(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Summer peh- hush hush.. Dun cry. Once I also broke down in office cos couldn't cope with work n AF came that day. Luckily DH brought mi out for movie n dinner den felt better.

Babysee- i nvr eat snake in my ex co but current job is so stressful that I need to take s breather at times.

Emilybaby / joelle- tink we are over confident. Then I realized that I'm not that fertile kind. The crucial period is v impt to mi n i also hope to have a rabbit girl before I close shop

foolish- congrats! When's ur EDD? Happy for ya...


Foolish> CONGRATS!! how many months le?

Gwen> I know what u mean.... My work can be pretty demanding sometimes and calls keep coming in... and stress from boss too... a few times i just hide inside toilet and weep loh. rather than throw temper directly or let others see my week part. After that I will wait a while, let my eyes regain from redness and go back workstation...

baby dust! baby dust!! sprinkle on all of us tonite!!!

Hi all,

1st tested 2 days ago. Faint positive band. Then tested today again, is negative leh.

Not sure what to make up of it, but guess is a false alarm.

congrats to those who "tio" and thanks for sharing the baby dust.

Pommes, did you use different test kit? Faint line is confirmed, not like OPK which needs to be darker than test line.

I've overstocked on Clearblue digital smiley 7-sticks ovalution kits, $55 per box with postage, 2 boxes for $100, please PM me if you are keen. Thanks.

Babysee- ya tink my impatience is affecting my mood. Just hope I get good news soon to brighten mi up. : )

pommes- ya tink u shld try again next few days

annissa- u tio also? Congrats! Another good news from ladies here. Let's keep this trend going!

Good Morning Gals! Your are so early...

Pommes> 3 mth ago i was also like that... first few days test with Faint Positive but CD 34 AF report.. T.T

Hi Annisa,

I used a different brand kit on my 2nd testing.

Hi Gwen,

That's the advice my pregnant friends gave too. Test again a few days later.

Hi Summer,

Today is my CD32. my cycle abt 28-32 max. But this round, got very bad nauseaous feeling that started 2 weeks ago. Have been feeling very uncomfortable.

Hope to unravel the mystery soon.

Thanks for the wishes but me not yet, still trying. kekeke. The cheaper test strip doesnt really work for me, therefore, I need to use the Clearblue one. To enjoy greater saving on shipping, I've ordered extras.

Pommes, advisable to use the same brand to test. MS probably comes around 5-6 weeks, that is like 4 weeks after you've ovulated. 7-9 days after you've ovulated, then implantation. Best time for 1st test is like 7-10 days after you've ovulated & "implantationed", then again around 14-16 days to confirm.

hi all

need some advice whether i m still in time to catch my ovulation. my bbt is 36.26 and today is 36.55. past few days bbt is hovering btw 36.15-36.26. saw EWCM today too. will it be too late to bd tonite?

thanks for your help.

Tzac....you may have missed it, but no harm to BD tonight as you may ovulate late.

If you've just started BBT charting, you may use this month as a reference for next month BD plan.

I just started for 2 cycles. From my 1st cycle experience, I'm able to see a definite trending.

My temp will dip by 0.2 for 1-2days before I ovulate.

Pommes> nvm i hope u are not i the same case as mi... lol Good luck Oo...

tzac> tonight might be ur last chance... u still have hope... kekeke

hi annissa n summer, thanks for your replies. yup, die die today will hv to bd. i am really hoping tat i can strike tis mth as this is my last try for natural b4 my ivf

annissa - how come use same brand to test again? I still thinking of buying 3rd brands to test it out.

summer - maybe i'm just having a bad case of gastric :{

Pommes.....different brand has different test sensitivity.

Yes, agreed with Summer, as long as AF never come = good news. This is especially true if your cycle is super accurate.

Hi summer, I only monitor the CM. I tried the BBT method but is too troublesome for me.

annissa - I was thinking if really pregnant, then should showed positive, no matter what brand.

i agree with pommes. BBT too troublesome le...

on wkdays u can wake up at the same time...but wkends u tends to sleep more...so very difficult chart BBT

i wanna drop the charting liao

Although I haven got the chance to do BBT (coz waiting for next cycle), a few gfs shared with me they got so stressed with BBT & OPK for almost a yrs, that they only conceived after doing nothing! hmmz.. anyway, i think i will still give BBT a try so that my gynae can have a chart to refer too...

check with u, does sleeping with aircon on certain days also affect the BBT result? I on the aircon 1-2 times a week.

I think I will go see a doc tomo. The nauseous is getting too much. But I am not sure if the doc can help me... *_*

Pommes> ya better see doc to confirm. hope there'll be good news for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi gals,

saw u all say that mid autumn is good time to BD? cute leh you all... ;p For gals who have started a fresh cycle, let's JIA YOU again! : )


dun sad lar... I think u very stressed up about having a child is it? If u stressed at work, one way is to accumulate all your leave and go off for a LONG holiday with ur hb (like 2 wks during ur fertile period in between) then BD during that period. I was told that when u are less stressed, the PH enviornment there is more conducive for spermies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


All the best to ya! I hope you "tio"! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blood test can confirm if you are preggy or not. Cos it can test for even the lowest amt of preggy hormones.

U got a faint line for the test kit. Did you try again with the same brand of test kit the next day? Also try testing using the first pee in the morning... For my first kiddo, I oso tested faint line the first time, then I test again the next day and the next. Cos hb bot the watsons preg test kit and there were 3 in one box. dun waste mah... ;p

Hi snowger,

I didn't try with the same brand again for the 2nd test. Maybe I should really test again with the same kit.

I just feel very weird and uncomfy. All the preggie symptoms on me, yet the test kits telling 2 different stories.

Pommes, good to see doctor for blood test to confirm. Do let the doctor know that you suspect that you maybe pregnant. 1 of my gf, went to see doctor for bloated feeling and she has gastric history, doctor prescribed her gastric medication. Only on the 3rd consulation then doctor do further test then confirmed she is pregnant.


Seems like a high chance of u being preggy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just get a blood test done if possible. If not just wait another 2-3 days to test again... The preggie hormones need some time to multiply... ;p

It's knock off time. Such a nice weather to cuddle under the blanket but I'm going jogging with DH! Haha.. It's been years since I last jogged. Feel so fat n heavy after a sinful lunch.

Pommes- hope to hear good news from u! N u shall spread some baby dust to us ya..

Seems like everyone is diligently doing the BBT chart except mi. Am so lazy to do it. Perhaps I shld just BD every alternate days man. Haha.. But it's going to be tough. Who would b able to do that if both parties are alr so tired from a long days work.

Gwen - You are not the only one. I also not doing BBT =) I pei fu those ladies who can do BBT, cos' it takes a conscientious effort to do it everyday and at the same hour too! Since my menses not back yet, I just BD every 2-3 days..hopefully can catch the first O in almost 2 years!

Snowger> ya lor very stress... but like want to give up also.. hubby don have leave lioa... maybe next year lor...

But i think BBT is good but really ma fan la...

Morning ladies TGIF! But it's Gona b just another busy day for mi.

Summer peh/ Anastasia - ya.. BBT is good but troublesome. Though it can better predict our best condition, not all can stay on with the process. Just hope everyone is comfortable with her own method of conceiving and get good results ya.

Morning ladies!

Gwen, mi 1 2 stop le...cos is only useful in letting me know my mense is coming...like O-ing...it's so messy after comparing so many mths

Moreover, i dun wake up on time on wkends...so dun tik is accurate for mi

morning everyone!

bbt is making me confused. tis is my 3rd cycle charting but tis mth, the numbers are strange. I do not seem to be ovulating. Today my bbt dipped again to 36.28, yesterday is 36.55 and the day before is 36.26. Does it mean i m not ovulating tis mth? Any advice, anyone? thanks

tzac> humm like that must ask doctor lioa... but if temp up & down my TCM last time will change my medic.. then will see stable next cycle.. lolx

Tzac, whatever method we used, we need to do combination of a few to confirm. This cycle I've ovulated 4-5 days earlier which I managed to detect because I've used the Clearblue monitor. When monitor showed peak, BBT dipped, I've tested with OPK strip too!

Hi ladies..

Good morning to all of you..oopps, I think I'm a bit late ah, now near to lunch time liao.. =p

Annissa, so you mean your Clearblue monitor indicated that you ovulated, but your BBT didn't? Hmmm, like that quite confusing hor..but I think you're safe lah..you got Clearblue to help you..I think that is a very reliable brand =) I'm quite tempted to buy that to monitor my ovulation too..cos' I dun think BBT will work for me..but the price of the Clearblue monitor quite costly rite?

Anyway, hope all of you have a good weekend ahead! A while more before lunch, then a bit more before knock-off!

Anastasia, all results correct. My BBT will dip for 1-2 days before I ovulate then rise after I O.

The monitor is a good tool which I'm glad that I've bought it. This is my 1st cycle with it.

summer: yeah, will go ask tcm sinseh when i see her tis weekend. i remember tat she told me if i dun c any temp rise, then it will mean tis cycle i will not be ovulating. so disappointing..one cycle wasted. seem like i m fated to do another round of ivf..

happy weekend everyone.

Hi all,

Just got back from the doc. Performed a urine pregnancy test and it's negative. Then diagnosed me as a case of gastric problem and sent me home.

Sorry, no baby dust for you girls.

Hi babysee,

Yes, it is possible that you can have cycles without ovulation.

BBT monitoring

Before I got my 1st child, I started out with BBT monitoring having read so many good things about it... but it was really difficult for me to spot O and my charts were as beautiful as the hills and the moutains in China. i.e. i never got the trend right... as in the temp goes up and dips ever so readily over the whole month. Which is why I have given up on BBT monitoring. But if you can catch a trend in BBT monitoring + OPK, that will be a real plus in trying to get preggy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pommes> pls take good care.. hope u'll recover soon..

OMG.... I've always thought it's becoz I am not ovulating and hence no menses... I still have so much to learn on women's bio...

today me slight migraine again... then feeling nausea from the migraine... keep munching on my sour plum in office.. guess AF is finally coming for my case as I am on doc's pills to make menses come.. haiz nausea for the very wrong reason...

tzac> btw what is the charge of IVF?

babysee> Yes we can have AF w/o O-ing...

Snowger> no la, i also use BBT + OPK.. but still no luck..

morning went for my detail scan..

everything is fine and baby is very active..

confirm is a boy.. hehe..

just now dr ang actually wanted to do the 3d photo..

but baby dun give face..

during the scan, baby abit notti cuz when scanning the hand..

he put his hand behind the head n when scanning the leg he will cross the leg..

can't measure the length of his height also..

and i am in my 21 weeks le..

my weight now is 53.8kg..

i have gain 8kg already!!.. so scary..

