(2011/11) Nov 2011

Felixp: Your wedding is in May right? I think still won't show that much huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But did you pick a gown that is slightly roomier? Hehe...Share with us pics if you can! So exciting...I remember prep for wedding last time was so fun. :D

Re: Dyeing hair

I heard that it's not good since the chemicals can go into our bloodstream? How about rebonding? Sobs. I can't imagine my hair not being rebonded for sooooooo many more months. Eeks!

TinyVoice: Hehe, I also intending to do that...Think of words I like, meaningful words, qualities I want my kids to have...Then shall either get my Chinese teacher friends to help, or my friend who's in the Chinese ministry in church. She's my best friend too! :D Hehehehe...But getting inspiration from HK/Korean TV dramas is good too! Hohoho


Re: flu medicine

Got 1 time I SMS my gynae to check if Chlorpheniramine for runny nose/block nose, safe to eat for preggie women, he said ok.

Ent129: my son's name is Samuel, got 1 time on the way to church, this name came to our mind! Then we told ourselves if pastor preached on the book of Samuel, then means confirmation of this name. True enuff that day, pastor preached the book of Samuel! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my church's nursery have alot of Samuel though, Haahaa! Every Sunday got to sift thru name tags, alot of Samuel!

Hello Ladies,

Seen the doctor this thursday, Baby well and fine measuring 5.1cm @11 and half weeks.

Be having my oscar this next tuesday. I'm so excited :D


Nick: starprincess82

EDD: 7 Nov 2011

Doctor: Dr Adrian Woodworth

Hosptial: MAH

Hi Mummies and Mummies-to-be,

Congrats to you all!

I'm a mummy of 1 and my son just turn 13months. I've started a blog selling DIAPER BAG ORGANISERs, TOTSEATs and Baby clothings to earn extra cash.

Please feel free to visit my blog.


Free Normal Postage for SMH Mummies!

And I hope you have a safe delivery!

TinyVoice: Awww...Then the name must be super meaningful! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope my kid's name will be as meaningful too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So how old is little Samuel? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starprincess: Congrats! We have about the same EDD...So hmm, means my little one should be about the same size...But after so many weeks, means they've only grown like 4 cm! The last time I went to see the doc, it was 8 weeks and measuring 1.7cm...Hmm. Hope I can see more at my OSCARS one week from now!! :p

ent29: my son is turning 4 this year. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] An active toddler!!

starprincess: welcome and ^5! we have the same gynae, are you seeing Woody at the CCK or sengkang clinic? Me seeing him at CCK.

ent29 (ent29): Wah...EDD same date. Yes me too hope i can see more at my Oscars scan. I'm so much looking forward. :p

TiNy VoIcE (voice_0229): I'm seeing woody at compass point.

welcome J & starprincess! =)

thanx starry & littlefren! lil sparkles of my life. hehe.


can dye hair but muz tell stylist that u r preg. coz dye touch scalp not good for us. that is y usually gynae say can highlight hair onli. hehe.


me wana rebond too! my laz rebond was jan'10. sianz sia.

hi mummies! Was abt to go zzz but cldnt resist peaking into the forum to see what's on first. ;)

Tiny voice,

I like the Chinese names. Very nice! They do sound a little on the K-pop side. Hee!! Special!

Hubby and I havent discuss abt Chinese names yet. Our girl is Kai(3) En(1). 2nd child likely Kai(3) Xuan(1) or Kai something else. Think if this 2nd child is a girl, the name Jazeree Ng Kai Xuan sounds really nice! Hoping... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Are u feeling better? For flu, the meds u can take are quite limited. If have fever or what pls see the doc. See normal GP can le. But have to tell the doc that you are pregnant. Most imptly, rest a lot and drink a lot of water. Get well soon!

Okay, gonna sleep... Had a long long day out with with mummy friends and their lovely babies. All so cuuuute!!! Looking forward to our outings also once we are all in 2nd tri. I'll officially be in 2nd tri tmr! Very happy. :D Good night, babes!

starry...im also tinking of chinese names w En(1)..For boy or girl also to end with En(1).

And I thought of Kai(3) En(1) also..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I always thought i wld want a fanciful chinese name..something special n unique but now i tink i just want something tt has a nice meaning..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry, i also like girls with the "en" or "er" character. if this is a girl, then she shall have either one of the character as part of the name.

J, GP generally tend tobe generous with mc for preg women cos for flu, they cant prescribe strong med so the only one is that small yellow pill. they will tell u to slp and drink more water. that's the way to fight flu for most pple. that's why flu meds tend to make u sleepy.

had my gynae visit today. baby was suddenly dancing for us, with arms waving. so cute. hb was thinking if we can ever ask the gynae to save the images into thumbdrive instead of just the 3 printouts. haha....

tried to ask no1 if sibling is gonna be a didi or mei mei but he will go didi meimei or meimei didi. makes me wonder if i'm gonna have twins in the beginning but now, it seems only 1.

felixp, i rem some MUA will say dont need to dye hair cos they also have this hair spray that will help temp highlight the hair. u mite want to ask her that.

cold water - i drink lotsa cold water. though trying to limit myself to only 1/2 can of coke a day at most. cant stomach room temp warm water. next will be drinking teh-o.

i'm having insomia. either i wake up at such timings after falling aslp with no1 at 10pm or i kept waking up.

Cold drinks

Today i drank alot of cold drinks,weather so hot how to dahan warm water.Lunch or dinner outside definely must go with cold drinks,infact i am always craving for cold drinks.Every weekend i must have cold dessert especially snow ice,favourite.I felt happier and lesser nausea after taking it.

Dye hair

I wanted to do rebonding instead.Think 1st trimester dont do any chemical.I will wait untill 3rd trimester then do ba.


I also find the en character sounds very nice. And Kai En is quite unisex also. That time don't know whether we are having boy or girl so went for a nice and unisex name. I find Xuan very nice too. Spoilt for choices. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I was just telling my friends yesterday that I don't have any fainting issues for this pregnancy. Then this morning stood in the queue for food for 15mins and ha to take a seat cos wanted to faint! Is this pantang or what?! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Cannot even walk to the drinks stall for coffee.. Stood there a while and strews feeling woozy le.

Cold Drinks :

Prohibited by MIL~ she said will cause BB to have asthma ~ which my bro kenna when mum's was pregnant, she needs pepsi everyday~ but gynae didnt mention any on that.. i suppose can drink but just not too often and not too much.

Dye/Perm/Rebon hair:

Gynae advised not to do it.. but for pedi & manicure .. gynae said can go ahead.

Names for the precious one:

Envious, all got Beautiful names =D i'm only looking at the english names, as in-laws insisted to go You Long Zi for chi names. . saded.. i've got my girl/boy's names ready long time ago. ;( personally i like Xuan ~ =D

@starry: Yes it's super "ban tang". my case is like; 'Phew, today not a nauseous/vomiting day for me." next moment, queasy tummy and toliet visiting time! so yes, try to avoid that. but recently, i'm always dizzy and almost fainted twice in the office.. Zzzzz ....

Chinese Names

I think names with xuan, en, kai have very good meaning, sounds good and very popular. My gf' 1st kid boi is called kai quan, 2nd kid, girl called en quan. My bro' 1st kid is called jin xuan. I also hope to use either kai for my #2 if possible.

Only prob with parents is that chinese names cannot contain similar sound or words same as immediate family' elders names so many names cannt use esp if you have many siblings or old people like grandparents in immediate family excluding your relatives. My mom says it is a form of respect not to have same name/sounds. This is so different from the european/western perspective. This is esp so if they have the names containing very good meanings and sounds. However my gf' name has the same sound or word as her mother and not a prob. I suppose her mom is more modern.

TinyVoice: Ooh, like that is the same age gap as me and my brother, and very good, cos the korkor will take care of the younger one!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry: I like your choice of name!! Jazeree is really nice (like Desiree, only J!), and I love the Kai3 Xuan1 also!! I think Xuan is very nice... :D But my niece got Xuan already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think Kai En is also very meaningful...I love the word En1 because it means grace! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hehe, for this reason, I hope you have a girl. Hahahaha! If boy how?? I think qian4 is also quite nice...Very princessy (though I'm sure it's because of some Japanese/Korean drama I watched before!)...

Starry - I'm assuming if boy n girl also can use Kai en then the Kai might b a diff one for girl n for boy? Hmmm can't find gd Chinese name bks..went popular n only found one so so one so making do...I rem my mum's time she had this very comprehensive Chinese name bk Haizz too bad I think we left it behind when we move house last time

Simp - issit?? I was tinking of hui en also coz my mum's name got hui n I wanna use the same hui to remember her by coz she is no longer ard..goig by the western concept was naming kid after a parent or elder hmmm...

Yeah Xuan is very nice...I think girl Chinese names easier to find...boy quite tough without sounding or biang haha


Im sorry to hear that your mom is no longer ard.

When i was trying to name my #1, i got a list of names that i like, then let hb choose, then let my parents and his parents choose before we finalise. Then got to re-think and come out with names, tedious for me. Some names my parents say sound very inauspicious when you use dialect to pronounce. He says you dun wan the kid to be mocked by other people or have negative connotations when others call the names. So i realised names are not easy to come up with.

For those who wants a easier way out is to pay people to come up with meaning and nice sounding names. I know a few people whose kids have very good meaning and sounds very nice for boys and girls. I think i will give it amiss and come up with my own for #2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all!

I'm currently 8 weeks plus pregnant.. But, having very serious gastric problem and keep vomitting till I see food, I scared... I'm seeing Dr adrian too! =)


I was suffering bad MS too, now feel better le (I'm about 10 weeks). I lost about 3 kg for a span of 5 weeks, cos vomit, no appetite, etc. The anti-nausea meds dun work too. Doc got gave prescription for a much stronger one, ondestron or something, but I read its mostly meant for patient who needs to do surgery or chemotherapy and may vomit severely. Plus its damn ex. So I din want to try that. Even though the gynae says its safe for pregnancy.

I try to lie down after I eat my meals, so I avoid vomiting out what I eat immediately. It helps, but lie down I still feel nausea, only never vomit, a consolation lor. Thus, I asked for MC to stay at home.

Dun be scare bah.. I think like most of the MTB all suffer morning sickness, some more severe, some less. But the good thing was, baby is healthy. Strong heart beat (I ownself judge when I hear, haha), growing according to schedule. Cos the morning sickness is cos by pregnancy hormones. And its the same hormones that makes the pregnancy good! Think of it this way lor.



Wanna share this growing schedule I saw on my pregnancy book here.

Baby's length in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy

7 - 10mm

8 - 16mm

9 - 24mm

10- 33mm

11- 43mm

12- 55mm

13- 68mm

14- 82mm

I found this to be very accurate for my little baby. Its written by a local gynae too.

good weather to go out & play but too bad my bois napping. dono wat they gonna waki. hehe.

baby names

have tot of english names for both gender but hb & mi cant agree on the name for boi. hehe. coz my bois are Jayzon & Kayson. both _ay_on. so dono wat alpha sounds nicer. hehe. ger ger will be Izabelle. chinese name will be get shi fu to match a few for us den we pick from there. hehe.


Seems like this kinda thing better not say. I was telling my friends, "Heng ah.. This time round pregnant no fainting at all!" See lah! Yaya papaya. :p Shall zip my mouth and not say anymore. Haha!

oh yah, last time my in laws also wanted to go temple ask for good names. But I didn't want to because Hubby and I are Christians. We don't want to end up with funny names that are difficult to write and end up hating it plus all the arguments with in laws. So I came up with the name 凯恩 and one day told in laws that this will be her name, end of story. Luckily they were okay and didn't make a fuss. My mil also a bit scared that I will argue and so gave in to us. My take on this is, if u are not comfortable with the idea then voice out rather than keep it in. After all u are the one who will be usin ur child's name more than anyone else. Imagine calling a name u hate everyday. But if u have no issues then go for it. Make parents happy also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can go online and search? Search from those Chinese or Taiwanese websites. Should have a lot of results. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Agree Chinese names more headache. English names really easy!


Qian also sounds good!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] very sweet. See lah, from my choice of names u know I want a baby girl again. Haha! Dunno what character to use for boy. Gotta do research.


I heard about that too, but I guess nowadays more modern, ppl are open and don't mind also. Depends on individuals bah. Actually if last time no one told me, I wouldn't know. In fact the 凯 in my girl's name is in my cousin's (her uncle) name also.


What abt Jaydon or Kaydon? Daymon and Dayvon also quite unique! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I love the name Izabelle and Isabella. Very lady-like.

Other baby girl names I love are Chloe, Athena, LuJaynne, Meghan, Katelynn, Joey etc.

Iemiko: So interesting... :D Since got J and K, next boy should be L?? Lay_on...Hmm. Can't think of anything nice! Heh. I like Starry's suggestion of Kaydon though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Nowadays, the 'z's are so popular in names!

Starry: You really very biased! All the names you suggest are all girl names! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Chloe lah, Meghan lah...Hahaha. For boys, a lot of common characters, but quite nice sounding...Like Jun4 and ermm Kai3 for boy also nice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Maybe can do connecting names...Since Jadelyn is Kai En, then the next one can be En something. Heh. Last time my teacher, unknowingly, all their names connected, from dad to mum! Eric --> Carol --> Luke --> Ethan!!! I was the one who pointed it out to them lor!! :p

Re: baby names

So far have not started thinking yet, waiting till gender is confirmed. Personally I like the character xuan also and Ning 宁 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But also all girl names...haha...Can't think of any boy names at the moment...

Baby Names

Starry, i din know abt the unsaid rules of chinese names until my mom told me. Dad told me that you cannt be too rigid in names and follow rules too much, as long as the name does not repeat within the immediate family then it is ok, even if it is same as cousin still ok. As long as not same as grandparents, parents, immediate uncles or aunts. I was thinking if we have to be so strict, then i think better not have chinese names. Can u imagine last time, olden days, the family unit is so huge and the ancestral thing, hard not to have similar names and sound so i think we are much better these days. I guess next time our kids' kids can have any names they want as long as it does not contain negative meaning or sound inauspicious. I can understand that kids can suffer if names are given badly, they have to carry their names from school to work and it will affect their lives.


Yah... Hope so.. Tomorrow I gonna see my gynae to get MC cuz I totally no energy to teach... I feel so giddy... The moment I want to talk also no energy.. How to teach? -.-"

I tried lying down.. Although I didn't vomit when I lie down.. The moment I woke up, I vomit.. And the food was as if it totally didn't digest at all even after two hours...

Baby names:

I love Jaydan! Or Jacelyn for girl girl.. =)

morning! did u all have an enjoyable wkend? =)


d names u suggested are nice! shall ask hb. hehe. hopefully it has d same meaning as Jayzon & Kayson - Healer! =)


hehe. J & K coz it happens to be d alpha btwn mi & hb name. wanted L if next one has another 'bird". but scare ppl make fun of d name. =p

c-sect mummies

decided on which date to go for c-sect? hehe. mi told dr tt i wan 01/11/11 but he refuse. hopefully can psycho him in d next few mths. lolx.

morning everyone, has been a crazy two weeks at work for me. Hopefully it will be better from now till the June holidays.

Names: I'll probably choose A names coz my twins are Aaden and Alexis. Chinese names will be chosen by my inlaws.

C sect: Actually had my c sect date chosen during the first preg but my water bag burst 4 days before so no choice but to go all natural. The pain was a killer so thank god for epidural. My twins are 14 mins apart!


Can't help it. LOVE baby girls! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Go watch more Korean/Taiwanese dramas for inspiration.


In those days it must have been quite a headache having a name. Can imagine how many generations and ppl are involved esp for those large and rich families. Thank God for modern times.


Hubby wanted 10/10/10 for our girl but I said no way! Later no room for in the hosp and gotta share 2-bedded. In the end it was 09/10/10. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] This time round, we were contemplating 09/10/11. So both have same bday since their original edd is just 5 days apart! But still considering. May not be good to have same bday. Every year celebrate together, not so special for them. Any feedback? I'm having headache over this..

Good Morning mummies,

For the first time in MRT, someone gave up her seat for me. I was truly touched. Didn't expect people to tell so soon. I was standing infront of this lady, stroking my belly, she was using her Hp. Thought is ok, cause my belly is not as big, but after two stops, she waves at me and offer her seat. So happy. She really make my day.

I'm definitely not fat, cause my weight is still dropping after i measure it yday. =\

Worn a dress and a jacket today.


That's wonderful! U met a Samaritan today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My tummy out already. Can even feel the uterus protruding outwards without lying down. Hope we all meet kind souls in mrt. Especially for those of us who are still feeling the effects of MS and fainting/dizziness.

Fynn: You a teacher too? Jia you! Earlier on I also felt very light headed the moment I started to project my voice to the class. Our digestive system is currently very wonky too, so the other ladies suggested we eat smaller meals and more meals...That helps! And crackers seem to help... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Iemiko: Why will the laugh at the L name?? I was thinking about it and Laydon is actually quite nice! So interesting, everyone is so creative about the connection between kids names and parents' names. Boo...I don't see any connection between mine and hubby's names!!

MemChoc: I'm sure it's not cos it was obvious, maybe cos you were stroking your belly!! :D When will our bellies start to show anyway? Sometimes mine seems more bloated, but back to being more normal looking in the morning...

i sure met a Samanritan today. Hope today will b a good day.

ent29> Ya only pregy women and ppl who feel unwell will strok the belly. Haha. I like to do that nowadays. Lolx. Ya at times, mine look more bloated, at times it just get slightly smaller. =\ I also dunnoe why? Mayb cause after going toilet? Keke.

memorable, wow!! that's so nice. a good start to a week. =) hope more comes...

our tummy are bloated now more due to gas and also cos of the hormonal changes.

my skirts are getting tight and i dont wana wear maternity clothes yet. and for pple like me who already had a kid before, it becomes more obvious cos of the loose muscles and skin.

i cant even siam pple esp relatives cos now my tummy is protruding when i am usu with a not-so-obvious one. lucky left w 2 weeks to end of tri 1.

Morning ladies

Will be leaving this thread as my gynae confirm I will be having dec bb instead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for the past support and jia you!!


Hmm. Pros & cons of same birth date. I tink its cool & special tt siblings share same date thou.

My whole family born on 01 of diff mths. So this one also wana target same date. Hehe. The no 1 family. Lolx.


I tot of Laydon. But hb say Laydon Laydon, sounds like LADLE! Peng san.


Me gotta wear maternity clothes liao. Bb bump veri obvious. Mayb coz ba ba + #3.

Baby gender

Does carrying tummy high = girl girl? Coz i remember my tummy was low when having my boys. :p

Morning, ladies!

Memorable, what a good start to the week! Hope we meet more of these Samaritans during our journey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My tummy already starting to show already, can't fit into my regular jeans anymore..

i haf 3 siblings all born on the same date via c sect n i dont tink they have ever complained..they love having the same birthday..we get to haf 1 big birthday bash..lol..then for the ones who are celebrating milestones tt yr like 21st..will be abit more special for them lor..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also stroke belly but 9/10 times no one cares. maybe they think i am jus thungry?


have a smooth pregnancy!


such a nice coincidence that everyone in the family has birthday on the 1st! hope this baby can be 1st also. then really very nice.


i was still wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans (with belly band) when i was 4mths++ pregnant with my girl. from then till now, i have no idea where those jeans are anymore. must be hidden somewhere deep in the closet so that i don't see them and feel gek xim...


i did ask some friends if they mind having same bday with their sister or brother and every year celebrate together. some say they will feel upset 'cos not special. some say it's okay and better, more grand. haha!! so see how lah. wait till 3rd tri then think again.


I bought a belly band already, but still wondering when to start wearing..or maybe I still in denial...haha....think now will bring out and wear le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies!

Nausea again. I really cannot take anything sweet.

It "gets on my nerves" these days. Makes me feel like puking.


if can still fit then dun wear lor! keep till 2nd tri. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] once you find that you cannot button/zip up without struggling then it is time to wear.


endure! eat/drink something sour or salty? last time i always drink bovril mixed in hot water. helped a lot.


I just remembered something ladies! During my npcc sch days, we were told to wriggle our toes during long hours of drill if we feel faint, cos that would improve blood circulation. So ladies, while queuing up or standing in mrt, do wriggle toes or move your feet/hands a little to promote blood ciculation, hopefully that will help ease the fainting spells! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

>> names

I have no inspiration yet leh. Maybe after bb comes out then we'll see, afterall we have a month to register birthcert, hee.

