(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Hi SummerPeh,

It depends. For some ladies (including myself), AF dun report at all during BF. For some others, it comes once in a few months..and it may not even be like the normal AF which lasts about 5-7 days..only some spotting.

Overall, it depends on how our individual body reacts to BF hormones. Cos' when you BF, body wll produce prolactin. And prolactin suppresses ovulation. So if no ovulation, most likely no AF too.

joelle, ya ya i saw that article... did ur fren cook the mee sua & egg for u personally? coz I heard that the confinement mum must cook for the mum wanabe... then the mum wanabe will sit on the couple's bed and eat the mee sua & egg... There's also a myth that u will take away one of that couple's future child if u really conceived... so not many people willing to do that even for good friends?

sorry... can ask check what I should do at the temple at Sim's Drive? I think most temple close after 5pm right? is it only tmr (mid-autumn festival) is more effective to pray or any Chu Yi Shi Wu also can? me despo liao....

we may all end up seeing each other there? hehee....

2ww> i think all temple close at 5 or 5.30 leh... but every mth only got 2 chance to take the egg...

Anastasia> Ooic.. thank u^^

babysee> u go Tian Hou Niang Niang there borrow 2 eggs and eat but remember to say if you conceive you will cook egg & return back (so call pay back & thanks the god). You can go on any Chu Yi Shi Wu... 2molo is Shi Wu, so i will never give up my chance... lolx hope to see you 2... maybe we will be Jun2011 MTB.. lolx (think too much, egg haven even borrow..)

Summerpeh> thank you.... *scratch head* so there will be one big basket there for desperate MTB like me arh? which nice soul cook them? or was it returned by other successful mums?

I didnt know these... Only know there's a Zhu4 Sheng1 Niang2 Niang2 at the Kim Keat st/rd there.. and mum usually pray to her for one of my aunt who had difficult pregancy... but then... I feel very shy to ask her such things..

June is a good month coz sch holiday... and the kids can happily celebrate their birthday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if May will be exam period for them... July sch reopen... alternatively aim Aug for National day...

Opps... I went non-stop! get preggie 1st!!

babysee> i head is return by other successful mums.... keke

I came to know this when my hubby friend ask him i got lioa or not... then they say no need go TCM de, go pray harder can le.. lol

Which month got BB nvm.. so long faster have can le.. keke


alamak!! i didn't know the rules!! heng i neva conceived then... wouldn't want to get a bb at the expense of my friend!! :p

Summerpeh, I see... then next round Chu Yi Shi Wu, and I will go super early to "snatch" the eggs before they run out of stock :p heee...

joelle, I also duno how true these things are... coz hor, Zoe in the end still got preg with 3rd child leh... I think being able to give/help, is a blessing. So Zoe is blessed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Envy~

Wah the thread is moving fast, i just manage to pop in now.

SY >> Thanks for the baby dust.

SummerPeh >> Sorry where is the location of the temple? I am somehow lost. Please adv.

Anastasia- Wah u just stopped BF not long n u r trying for #2! Let's jia you k but it seems like u tio easily leh. I'm just not as fertile though. Finally knock off from work but v shack alr. If next week still like that dun tink I b in the mood to BD n there goes my hope again

Hi Gwen,

Yupz, my #1 is turning 1 yr old in about 1 mth time. Cos' ideally, I would like my #1 and #2 to be 2 yrs apart..so that means when #1 is 1 yr old (or max 14 or 15 mths old), need to conceive #2 liao.

Haha...I think I was just very lucky when I conceived #1. Now TTC #2 seems more difficult..difficulty level also increased because I have no menses yet..

At least you knocked off already...I'm still working now.. =( But the up side is that I'm working from home now lah, so dun feel so miserable stuck in office..Yah, I agree that work tiredness can affect our mood to BD...sigh..

babysee> keke too early maybe no egg.. cos no ppl come pray.. lol

BB NN> Is at Sim Ave along STA inspection Center... is 3 Temple together de...

anastasia: thats my initial plan too to have #2 when #1 turned 1 but just not luck so far n hb prefer to some breaks in between so till now also no news.

i try not to work from home cos i feel its not healthy though u get to see ur kiddo. i tried bringing work back but ended up bringing it back to work untouched. haha.. so now i will try to rush my work in order to leave earlier if possible.

Good Morning^^ I'm back... but no egg today... sian but nvm i got chen xin chen yi de pray.. lol

btw u can leave ur contact with the Auntie over there then if got egg she will call you.. lolx

I'm here.. I'm here.. didnt go to the temple coz cannot take leave wor... today busy running about in office...

wah... can "book" the eggs in advance too... Sometimes, I will keep dwelling on TTC issues and feel so sian... just like today's mood...


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added many new items. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!

Today is my DPO 4, why “waiting time” is always pass so slow de neh? very boring in office cos boss is outstation, no much work to do so feel like wan to sleep liao (^o^)

wishstar> wished I could stop dwelling and be relax... guess what? Today I meet up a fren for lunch, she asked me got any good news too.... argh.... like I said hor, everyday got people ask me... and I also quite open to tell them "I want... but seems tough loh"

emily... chat with us here.. kekee...

babysee> Yes Yes can book in advance, btw will have egg if got ppl return eggs leh.. if not have to wait for Tian Hou Dan...

emilybaby> ha ha then chat with us online.. keke

>hi hi wishstar, no cos I can’t tak leave if boss is not in office and also I don’t knw where is the temple. I used to go the Kwan Yin Miao at Bugis every week last time . But hor long time did’t go bai bai the Kwan Yin Niang Niang there le cos not convenience after my office shifted to another place + also lazy lor, no good rite?


I wondering whether it is due to I’m not “sincere” enough, tat’s why till now still don’t have good news yet…

wishstar and summer> I also #0 leh... nowadays I see preg woman feel so envy..

Ooh.. got Tian Hou Dan one arh? when is that? so that day will have plenty of eggs to pick? must we take 2 eggs or 1 will do.. paiseh so many qn at one go... I still trying to figure out where is Sims Drive. Is it west or east area?

i also feel envy to those pregnant women leh..i think I’m the most kia su people cos I hav already kept a lot of dress & clothes that can wear during pregnancy. I can’t even stop to buy tis during my china trip last mth too and also specially go to look for those maternity bra (for breastfeeding) & panty cos the selling price there more more cheaper than SIN..my hubby don’t knw wat to say to me when he saw all this..haa..haa.. but I very very happy cos 我“满载而归”

yes that day will have alot...each ppl 2 egg... i think is San Yue something something.. is over lioa.. so must w8 until next yrs.. now only hope ppl got go return egg.. lol

is near the STA inspection center..

wow...u all really on the ball ley...if i buy...my hubby sure #$#%^$%^%@$@%$%

babysee n summer...u 2 so young...mi lao kok kok liao....so time is running faster than mi

Babysee- same here I keep thinking to vr pregnant till v stressed also. Whenever AF comes I will feel depressed. Guess it's v natural to feel that way cos we all wanted it so much

emilybaby- mi too early this year I went online shopping to get those loose clothing prep for pregnancy till now tink it's collecting dust lor. Sigh.. Tink we shldnt be too prepared n assume everything will go smoothly cos that's how we ended up now. Wan4 shi4 ju4 bei4 zhi3 qian4 dong1 feng1.

Now I'm eating snake in the toilet. Need a break from work man. Feeling v tensed at work.

hahah wishtar i never buy in the end.. cos i tell myself siao... egg also don have then buy clothes le...

Gwen> ya lor very depressed when AF report.. i will every cry.. T.T

Didn't post for sometime as my helper is on home leave, I become the house maid!

Summer, did your HB go TCM too? A few of us went to see TCM, our HB got problem & all undergo treatment.

This month, I started EPO & TCM prescribed me 百凤丸, I've O 4-5 days earlier, lucky that I've the clearblue monitor, if not, I would have missed it till my BBT surged.

emily> haa... u are not alone. During my honeymoon trip in US, i almost wanted to buy a maternity dress and a bb romper (see lah, never been mummy so duno the exact spelling)..coz they have ang mo size for plus size me. But hb keep stopping me say duno even know when is it coming...

Summer> oh pls.. u are not that old too.. we all GamBaTae!! Jia You together..

Gwen> good idea.. when too stressed, sometimes I take 10min hide inside toilet and zzzz... haa..

AnnissaKoh> yes he did... but he eat on off on off.. he don like to eat medi.. lol

babysee> ha ha my hubby say he old lioa.. keke

keke... my friend says full moon night the 'qi4' very high... can BD and get lucky!! tonight is the night!!! everybody jia you!! :p

Gwen, at first I realy think tat it will not be difficult for me to have my 2nd BB cos heard someone said that it will be more more easier after you have gav birth no.1. Tat time I prefer a Feb 2011 (rabbit Baby), so I purposely wait till May/June 2010 then I start TTC. Aiyoh, it’s not true de or maybe I heard salah liao cos I hav take so long till now still “don’t have” yet.


same here. i took 2 tries to get pregnant w #1. thot very easy to get #2. plan and plan... end up tried for 1 year plus liao still no news... sigh... nowadays i tell ppl don't plan so much... not as easy as we think. :\

Hi ladies,

Haven't visited this forum for months. Guess what? I'm preggie... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now, I'm having headache looking for a good confinement lady that can stay overnight. Any recommendation?

