(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!


im new to this thread. have been TTC for 3 mths but still not news. get disappointed everytime period comes. am trying for #2 but seems like v difficult to tio, wondering if i did not rest well during my 1st confinement which affects the process of trying. am also hoping to join the jun MTB as the rest of the gals here


thanks summerpeh... dun despair.. i have been trying too n now hoping to fall in the jun catorgory too.. tink i just wan a baby more than having the intimate moment with my hb. feel quite bad though..

Hi all, I'm once in a while dropping by cos very busy at work, no time to log in.

And hey, I'm not promoted yet! Until now no luck. This month ovulated earlier and almost missed. Now DPO 9, waiting game. but think no chance cos almost missed and didn't really try much. Hoping for next month!

Don't know why 2nd one so hard to strike. Trying for almost 1 year now. First one, 1st month after marriage tio already.. sigh.. my boy turning 29 months old early oct.. everyone kept telling me that we should have a second one already..

Anyway, everyone jia you!! Enjoy mooncakes first. hehe..


U trying for number 2 also? Me oso trying for no 2. But not very hardworking la. kekez. Somemore AF come liao, so out goes June 2011 baby. ;p

Aft ur no 1, got any change in ur mens cycle and stuff?

Let's all jia you! Weekend so fast over already... damn sad.

hi cheri n snowger.. mi too trying for #2. but it seems like more difficult than it used to be. feel so demoralised whenever AF comes. now hoping to try harder to fall into the jun catorgory. lets jia you together k.. to all mommies out there.. dun despair. im sure so long we made our best effort.. our wish will come true.


Me can't join June liao... cos AF come already... Sometimes could be because we are stressed lar. Mayb if u dun feel disappointed or hope a lot will come faster? Jia you!


can get from places like GNC or even pharmacy... Evening primrose oil is not suitable for preggy ladies cos it causes contractions. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies Wannabes! :p

I'm new to this thread! Have been 'monitoring' it for a while liao but no guts to join... just in case I gotta proceed to TTC 2012 at the rate I'm going.. =p

I've been trying for my #2 for abt 1.5 years. BFN till now. Have taken 6 cycles of clomid and gotta stop liao. did a HSG couple of months back, am waiting to see my gynae for the results next month.

Have tried all kinds of methods to conceive. from legitimate ones to superstitious and silly ones. :p now trying out the cold water cum evening primrose oil method. Hope it will work.. SOON! :D

Let's all Ganbate ne! p(^o^)q

Morning ladies.. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

Snowger.. Ya tink we r just too stressed up to have 1 and ended up not enjoying the process. Perhaps we shldnt rush at all.

Summer peh: my frens bought the rose oil from GNC. Maybe u can compare with those in pharmancy before buying ya

Joelle.. Hello *wave*.. Cheer up k I'm sure we will have good news so long we don't give up!

hi ladies, just to share with you... my TCM sensei mentioned be4 that ladies with PCSO shd not take bai feng pills... can't remember the reason.. i stopped taking after she told me and after 1 yr TCM (of course combine w western), i conceive my no 1.

Morning Ladies,

My AF came, sigh, there goes promotion this month.

I have one question, if my AF comes on Sat at about 11.45pm, and only like a few dots, than do i consider CD 1 as Sat or Sun? Some how this month my cycle change again, now is 27 - 28 days, depends on which day is CD 1.

Seems like all our AF coming about the same timing.

Hihi Gwen and Joelle!

BBNN, well at least ur AF comes and u know your cycle... my last CD1 was 2 July!! I have no idea when is my O..

Auroa, glad u tell me.. I thought of "self-medicate" with bai feng wan to make my menses regular...

Can check if anyone took Duphaston 10mg before? gynae prescribed me on 2 weeks Duphaston, supposedly to help make my menses come on the 14th day.. I've been taking it for a week and no feeling tt menses will come soon...

Snowger> have u try Evening primrose oil b4? i have stop my TCM this mth.. thinking to try on my own...

Gwen> Thanks! I think today i go GNC try out!

wishstar> Hello gal, was very busy last week... kekee btw today CD3 lioa.. keke

BB NN> i will count Sunday as CD1..

babysee> WOW maybe u got BFP lioa leh..

summer, mi today CD16 liao...still no +ve on opk...some more i kena food poisoning over the wkend...nvr BD...i tik my chance for Jun MTB also gone... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi!good morning to all ladies here..long time i did not post anything here le but hav been monitoring this thread all the time neh… I’m so happy & excited when I saw my OPK turn “positive” finally on last 2 day, but too bad my DH was not feeling well so we only managed to BD once during this “most important period”. I felt a bit disappointed and you knw I’m so bad cos I hav blamed him tat why he always not feeling well during this “most important period”. He always ask me don’t be stress and said no need to rush cos we still have time….maybe he is right but I think men is always can’t understand women’s feeling well that how much we care for our O day and how much we have suffer during our waiting time. I jus received a gd news from my gd friend that she going to hav her 2nd BB next year, how I wish I can be the next one... My 2ww just started, so let us all here “加油” together bah! Good Luck.

*I’m wondering BD on the night b4 I tested OPK positive ( the next day morning) still got any chance or not??

hi been reading all d posts b4 posting.. I ttc for my 3rd one for abt 2 yrs till now no news.. got 2 boys so trying for a girl...

Everyone jia you......

Hi! Summer Peh, you can try Unity also, I bought my Kondel’s EPO at a promotion price S$34.90 for twin pack (each got 180 capsule) last mth, very cheap.

wishstar> I think we have problem if we never see egg white leh...

emily sum> EPO is good? u know what is for?

hey gals, can tell me more on EPO?

Wishstar / Summer Peh >> Ok, Sunday CD1 hehehe. Now waiting for the O game, i really think last month i did not O, this time i will KS a bit, i will start testing for my O on Day 7. Just to make sure i did not miss anything.

BabySee >> 2 July, wah really long time, i agree with SummerPeh, should go and test leh, BFP and Promotion.

Emily Sum >> Some articles said to BD 2 days before O, and some said, during O, no matter what, as long as we BD, there is that chance. i can say we are all anxious during this period, and as difficult as this maybe, we have to be relaxed and happy. As for your hubby, i think like mine, cannot stress them, performance will "drop", so no choice, have to put in a little more effort and seduce them :p

"Feed them well, make sure they are in tip top condition, and Attack them :D"

2boysmummy >> Can you sprinkle some baby boy dust on me, i have a baby girl, we can exchange baby dust :p hehehe... The other day my hubby downloaded some apps on his iPad, can predict baby gender by parents age and blood group. I tried for myself and my brother, and our daughter, all accurate.

Summerpeh> for me, my AF will visited me “on time” every mth after I taken it. Last time I taken 2 capsule every nite b4 sleeping, but now I only taken 1 capsule a day from CD 1 till our Ovu day then stop in the early morning (empty stomach) after I saw the post from Serene in this thread last mth. U can track back the past post in this thread if u are interested

ladies, my af juz came :`(

when i tote i tio this month, coz i had nausea few days before

so disappointed...haizz

i have been on folic acid for pass 30days...

can i mix with EPO??

i hope this month i can see my O +ve

>BB NN, haa..haa..you are so cute....anyway agreed with U, thks ^0^

I hav a BB girl too, she is 17 mths now, wat abt yrs? So I hoping a BB boy…but if is BB girl also will be very happy lah cos my personal thinking is girl girl will be more 贴心…

> pinkyrose, i hav been on folic acid + EPO since 6 mths agoes when i started TTC...but so far i'm ok with tis. Good Luck to you ^0^

emily> u tio alr?hee..and u buy what brand of epo?400mg?

i very ks.....i donload all the free apps on period tracker in iphone

but all give me different results as to when i O and fertile days...

= confused me....

emily, dun worry, some pple even BD once also tio...it's all abt timing...we'll jus wait for your gd news!

summer, wow...CD5, very early...i started testing on CD13

good morning!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if u r the fertile kind, bd once oso can tio! if u bd b4 the opk shows positive and u tio, the chances of getting a girl is higher! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


EPO helps to balance our hormones. i got mine at watsons last night. many different brands but i see all same ingredients.. so i got the cheapest! :p *cheapo face*


my ovulation date is so haywired i stopped testing w opk! it used to be after cd18!! i suspect sometimes i neva ovulate at all!! sigh... early menopause!!! =S

Emily.. U tio Liao!! Congrats. Can spread some baby dust to us? Am hoping to have a baby ger this time round. But I guess it's going to b tough this time cos just changed job not long n it's quite stressful. So now My stress level is doubled.

Afternoon ladies!

Welcome emily and gwen! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im on course this week thus might not be able to respond promptly.

Anyway, read that quite a few of us had their AF reported over the weekend. Do you feel that the more we wish for the more we wun get... but jia you and try next cycle. At least we still have each other support! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maybe you guys can get husband and urself to start bathing cold water so that 2 weeks later can BD, just in time...

Emily, at times, I also stressed too much on my hubby during the CD 10th-20th day. At times, I still need to "book appt" with him Then those few days, he will drink lots of orange juice to help him perform better as doing alt days (we tried to) is quite tiring for us esp we are both working. Sometimes, I will also blamed him if he 'cant' make or not available.

Arrgghhh, cant believe that we justt want bb and yet so difficult hor, then got friends ard us get to tio so easily... sigh

Nonetheless, let's give each other support!

Do you ladies feel fat after taking the clomid and the folic acid pills?

I dun know y leh, for me, I put on weight leh, today my pants is so tight... But I asked my gyna whether the clomid do changes my homones and causes me to be fatter, but he said no loh.

JJJmommy I dun blame my hb but instead I only requested him to BD in those fertile days when he wana have it more often. Cos I'm not the high drive kind so he feels that I only intimate with him cos I wana a baby.

Any suggestions to improve our sex drive cos after a long day at work I just dun have the energy to BD anymore.

joelle, mi also haywire de...i 1 2 stop charting BBT le...as for opks...hmm..maybe i will stop dat as well...cos 2 sian for me le...so dun wanna pin high hopes...now BD only when we like.. my hubby also stress with it...what is meant to be ours...it's ours...

>Pinkyrose, no, not yet tio..still trying very hard now…I taking Kordel’s EPO (1000 mg/ capsule) I think I’m the lucky one cos I managed to tested “positive” on my OPK (I using those cheap cheap type). But I heard someone said can’t totally rely on it. I hav another symptom during my O day, tat is my tummy (lower part) will be very pain, tis will last for about 2 days, the feeling like when the AF came.

>Wishstar & Joelle, haa..haa..ok ok. Thks and same to you too, good luck, let 加油together ^0^

>Gwen, no, not yet tio, I’m still trying very hard now…I also thinking to change job since few mths agoes cos feel very “sian” liao after 6 years with tis company. Tis is one of the reason that I hope to hav 2nd BB soonest before I change my job. I think it is better to take 4 mths maternity leave in “old” company instead of in “new” company, to get lesser stress.

>JJJ mummy, actually I hav try very hard not to be too stressful on the last 2 mths, but don’t knw why suddenly the “stress” came back tis mth neh? Maybe it is due to after I received the gd news from my gd friend bah ^0^

Wah, i just went for lunch, and when i am back, this whole page is back to live.

SummerPeh >> Heehee, and i think i am already KS, this round i will start on CD 7, if this time cannot find the O also, no choice, will start earlier. hehehe...

PinkyRose >> Dont worry, our promotion will be this coming cycle :D Stay happy...

EmilySum >> My daughter is now 9 months plus, like yourself I would love to have a boy first even though me and my hubby would love to stop at 3 kids.

JJJ Mummy >> I think not so much of putting on weight with Clomid and folic acid but for me it is the additional Metaforme which i am taking that is causing my weight gain. (For the PCOS condition).

Gwen >> Same for me too, i used to feel disappointed when my hubby cannot be available on the fertile days, or that he is tired, we sat down to discuss, ask him things like what excites him... like what places, etc... I know it sounds strange that when both one kids and only one is putting in more effort, but my hubby explained to me that for a guy, there is even more pressure if we try to force them.

Make it relaxing for them, keep them healthy, and "attack" them once in a while. Something i have to learn as well, and when all works, we will get out promotion.

I know, it is easy for me to say, but i have tried, it works, make him anticipate, like message him some cheeky messages at work, etc...

Wishstar,Summerpeh, BBNN> how i wish I really tio... tested 3 times in btw... and even gynae also tested on me but -ve [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so now I have to "make" my menses come in order to proceed to next step..

JJJ> orange juice helps?? wow... then I must order 10 catons liao... although it was a relaxing weekend for me, hb and I were still tired to even BD... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haiz... I tried to create sparks in our life but physically very drained from work leh... how huh?

agree that those who really want the baby ended up wait longer than those who hit the jackpot when they did not even plan too... one of my hb's colleague, got preggie before marriage and was rushing into marriage.. hmmz.. how come got precaution and still can tio.. ?

hee.. seems like most ladies here are already mummies.. quite surprising as I thought most Singaporeans would stop at 1 or 2... I would love to have 3 children if can cope financially after 2 kids

hi babysee

decided to have 2nd; concerned for the 1st if ever we are not around anymore (think too far huh..), he will have someone close to discuss things with etc..

3 is nice if we have more help also.. not only financially but family support (need some time to our own and we feel safe to place the kids temporarily with them)

Let's hear good news from all here..

emily> thanks i will go look back if i can.. lol

wishstar> paiseh i KS...

joelle> ok tonight i go buy... lol

I hope EPO can work... i stop my TCM this mth but i still take my BBT & OPK... if next mth still like that will stop all medic.. kekee

ladies...juz want ur views

i started ttc in aug...i felt backache,cramps(these 2 are normal AF symptoms to me) but last nand this month,i felt nausea...feel like puking..

that was when i thought i tio but the red flag came...

i double disappointed

does anyone knows why i have the extra puking feeling now as 1 of my AF symptom?

Babysee >> your AF irregular? I have a friend, his wife, one year AF visit her twice only, but she just keep "Tio-ing" Envy lor...

Also dont OD with the OJ, later hubby change col. become Orange :D

JJJ Mummy >> How does OJ help, improve quality, or prevent Hubby from falling sick?

CK >> I would love three kids, now working hard on BB II, AF just come, now hoping for promotion in this coming month.

Baby Dust Baby Dust..



i'm taking epo from vitahealth. i checked, those fr nature's way, blackmores and greenlife all have the same ingredients and compenents %. vitahealth has extra vit E added (antioxidant) so i got it... plus it's the cheapest ard! :p the main diff is the country of origin..plus packaging i suppose. if u r not particular, any brand will do.


are u on clomid? cos when i was on clomid i felt my sense of smell heightened. i would have the pukey feeling on the slightest unpleasant smell... smells that don't used to bother me.

everyone is telling me, "if u don't think abt it, u will strike!" aiyo..i find it so impossible... how to "don't think" if the reason for "don't think" is so that i can get a bb!!?? which is "thinking" in itself?! so contradicting leh.... :\

