(2011/11) Nov 2011

Dear mummies...

Just called TMC to book appt for Oscar test...

Next appt date is 6 weeks later, 3rd week of May... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So now the nurse suggested me to just go at 9am to queue.. is it very crowded daily?

Can I just checked if normally you will make appt way in advance?


Haha. so many version of the old wives tale. My mum guess my bb is a boy looking at what i eat!

I prefer to drink soup, those brew soup esp. So she guess is a boy.

If its a girl, she say will like sour things more.

Another version is the position of ur belly, if lower is a boy. But i have a friend who has bb v low till she can only C-section but it turn out to b a girl. Haha

Maybe i will use the ring mathod:

Use your wedding ring tie with a thread. Hang down from your hand above your belly. If it rotate in cicle, it is a Girl. If it swing side to side, is a boy.

Lynn> I didnt make apptmt, my doctor just gave me two dates. 28th or 29th April. So i just choose 29th. He just give me a letter for the Oscar scan n tell me to go down at 8.30am to Q too. I didn't call TMC at all.


from what i exp at tmc the few times i was there it's quite crowded esp late morning. 9am still okay. but arrive earlier better. like 8.45am. not sure why urs so much in advance. how many weeks are you? mine was 2 weeks in advance i think.

maybe if doc give u letter then got 'priority' n can just go in? whereas if u externally make appt then gotta wait? but i sure hope i dont hafta wait soo long..i tink hafta do oscars before 13w n 6d..n if the avail date is 3rd wk of may then i wld haf crossed the deadline?

Thanks for your reply Starry...

Me in my 10th week now.. thus the nurse say the next appt date is 20th May, too late for Oscar scan test liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So got to go in the morning and queue...

But I only just receive the number and form from my gynae yesterday...

Oh... then guess I will be there eariler to join the queue then...

Thanks mummies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Koi: I paid $235.40 today for Oscar scan.

Evelyn: are u the one who have twins & 2nd pregnancy now?

Being a mother our worries are endless, different worries at different stages! Haiz!!

it's been a long n tiring day for me... super busy....

seems like many mummies are booking / going for Oscar tests... good luck to u mummies..

i so look forward to the long weekend... haha.. also super look forward to my next appointment which is still long.. feel like rushing to buy a doppler to make sure my bb is ok..

saw that there is a bb expo again.. i think i will skip this one.. went last yr.. a lot of ppl but nothing much to buy de... super packed lor.. vv hard to look around.. haha..

enjoy ur weekends mummies!!

Starry-Your pic so clear,very pretty baby..So happy for you..

Tiny voice-Happy for you that everything goes on well.

We have to go for our oscar in our 12weeks? I am in my 10weeks now,my next app to the gynae is next sat at 11weeks.Think they will book my oscar test next sat ba..

Wow. D food served by NUH looks real good! KKH food so so nia. Hehe. TMC have nice food too. Tried their food when my boy admitted for GE so no food allowed & they let mi order instead since he cant consume. Morning tea got papaya with fish soup! Yumz!


Ur pic veri clear! Hope can get one too when doing oscars in mid may. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Had called MCYS to book for marriage counselling,they will get back to me in 1 or 2 weeks time..Hope this marriage counselling will improve our marriage.Had also book Mt Alvenia tour,their earliest available saturday slot is on may 28,limited slot left.Those interested must book early.


yeah, by then really a bit late le. do early shld be better.

little bb,

oscar usually done before 13 weeks. a few days past 13 weeks is still okay. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so fast gonna be 11 weeks hor? that time was like 6/7 weeks only. blink of an eye going to be 2nd tri for many of us here soon.


i'm DESPERATE for sleep today. omg... woke up at 2am this morning with super bloated stomach and quite painful. tossed and turn couldn't sleep. needless to say, i'm really orh pak kak at work.


you paid $230 only? maybe i heard wrongly 'cos hubby paying at the counter and i didn't see receipt. only heard the nurse saying what sounded like $280.

okay, packing up and ready to go home! have a wonderful easter holiday mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] gonna go church tmr with hubby and jadelyn. family day. hee!!

little bb,

couldn't help commenting when i saw ur post abt the mt a tour. :p i remember i was admitted for csect on that day when they had the saturday tour. it was so funny!! i was all gowned up and lying on the 'trolley' being wheeled into the op theatre. hubby was like right beside me holding my hand while the nurse wheeled me away. then just nice, bumped into a big group of MTBs having hosp tour! wahahaha!! they were all staring at me, like wondering what was going on. lol! super funny, some of their expressions. so dun get scared if you see mummies screaming or gowned up like in tv drama being wheeled away. :p

Hihi, my OSCAR scan went very well. Lil' one is growing well. Gender is kinda 80% confirmed, will share again when it's 100% confirmed, hopefully by the next gynea visit on 21 May. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry-Seems like you have an experience,i have to get myself prepare if i bump into them,haha..

Lynn-You can call this number 63476788 to book for the tour..Think if im not wrong,Mon-fri: 2:30pm,sat-10:30am & 12noon..

Jmi-Congras,glad that everything goes on well..So fast know the gender,i hope i can know the gender when i go for my oscar.I cant wait to decorate the nursery room and buy clothing for my bb.

Its been quite a quite since I logged in here. Lots of downs, mainly due to the nausea and vomiting. I always wondered whenever some of you helped to update the list of Nov MTB with the list of gynae and EDD, why I never saw anyone one with the same gynae as me. And within the list, there were some rather popular gynae.

After some issues, I decided to ditch the previous gynae and switch to another gynae. I went for my first visit with the new gynae and I felt happier after the visit. Felt more assured by the new gynae too. So it makes me realised that choosing a gynae suited to you (personality) is just as important as choosing a skillful gynae.

No wonder there are some gynae that are really popular among mummies or MTB, even though they may be very far from where you stay.

I will be doing my OSCAR too on 14 May. Seeing Starry has such a nice and clear picture of bb, I feel very excited too. But I kinda scare of the drawing blood part. I'm really skinny and all, don't know whether got enough blood or not.

Little bb,

Just want to drop a little note of encouragement to you! Its never easy taking the first step to seek external help, requires courage and the willingness to be open and to face the honest truth about ourselves and the relationship, and I must say I'm impressed u took action so fast!! Is it motherhood that's making u eager to better yourself/your marriage, or have u been thinking about this for sone time already? Whatever it is, its a fantastic step forward that u've taken and I sincerely wish u and your family all the happiness that life can bring [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#2 OTW-I kept quarrelling wth my husband and it seems like we are not that close anymore.I dun remember when is the last time he hugs me,kiss me or even holding hands.Then now he started to do something funny behind my back.Though he said he still loves me,still want this baby and this family but i felt something is just missing.I am angry with him for betraying me,we never talk and chat like before anymore and he slept at the other room.I still loves him,still want this family and i have to salvage it.We believe a marriage counselling will help us.I dun not want to wait for time to heals or waiting for miracle,we have to make the 1st move.

Jmi - I'm assuming if u r 80% confirm so early in this stage means it's a boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] coz unless they can see something now they r unlikely to say anything rite

Leikela, you can assume so for now. I'll reveal when it's 100% confirmed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry, you & your hubby are also 'J's like me. So what J name have you picked? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies! Happy Easter! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Your boys are so handsome!


Yours also J-family? Hee hee!! Me and hubby are J's so little ones will be too. What names have u thot of? For boy, he will be called Jonavan. For girl, she will be Jazeree. Our elder girl is Jadelyn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't worry! The drawing blood will be fine. Sure will have enough blood lah. They will only take half a small tube from u.


Don't think too far at this stage, go for counseling first. I'm sure everything will be well for hubby and u in the end. Be strong and remain as cheerful as u can for baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wanna ask. The boots milk bag cost how much in BKK?

Starry, yeah mine's J-family too. It's Jeremy, Jaime & Jared for now. I like 2 syllabus names. So for boy, it maybe either Jarel or Jaden. For girl, it's either Janell or Jemma. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The Boots milk bags is a box of 40 for THB150 (about $6++)

hi amelia, i am from the dec2011 thread... noticed that we have same issue of big cyst. thinking of sharing notes... will probably be removing the cysts after 1st trim... how about you? maybe can pm me. =)

hi amelia, i am from the dec2011 thread... noticed that we have same issue of big cyst. thinking of sharing notes... will probably be removing the cysts after 1st trim... how about you? maybe can pm me. =)

Happy Easter everyone! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wah, you all thought of names already huh! I have no alphabets for preference, so haven't really thought through! For me, the most important is the meaning of the names, so must look through slowly! Hehe! But that'll be fun. But I'll be totally hopeless with Chinese names man...

Re: Hospital visits

When is the best time to go? Is now too early/late? What happens after the hospital visit and all? Do we have to let the gynae know or what happens? For my gynae, think it's either Mount A or Gleneagles...Hmmm...

Lynn: If you need to do OSCARS then why not try calling up clinics to check if the hospitals are all packed?

TinyVoice: Hehe! Your little one so cute...Did the gynae manage to get a scan of the little hands lifted up? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jmi, ur bb's names so sweet! I have a friend oso J's family - Jeremy n Jeanie + Jayden & Jervelle! I find all the J names so sweet and nice!!

ptsmallbear, I didnt purposely go for "famous" gynae but rather the most convenient and cheapest one which happens to be Dr Ang (who is popular!)... I live at woodlands, and Dr Ang is at sembawang so convenient for me loh + alot of my friends are seeing him as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] As long as you are comfortable with the gynae.

Little bb, I hope things will get better for you. All marriages have their ups and down. Now that both of u are gg for counselling is a good start and great step ahead... I am sure that will help the both of you somehow. Perhaps now with the bb coming, your hubby is just feeling kinda stressed... Dun give up, things will work out somehow.. have faith in urself, in ur bb and your hubby ... After this, both of u will come out stronger [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway today I "po jie" and drank quite abit of gassy drink - cold mountain dew & cold milo.. cos damn hot after coming out of JB! Okay to drink some once in a while hoh?

I went for my gown selection and told the BS I am preggie and my coordinator told me to "tai jiao" my bb so that he/she will guai guai dun show too much tummy on my wedding day... Haha! And worse part is that seems that my MS (without the viomiting) is coming back ... occuring every 2 hrs or so.. eat oso nausea dun eat oso nausea and craving for gassy drinks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I sayang my bb tell bb dun be naughty... haizz

Felixp, thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I like them in 2 syllabus and preferably no longer than 5 to 6 characters.

So the first choices are likely to be either Jarel or Jemma cos Jaden & Janell are pretty popular names currently.

Felixp-I still drink cold drinks everyday.Mostly i will drink fruit trees juice at home,i will add 2 ice cubes.Sometimes will also drink coke..I cannot dahan to drink warm water,weather so hot.

Ent129: nope, sonographer only print the same baby pix position as Starry's leh. If u r not good with Chinese name, why not select a few key word u like & ask a friend to help you to piece together & u can select. I like the word 'Yu(3) & 'Han(2)', but can't use the exact cos is my cousin's daughter name. So had a friend to help me to suggest few names with either one of that key word, & chose my son's name as 'Jun(4) Han(2)'. Sound Korean? Haaahaaa, I love to watch K drama, HK drama too!

Felixp - I drink all the time le...100 plus alot then come once in awhile when I haf craving...for food n drinks I jus really avoid obvious stuff like uncooked stuff n pineapple etc but most other things I still take ESP cold drinks...I can't go without

Hehes. Lttle bb & Leikela, thanks for sharing... i try to minimse cool drinks cos my mum says drink too much cold drinks will make bb more prone to cold/flu.. I just wanna be safe loh... If drink, normally it's chilled soyabean drink or yakult without ice. Only yesterday has cravings for gassy drinks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

U all so fast preparing the bb's names liao. Hehes, so exciting hoh.

Tmr only my 9 weeks, I hope time will pass faster so that I will pass my 1st tri soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, can we dye our hair? Any mommies doing it??


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Hi mums-to-be,

I'm 9 weeks pregnant and down with flu.... I havent seen my gynae yet but I remembered he said before that hardly any medicine can be taken during the 1st trimester in pregnancy.

Is it true?

My appointment is 3 weeks away. Should I see my gynae or should I just wait for the flu to pass. I'm worried how flu will affect my fetus.

Hi J, congrats!! I am also 9 weeks!

Once I was down with flu and sorethroat, I went see GP and took their medicine (told him I was preggie)and so far so good. Yes, i heard no good to take medicine during pregnancy, but I was having bad sore throat so I took a few and stopped once I gotten better.

It depends on ur gynae bah. For my gynae (Dr Ang), his clinic does not dispense medicine for flu/fever/cough etc. He will normally ask his patients to go see a GP for such 'normal' illness and to see him unless its related to pregnancy, like spotting, etc.

J, think u shld call up your gynae to clarify. I am sure your gynae will appreciate u calling him/her to clarify and welcome you to call them for any enquiries. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Meanwhile, u take care n rest well!

J, Think u shld see a GP n tell him u pregnant..they will give u med tt is safe for pregnancy..i will normally just take wat i need..like wont take as prescibred..for cough like if my cough get worse..then i just take once n see if better then i will stop...

felixp - i heard can dye as long as dont touch scalp so i guess cant do the DIY coz tt kinda we tend to touch scalp but at salon shld be fine..use those non ammonia ones..more ex...but maybe do later..2nd tri onwards? since now is development stage...

Hi Leikela, thanks... wah, preggie do hair oso more expensive!! Cos my wedding is in May, exactly when I am 12 weeks. I think my MUA (meeting her coming mon) will ask me dye my hair ... normally shld be done 2 weeks prior to my wedding, i.e. when I am 10 weeks. Just to be on the safe side, alot of pple tell me dun dye... Just wondering loh...

Congrats, J! Like what leikela say, you should see a GP and let him know you are pregnant. I also saw GP when I was down with fever and sore throat, but I did mention that to my gynae on my next appt. Get well soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: hair dye

My gynae mention that it will be better to dye after first trimester, but for me, I will still tahan till after delivery ba..


Thanks mums-to-be! Yeah, I think better to clarify with gynae then see him or the GP. They will know what medicine to prescribe. I think it will be better to take medicine and cure the flu early than for it to drag [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luckily there's the long weekend to rest.

And I can't wait for the 2nd trimester to come.

