(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

summer > IVF charges range from $8K to $11K

frist time > claim medisave $6K + $3K Gov grant(citizen + citizen) / $2700 (citizen + SPR)

2nd time > claim medisave $5K + Gov Grant

3rd time > claim medisave $4K + Gov Grant

The rest if u inject more then the amt that can claim all in cash.


Fiona > thx dear... sorry when jovan's EDD?

Summer > welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yup natural better... me starting tml injection feeling excited and fear...

Im also using the monitor. The past cycles I used can see peaks, but got one cycle I did not see my peak at all. Duno why leh. BBT very difficult cos I now wake up at various timings. Now my work is so stressed that I sometimes wake up 3am, 4am, 5am when my usual wake up time is around 7am. For those days, I skip BBT, so my chart is all not very complete.

Have got an extra monitor which my friend dont need anymore - she told me she used it to get a boy! Pm me if anyone keen.

BTW, Care to share which sinseh/ TCM are you ladies seeing with yr HB? (Think my HB needs help) I kinda prefer those with acupuncture. And how much per session, and for medicine (powder form)?

Hi ladies!

Havent log in for a while and wow so many posts! Baby comes when we least expect it: True for my #1. Conceived him on my 4th cycle. 1st 3 cycles we bd alternate days diligently, lie in bed for 20 minutes after bd, din go toilet for the whole night no matter how urgent... never tio! Somemore for 1st cycle, we were in NZ. I dun dare to do many activities cuz afraid will jeopardise the implantation. Sigh, wasted! Return to SG to discover I have UTI (double sigh) cuz never pee after bd. So the dr's advice is must pee!! Haha... Everytime AF came, i cried lor.

So I bought clearblue smiley O kit but i thot i missed the O for 4th cycle, so saved it for next cycle. This is when our miracle happened: We still bd once for 4th cycle cuz no harm mah right? I wasn't expecting anything, no stress for the 1st time in months. In fact quite excited to be using the kit for next cycle. That one time, we tio! When I saw the BFP, my eyes popped!

Sorry for the long post... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#1 is now 9 months.. and like some other mummies here, we'r planning for #2. Hope to have a bunny girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For those who have girls, or planning for one, how to know when to bd? I know best is b4 o, but how i know when is before o? Seems like planning for boys easier... o liao then bd. Planning for girls is a guessing game?


when the opk tests positive, it usually means we will ovulate in the next 24-48 hours. so in order to get a girl, i think just gotta bd every other day till u get a positive. then first day of positive still can bd..but to stop after that so that chances of getting a boy is lower. i have been planning for a girl.. but after 1.5 years of trying... i'm now just hoping for a bb...boy or girl nevermind liao... still no luck. sigh...

hope u have better luck though! =)

Summer Per> Thank u…. Last time I used to take morning temperature, at first visited tcm monthly then fortnightly. Q-ed for an hr to take number, then wait another 2 hrs or so to see the doctor. Cooked and drank herbs, followed tcm timetable for baby making. That times my husband and I were so stress out. One day I just gave up, too hazard and stressful. Then I came across “Conceive Plus” while searching for “Pre-seed”. At the end decided to try Conceive Plus. Maybe used for 2 cycles then I hit the jackpot. On top of that, husband and I went for a short trip just before conceiving. Spent sometime at a beach and soaked a lot of sea water. I heard sea water is a strong anti-stress element and also help to detox the body. So for me maybe it’s a holiday + less stress during the making process + conceiveplus.

Wishstar> thanks…

Gwen> thanks…. Early april…

Babysee> Now it’s my 2nd trimester

Want to share a documentary to all called "the great sperm race". You can watch it from Youtube. Find it very interesting.

Morning ladies...

Fiona > wow... early CNY present for u n ur DH...

Today morning just start my first ivf injection not pain hehe... now no fear le... DH helped me to inject dun feel anything only DH pulled out the needle then can feel the needle inside me...

morning ladies... just managed to make my boy sleep. din get to post yesterday cos was super busy at work. even gotta buy lunch back. sigh.. next week gona be worse man.. but next week is my only hope to increase the chances of conceiving. how m i going to tahan thru the nights????

joelle: ya... the gender is secondary n bb health is the most impt. u can plan the gender of ur 2nd one after ur 1st one ya. so dun worry too much.. jia you!

fiona: thats a nice EDD! hope ur bb will come out tat day ya..

foolish: early april.. u r after fiona in our thread. thats when i started planning for 2nd but till now still nothing.. gona gambate liao...

Diana & Gwen: ya.. but dun think baby will be out on that day..

cuz the first pregnancy also early..

think will be out end of Jan ba..

Diana: my confinement lady will be my mum! haha..

she will help me cook liao den go celebrate CNY..

hee.. but i sian lo.. all the CNY good foods cannot eat..

i wan to eat Yu Shen..

think have to wait one more year den can eat le.. sobsob..

fiona > so nice ur mommy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] endure dear after that next year can eat le endure endure... its worth it dear... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Foolish, conceive plus? wads that?

MdmKhoo!! Long time nvr hear fr u le...how r u??

Hi tanny99,can share your little secret wif mi??

Hi everyone,

My last period was 20 August and Im 5 days late.Test on wed and thurs but was negative. den i tsted this morning(first urine) using a 10 miu hpt and there was a faint line...tested again in the afternoon using a 15 miu hpt its negative...how?


Humm wonder should i give up on OPK & BBT.. should i go ask help from my gynae? haiz.. every mth waiting for O-ing & AF is so scary... haiz going crazy soon... maybe should have give up all & let god plan for mi... a bit emo lioa...

Foolish> which brand of conceive plus? humm i have just give up TCM.. maybe will stop OPK or BBT soon.. lolx

Pinkie> this is postive! wait for a few days more to test it again....

Totally agreed on the part of "giving up". Both of us have sort of gave up early this year then we striked in May but M/C. I need to say we've been on the wrong track of TTC as I do not know how to track my O dates, only reliant on online calendar. This time round, we've geared up with BBT, TCM, OPK, online calendar, EPO, etc. Let's stay positive to give it another shot.


Morning ladies hope everyone had a good weekend.

Summer/annissa: dun despair. Just do our best n I'm sure we will reap profits. I also plan to try hard this week before O.

Pinkie: try test again next few days k. Nothing has been confirm till AF ya

wishstar> i think so... they say only eat from AF report to O then stop...

Gwen> ha ha is kind of angry with myself this few days...

Good morning ladies...

I'm back in this thread as I'm back to TTC this month after HK trip.

Tried using the OPK kits this cycle but I'm pretty confused about it. When's the best time to BD if it's a positive e on the OPK?

wishstar > ya I miss u all so much... currently not working concentrate my IVF bah...

fiona > oic.. good mah got ur parents look after u mah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning ladies!

Wishstar: use the monitor n bd on the 2 peaks.

V demoralized at work.. Thinking to stop work for good... Hate to go.. Anyone full time at hm, not working now?

eLcH......OPK positive = will ovulate in the next 24-48 hours = BD for the next 2 days.

Gwen......all the best.

Summer.....me 2 cycles on BBT & TCM, 1 cycle on OPK, 1 cycle on EPO, will try till year end.

Wishstar.....did you try my TCM?

Hi Pinkie,

Experienced the same thing as you. LMP was on 23 Aug.

1st Test on 21 Aug - faint band

2nd test on 23 Aug - neg

Went to Doc on 24 Aug - neg again.

Until now, my AF haven't come. I don't know what happen.


babies, this cycle i got no +ve on opks...guess i nvr O again

annissa, I went thong chai this year...the doc says mi no porb only sometimes nvr O, den my hubby's troops not very gd...n she said jus try...and we dun need TCM medication...so we left w/o medicine

Pommes....care to share the which brand of HPT did you use? Kind of strange to learn about the positive but negative result. The longest I ever wait for AF is 2 weeks = 14 days late.

Annissa - 1st test was done on Predictor. the 2nd test was done on clear blue.

The doc used some no brand but she said is pretty negative.



i'm a sahm! full time at home... if only i can make bbs myself.. then no need wait for nightfall... :p

sigh..i gave up on opk liao... tried for more than a year.. even +ve opk oso neva tio...

for hpt, faint lines usually means -ve for me. but last time with clearblue for my #1, a faint +ve was a true +ve though... so i guess it has to do with the quality of the kits.

good luck to all!!

i hav been trying for more than a yr liao, everytime bed when opk +ve also never strike! wondered if it is my problem or my huby prob...

but i already hav no.1 leh, nt sure if i shld go gynae to scan my eggs ??


same for my case! i went to the gynae after 1 year of trying..took 6 cycles of clomid liao still no luck.. gynae sent me for hsg test to see if my tubes r blocked. maybe u can go for the test if u r anxious... sometimes women who give birth may face probs w the tubes after delivery.

Hi all,

Monday blues, totally no mood to work, feel like reporting sick in the morning but still dragged myself to office...

Today my AF suppose to report but havent yet... waiting game but I do experienced AF coming symptoms loh. Sign....

If I get unine tested and see a plain line (like pinkie) I think I will be happy like crazy...

Joelle/megg- huh dun scare mi leh. Thot after #1 shld b ok if trying for #2. Tink I shld try harder this month if still no news means I may have some prob also Liao. V scared man..

This week work so stressful surely affects. Sianz...

Hi all,today is my DPO 9 liao. I’m very “kan chiang” and also scared to do the testing bcos scared to see a “negative” again..so far I don’t hav any “special” symptom to make me think tat I may be pregnant liao, maybe I hav no chance le bah! Anyway, all the best to all of you here!

> Gwen, me too, i also will be happy like crazy if i can see double lines like pinkie ^0^

Gwen, im trying for no3 loh ... also faced so much difficulties... but then hor every individual is different....

I asked my hubby to go do the sperm test if my AF come, he refused loh. I guess it's a man thing. I also dun wish to force him but what if we are working/trying so hard for nutting?


wishstar> very forgetful lor... a lot of thing never do... so angry with myself... humm i waiting for my O also... hope OKP can EnlighteN mi....

Pommes> are u on BBT?


Im kaypo and went to read MTB June 11 thread, there is this term called "bio chemical pregnancy" which are all the false pregnancy signs...

Quite interesting

