time old people always say too 'liang' no good coz a lot of bai dai but in this case, bai dai is good right?

Morning ladies!!

Its been awhile.

How is everyone doing?


mid cycle bleeding so u probably Oing at that time or within few hours.

Go bd bd bd...hehehe


how is the confinement food so far?

Bu your body well yah.

Morning girls!!!

Lynzi, I'm so sick of the confinment food already! Help! But no choice and gobble down! How are you dear? Pls rest well

this period...you have my prayers!

I'm gg to try my luck my dear, AF not reported after MC and I'm gg to O soon...can see my temp rising...but try not to pin too much hope....let's jiayou ok!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AF late again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_confused.gif] Dunno isit gd or bad...

V tempted to test on HPK again but think wait until Fri.


Sunshine, GOOD LUCK!!! Hope you strike!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Queenly! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

