(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Thank you Peapea and Jas [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jas, you gotten your report on your hcg? Hope everything is fine with you.



good to hear you're recovering well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jiayou ok?


wah, your gynae sounds nice, good that you went to see gynae too. update us on your results here, hope everything will be ok! have something light for lunch lah.

KWXY - wow wow! very fertile period for you. But you dun stress stress. If u feel up to it, go ahead and try again. Often heard people getting preggie after a m/c very quickly. Hope u strike soon too :D

hello gals,

just came back from lunch. feeling like putting my head on the table and not waking up.

jas, any updates from ur gynae yet?


u shld... they could be so busy they forget to call you back. i asked the clinic before, they get back results very fast... usually before 24 hours is up... if not wait till 4pm. by then the report will definitely be in...

im not sure why, but i am very emo today... die... is it period going to strike this month?


Dr Tham is quite surprised im producing eggs when my AF is not even reported! the agenda today is only chk if im clean...who know im going O soon...i think i will give it a try...but if dont strike this cycle...im okie too....to me rabbit or dragon doesnt matter anymore...what i need is a healthy and sticky bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

He said im around CD7-10...he said usually i will go bk to the cycle that i used to have...thats 32-35 days....pray for me!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes i will. i cant imagine what u want through... such an emotional turmoil...

im between 30-32 days so we are about the same range... are u back to work yet?

A Big Hi to All!

High sensitive (20 mIU) OPKs for proper detection of LH surge (ovulation)

Ultra sensitive (10 mIU) HPTs for use as early as 4 days before missed period

Priced at $0.50 to $0.60 per strip (expiry 12/2012). Free normal postage > 5 strips, fast delivery guaranteed.

Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ $220

Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ $46.50 (with free HPTs)

Clearblue digital ovulation (smiley face) 7 sticks @ $45.90 *in stock*

Clearblue digital pregnancy with conception indicator (tells how many weeks pregnant) 2 sticks @ $27.90 *in stock*

Special packages incl Pre-seed, Basal Thermometer also available.

Please see my website at www.bbshop01.blogspot.com for more details or email [email protected]


Result back not pregnant he say think is the test kit got problem haha.

But i got ping xue lor a bit la he say he will send me the report than ask me go to any GP show them than ask GP for those bu xue pill.

Than c 2 mths must check again see got improvement most important got to check if got di zhong hai ping xue zheng than my hubby must check a couple cnt both have if not cnt have kid.

He ask me dun think so much shd be no problem de la than keep say ask ur hubby dun smoke really dun smoke haha.

kwxy>> glad to hear that you are recovering fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jas>>Wah..Your gynae sound good leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also feel like going to check if cant strike this year. Need to work hard for this cycle again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me have been lack of sleep for the past few days. Going to bu back all the hrs tonight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] see you ladies tomorrow, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies!!


glad to know u are feeling better n handling it positively.

Good that your cycle is back to normal.

Usually natural mc will heal faster than d&c.

Jia you ok!


how are u??

Have u given birth yet?

Jas, and all other ladies,

yes i believe in pillow method.

All my bfps including my boy n the 2 that ended in mcs are all with pillow method.

Its not uplift legs but elevate your bum so that pull of gravity will make swimmers place nearer to the opening of cervix for higher chances of fertilisation to happen.

After bd, your bum must be slightly elevated than your head for at least 20 to 30 mins.

Dont immediately get up after bd.

Only move after that half hour is up.


benjamin tham got tell u that 18mm egg is from right or left side?

If its from right side then after bd, elevate your bum with pillow and tilt a bit to your right. Same goes for left side.

For those who feel cramps from right or left side when nearing O then that means u are going to O from the side that got cramps.

So after bd, elevate n tilt to the side that u get the cramps.

Useful vits for husbands is vit e, folic acid, zinc and coq10 with selenium.

If your husband is also taking rj with u then dont need to take vit e becos in rj already contain vit e.

Hope all this helps, ladies.

Hi ladies!!


glad to know u are feeling better n handling it positively.

Good that your cycle is back to normal.

Usually natural mc will heal faster than d&c.

Jia you ok!


how are u??

Have u given birth yet?

Jas, and all other ladies,

yes i believe in pillow method.

All my bfps including my boy n the 2 that ended in mcs are all with pillow method.

Its not uplift legs but elevate your bum so that pull of gravity will make swimmers place nearer to the opening of cervix for higher chances of fertilisation to happen.

After bd, your bum must be slightly elevated than your head for at least 20 to 30 mins.

Dont immediately get up after bd.

Only move after that half hour is up.


benjamin tham got tell u that 18mm egg is from right or left side?

If its from right side then after bd, elevate your bum with pillow and tilt a bit to your right. Same goes for left side.

For those who feel cramps from right or left side when nearing O then that means u are going to O from the side that got cramps.

So after bd, elevate n tilt to the side that u get the cramps.

Useful vits for husbands is vit e, folic acid, zinc and coq10 with selenium.

If your husband is also taking rj with u then dont need to take vit e becos in rj already contain vit e.

Hope all this helps, ladies.


Have a good rest, try the pillow method this cycle.


I didn't know I tot is leg must lift up also tats y I alway cnt tahan 30 mins.

After de gynae told me than I know the correct way and thanks you have given more info on tilt left or right based on cramp which side.

Hope more & more of us can grad from here. Good luck to all!

Thanks Lynzi! I will give it a try...started to use OPK today...waiting to see the dark dark line, then will use clearblue (smiley face) to test again. Still have all the opk, clearblue and pre-seed with me. so they come in handy.

I think i will use the same method to BD in the morning...then stay in bed for awhile. Hubby very sweet...went to GNC and bought MegaMen Mutivitamins...he is a smoker and he hope by eating supplement will increase the chance...he is still taking his RJ every morning...he also requested i make fruit juice for him in the morning again...hope our dream come true soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also heard bd in the morning better but means ur hubby wake up early to bd ar?

I jus now joke with hubby say morning must set alarm 4+ wake up bd haha.

Gosh i didnt realised i posted twice.

Was in the train so the network must have gone haywire again.


thanks dear.

I hope all the ladies here will get their wishes come true.


no prob..i tot u gerls knew about this cos i think i ever posted about the pillow method some time back.

Hope it helps.

Not everyone will feel tummy cramp when going to O.

Even i seldom feel it..only occasionally.

So if u dont feel then just elevate bum on missionary position..dont need to tilt to either side.


Clearblue opk is high sensitivity so more ppl can detect lh surge from it.

And the smiley face tells clearly whether got surge or dont have as compared to strips or other opk where u need to compare the darkness of the test line and control line.

However, some women can never get a positive opk.

lynzi>> Thanx for the tip! Will try yr mtd this cycle! Have been testing OPK since Mon, CD 15.. Not sure if I will be so "heng", one of those never can get positive OPK ones.. =( *keeping fingers crossed*

lynzi - haha... not yet. Still got a long way to go. I'm only in my week 14.

KWXY - hope to hear gd news from you soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amy - no lah, din get +ve OPK, doesnt make u infertile. Cos catching the surge of LH also require some "skill" eg. the timing of the day. Dun scare urself

good morning ladies,

new day new hope for everyone...

amy, i dont think if u dont get positive OPK u are infertile. i think it is quite hard to catch. i think i tried testing twice a day too...

slept from 9pm and suddenly woke up at 4am this morning cuz i was sweating... seriously hope that it isnt a sign of thyroid prob...


good news, at least you know the real reason will make you feel more peace of mind.


time to get bz soon yah? all the best girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] had a good nice sleep last night. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Today cd7.

Lynzi>> hee...hee.... praying for you too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning gal,

Heavy rain this morning, nice weather to sleep.


Thanks for all the info.


Ya, now need jus hope eat those supplement will improve my anaemia problem.


Are you ok?


sorry i didnt reply yesterday. i did pre marital check up and the doctor did check if we have "di zhong hai ping xue" ie thalassemia. so if both couple have thalassemia minor, likely bb will have thalassemia major. it is quite a serious blood genetic problem. so good for both you and your hubby to check soon...

your doctor is really nice... im sure it gives u a pretty good piece of mind.

im not sure... i have been sleeping pretty early lately... but just woke up suddenly last night and was sweating... my bbt lately is around like 36.8. having some extreme mood swings too... like yesterday, i suddenly feel like crying after seeing people's blog about happy stuff... totally irrelevant... read that if have thyroid prob will have such symptoms...

hopefully, i am thinking too much...


Or can it be pregnancy symptom?

The gynae say ask me dun check 1st leh he say to eat the supplement for 2 3 mths c my problem got improve if got than dun need do the di zhong hai ping xue zheng test le.


good good.. i think any problems that could affect our ttc process is damm scary! but your doctor do dispense wise advice.. and practical too!

i did my thalassemia check as part of pre marital health check.. also cuz my granny is thalassemia minor... so just want to make sure i dont have...

my af is due in 3 days time.. i doubt i am pregnant cuz i dont have sore boobs and having some crampy like feeling like af coming...

i think i am starting to be sian of the ttc process... ha! so i need to depend on you gals to keep my positive!

Hi jas,

I suggest your hubby to go for the di zhong hai ping xue zheng (Thalassemia) coz if both couple have then it is big trouble. If only you are a carrier then it is perfectly fine coz ur kid will only be a carrier.


He is saying the di zhong hai ping xue test is more ex he say will not anyhw advise patient do unless their blood test come back result very jia luk so he ask me dun worry 1st.

Ya he aslo got ask me say my family got any history i say no lor.

I understand ur feeling sometime i also feel sian, come here chat to make ownself more positive.

I think what was good was when c some1 grad than share their diff method and every cycle seems like having diff method to try on haha now really i feel i every mth doing experiment.


hahahahahha i get what you mean!!! every mth is really like trying new things and doing experiment... ur next month experiment is the two pillow thingy liao! ha!

Hi Jas,

Ya listen to doctor's advise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am just sharing my views cause I m a carrier and luckily my hubby is not.

I din't even know I m thalassemic until I went for a blood test. Till now, I don't even know which of my parent is a carrier. Guess last time, they do not conduct such test so they also don't know. Wont pose any serious health issues actually unless both partners are. Chances not high la. Dun worry!


haha no nx mth is R & R haha because hubby going oversea i also going holiday with fren haha so will only try after nx nx cycle.

Shortlegged Pig,

Ya thanks for the concern, the gynae did told me cnt both partner have.I think now i jus listen to the gynae monitor 2 3 more mths c how lor.

peapea>>yea..me too..every month have new thing to try. hubby was asking how come i know all this..hahaha. i told him i get alot of knowledge from the forum lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me got to work hard again for this cycle. Really want to graduate!!! Hope everybody here have BFP!!! JIA YOU!!


u know, i am really getting very sian liao... and esp so cuz i dont have anyone else to talk to...

thinking of seeing a gynae but hubby isnt that keen yet... plus we only ttc-ing for a short while like 3-4 mths only


Yaya my hubby also like i suddenly tell him i wan go buy royal jelly than nx moment tell him must drink fruit juice haha.

He ask me how come so many de i say c forum lor.


3-4 mths still short la actually normally the advice is to see gynae if nv kana in 1 yr for a normal couple lor.


actually i also think so... ha!

my hubby went to look up on what food products will help to increase zinc.. hahha! i think he believes it help his troops... ha

Good afternoon ladies!!

CD ? And temp 36.2....KWXY is back with TTC!! Let's get busy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all TTC-ers n MTB-ers,

I m new here and hope will get a BFP nx wk. Had a MC last Sept due BB no heartbeat. Had been doing 'active' BBT chart and BD in March.

Hope to share n learn frm u, n hopefully can grab some bb dust here, keke..

Nw wats bothering me is my eractic BBT, sigh... Was in high hope when i got a higher BBT past few days. but tis morn T, i got a dip.. sigh...


peapea>> must think positive. if not, is really a hard road when didnt strike... always come in here to pour everything out. We support each other, thats why i can go this far. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kwxy>>ya!! lets get busy!!

Hope everybody here have good news soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i got a question, i test OPK then the line i cannot determine if its positive or not. I see a dark line but its not the whole bar dark...only the outline dark like only 20% of the control line

